Introductory activity

    Jane is an accountant in charge of payroll preparation in the Ministry of 
    Finance of Rwanda. She has a computer which, two months ago was 
    working quickly and properly. Every day she uses internet connection for 
    operating some online transactions, she also used a flash disk to share 
    her work with different workmates. Today her computer is no longer 
    responding quickly as before, when connecting a flash disk on her 
    computer some data are lost others hidden, some data are duplicated, 
    disorganized and most of the time her computer restarts itself while she

    is working.

    Discuss the main different causes of the above-mentioned issues of Jane's computer
    identify the risks of an unsecured computer 
    Describe how this computer can be secured
    Describe how data stored in a computer can be protected

    Activity 1.1

     What do you understand by security of the computer?
     1. How a computer user can protect data and information stored in that computer?
     2. What will happen if a user leaves his/her computer without switching it off?

    1.1.1 Computer security
     Computer security means techniques developed to safeguard information stored 
    on a computer. It is also the protection of computer systems and information 
    from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. The standard for a good security tells us 
    that 10% of security safeguards are technical, 90% of security safeguards rely 
    on the computer user to adhere to good computing practices.
    Computer security is everyone’s responsibility; this means that everyone who 

    uses a computer or mobile device needs to understand how to keep their 
    computers, devices and data secure. 

    1.1.2. Computer security related terms 

    Security: This is a state of feeling safe and protected. Something that provides 
    a sense of protection against attack, harm or loss is security. 

    It is a file or code, typically delivered over a network, that infects, 
    explores, steals or conducts virtually any behavior an attacker wants. And 
    because malware comes in so many variants, there are numerous methods to 
    infect computer systems.
    Spyware: Spyware is software with malicious behavior that aims to gather 
    information about a person or organization and send it to another entity in a 
    way that harms the user. It installs itself on your computer and starts covertly 
    monitoring your online behavior without your permission. 

    Trojan horse
    : A trojan horse, is a type of malware that conceals its true content 
    to fool a user into thinking it’s a harmless file.
    A computer worm is a program containing malicious code that attacks 
    host computers and spreads via a network. Network worms exploit security 
    vulnerabilities in various applications. Due to the availability of the internet, they 
    can spread all over the world within a few hours of their release.
    Adware : Adware (or advertising software) is the term used for various pop-up 
    advertisements that show up on your computer or mobile device. Adware have 
    the potential to become malicious and harm your device by slowing it down, 
    hijacking your browser and installing viruses and spyware.

    : This is a process used to identify individuals based on 
    username and password. This process establishes whether; Someone or 
    something is in fact who or what is declared to be.  Authentication ensures that 
    the individual is who he or she claims to be but nothing about access rights of 

    an individual.

    Authorisation: This is permission to perform action.
     Username: A username is a name that uniquely identifies someone on a 
    computer system. For example, a computer may be setup with multiple accounts, 
    with different usernames for each account.

    A Password is a word, phrase, or string of characters intended 
    to differentiate an authorized user or process (for the purpose of permitting 
    access) from an unauthorized user. A password is used to prove one’s identity, 

    or authorize access to a resource.

     Username is almost always paired with a password. This username/password 
    combination is referred to as a login, and is often required for users to log in 
    to computer or websites. For example, to access the e-mail via the Web, it is 
    required to enter the  username and password. Once, it is done the username 

    may appear on the screen but the password is kept secret. 

    Application activity 1.1

     1. Explain the meaning of the term Computer security. 
    2. Identify consequences of security violation
     3. What is the role of applying password and username to login to a page?

    1.2 Importance of computer security
    Activity 1.2
    The school accountant, wanted to make a payroll, but was unable to find 
    the final updated list of school employees on his/her computer. He/she 
    remembered that some days ago, she/he gave the same computer to the 
    school secretary to write a letter. 

    The school accountant decided to use any list found on his/her computer. 

    1. Discuss the impacts that may arise when the School Accountant 
    uses any list found on his/her computer
     2. In pairs, discuss what can be the solution for the next time for not 
    losing either the letters or the list
     3. Apart from the School Accountant and Secretary, who else has the 
    responsibility to protect the computer? Support your answer with 

    positive impacts of protecting a computer in different ways

     The importance of computer security is to protect the computer and its data as 
    well as its user’s identity. The data and information that most users store on their 
    hard drives are often far more valuable than the computers themselves. Broadly, 
    the importance of computer security lies in how harmful it can be if that data is 


    Companies often store a lot of very sensitive information electronically, including 
    trade secrets, customer lists and extensive corporate documents, both finished 
    and those in progress. The importance of computer security is obvious in these 
    contexts. It is perhaps less obvious for home computer users, but it is no less 


    When computer hackers gain access to a computer, they can often see 
    everything that is stored there. This might include bank information, tax 
    identification documents and sensitive health information, along with 
    more ordinary files such as Word Processing documents and family 
    photos. Cyber criminals can use personally identifiable information to steal 

    identities and perpetrate fraud.

    The importance of computer security also extends to larger network security. 
    A compromised computer can be manipulated and made into an agent of a 
    cyber crime ring. As one example viruses and malware are often designed to 

    hijack and exploit email address books. They can sometimes also turn home 

    computers into bots, which are computers that have been taken over and are 
    made to network with others all over the world to perpetrate crime. Computers 
    that have fallen victim to bot networks are not fully used by their owners, often 
    they run very slowly and constantly their memory space is diverted to running 

    malicious scripts.

    Security of computer should help protect the confidential and important data 
    stored on a hard disk storage.
    The major importance of computer security is:
     Protect the computer
     Protect data 
    Protect user’s identification.
     This is mainly because data present in the computer can be misused by 
    unauthorised intrusions. 
    • Purpose of computer security is to: 
    • Keep your information on computer protected 
    • Maintain your computer’s overall health 
    • Help prevent viruses and malware 
    • Help programs run more smoothly

     Generally, computer security helps keep information safe

     Application activity 1.2

    1. Give the major importance of computer security
     2. Discuss different kinds of data to be protected.
     3. Discuss and write a brief report on the importance of computer 

    security at your school, in financial institutions and in education field.

    1.3 Computer threats

    Activity 1.3

    A consultant in the finance field joined her office as usual in the morning, after 
    switching on her computer, she realized that it goes slowly, some data on the 
    hard disk were unavailable, and faced complications of saving document on 
    the hard disk, yet the computer was before operating properly for long time ago.
    – Describe the reasons of the above issues and propose what could be 

    the solution.

    1.3.1 Threats

     A threat, in the context of computer security, refers to anything that has the 
    potential to cause serious harm to a computer system. A threat is an activity, 
    attack, situation that may happen, with the potential to cause serious damage. 

    Threats can lead to attacks on computer systems, networks and more.

    1.3.2 Threat categories
     Knowing how to identify computer security threats is the first step in protecting 
    a computer. The threats could be intentional, accidental or caused by natural 
    disasters. Computer threats can be physical or logical.
     • Physical threats 
    • Logical threats.

    a) Physical threats

     Digital storage media and hardware are subject to numerous internal and 
    external forces that can damage or destroy their readability. Below are some 
    cases of physical threats :
     • Improper storage environment with high temperature, humidity, light, dust 
    • Over use mainly for physical contact media, 
    • Natural disaster such as fire, flood, earthquake
     • Inadequate hardware maintenance, 
    • Hardware malfunction
    b) Logical threats

     Logical threats are events or attacks that remove, corrupt, deny access, allow 
    access, or steal information from a computer without physical presence of 
    somebody. These include viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, SQL 

    injection etc.

    1.3.3. Difference between logical threat and physical threats
    Physical threats may include theft, vandalism and environmental damage 

    while logical threats are those that may damage your software systems, data, or 
    network without damaging your hardware. 
    General threats to information systems can cause the following:

    Hardware failure: A malfunction within the electronic circuits or 
    electromechanical components (disks, tapes) of a computer system. Example: 
    a CPU socket damaged.

    Software failure : The inability of a program to continue processing due to 
    erroneous logic. Example: A crash of a computer program.
    Electrical problems: Are faults caused by electricity like a low-resistance 
    connection between two points in an electric circuit through which the current 
    tends to flow rather than along the intended path.
    User errors
    : Is an error made by the human user of a computer system in 
    interacting with it. Example: A system file deleted unintentionally by a user.

     Program changes
    ; modifications made to program. Example: a simple 
    modification in a program can affect the whole software.
    Theft of data, software, services and equipment.
    When a physical or 
    logical component of a system is stolen, the whole system stops. Example

    A computer cannot run without a RAM or cannot run with corrupted software.

    Application activity 1.3

     1. Discuss the difference between logical and physical threats 
    2. In the school computer lab, take one computer and remove all 
    available RAMs in the computer. Discuss what happens to the 
    functioning of the system.
     3. Conduct a diagnostic of the school computer lab. From the diagnosis 
    enumerate the different threats found in the computers.

     4. Discuss the effect of both logical threats and physical threats

    1.4 Computer virus

     Activity 1.4

     n the school computer lab, when one student inserted a flash disk in one 
    computer, all files are immediately deleted and the flash disk becomes 
    empty. Another student discovers that when he/she opens a document in 
    my Ms Word, the content is displayed in unknown characters. 
    In groups, discuss what should be the causes for such problems.

    1.4.1 Definition
     Computer viruses are unwanted software programs or pieces of code that 
    interfere with the functioning of the computer. They spread through contaminated 
    files, data, and insecure networks. Once it enters your system, it can replicate 
    to produce copies of itself to spread from one program to another program and 
    from one infected computer to another computer. Viruses are self-replicating 
    computer programs that interfere with the functioning of the computer by 

    infecting files, data, programs, etc.

     1.4.2 Types of Computer Virus 
    1. Overwrite Virus

     It is the simplest computer virus that overwrites the code of the host computer 
    system’s file with its own malicious code. The content of the infected file is 
    replaced partially or completely without changing the size of the file. Thus, it 
    destroys the original program code by overwriting it with its defective code. The 
    infected files must be deleted or replaced with a new copy as this virus cannot 

    be removed or disinfected.

     2. Append Virus
     As the name suggests, this virus appends its malicious code to the end of the 
    host program’s file. After that, it alters the file’s header in a way that the file’s 
    header is redirected to the start of the malicious code of the append virus. Thus, 
    this code is executed each time the program runs. However, it does not destroy 
    the host program; rather, it modifies it in a way that it holds the virus code and 

    enables the code to run itself.

     3. Macro Virus
     Macro virus alters or infects the macros of a document or data file. It is embedded 
    as a macro in a document and adds its codes to the macros of the document. 
    The virus spreads when infected documents or data files are opened in other 


     It also spreads through software programs, which execute macros such as Ms 
    Word, Ms Excel. Each time a document is opened using these programs, other 

    related documents will also get infected.

     4. Boot Virus
     The first macro virus, which was named concept, spread through emails with 
    attached Ms Word documents. It infected MsWord 6.0 and Ms Word 95 
    documents, which were saved using Save as option. Fortunately, it did not 

    cause any harm, except for displaying a message on the screen.

     Boot virus or boot sector virus alters the boot sector program stored in the 
    hard disk or any other storage device such as floppy disks. It replaces the boot 
    sector program with its own malicious version. It infects the computer only when 
    it is used to boot up the computer. If it enters after the boot-up process, it will 
    not infect the computer. For example, if someone forgets to remove the infected 
    floppy disk when the computer is turned off and then turns on this computer, it 

    runs the infected boot sector program during the booting process.

     Usually, it enters into the system through corrupt media files, infected storage 
    devices, and insecure computer networks. The spread of this virus is very rare 
    these days due to the decline in the use of floppy disk and use of boot-sector 

    safeguards in the present-day operating systems.

    5. Resident Virus
     The resident virus stays permanently in the primary memory (RAM) of the 
    computer. When the computer is turning on, this type of virus becomes active 

    and corrupts the files and programs running on the computer.

     6. Multipartite Virus
     Multipartite virus spreads and infects in multiple ways. It infects both the boot 
    sector and the executable files stored on the hard drive simultaneously. When 
    the computer is turning on, the boot sector virus is triggered as it latches on 
    to the hard drive, which has the data for starting up the computer. Once it is 

    triggered, the program files also get infected.

     7. File Infector Virus
     It is one of the commonly found computer viruses. It mainly infects the executable 
    files; the files with .com or .exe extensions. The virus becomes active when the 
    infected file is executed. The active virus overwrites the file partially or completely. 

    Thus it may destroy the original file partially or completely.

     8. Computer Worm
     Computer worm is similar to a virus but is technically different from the virus. It 
    can replicate and spread like a virus, but unlike viruses, it does not need a host 
    program to spread. Being able to self-replicate it can produce multiple copies 
    of itself. It spreads through networks such as an email sent to an infected email 

    id can infect your system with a computer worm.

     9. Trojan Horse
     Trojan horse is a malware like a virus or a worm, but it is technically different from 
    both. It can’t replicate like virus and worm. Trojan horse hides itself in a program. 
    Once you install any such program, the trojan horse enters into your computer. 
    It can provide unauthorized access to a computer, send files to other computers 

    and may delete files or can make other unwanted changes in a computer.

     10. Cavity virus
     It is also known as a spacefiller virus. As the name suggests, this virus tends to 
    install itself by occupying the empty sections of a file. It is not easy to detect this 

    virus as it fills the empty spaces without changing the size of the file.

    11. CMOS Virus
     It infects the CMOS, which stands for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor 
    and is a memory chip that contains the system configuration. This virus can 

    erase or reset the system configuration.

     12. Companion Virus
     It resides itself in a file whose name is similar to another program file, which is 
    executed normally. When the program file is executed, the virus gets activated 
    and performs malicious steps such as deleting the files on a computer hard 

    drive. Globe virus is a first known companion virus, which was found in 1992.

     13. Encrypted Virus
     It encrypts its payload to make its detection more difficult. It comprises two 
    parts: An encrypted virus body and a decryptor, which decrypts the virus when 
    it is executed. After decryption, the virus can execute itself in order to replicate 
    and become a resident. Furthermore, it is different from cryptolocker, which is a 

    computer virus that encrypts the hard drive data and holds it for ransom.

     14. Executable Virus
    It is a non-resident computer virus, which resides in an executable file. Whenever 

    the infected file is executed, it infects the other files. 

    15. Polymorphic Virus

    It creates its thousands of copies itself; in each copy, it changes the sequence 
    and byte values to evade detection by antivirus software. Even the best 
    antiviruses may not be able to detect this virus. Polymorphic viruses affect data 
    types and functions and generally spread through spam, infected sites, and 

    while using other malware.

    16. Rabbit Virus

     It is also known as wabbit, a fork bomb. It is capable of creating new processes, 
    and each of the new process further creates new processes. This process 
    continues until this virus utilizes all the available resources in the system and 
    system falls short of resources. It may cause the target system to slow down and 
    crash. For example, it is like an infinite loop that repeatedly creates processes 

    that consume lots of CPU cycles and operating system resources.

    17. Stealth Virus

    It is a hidden computer virus, which specifically attacks operating system 
    processes. It usually hides itself in partitions, files or boot sectors and is capable 
    of going unnoticed during antivirus or anti-malware scans making it capable of 

    intentionally avoiding detection.

     18. Web Scripting Virus

     The web scripting virus is a kind of computer security vulnerability through 
    websites which breaks our web browser security. This virus allows the attackers 
    to inject client-side scripting into the web page. It can steal our information from 
    the web browser. This type of viruses is usually used to attack the sites with a 

    larger population such as social networking, e-mail, etc.

     1.4.3 Characteristics of a Virus
     Following are a couple of characteristics of any virus that infects computers.
     • They reside in a computer’s memory and activate themselves while the 
    program that is attached starts running. For example: They attach 
    themselves to the explorer.exe in windows OS because it is the 
    process that is running all the time.
     • They modify themselves after the infection phase making it so hard for 
    an antivirus to detect them.
     • They always try to hide themselves in the operating systems by 
    encrypting themselves into cryptic symbols and decrypting themselves 
    when they replicate or execute.
    1.4.4 Symptoms of a Computer Virus

     There are many warning signs or symptoms which show that a computer is 
    infected with a virus, some of which are as follows:
     • Slow computer performance: The computer may work slowly. The 
    result for this is that it will take more time to open or shut down, to open 
    a file, a document or a computer application, etc. The operating system 
    and internet speed may also slow down.
    • Frequent pop-ups
    : A virus may cause unusual frequent window pop-ups.
     • Hard drive issue: The hard drive may exhibit unusual high activity 
    even when it is not in use. It may cause unwanted changes to the hard 
    drive and may freeze or crash this device.
     • Frequent crashes : One may experience frequent sudden system 
    crashes while playing games, watching videos, or doing some other 
    work using the infected system. A blue screen appears when it crashes.
    Unknown programs: Unwanted programs may open or start 
    automatically when the computer is turning on. These programs are 
    found in computer’s list of active applications. Sometimes, the window 
    shuts down unexpectedly without any reason.
     • Unusual activities: The computer may perform differently, such as 
    not being able to log into accounts. The hardware, software, or OS may 
    start malfunctioning leading to crashing the system abruptly.
     • Network issue : Sometimes, there is a high network activity even if the 
    computer is not connected to the internet and vice versa.
     • Unnecessary advertisement: It is normal that sometimes 
    advertisements may come to the computer screen while browsing, but 
    when it comes when not browsing, it may indicates a virus on that 
     • Affected applications : Some viruses are developed to affect 
    specific applications. Consequently, some applications may not work if 
    the computer is infected.
     • Blocked by antivirus sites: An antivirus site may deny access to a 
    computer that is infected by a virus.
     • Dialog boxes : Many dialog boxes keep appearing suddenly on a 
    computer screen. 
     • Printer issues : A printer attached to an infected computer may print 
    documents without getting any command or in an inappropriate manner.
     • Changed Homepage: A home page may get changed without being 
    done by the user. 
    • Strange messages: One may see strange error messages on a 
    computer such as «cannot rename the folder as a folder with the same 

    name already exists»

    1.4.5 Anti-virus installation

     • In this case Kaspersky 2017 is going to be used as an example of how 
    to install an antivirus. Before the installation of Kaspersky 2017 on a 
    computer, the following preparation has to be made:
     • Make sure that the software is on external storage device or on another 
    computer which is on the network; 
    • Check if the computer meets the requirements of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2017; 
    • Make sure no antivirus software of Kaspersky Lab or other vendors is 
    installed on your computer; 
    • Check if there is any incompatible software and remove it;
     • Close all running applications; 
    • Check if it is Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2017 installation under Windows 

    10, then click on the Desktop tile on the start screen.

    Standard Installation: 
    1. Download the installation file from Kaspersky Lab website and run it. 
    Then, the user follows the instructions given by the system. 

     If the antivirus Kaspersky installation file is saved in another computer 
    on the same network, connect to that computer and run the executive 
    file from it or move it using a removable storage. The instructions will be 
    followed as in the point above 

     Insert the disc into the CD/DVD drive if it contains the Kaspersky 
    installation file. If the installation does not start automatically, run the 

    installation file manually. Click Install.

     1.Read the License Agreement in the window that appear afterward by 
       clicking on the respective link. Accept its terms to install the application. 
       Respond to other windows that may display as the installation continues

    2.Wait until the installation is complete. Make sure the Start Kaspersky 
    Anti-Virus check box is selected, then click Finish

    : A virus scan is the process of using anti-virus software to scan and 
    identify viruses in a computing device. It is recommended to scan any external 
    storage connected to computer before using it.

    Application activity 1.4
     1. Explain clearly what will happen If a computer is infected by virus 
    that shows the following signs or symptoms:
     ii) Slow computer performance
     iii) Frequent pop-ups
     iv) Hard Drive issue 
    v) Frequent crashes 
    vi) Unknown programs
     2. Give the difference between resident virus and non-resident virus

     3. What do you understand by executable virus?

    1.5 Computer attacks

     Activity 1.5

     One day, an ICT teacher found the messages belowon some computers in 
    computer lab. 
    1. Discuss which kind of messages they are
    2. Explain the reason why some computers may display the above 
    3. Give the solution that can help the ICT teacher avoid those types of 

    messages in computers

    A Computer attack is any attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer, 
    or computing system with the intent to cause damage. Computer attacks aim 
    to disable, disrupt, destroy or control computer systems or to alter, block, de

    lete, manipulate or steal the data.

    1.5.1 Ways of computer attacks

    1. Virus

     Viruses spread when the software or documents they get attached to are 
    transferred from one computer to another using a network, a disk, file sharing 
    methods, or through infected e-mail attachments. Some viruses use different 

    stealth strategies to avoid their detection from anti-virus software.

     2. Trojans
     A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malicious code or software that looks 
    legitimate but can take control of your computer. A Trojan is designed to 
    damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your 

    data or network. A Trojan acts like a genuine application or file to trick you.

     3. Worms
     A computer worm is a program containing malicious code that attacks 
    host computers and spreads via a network. Network worms exploit security 
    vulnerabilities in various applications. Due to the availability of the Internet, they 

    can spread all over the world within a few hours of their release.

     4. Website Hacking
     Attackers can run code, install malware, steal or modify data by exploiting 
    vulnerabilities. Typically, hackers snoop around and crawl websites to identify 
    underlying vulnerabilities and weaknesses and accordingly, orchestrate attacks 

    and data breaches.

     5. Cybercrime
     Hacking is identifying and exploiting weaknesses in computer systems and/or 
    computer networks. Cybercrime is committing a crime with the aid of computers 

    and information technology infrastructure. 

    6. Unwanted content
     Unwanted content can come in various different forms and can have a negative 
    impact on how things are perceived. It is generally personal information that 
    is displayed on a computer when connected to the internet without the user’s 


    7. Attacks through computer network
     Actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt, deny, degrade, 
    or destroy information resident in computers and computer networks, or the 

    computers and networks themselves.

     Examples : 
    Unauthorized access. 

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. 

    8. Attacks by means of removable media  
    Data can be lost or sensitive data can be leaked. In many cases this data loss 
    comes at a high price both in reputational damage and financial loss. Another 
    security risk in the use of removable media is the introduction of malware from 

    one device to another.

     Denial of Services attack
     A denial-of-service attack is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to 
    make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users by 

    temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to a network.

    Application activity 1.5

    1. Explain different ways of how a computer can be attacked.
     2. What is a computer attack?
     3. Identify any 5 examples of computer attacks
     4. Visit you school computer laboratory and detect whether there are 

    some computers which have been attacked or not.

    1.6Threats protection 

    Activity 1.6

     A group of O’level students went to do a research in computer laboratory 
    and found that some computers have those messages as shown on the 
    images below. They tried to close those messages but still the computers 

    did not work properly. 

    1. Explain why those messages were displayed on the computer 

     2. Explain can be done in order to make those computers work properly 

    1.6.1 Computer antivirus 
    There are many antiviruses, which are programs that can help to protect a 
    computer from viruses. It scans the system and cleans the viruses detected 
    during the scan. Some of the popular antiviruses include Avast, Quickheal, 
    McAfee, Kaspersky, etc

    • Basic functions of Antivirus Engines:This is the core of any antivirus 

    product. All antivirus engines have three components to function 
    accordingly. It is important to understand these functions because it 
    will help for better manual cleaning of viruses. 

    • Scanning
    : When a new virus is detected in the cyberspace, antivirus 
    producers start writing programs (updates) that scans for similar 
    signature strings.

     • Integrity checking
    : This method generally checks for manipulated 
    files in OS from the viruses.

     • Interception
    : This method is used basically to detect Trojans and it 
    checks the request made by the operating system for network access.

    The following image shows the schema for an antivirus engines functionality.

    Types of anti virus

    1. Free Antivirus Software

    The free versions of anti-viruses have nearly identical malware detection scores 
    to the paid versions produced by the same company, but the commercial 
    antivirus makes a small difference in the performance of security. Examples 
    of such antiviruses are Avast Antivirus, AVG Antivirus, Panda Antivirus, 
    Bitdefender Antivirus, and Microsoft Security Essentials. When the 
    computer to be installed is a server, there will be a need to have a commercial version

    2. Commercial Antivirus
    These are the ones that are got after paying a fee. The buyer then gets a key 
    that will be entered when the antivirus is being installed. Note also that all the 
    producers of the free antiviruses offer their commercial versions. Some of 
    the commercial antiviruses are: Kaspersky Anti-Virus, McAfee AntiVirus Plus, 
    Webroot Secure Anywhere Antivirus, and Bitdefender Antivirus Plus These 

    antiviruses can be downloaded as free trials from the maker’s websites.

    The Kaspersky Antivirus has an excellent score in anti-phishing and gives a 
    useful bonus in security tools like credit card protection in computers. McAfee 
    Antivirus Plus can protect all the operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, 
    Android, and iOS devices and has very good malicious URL blocking and anti
    phishing. Webroot SecureAnywhere Anti virus has features like recovery of files 
    encrypted by ransomware, very fast scan, handles unkown malware and uses 

    small amount of disk space.

     When using the above type of antivirus, modified, replaced or deleted files and 
    the shared libraries should also be checked. They generally infect executable 
    program files with extension like .EXE, .DRV, .SYS, .COM, .BIN. Malwares 
    changes extension of genuine files, for example: File.TXT to File.TXT.VBS.
    For the system administrator of a webserver, be aware of another form of malware 

    which is called webshell. It generally is in a .php extension but with strange file 
    names and in an encrypted form.When those types of file are detected from any 
    computer, they must be deleted.

     • Detecting a Computer Error from a Virus Infection

    This section explains how to detect a computer or OS fault from a virus because 
    sometimes people and system administrators mix the signs.

     The following events are most likely not caused by a malware:

     • Error while the system is booting in bios stage, like Bios’s battery cell 
    display, timer error display.
     • Hardware errors, like beeps RAM burn, HDD, etc.
     • If a document fails to start normally like a corrupted file, but the other 
    files can be opened accordingly.
     • Keyboard or mouse doesn’t respond to any commands
     • Monitor switching on and off too often, like blinking or vibrating, this is 

    a hardware fault.

    On the other hand, the following signs in a computer system are caused by malware:
     • The computer shows a pop-up or error tables.
     • Freezes frequently.
     • It slows down when a program or process starts.
     • Third parties complain that they are receiving invitation in social media 
    or via email by computer user.
     • Files extensions changes appear or files are added to the system 
    without computer user consent.
     • Internet Explorer freezes too often even though the internet speed is 
    very good.
     • Hard disk space is full all the time, even when there seem to be few files 
    and folders in the computer.
     • Files and program sizes changes comparing to its original version.

     • Installation of an antivirus 

    To install an antivirus program on a computer, follow the steps below:

     Insert the CD or DVD into the computer’s disc drive. The installation process 

    should start automatically, with a window opening to guidance through the 

    installation process.

     • If the antivirus program is downloaded from the Internet, find the 
    downloaded file on computer. If the downloaded file is a zip file, unzip 
    the file to extract and access the installation files. Look for a file named 
    setup.exe, install.exe, or something similar, then double-click that file. 
    The installation process should start, with a window opening to help 

    guide through the install process.

    1.6.2 Anti-Spyware

     Anti-spyware is a type of software that is designed to detect and remove 
    unwanted spyware programs. Spyware is a type of malware that is installed on 
    a computer without the user’s knowledge in order to collect information about 
    them. This can pose a security risk to the user, but more frequently spyware 
    degrades system performance by taking up processing power, installing 
    additional software, or redirecting users’ browser activity.

     Anti-spyware is an antivirus software primarily utilized to scan a hard disk 

    for viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, and removes, fixes, or isolates any 
    threats that are found. Antispyware software scans the hard disk and registry for 
    traces of spyware and adware to removes them or prompt the user to remove 


    For preventing a computer to be affected by spywares the installation of an anti 
    spyware is needed. Such anti spyware are: TotalAV, Outbyte PC Repair, Restoro, 

    Advanced SystemCare, Iolo System Mechanic, Malwarebytes Adwcleaner, etc

    Applying antispyware
     The computer user can download and install a free or commercial AntiSpyWare 
    then run it and scan the computer as it was done for antivirus to remove found 


    1.6.3 Firewalls

    Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and 
    outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established 
    security policies. It can be  a At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier 

    that sits between a private internal network and the public internet.

     A firewall can be a hardware or a software. Afirewall can help protect a network 
    by acting as an intermediary between the internal network and outside traffic. It 
    monitors attempts to gain access to the operating system and blocks unwanted 
    incoming traffic and unrecognized sources. The Benefits of a firewall include 
    among others preventing hackers and remote access, protecting data, network 

    monitoring, protecting against Trojan and other malicious software, etc.

     Firewalls are also categorized based on how they operate. Based on their 

    method of operation, below are different types of firewalls:

    3. Packet Filtering Firewalls

    Packet filtering firewalls are the oldest, most basic type of firewalls. Operating 
    at the network layer, they check a data packet for its source IP and destination 
    IP, the protocol, source port, and destination port against predefined rules to 
    determine whether to pass or discard the packet. Packet filtering firewalls are 
    essentially stateless, monitoring each packet independently without any track 
    of the established connection or the packets that have passed through that 
    connection previously. This makes these firewalls very limited in their capacity 

    to protect against advanced threats and attacks.

     Packet filtering firewalls are fast, cheap, and effective. But the security they 

    provide is very basic. 

    4. Circuit level gateways
     Circuit-level gateways verify established Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 
    connections and keep track of the active sessions. They are quite similar to 
    packet filtering firewalls in that they perform a single check and utilize minimal 
    resources. Primarily, they determine the security of an established connection. 
    When an internal device initiates a connection with a remote host, circuit-level 
    gateways establish a virtual connection on behalf of the internal device to keep 

    the identity of the internal user hidden.

     5. Stateful Inspection Firewalls

    They verify and keep track of established connections to perform packet inspection 
    to provide better, more comprehensive security. They work by creating a kind of 
    table with source computer addresses, destination computer address, source 
    computer port and destination computer port once a connection is established. 
    They create their own rules dynamically to allow expected incoming network 
    traffic instead of relying on a static set of rules based on this information. They 

    therefore drop data packets that do not belong to a verified active connection.

    6. Application level Gateways 

    Also called Proxy Firewalls, application-level gateways are implemented 
    at the application layer via a proxy device. Instead of an outsider accessing 
    your internal network directly, the connection is established through the proxy 
    firewall. The external client sends a request to the proxy firewall. After verifying 
    the authenticity of the request, the proxy firewall forwards it to one of the internal 
    devices or servers on the client’s behalf. Alternatively, an internal device may 
    request access to a webpage, and the proxy device will forward the request 

    while hiding the identity and location of the internal devices and network.

    1.6.4 Access control 

    Every computer user needs access to a password that is shared with them. 
    The user makes a request to access the password. The request is sent to the 

    designated administrator(s) for approval.

     1. Main category of users
     • Administrator 
    An administrator is someone who can make changes on a computer that will 
    affect other users of the computer. Administrators can change security settings, 
    install software and hardware, access all files on the computer, and make 
    changes to other user accounts.
     • Local user 
    Local user accounts are stored locally on the server. These accounts can be 
    assigned rights and permissions on a particular server, but on that server only. 
    Local user accounts are security principals that are used to secure and manage 
    access to the resources on a standalone or member server for services or users.
    To create a new user account in Windows 10, follow these steps:

     1. Right-click the Windows Start menu button.
     2. Select Control Panel 
    3. Select User Accounts .
     4. Select Manage another account .
     5. Select Add a new user in PC settings .
     6. Click on “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information”
     7. Click on Add a user without a Microsoft account

     After following all these steps, the following window will be displayed :

    1. On the above window, enter the username and the password the new 
    user will use to login.
    2. Choose and answer the questions which help in recovering an account 
    when the password is forgetten.
     3. After clicking on Next, a new user account will be created.

    : The Administrator account is the first account that is created during 
    the Windows installation. The Administrator account has full control of the 
    files, directories, services, and other resources on the local computer. The 
    Administrator account can create other local users, assign user rights, and 

    assign permissions.

    Application activity 1.6

    1. Describe different functions of an anti virus
     2. Differentiate AVG anti virus to Microsoft security essentials
     3. Briefly differentiate the types of firewall
     4. a) At your school, the anti-virus used or installed in computers is for 
    how many users ?
     5. b)  Suppose that, the anti-virus keys are stolen by someone else to 
    use it on network. What can be the consequences for that anti-virus 
    users in that school ? 

    6. c) How the computer users can avoid that illegal action ?

    Activity 1.7

     In the school computer laboratory, to enter in a secured computer with 
    password, someone needs to be given that password. If it has been 
    forgotten, it becomes impossible to work with that computer. Answer the 
    following questions :
     1. What is the importance of login to computer with password ?
     2. List other security measures that can be used to protect a computer.

     3. Explain how data stored in computer can be protected from damage ?

    1.7 Threat prevention
     Computer viruses can easily spread through the internet and email, causing 
    potential harm to a computer’s data, files and hard drive. Viruses are commonly 
    disguised as hyperlinks, pop-ups or email attachments of images, greeting cards, 
    audio or video files. Use the following instructions to help keep the computer 

    safe from viruses, hackers and other malicious attacks.

    1. Use Strong Passwords

     It is very necessary to keep data safe by creating unique, complex passwords. 
    The best passwords include a mix of numbers, letters, and symbols and are at 

    least 8 characters long.

    2. Keep everything up to date
     Another basic step to take is to make sure you have the latest versions of all 
    software installed on your devices. The importance of this is because software 
    updates include features designed to withstand the latest security threats. 
    Microsoft, Oracle, and other makers regularly update their software to eliminate 
    “bugs” that hackers could exploit.

     If a computer has an operating a system from many years ago, it’s defenseless 

    against any viruses or malware recently developed. Make it a habit to install all 

    new software updates as soon as they become available.

     1. Use Antivirus Software
     Antivirus software acts as a “vaccine” against virtual viruses. It can identify and 

    eliminate the threat that could harm a computer.

     2. Use a Firewall
     Using antivirus programs doesn’t automatically mean that there is a firewall in a 
    computer. Macs computers come with pre-installed firewall software. Make sure 

    it’s enabled to provide an extra layer of protection from viruses and malware.

     3. Install a popup blocker
     Many attacks happen through browsers, during everyone’s daily activities. 
    Hackers can gain access to any computer from one innocent click on the wrong 
    ad or link. An ad or popup blocker is essential to protecting any computer’s 
    data. It will prevent any unwanted pages from opening automatically. Never click 

    on, open, or download anything unless its source is known.

     4. Beware of Email Phishing Scams
     These appear in email form under the guise of a legitimate company. The goal is 
    to get the computer user to enter his/her personal information or to click on an 

    infected link that allows access to the computer.

     Some companies will have their own domain name for emails. If an email address 
    claims to be from Paypal or Netflix but ends with @gmail.com, it’s a scam.Other 
    signs include misspellings, poor grammar, and suspicious attachments, buttons, 
    or links. A legitimate company will never invite you via email to log in and provide 

    personal or billing information.

    5. Know the signs of infection
     There are different signs which may make one think about a computer being 
    onfected such as repeated error messages, unexpected shutdowns, a sudden 
    slowing down of a computer, a computer taking too long to shut down or restart, 
    new unknown toolbars, etc. Any of these signs could mean that the computer 

    is infected.

     6. Consider additional security features
     At the very least, it is better to perform weekly or even daily backups of all 
    important data. Store it securely in the cloud or on a separate hard drive. 
    That way, if the virus come accidentaly the vital information won’t be lost or 
    compromised. For extra protection, it is good to consider advanced security 
    measures like endpoint security. This protects not just not only the computer 

    but also the whole network.

     Application activity 1.7

     1. In group of 4 discuss the best practices that every user of the 
         computer should apply as routine in order to keep an installed 
          antivirus stronger.
     2. Install an available antivirus in the computer lab, update it and scan 
         the full computer then report you observed during the whole process 
          up to the end.
     3. Discuss the necessary recommendations to prevent viruses and 
          spywares from the computer

     4. Outline the signs of a computer which has been infected by virus

    End of unit assessment 1

     Part 1. Written
     a) What is computer security ? 
    b) What is the purpose of computer security ? 
    c) With an example, explain how you can protect a computer from 
    physical threats ?  
    d) By using examples, explain access control in authorization 
    e) Which type of attack that enable a computer user to access his/
     her e-mail address ?
     f) Identify consequences of security violation in computer security 
     g) Discuss and write a brief report on the importance of computer 
    security at your school, in financial institutions and in education field
     h) With an example differentiate the physical threats to logical threats
     i) Explain the term “Executable virus”
     j) It is heard that some web site become hacked by unknown 
    people. Which strategies can be used to avoid young Rwandan 
    programmers to engage in that action ? 
    k) Using an arrow match the following in Group A with their 
    corresponding in Group B
    Part 2. Written

     In school computer lab, every student takes a computer and do the following 
    activities : 
    i) Create a user name and password to enter in that particular computer
     ii)  Add a new user on the computer

     iii) Update the anti-virus found on the computers

    To set a paragraph spacing follow these steps:

     2. Type the list, pressing Enter once to insert another bullet. When fini
    shed, simply press Enter twice.

    To create a numbered list in Microsoft Word, follow the steps below.
     1. Position the cursor where the numbered list will be inserted.
     2. In the Home tab, click the Numbering tool. A number One should appear.