Key Unit Competence 

    Apply the nursing code of conduct

    2.0 Introductory activity


    Observe the above picture and discuss about the following:
     M.E is an enrolled nurse working in district hospital for 3 years.  Colleagues and 
    Unit manager had noticed that the clients assigned to M.E, were not cared for, 
    wet bed sheets were unchanged and urine bottles not emptied, vital signs not 
    monitored. M arrived always late also spending a lot of time at the nurses’ station 
    and on phone while her clients were left without assistance.  Her unit manager 
    and his /her colleagues and care givers raised complaint. 

    After receiving advice form colleagues and manger, she attends the unit on 

    time, collaborates with clients and gives care to each client and advocates for 
    clients’ needs. She becomes a respectful nurse for the clients, improves the 
    communication and collaboration with unit manager and colleagues and all 
    assigned clients were cared as required. After reading the above scenario, 
    analyze the nurse general attitude in the work place and answer to the following 
     a. Who are the people in the above picture?
     b. Show  bad behavior of a nurse   that are  displayed in this  scenario?
     c. List 3 qualities of a good professional nurse   displayed in the scenario

     2.1. Introduction to the code of conduct

     Learning activity 2.1
     Mrs. K. is a registered nurse working in the unit where admitted patient are after 
    surgical operations.  She attends the work always on time, when she arrived in 
    the morning, she puts on her clear uniform, greets clients and observe overall 
    situation of t them to identify if there is no emergent situation. She is respectful for 
    colleagues and clients of all ages. She is kind to everybody in the work even out 
    of the work, she provides care to all assigned client in safe and timely manner. 
    Before accomplishing any nursing tasks, she firstly obtains the client consent 
    and treat them with kindness and respect.
     Read the above scenario and answer to the following question
     1. Identify the 4 positive professional   nurse requirements included in the scenario 

    2. List 2 behaviors that should be respected in the nursing code of conduct

    Key Concepts of code and conduct                                  
    A code: the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses is a set of expected national 
    standards of nursing conduct for nurses and midwives to be respect during the 
    exercise of the profession  

    The Code
    is not intended to give detailed professional advice on specific issues 
    and areas of practice; rather, it identifies the minimum requirements for conduct in 
    the profession. A breach of the Code may constitute professional misconduct or 
    unprofessional conduct (ANA, 2021)
     The code of profession conduct will help to address many issues and promote 
    client and nursing satisfaction. 

    A conduct
    : the manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place 
    or situation. Professional conduct refers to the manner in which a person behaves 
    while acting in a professional capacity.
     It is generally accepted that when performing their duties and conducting their 
    affairs professionals will uphold exemplary standards of conduct. 
    Specific issues concerning professional practice will be considered when they arise 
    and may be the subject of professional practice guidelines
    Ethics: Ethics refers to moral principles, values that governs a person’s behaviour 
    or a manner of conducting or accomplishing activities.  Ethics deals with principles 
    or morality and what is right or wrong, it is also concerned with motives and attitudes 
    and relationship of these attitudes to the good of individuals (Basavanthappa, 2006).
     Ethics refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what 
    humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, 
    justice, or specific qualities. 

    A code of ethics i
    s a set of guiding principles that all members of a profession 
    accept. It is a collective statement about the group’s expectations and standards of 
    behavior. Codes serve as guidelines to assist professional groups when questions 
    arise about correct practice or behavior.  (Poter and Perry Fundamentals of Nursing, 
    8th edition, Elsevier, 2017).
    According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), the nursing code of ethics 

    and profession conduct is a guide for “carrying out nursing responsibilities in a 
    manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the 
    profession.” Ethics, in general, are the moral principles that dictate how a person 

    will conduct (ANA, 2021

    Self-assessment 2.1
     included in the code of conduct used in Rwanda 
    1. According to the above definition of nursing code of conduct   and aspects 
     Explain 2 roles of the code of conduct in nursing practice  

    2. Using an example, illustrate how you should honor the nursing profession 

    2.2. The nursing code of conduct 

    Learning activity 2.2


     Mrs. J. is associate nurse in Internal Medicine and the team of this unit is few 
    as it comprises only 6 persons for days and night duties  Her colleague Mrs.T. 
    was sick and she was not able to attend to accomplish all assigned task as she 
    was weak and pregnant.  The morning medical round have also ordered taking 
    blood sample for many clients the even other drugs have been prescribed to 
    be given before noon.   She feels stressed but do her best to accomplish the 
    assigned tasks. Her colleague Mrs.J. passes    in the Mrs.T. subunit observe the 
    state of T and the assigned tasks; she decides to perform some procedures like 
    withdrawing blood samples as she is well skilled in puncture of the vein. The unit 
    manager was very happy and congratulates the nurse.
    According to the above scenario,

     1. What do you think about the origin of the stress for the nurse T? 
    2. Identify the professional behaviors of these nurses? 
    3. What would be the consequences on the clients if the nurse has a big 


    Nurses are currently facing various personal, interpersonal, professional, and in
    stitutional even socio- cultural challenges in their professional practice and to deal 
    with them may not be always clear. The lack of one correct approach or attitude 
    in addressing different issues may lead to ethical issue or a difficult to choose in 
    different options to resolve them.  
    Rwandan regulatory body Nursing Council of Nurses and midwives (NCNM) 
    adopted by   the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 04 June, 2003 and 
    the Law no 25/2008of 25/7/2008 establishing the National Council of Nurses and 
    Midwives and adopted by the cabinet in its session of 09/07/2010. The Code of 
    Professional Conduct for Nurses and Midwives is supported by Rwanda National 
    Council for Nurses and Midwives.
    2.2.1.  Role of nurse‘s code of conduct: 
    A code of conduct provides structure and guidance for workplace values and 
    principles. A respected code is important to the nursing profession to help prevent 
    inappropriate and incompetent behavior and as a guide for nursing performance.
     The Code guides nurses and midwives in their day-to-day practice and helps them 
    to understand their responsibilities in caring for service users in a safe, ethical and 
    effective way. 
    The Code supports ethical and clinical decision-making, on-going reflection and 
    professional self-development. The code informs the general public about the 
    professional care they can expect from nurses and midwives.
     The code also emphasizes the importance of the obligations of nurses and midwives 
    to recognize and respond to the needs of service users and families (Georges et 
    al , 2012).
     The code of conduct sets standards for the regulation, monitoring and enforcement 
    of professional conduct
     The code of conduct is used in conjunction with the code of ethics as ethics and 
    professional conduct can’t be separated.

     2.2.2. Standards of professional code of conduct:

     According to the code of conduct of Nurses and Midwifes provided by the regulatory 
    body National Council of Nurses and Midwives (NCNM); the standards of nurse’s 
    code of conduct is summarized as follow:
    a.  Conduct of a nurse towards patients
     Respect for human rights and values  
    Without prejudices to provision of particular laws that specify the rights of a patient 

    in Rwanda, the nurse / midwife shall:

    Promote the respect of human rights, human dignity, culture and spiritual beliefs of 
    the individual, family and community 

    Ensure that the individual receives written and sufficient information on which to 

    base his/her consent for care and related treatment 

    Keep confidential any information related to an individual and shall share this 

    information with colleagues advisedly 

    Collaboration in promoting health activities 

    A nurse / midwife shall collaborate with members of the community in initiating and 
    supporting actions to meet the health and social needs 

    A nurse / midwife shall also collaborate with others in conserving the environment 

    Refusal to act for lack of capacity and competence: a nurse or midwife is required
    to refuse any instructions to perform any activity that is outside his/ her scope of 
    competence or one for which he/ she lacks sufficient knowledge. However, in case, 
    in the case, he/ she shall inform his/her supervisor or the person what gave him/

     her such instructions.

     Example: If a medical doctor asks to the nurse to withdraw excess of fluid in the 
    peritoneal cavity (Ascites), this is a medical task and is beyond the nurse scope of 
    competence  and he/ she must inform the medical doctor that he/ she is not able to 

    perform that procedure 

    Quality and continuing professional development: the nurse or midwife shall 
    be obliged to fulfil his/her duties. He/ she shall regularly demonstrate continual use 
    of technical knowledge and always be trained on modern techniques: the Nursing 

    acts changes as the Medicine also undergo evolution

     Obligation to care her/ his personal health: a nurse or a midwife shall be obliged 
    to take care of his/her personal health   so that his/ her responsibility of providing 

    care is not compromised 

    Discretion on duty: a nurse or midwife shall ensure that no action or omission on 
    his/ her part that may be harmful to health 

    Safe use of science and technology:  a nurse or midwife shall ensure that use of 

    science and technology on duty is compatible with the safety, dignity and people’s 


    E.g., use of suctioning machine if not well used can traumatize upper respiratory 


    Activities contrary to moral and professional conviction: A nurse shall have 
    right to refuse to participate in activities contrary to his/ her personal moral and 
    professional convictions. However, such rights shall not contravene his/her 

    responsibilities towards patients and those who require his/her services

     b.  Conduct of a nurse or a midwife in performing his/her duties
     • Abide by law and regulation in the country in particular those relevant to 
    his/her nursing profession
     • Maintain professional honor: the nurse shall demonstrate all times a 
    personal conduct that honors the profession and enhance public confidence 
    in nursing and midwifery staff. The conduct of a nurse must be integral and 
    even a model in the society 
    • Participation in designing and implementation of professional regulations:  
    a nurse or midwife shall participate in designing and implementing guiding 
    principles of nursing, midwifery management, research in matters regarding 
    professional practice or duties of a nurse and a midwife
     • Participation in developing professional skills; a nurse or midwife shall be 
    active in developing a core of research based professional skills 
    • Role in enhancing better working conditions: a nurse or a midwife, acting 
    through professional federation or association in which he/she is a member, 
    shall participate in creating and maintaining safe, equitable social and 
    economic working conditions in nursing or midwifery practice respectively
     • Safe management of resources: a nurse or a midwife shall safely manage 
    and maintain assets under his/her control as well as public resources, use 
    effectively the available materials 

    c.  Relations between a nurse, a midwife and colleagues   

    Interdisciplinary collaboration  a nurse or midwife shall sustain 
    collaboration   with colleagues and workers in the multidisciplinary team in 

    order to promote the health and well-being of each client. 

    •  Appropriate measures to protect people: a nurse or a midwife shall take 
    appropriate measures in order to preserve the health of individual. Families 
    and the public when endangered by a colleague or any other person 

    • An incompetent nurse   can lead to harmful nursing care 

    Sharing and exchanging expertise/ experience: a nurse or midwife shall 
    share expertise and knowledge with colleagues and exchange views on 
    various professional issues that may arise in their profession. They have to 

    share experience in order to better care the clients and resolve raised issues

     • Non evasion of responsibilities: a nurse or a midwife shall avoid to 
    relinquish his/her duties and to overburden his/her colleagues in order to 
    evade responsibilities. Each nurse must accomplish his/her responsibilities 

    and let the assigned to tasks to colleagues  

    Self-assessment 2.2
     After understanding how the nurse shall behave with collegues and duties
     1. Explain briefly the importance of collaboration between nurses in caring 
     2. Explain briefly 2 standards of nurse’s conduct between a nurse and a 

    2.3. Purpose of the professional code of conduct 

    Learning activity 2.3

     Look at the following  video on ;
    Look also at this picture below and guess what is happening during the nurse 

    and client interactions during the provision of nursing care 

    1. Is the client looks like well-prepared before nursing intervention?  Is the 
    client relaxed and ready to collaborate with the nurse?
     2. Identify at least 3 attitudes of the nurse that a client may depreciate during 
    the nurse client relationship 

    3. Explain the importance of nurse conduct/ behavior in front of the client


    The code of ethics aims to :
     • Sets standards for the regulation, monitoring and enforcement of professional 
    • Inform the public about the minimum standards of profession 
    • Help them understand professional nursing conduct,  
    • Outline the major ethical considerations of the profession and guides the 
    profession in self regulation.
     • Acts as a non-negotiable standard and reminder of nurses’ commitment to 
    • The code requires nurses to continue with their learning and evidence-based 


    Example of a professional code of ethics:  American nurses’ association. 

    (ANA) professional code of ethics 


    A nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect 
    for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, without consid
    erations of social or economic status, the nature of health problems.
    The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, 

    group, or community.
     • The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, 
    and rights of the patient.
     • The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice 
    • The nurse respects the same duties to self as to others, including the 
     • The nurse preserves integrity and safety, maintain competence, and continue 
    personal and professional growth.
     • The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving health care 
    environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of 
    quality health care and consistent with the values of the profession through 
    individual and collective action
     • The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through 
    contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge 
     • The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in 
    promoting community, national, and international efforts to meet health needs
     • The profession of nursing, as represented by associations and their members, 
    is responsible for articulating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of 
    the profession and its practice.
    • The nurse personal conduct promotes the image of institution and the nursing 


    Self-assessment 2.3

    Mrs. J. works in Emergency and the team of this unit is few as it comprises only 
    8 persons for days and night duties. Her colleague Mrs.L. was sick and she was 
    not able to attend the planned night duty and asks Jo to replace her and promise 
    to do the same for him when she will get better. The unit manager agreed but Jo 
    refuses. The evening J. past the night in the dancing club and the morning, he 
    comes to work drunk and he fails to provide care to assigned clients  and blame 
    them without any reason . He has forced a patient to get up without support and 
    due to dizziness, the client falls down hitting the head on the bed 
    1. According to the above code of ethics and conduct, identify the 
    unprofessional behaviors of this nurse?
     2. Explain 2 purposes of code of ethics 

    3. Enumerate 3 standards of code of ethics for a nurse 

    End unit assessment

     After covering this unit, understanding the Ethics and Nurse’s professional code 
    of conduct and how to behave in order to promote client health and avoid any 
    action against nursing practice, answer to the following questions:
     1. The nursing profession is recognized worldwide for having a big number 
    of staff in health facilities. Each nurse has the obligation to act in 
    respecting ethical principles. One of the following ethical principles is 
    not important   in nursing   profession:
     a. They are basis for nurse’s decisions on consideration of consequences 
    of their acts
     b. They are universal moral principles when making clinical judgments.
     c. They are only applied to the clinical settings while caring different clients
     d. They are professional values to be used when interpreting ethical issues
    2.   client right, it means that:
     his/her care  
    Autonomy is one of the ethical principles in nursing profession even a 
    a.  A patient has to request the health care provider for a care plan about 
    b. A patient has his own schedule for his health care
     c. A patient should always accept nursing care plan for himself
     d. A patient has independent to choose and participate in his / her health 
    care provision 
    3.   Read carefully the following statement and answer by T if it is true or by F 
    it is false
     a. Nurses should always maintain health consumers’ trust by providing 
    safe and competent care.   
    b. A right to confidentiality means that the patients should restreint to 
    reveal thei information to the healthcare professionals
     c. A professional nurse must acquire expertise in carrying out nursing 
     d. The nurse code of conduct must be applied only in health institutions
    4.   Case Study
     Mm K is a registered nurse working in the unit where admitted clients are after 
    surgical operations. She attends the work always on time, attends attentively 
    the morning staff and handover.  When she arrived in the morning, she puts on 
    her clear uniform, greets clients and observe overall situation of them to identify 
    if there is no emergent situation. She is respectful for colleagues and clients of 
    all ages. She is kind to everybody in the work even out of the working hours 
    when necessary to fulfill assigned tasks; she provides care to all assigned clients 
    in safe and timely manner. Before accomplishing any nursing tasks, she firstly 
    obtains the client consent and treats them with kindness and respect. All client 
    is confident in the nurse K and don’ hesitate to give her any information needed 
    and to ask any question they have 

    Read the above case study and answer to the following question.

    1. Identify 4 professional nurse values included in the scenario 
    2. Use an example to illustrate the professional benefit of the nurse’s K 
    behavior on the nursing profession 

    3. Is there any the code conduct of nurse violated in this case?