Key unity competence: 

    To be able to Predict the feasibility of chemical reactions.

    Learning Objectives
    By end of this unit a learner should be able to:
    • Explain the term entropy
    • State the second law of thermodynamics
    • State if the value of free energy for a reaction will be positive or negative.
    • Relate the entropy changes to the changes in degree of disorder

    • Predict the spontaneity of reactions using the Gibbs free energy values



    Observe the pictures above of playing cards and answer related questions.
    1. What is the difference between the two organizations of playing cards
    2. In which conditions (arrangement) to play card is easy? Explain

    3. Why people toss cards before playing them

    15.1. Definition of entropy and change in entropy

    Activity 15.1 Investigation of entropy of a substance.
    1. Take three beakers and label them by A, B, and C
    2. In beaker A add 50 grams of ice
    3. In beaker B add 50 mL of water
    4. In beaker C add 25 mL of water and heat it up to transformation to liquid 
        state (vapors)
    5. Pour the container of beaker A and B, then compare it to the movement 
    of vapors in C
    a. In which beaker, A, B or C where the molecules move easily (high 
    b. In which beaker A, B or C where the molecules move slowly (low 
    c. Order the beakers to the order of mobility of the container.
    d. Explain why the mobility of molecules in beakers A, B and C varies. 
    e. Which factor that make the variation of water in different states to 

         move differently in the beakers A, B and C?

    15.1.1. Definition of entropy

    Entropy is a thermodynamic function that describes the number of arrangements 
    (positions and/or energy levels) that are available to a system existing in a given 
    state. Entropy is a quantitative measure of microscopic disorder for a system. It is defined 
    as the degree of disorder or randomness of a system. The entropy of a system increases 
    as the disorder of the system increases. When we focus on the molecular motion of a 
    system, adding heat to this system increases the disorder because the heat increases 

    the randomness of the molecular motion. So, the entropy of the system increases. 

    The effect of adding heat to a system increases the molecular motion, and this 
    results in more disorder of the system. Entropy is derived from the second law of 
    thermodynamics, which states that “all systems tend to reach a state of equilibrium”. 
    Based on the state of matter, the entropy increases in the order: Solids < liquids < gases 
    substances (Figure 15.1). If we consider three substances such as solid, liquid and a gas. 
    A mole of a substance has a much smaller volume in the solid state than it does in 
    the gaseous state. In the solid state, the molecules are close together, with relatively 
    few positions available to them; in the gaseous state, the molecules are far apart, 
    with many more positions available to them. The liquid state is closer to the solid 

    state than it is to the gaseous state in these terms. 


    In the above Figure, the molecules are closely packed in the solid state, in the liquid 
    state; the molecules are not very closed while in a gas the molecules are far apart 
    which increase the entropy in gas than liquid or solid. 

    The following Tables 15.1 and 15.2 show the relationship between the state of a 

    substance and its entropy:

                    Table 15.1. Entropy variation with state of a substance


    In the above Table 15.2, the element argon has a  greater entropy value than  the 
    carbon element (graphite) because argon is a gas with greater disorder and random 
    particle movement than the solid state of carbon.

    The entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is exactly equal to zero. At absolute 
    zero (zero kelvin), the system must be in a state with the minimum possible energy. 
    As the temperature increases, the particles vibrate more and the disorder increases.

    Melting is associated with an increase in entropy  (disorder), however,  boiling 
    is associated with a large  increase  in entropy: gases are associated with 

    considerable random particle in movement and disorder.

    15.1.2. Change in entropy

    Entropy, like temperature, pressure, and enthalpy, is also a state property and is 
    represented in the literature by the symbol “S”. The entropy change is represented 
    by ΔS.
    It is known that the main purpose of chemistry is the study of chemical reactions. In 
    this section, it is important to consider the entropy changes accompanying chemical 
    reactions that occur under conditions of constant temperature and pressure. The 
    entropy changes in the surroundings are determined by the transfer of heat that 
    occurs when the reaction takes place. However, the entropy changes in the system 
    (the reactants and products of the reaction) are determined by positional probability.

    For example, consider the reaction of production of ammonia in the Haber process:


    It is seen that four molecules of reactants yield two molecules of ammonia product 
    which lead to less disorder in the system. If the number of molecules of the gaseous 
    products is greater than the number of molecules of the gaseous reactants, positional 
    entropy typically increases, and ∆S will be positive for the reaction.

    The calculation of the entropy change of a reaction is given by applying the formula:


    For a chemical reaction which involves the reactants and the products, the change 

    in entropy is calculated as follows.


    Any reaction that results in the formation of a gas, an increase in the number of 
    gaseous moles, results in the increase of the disorder. Entropy change, ∆S, relates to 
    increasing disorder of a process, either arising through physical change (e.g. melting, 
    evaporation) or chemical change (e.g. dissolution, evolution of 
     from hydrogen carbonates with acid) or both.
     The chemical reactions are favored if they are accompanied by an increase in entropy.
    2. Consider the thermal decomposition of solid calcium carbonate, predict the sign 

    of the standard entropy 


    In this reaction, a solid reactant produces a molecule of gas, the positional entropy 

    increases, and  is positive

    For this reaction, three molecules of gaseous reactants become two molecules of 

    gaseous products. Because the number of gas molecules produced decreases, the 

    entropy decreases also, and is negative.


    i. Many endothermic reactions proceed spontaneously under normal 
    conditions because there is an increase in entropy. 
     ii. Some exothermic reactions do not proceed spontaneously because there is 
    a decrease in entropy. In a system with perfect order, the entropy is equal to 
    zero. An example of perfect order is found in a crystalline substance at the 
    absolute zero of temperature, where atomic and molecular motion cease. 

    The entropy of pure, perfect crystal can be taken to be zero at 0 K.


     15.2. Second law of thermodynamics

    Activity 15.2

    1. State and explain the first law of thermodynamics
    2. What is the relation between the first law of thermodynamics and 


    In chemistry, thermodynamics deals with the energy and work of a system. There 
    are three laws in thermodynamics: first, second and third law. The first law establish 
    the relationship between the different forms of energy present in a system (kinetic 
    and potential), the work done by the system and the energy or heat transferred. The 
    second law of thermodynamics is dealing with entropy which describes the disorder 
    of the system. The Second law of thermodynamics states that in any spontaneous 
    process, the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system always 
    increases over time. It also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can 

    never be negative.


    Following are the statements of second law of thermodynamics:
    a. All spontaneous process are irreversible in nature.
    b. The net entropy of the universe in any natural process always increases 
    and tends to acquire the maximum value.

    c. In a reversible process, the sum of entropies of the system and surroundings 
    remains constant but in an irreversible process, the total entropy of the system 

    and surroundings increases. 




           15.3. Free energy, the deciding factor 









             15.4. Feasibility of chemical reactions: relationship between free 

               energy, enthalpy and entropy feasibility

             Activity 15.4. 

    1. Define exothermic and endothermic reaction 
    2. What is the relation between enthalpy change and entropy or the 
    3. Explain how a reaction is favored by the entropy. 

    4. How the entropy and enthalpy make the reaction to be possible





    Answers: here we refer to the relation between the entropy free energy and 
    a. negative because both ∆H and (-T∆S) are negative
    b. could be negative or positive because ∆H is negative and (-T∆S) is 
    c. could be negative or positive because ∆H is negative and (-T∆S) is 
    d. positive because both (-T∆S) and ∆H are positive 
    e. in (a) no, ∆H and(-T∆S) both are negative at all temperatures 
    f. In (b) yes at high T (-T∆S) has high negative value and may have a positive 

    In (c) yes, negative ∆H could be positive (-T∆S) at high temperature
    In (d) no, ∆H and (-T∆S) are both positive at all temperatures




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