Key Unit competence: 

    Demonstrate understanding of scope of practice of healthcare professionals.

    3.0 Introductory activity
     Mr T. is admitted in the unit for patient with tuberculosis where a registered 
    nurse receives him for assessment.  He is coughing, with chest pain and present 
    transpiration on his front. The vital signs are temperature of 38.80C, Blood 
    pressure of 102/64 mmHg, heart rate of 112beats/min and respiration of 20 
    cycles /min. The oxygen saturation is 92%. The health care professionals in that 
    service include nurses, physicians, epidemiologists, dieticians, radiologists and 


    How the nurse will  give intervention for Mr T.’s treatment? 

    3.1. Introduction and definitions of associate nurse 

    Learning activity 3.1

    Referring to the above case, the registered nurse and associate nurse are going 

    to intervene for patient care. T.

    1. How will an associate nurse intervene to care for Mr. T.?
    Associate Nurse: A nursing associate is a member of the nursing team in England 
    that helps bridge the gap between health and care assistants and registered 
    nurses. Nursing associates work with people of all ages, in a variety of settings in 
    health and social care. The role contributes to the core work of nursing, freeing up 
    registered nurses to focus on more complex clinical care. It’s a stand-alone role that 

    also provides a progression route into graduate level nursing. 

    Scope of practice: Scope of practice describes the services that a qualified health 
    professional is deemed competent to perform, and permitted to undertake in 
    keeping with the terms of their professional license.is used by national agencies and
    regulatory authorities to define the parameters of a professional’s activities, those 
    include procedures, actions and associated processes that a licenced individual is 

    permitted to perform. 

    The rationale for such scope of practice definitions for health care professionals 
    include protection of the public, a general societal understanding of the role and 
    functions of the practitioner, and the need for role clarity to ensure that practitioners 
    can practice to the full extent of their capabilities and thereby optimise their 
    contribution to the provision of an effective and safe public health service. 

    A Profession
    is a range of roles, functions, responsibilities, activities and 
    professional accountability for which a nurse, or midwife is educated, competent, 
    and has the authority to perform within limits of a particular sphere of practice.  
    A competence is the ability of the nurse or midwife to practice safely and effectively 
    to fulfil her/his professional responsibility within one’s own scope of practice. 

    Nursing activities
    According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN 2010): Nursing encompasses 
    autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups 
    and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion 
    of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. 
    Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping 
    health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are 

    also key nursing roles.

     The key factors in nursing and midwifery   profession determining factors that must 
    be taken into account in deciding on the scope of practice of nursing and midwifery 
    shall be the following: competence, accountability autonomy, and continuing 
    professional development. Nursing activities that the nurse shall perform among 

    others, will include the following: 

    •  Reception and registration of patients/client
     •  Health education to the client/patient, family and community; 
    •  Provision of safe client/patient care;
     •  Follow-up of client/patient ; 
    •  Prompt reporting of client/patient information on condition as necessary
     •  Management of working environment; 
    •  Leadership and management of resources; 
    •  Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams; 

    •  General safety of patients/clients, staff and working environment. 

    According to the  scope of practice  for the nurse as defined by ministerial order 
    of Rwanda,  the  registered nurse shall plan, lead, supervise and evaluate health 
    promotional activities, preventative care, curative, rehabilitative and palliative 
    services, managerial educational, training and research roles, 

    An associate nurse will 

    • Carry out home visits for delivery of health services to individuals, families and 
    community including follow-up, education, monitoring of nutrition, hygiene 
    and sanitation in conjunction with multidisciplinary teams
     • Use communication skills for behavioural change of an individual, family and 
     • Communicates appropriate information for effective behaviour change and 
    maintenance of sound health. More details on the roles of the associate nurse 

    are described in unit one on characteristics of the associate nurse.

    Self-assessment 3.1

     Define these concepts

    1. Scope of practice
    2. Clarify the importance of the scope of practice
    3. Mr. H is an associate nurse and is working in health centre to provide 
    care to mothers who bring their children coming for measurement of 
    weight, height and brachial perimeter, assessment for nutritional status, 
    receiving food supplements like vitamin A, therapeutic milk and injections 
    for vaccination. He works with Mrs J. who is a registered nurse who is 
    in charge of vaccination service. Administers  vaccinations to  children, 
    give health education to their mothers about hygiene, breast feeding, and 
    proper nutrition, she registers the children vaccinated  and their weight, 
    height and brachial perimeter, she observes the availability and safety of 
    the vaccines, and she do a weekly report to the health centre manager.
    a. What activities will be done by Mr H.?

     b. What are the activities done by  Mrs J. ?

    3.2. Roles of associate nurse

     Learning activity 3.2

    Mr B. is allocated in the health centre where Mrs C. a registered nurse works 
    with him. There are many clients and today is for immunization and they profit 
    that occasion to provide health education to the mothers who bring their children 
    for immunization. 

    1. What activities you think that will be done by Mr B. and Mrs C.?

     2. During health education, what topics may be used by Mr B. and Mrs C.?

    Associates Nurses alike nurses and other healthcare professionals, can expand 
    their knowledge and skills with the right training and governance. However, the 
    intention is for nursing associates to support, not substitute, registered nurses. 
    They follow the standards for nursing and nursing associate programs. 

    1. Being an accountable professional:
    associates nurses act in the best 
    interests of people, putting them first and providing nursing care that is 
    person-centered, safe and compassionate. They act professionally at all 
    times and use their knowledge and experiences to make evidence based 
    decisions and solve problems. They recognize and work within the limits of 
    their competence and are responsible for their actions.
    2. Promoting health and preventing ill health: associates nurses play a 
    role in supporting people to improve and maintain their mental, physical, 
    behavioural health and wellbeing. They are actively involved in the prevention 
    of and protection against disease and ill health, and engage in public health, 
    community development, and in the reduction of health inequalities
    3. Provide and monitor care
    : associates nurses provide compassionate, 
    safe and effective care and support to people in a range of care settings. 
    They monitor the condition and health needs of people within their care on 
    a continual basis in partnership with people, families, and caregivers. They 
    contribute to ongoing assessment and can recognize when it is necessary 
    to refer to others for reassessment.
    4. Working in teams:
    associates nurses play an active role as members of 
    interdisciplinary teams, collaborating and communicating effectively with 
    nurses, a range of other health and care professionals and lay caregivers.

    5. Improving safety and quality of care: associates nurses improve the quality 
    of care by contributing to the continuous monitoring of people’s experience 
    of care. They identify risks to safety or experience and take appropriate 

    action, putting the best interests, needs and preferences of people first.

    6. Contributing to integrated care: associates nurses contribute to the 
    provision of care for people, including those with complex needs. They 
    understand the roles of a range of professionals and carers from other 
    organizations and settings who may be participating in the care of a person 
    and their family, and their responsibilities in relation to communication and 


    Self-assessment 3.2
     1. Use examples to illustrate four roles of an associate nurse
     2. How does an associate nurse improve safety and quality of care while 

    providing nursing care? 

    3.3. Scope of nursing associate

     Learning activity 3.3
     Mr P. a 50 year old patient is admitted in Internal Medicine service for a long
    lasting gastritis. Mr U. an associate nurse working in that service receives the 
    patient and took vital signs. The registered nurse came to assess the patient and 
    calls the medical doctor. The Doctor came and ordered to take samples for lab 

    investigations and prescribed oral medications to reduce the pain.

     1) Which activity will be carried out by an associate nurse in caring this client?
     2) Which activity is not in the competence of an associate nurse?

     3) What a AN will do ?

     In order to meet the proficiency outcomes outlined in the main body of this document, 
    nursing associates must be able to carry out the procedures in health and care 


    Procedures to be undertaken by the nursing associate
     At the point of registration, the nursing associate will be able to safely demonstrate 

    the following procedures:

     1. Procedures to enable effective monitoring of a person’s condition
     • Accurately measure weight and height, calculate body mass index and 
    • Use manual techniques and devices to take, record and interpret vital 
    signs including temperature, pulse, respiration (TPR), blood pressure 
    (BP) and pulse oximetry (SO2)in order to identify signs of improvement, 
    deterioration or concern
     • Measure and interpret blood glucose levels
     • Collect and observe sputum, urine, stool and vomit specimens, interpreting 
    findings and reporting as appropriate
     • Recognize emergency situations and administer basic physical first aid, 

    including basic life support.

     2. Procedures for provision of person-centered nursing care provide 
    support in meeting the needs of people in relation to rest, sleep, comfort and 
    the maintenance of dignity:
     • Use appropriate bed-making techniques, including those required for 
    people who are unconscious or who have limited mobility
     •  use appropriate positioning and pressure relieving techniques
     • Take appropriate action to ensure privacy and dignity at all times
     •  appropriate action to reduce or minimize pain or discomfort
     • Support people to reduce fatigue, minimize insomnia and take appropriate rest.
    3. Provide care and support with hygiene and the maintenance of skin integrity:
     • Observe  and reassess skin and hygiene status using contemporary 
    approaches to
     • Determine the need for support and ongoing intervention.
     • Identify  the need for and provide appropriate assistance with washing, 
    bathing, shaving and dressing
     • Monitor   wounds and undertake simple wound care using appropriate 
    evidence-based techniques.

    4. Provide support with nutrition and hydration:
     • Assist  with feeding and drinking and use appropriate feeding and drinking aids
     • Record fluid intake and output to identify signs of dehydration or fluid 
    retention and escalate as necessary

     • Support the delivery of artificial nutrition using NGT

    5. Provide support with maintaining bladder and bowel health:
     • Observe  and monitor the level of urinary and bowel continence to 
    determine the
     • Need for ongoing support and intervention
     • Assist  with toileting, maintaining dignity and privacy and use appropriate 
    continence products

     • Care for and manage catheters for all genders

     6. Provide support with mobility and safety:
     • Use appropriate assessment tools to determine, manage and escalate 
    the ongoing risk of falls
     • Use a range of contemporary moving and handling techniques and 
    mobility aids
     • Use appropriate moving and handling equipment to support people with

     • Impaired mobility.

     7. Provide support with respiratory care: take and be able to identify normal 

    SO2 and oximetry measurements

     8. Preventing and managing infection:
     • Observe and respond rapidly to potential infection risks using best 
    practice guidelines
     • Use standard precautions protocols
     • Use aseptic, non-touch techniques
     • Use appropriate personal protection equipment
     • Implement isolation procedures
     • Use hand hygiene techniques
     • Safely decontaminate equipment and environment

     • Safely handle waste, laundry and sharps.

     9. Meeting needs for care and support at the end of life:
     • Recognise and take immediate steps to respond appropriately to 
    uncontrolled symptoms and signs of distress including pain, nausea, 
    thirst, constipation, restlessness, agitation, anxiety and depression
     • Review preferences and care priorities of the dying person and their 
    family and carers, and ensure changes are communicated as appropriate
     • Provide care for the deceased person and the bereaved, respecting 

    cultural requirements and protocols.

    10. Procedural competencies required for administering medicines safely:
     • Continually assess people receiving care and their ongoing ability to self
     • Their own medications. Know when and how to escalate any concerns
     • Undertake accurate drug calculations for a range of medications
     • Exercise professional accountability in ensuring the safe administration of
     • Medicines to those receiving care
     • Administer medication via oral, topical routes
     • Administer injections using subcutaneous and intramuscular routes and 
    manage injection equipment
     • Administer and monitor medications using enteral equipment
     • Administer enemas and suppositories
     • Manage and monitor effectiveness of symptom relief medication
     • Recognize and respond to adverse or abnormal reactions to medications, 
    and when and how to escalate any concerns
     • Undertake safe storage, transportation and disposal of medicinal 


    Self-assessment 3.3
     1. Describe five procedures in the scope of practice of an associate nurse

     2. Which procedures included in preventing and managing infection?

     3.4. End Unit Assessment
     End unit assessment

     Section 1 : Multiple choice questions 
    Read the following options and choose the right answer 
    1) Among the following activities which one is not performed by an associate nurse?
     a. Vaccination 
     b. Health education on breast feeding is a health promotional activity
     c. Provide oral analgesic drugs 

    d. Provide oxygen therapy

    2) Among the following activities which one is in competence of an associate nurse?
    a. Give drug for malaria 
    b. Perform urinary catheter 
    c. Plan care for the patient in post-operative care 

    d. Evaluate performance of the staff

     3) Among the following activities which one is managerial activity?
     a. Vaccination 
    b. Give drug for malaria 
    c. Give report on numbers of patient

     d. Evaluate performance of the staff 

    4) Among the following activities which one is an educational activity?
     a. Evaluate performance of the staff 
     b. Teach nursing student during internship
     c. Give drug for diabetes 

     d. Give supplement food to children

    Section 2:   Read the following statement and answer by T if the 
    statement is true or F if the statement is False 

    1. The associate nurse in the unit is not responsible of good utilization of 
    materials in allocated services 
    2. The associate nurse carries out home visits for delivery of health services 
    to individuals, families and community 
    3. The scope of practice describes the services that a qualified health 

    professional is allowed and competent to perform

    Section 3:  Case study 
    Each health institution offers many services to the   public and among these 
    services we have admission of the client in hospitalization unit, or being 
    cared in outpatient   consultation and each client. Receive required care.  To 
    ensure the promotion of the client health and well-being a collaboration of the 
    multidisciplinary team is very important in caring the client.  A client suffering 
    for a long-lasting gastritis was admitted after road accident and has left an arm 
    fracture which needs surgical intervention for better management. The client 
    needs medication to reduce pain, a picture of the fracture and to be prepared for 

    surgical intervention

     According to the scope practice and activities to be carried out in caring this 
    1. Enumerate activities to be carried out by an associate nurse 
    2. Clarify how the scope of practice protects the patient as well as  the 


    4. 1 . Remedial activities
     All of you have already been in health institution and observe different activities 
    carried out by the nurse
     a) Identify any 5 activities to be carried out by an associate nurse without 
    b) If as an associate nurse you are   assigned a task that is not in your 

    competences what are you going to do?

     4. 2. Consolidation activities
    1) Identify any 4 roles of associate nurse 

    2) By using 4 examples, explain scope  of an associate nurse 

    4. 3. Extended activities 
    A 20 years old female   have been in the health centre  as he has headache , 
    fever and loss of appetite. The nurse starts by taking vital signs as the client 
    was looking tired, the client has temperature of 400 Celsius. The nurse decides 
    to withdraw a blood sample  for laboratory investigation then give medication to 
    reduce body temperature  while waiting the result of blood examination .   After 
    having blood results, the client was suffering for Malaria


    According to the scope of practice of a nurse: 
    1. Is the nurse the competence to give treatment to this client? Why?
     2. If the client receives appropriate treatment against malaria, what the 
    nurse should do to prevent the complication and relapse of Malaria?
     3. If the client has manifested signs of anemia (insufficient blood in the 
    body), which health professional is competent to   treat adequately this 
