• Unit 4:Ecology and Mathematics

    Key Unit Competence: To use language learnt in the context of 

    Ecology and Matematics.

    Introductory activity: Brainstorm names of people and things we 

    cannot sense.



    interdependent when two or more organisms or people are dependent on each 
    organisms any life forms
    transmit to send or pass something on
    larvae the immature form of an insect, e.g. a caterpillar

    essential absolutely necessar

    The composition and contents of soil

    Read about the composition of soil


    Factors that help to form soil include: 

    Living organisms: This includes organisms such as plants, animals, 
    fungi and bacteria.
    • Topography: This is the shape or slope of the surface of land where the 
    soil is forming.
    • Climate: The climate and weather forming affect how the soil forms.
    • Core material: The core material is the minerals and rocks that are 

    slowly disintegrating to form the soil.

    Grammar focus

    Abstract nouns

    Nouns can be abstract or concrete. Concrete nouns are tangible. This means 
    that you can experience them with your five senses: you can touch them, hear 
    them, feel them, taste them or smell them. Abstract nouns refer to intangible 

    things, such as feelings, ideals, concepts and qualities.

    Example: I have a dream. ‘Dream’ is an abstract noun because you cannot taste 

    it, see it, feel it, hear it or smell it.

    Here are other examples of abstract nouns:
    • beauty                                • bravery
    • courage                              • enthusiasm

    • hatred                                 • intelligence

    Activity 1: Change adjectives to abstract nouns

    Complete the following sentences by changing the adjective in brackets into an 
    abstract noun.
    1. He is a man of ______ . (courageous)
    2. The people in this part of the country live in ______ . (poor)
    3. ______ to animals is a punishable offence. (cruel)
    4. The man showed great _____ of character. (strong)

    5. I have great ______ in welcoming you. (pleasing)

    Activity 2: Label a diagram
    When we draw a diagram to explain something, we must make sure that the 
    diagram is easy to understand. Using labels helps the reader to identify the 
    different parts of the diagram.
    1. In your group, use the diagram on page 44 to discuss the composition of 
    the Earth’s surface. 
    2. Working alone, do research and draw a diagram to show the different parts 
    of the Earth’s crust.

    3. Label your diagram.

    Read about the composition of soil


    When plants decay, they break down in the soil to form rotting organic 
    matter called humus. This increases the nutrients available for more 

    plants to grow.



    Grammar focus
    Passive voice

    We use the passive voice to show interest in the person or object that is 
    experiencing an action, rather than the person or object that is performing
    the action. In the reading on the composition of soil, there are several sentences 
    where the passive voice is used, for example: Soil is made up of several things. In 
    the active voice, this sentence would be: Several things make up soil. Can you 

    find more sentences in the passive voice?

    Activity 4: Write a description of the composition of soil
    Copy the following paragraph into your exercise book and fill in the blanks. 
    Plants obtain _______ from the soil. Soil is the outer, loose layer that covers the 
    surface of the _______. Soil quality depends, not only on the chemical 
    composition of the soil, but also on the _______ (regional surface features) and 
    the presence of _______ organisms. The four major components of soil are 
    _______ mineral matter, _______ matter, water and air. Soil is the base of life on 
    Earth because it has most of the important _______ in which plants need to 
    grow. Those plants in turn feed animals and _______. Soil is also where much of 
    our fresh _______ is stored. Fresh water travels through the soil being _______ as 
    it goes. It often ends up in underground _______ called aquifers, where we can 

    get it when we need it.

    Soil erosion


    Read about soil erosion

    Soil erosion occurs when the topsoil disappears for some reason. Erosion 
    can occur naturally as a result of wind or water, or as a result of human 
    activities. It becomes a problem when human activity causes erosion to 

    occur much faster than under natural conditions. 

    Soil plays a very important role in supporting life on Earth. When soil is 
    eroded, it affects the ecology of the area where erosion has occurred. 
    Plants use soil, not only for nutrients, but also to anchor themselves in the 
    ground using their roots. Many animals, fungi and bacteria rely on soil as 

    a place to live. 

    The atmosphere is affected because changes in the soil affect the rate at 
    which gases, such as carbon dioxide, are released into the air. The quality 

    of water is affected because the soil helps to filter and clean our water

    Activity 5: Describe the process of soil erosion
    Write sentences about what will happen if too many goats are allowed to graze 

    on a hillside. Make sure you organise your sentences in the right order.

    erosion gradual wearing away; ecology the branch of biology that deals with the 

    relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings

    Read about the effects of soil erosion
    When the topsoil is eroded from an area, the area loses its most nutrient 

    rich layer, and therefore the ability of the soil to produce crops is reduced.

    When the organic matter that is found within the top layer of soil is 
    removed, the soil can no longer ‘hold’ water. This means that the area is 
    more susceptible to extreme weather conditions such as droughts. As the 
    soil is eroded and runs down to waterways, river banks can be eroded, 
    causing rivers to break their banks during heavy rains. This causes 

    flooding and more damage to the surrounding area.

    Wind can also cause soil erosion by moving topsoil. Wind can also 
    damage young seedlings by blasting them with sand and other small 
    particles. Wind can uncover and expose some seedlings, while at the same 

    time covering other seedlings with too much soil. 

    Soil erosion can be caused by human activities such as over-farming and 
    overgrazing, or by natural phenomena such as wind. Over-farming occurs 
    when farmers use their land too extensively without giving it time to rest 
    and replenish. Instead of rotating crops so that the nitrogen is 

    replenished in the soil, some farmers exhaust the land. 

    Overgrazing occurs when farmers keep too many animals for the 
    available vegetation. All the vegetation is eaten by the animals. There are 
    no roots left to hold the soil together, and no leaves to make humus. This 
    leaves the land bare and exposed to wind and rain. In East Africa this is a 

    serious concern, especially in the highland areas of Rwanda and Burundi.


    Activity 6: Identify the stages of soil erosion

    Look at the pictures below and then match each one to the correct sentence.


    1. All the vegetation has been eaten, the land is overgrazed and there is 
    nothing to stop soil erosion. The land becomes a desert.
    2. When the land cannot sustain the cattle, sheep and goats are grazed there 
    3. The soil is fertile and lots of plants grow in it. 

    4. Cattle are grazed and the smaller plants are eaten.

    In the next section, you will learn more about plants.

    Activity 7: Identify the ratio of plants to other species on Earth


    Read about the parts of a plant



    Grammar focus

    Word formation

    When we make sentences, we use words. In English there are two main ways of 
    creating new words, borrowing and derivation.
    Borowing: through this process, English entered complete words from other 
    languages without making any change on them.

    Example: voyage, souvenir, kimono, pinjama, fiancée, … 

    Derivation: through derivation, English create new words after making some 
    changes on them. The process of derivation uses two techniques, 
    composition and Affixation.

    • Composition: word creation by composition is made by adding a word to 
    another. We find this in many compound words. Example: facebook, 
    chalkboard, roothairs, taproot, sunlight, …

    • Affixation: word creation though affixation is done by adding a preffixe 
    and/ or a suffixe to a word or fraction of word called Root. Like plants, 
    words have roots, the basis which they are built. Prefixes are just 

    introductory words or particle; and suffixes are ending words or particles.

    • product (root): re-product, product-ion, re-product-ion.
    • trans- pirat-ion
    photo-synthes- is

    • pollin-ation, pol-ar

    Some common affixes:

    Prefixes: pre-,mono-, di-, re-, photo-, multi-, trans-, dis-, im-, ex-, …

    Suffixes: (-ation)-ion, -al, -er, -ar, -iar, -om, -en, -sis, -gy, -ment, …

    Identifying affixes and roots help us understand the meaning words.

    Activity: Pick five words to illustrate Word Borrowing and five other words 
    from derivatives in the text below about “Label a plant “; then explain parts of 

    the formation.

    Activity 8: Label a plant
    Go into the school grounds or surrounding area, and pick a small plant. Bring it 
    back into the classroom, draw it and label it. Make sure you include the 

    functions of each part.

    Read about the importance of plants
    The production of food for the plant is done by the leaves through the 
    process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide from the air is taken into the 
    plant by the leaves. The carbon dioxide mixes with water that has come 
    from the air and the roots. Energy from the sun helps this process and 
    turns the water and carbon dioxide into glucose. Glucose is the plant’s 
    food and gives it energy to grow. During the process of photosynthesis, 
    the plant breathes out oxygen into the atmosphere. This is very 

    important, because oxygen is needed by human beings in order to 



    Activity 9: Ask and answer questions

    Take turns to ask each other the following questions and supply the correct 
    Q. What are the functions of the roots of a plant?
    A. The functions of the roots are _______ .
    Q. What is the function of the stem of a plant?
    A. The function of the stem is _______ .
    Q. What is the function of the leaves of a plant?
    A. The function of the leaves is _______ .
    Q. What is the function of the flower of a plant?

    A. The function of the flower is _______ .

    Activity 10: Explore your environment

    Reread the texts about plants and their importance to humans. 
    1. Make a list of plants in your environment at school.
    2. Why do you think we need plants in our lives?
    3. Do you think plants can be harmful to humans? Explain your answer.
    4. Describe the relationship between plants and the environment. 
    5. Compare your answers with those of your friends. Discuss your answers with 

    the rest of your class.

    Activity 11: Identify sentences in the passive voice

    There are a number of passive sentences in the readings about plants. For 
    example: Transpiration of water and nutrients from the roots is done by the stem. 
    The underlined words show the object being used to start the sentence. Find 

    three more sentences from the passage that are written in the passive voice.

    Grammar focus
    Countable and uncountable nouns

    Countable nouns are things we can count using numbers. They have a singular 
    and a plural form. 
    For example: one dog, two dogs. 

    Uncountable nouns are the things that we cannot count with numbers. 
    For example: rice, tea, water. 

    We always refer to these nouns in the singular. We do not talk about many rices!

    Read about types of plants


    There are over 280 000 different plants on Earth, but we can divide these 

    into 4 main groups: mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.

    Mosses are land plants, but they do not have seeds or flowers. Mosses 
    reproduce with spores. Mosses do not have stems or large roots to 
    transport water and nutrients, so they live in moist environments and are 

    smaller than other land plants.



    Flowering plants represent the most widespread group of plants on Earth. 
    Flowering plants are found in most habitats, from deserts to the polar
    regions. Flowering plants include species of trees, grasses, shrubs and 
    herbs. The flower attracts many animals which assist in pollination, 
    making the process of pollination more efficient. The seed develops in an 
    ovary, which becomes a fruit. The fruit serves to help seed dispersal, as 
    animals eat the seeds. Birds and mammals may deposit the seeds a long 

    way from the original plant. 

    There are 8 000 species of grasses, which are plants with small flowers. 
    Grasses provide food for many grazing animals, including buffalo and 

    zebra. Grasses can provide food such as grains like rice, wheat and corn.


    Activity 12: Make notes

    When we are studying information, it is useful to make notes. Using words, 
    when we make notes, we write a brief phrase about the most important points 
    of what we are reading. This helps us to know what is important and must be 


    Reread the passage ‘Read about types of plants’ and make notes on the most 

    important information. Include any mathematical information that is relevant.

    Activity 13: Discuss plants that are useful to humans
    In your group, discuss the different plants that are useful to humans. See if you 

    can group them into trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses and herbs.

    Activity 14: Classify plant types

    Look at the following pictures and answer the questions that follow.


    1. Classify each of the plants as a tree, a flowering plant, a shrub, a herb or a 

    2. Match the following names of the plants with the correct description.


    Activity 15: Conduct a survey
    Do you know the answers to the following questions?
    • How many kinds of plants live around you? 
    • Which plants are common and which are rare? 
    • What is the average tree size? 

    • When do the plants flower?

    You can answer these questions by conducting a plant diversity survey. In order 
    to do this, you will need to complete the following steps:
    1. Choose an area of your neighbourhood in which to conduct the survey.
    2. Mark out the area to be surveyed. An area of 2 m by 2 m is sufficient.
    3. In your notebook, write down the names of all the different types of plants 
    in your survey area. Count how many of each species there are, and make a 
    note of your findings.
    4. Create your statistics. Add up the total number of plants and then calculate 
    each type of plant as a percentage of the total. 
    5. Calculate the average number of each plant type.
    6. Draw a table showing the different classes and species of plants found.
    7. In class, discuss your findings and describe any interesting facts that 
    emerged from your survey. Talk about what types of plants you saw and also 

    what you did not see. Use ‘why’ questions to get answers from each other.

    Vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling
    Activity 16: Use your dictionary

    Look up the following words in your dictionary. Write the word and its meaning 
    in your exercise book. Practise saying the words with a partner or in a group.
    organism                    decayed                   topography
    inorganic                    nutrients                  erosion
    habitat                        susceptible              humus
    transpiration            photosynthesis       reproduction

    to harbour                  multicellular            pollination

    1. Find at least five abstract nouns in this unit, for example ‘cultivation’ 
    (from the verb ‘cultivate’) and ‘importance’ (from the adjective 
    ‘important’). (5 marks)
    2. Choose the most appropriate meaning for each of the following words.
    a) cultivate
    to grow plants
    to plant
    to have crops for food
    to grow plants and animals for food
    b) root crops
    stems rich in carbohydrates
    substitute for cereals
    underground crops
    crops with roots
    c) harbour
    train (3 marks)
    3. Explain the importance of humans to both plants and soil. (2 marks)
    4. In your own words, describe how human activities cause soil 
    erosion. Use examples and illustrations. (10 marks)

    Total (20)

    UNIT 3: Ancient EgyptUnit 5: Friendship