Key Unit Competence:
    Explain the cellular respiration and photosynthesis
    Introductory activity 1
    Observe the person in the picture below who is making physical exercise

    and attempt the following questions: 

    i) Where is the energy used by the person in the picture come from?
    ii) Why do all living organisms need a continuous supply of energy?
    iii) Identify the process exhibited by the person on the picture that
    consumes too much energy if compared with another one who is at
    iv) How is the energy produced in our body? Does energy being produced

    in our body serve for our various activities? If yes, how?

    All living organisms require a continuous supply of energy to stay alive, either
    from the absorption of light energy or from chemical potential energy (energy
    stored in nutrient molecules). The process of photosynthesis transfers light
    energy to chemical potential energy, and so almost all life on Earth depends
    on photosynthesis, either directly or indirectly. Photosynthesis supplies living
    organisms with two essential requirements: an energy supply and usable carbon


    All biological macromolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and
    nucleic acids contain carbon. All living organisms therefore need a source of
    carbon. Organisms that can use an inorganic carbon source in the form of
    carbon dioxide are called autotrophs. Those needing a ready-made organic

    supply of carbon are heterotrophs.

    Organic molecules can be used by living organisms in two ways. They can
    serve as ‘building bricks’ for making other organic molecules that are essential
    to the organism, and they can represent chemical potential energy that can
    be released by breaking down the molecules in respiration. This energy can
    then be used for all forms of work. Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for
    both materials and energy.

    1.1. Cellular respiration
    Activity 1.1

    1. When an ocelot breathes, it acquires oxygen, and when it feeds on a
    lizard, it acquires glucose. Both molecules enter its bloodstream and are
    carried to the body’s cells, where there is a specific biological process

    which uses both oxygen and glucose. 

    2. Which biological process is represented in the figure above? Where
    does that process take place in the organism? In a eukaryotic cell?
    i) Where does the biological process mentioned above take place in
    the cell?
    ii) Write the chemical equation of that biological process.
    iii) The equation written in (iii) above is described in four steps. Conduct
    research from the library textbooks or search engine to explain:
    – How is pyruvate formed from sugar/glucose?
    – What is the role of Coenzyme A in the link reaction?
    – What is the role of reduced NAD+ and FAD in the Krebs cycle?
    – What is the final acceptor of protons and electrons in the respiratory
    2. Yeast, sugar, water and flour are the main components in bread making
    a) Why do bakers add yeast to flour and water when making bread?
    b) When yeast is added to grape juice at room temperature, vigorous
    bubbling occurs. What gas produces the bubbles?
    c) What type of beverage is produced by this process?

    d) What is the name of this process?

    Cellular respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take
    place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients
    into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.

    Cellular respiration is the complex process in which cells make adenosine
    triphosphate (ATP) by breaking down organic molecules. The energy stored
    in ATP can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including
    biosynthesis, locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes.
    The main fuel for most cells is carbohydrate, usually glucose which is used by
    most of the cells as respiratory substrate. Some other cells are able to break

    down fatty acids, glycerol and amino acids. 

    There are two types of cellular respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic
    respiration is more efficient and can be utilized in the presence of oxygen, while
    anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen. Many organisms (or cells) will
    use aerobic respiration primarily, however, if there is a limited oxygen supply,

    they can utilize anaerobic respiration for survival.

    The breakdown of glucose can be divided into four stages: glycolysis, the link

    reaction, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

    1.1.1. Glycolysis
    Glycolysis is the splitting, or lysis, of glucose. It is a multi-step process in which
    a glucose molecule with six carbon atoms is eventually split into two molecules
    of pyruvate, each with three carbon atoms. Energy from ATP is needed in the
    first steps, but energy is released in later steps, when it can be used to make
    ATP. There is a net gain of two ATP molecules per molecule of glucose broken

    down. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell. 

    In the first stage, phosphorylation, glucose is phosphorylated using ATP. Glucose
    is energy-rich but does not react easily. To tap the bond energy of glucose,
    energy must first be used to make the reaction easier. Two ATP molecules
    are used for each molecule of glucose to make first glucose phosphate, then
    fructose phosphate, then fructose bisphosphate, which breaks down to produce

    two molecules of triose phosphate.

    Hydrogen is then removed from triose phosphate and transferred to the carrier
    molecule NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Two molecules of reduced
    NAD are produced for each molecule of glucose entering glycolysis.

    The hydrogens carried by reduced NAD can easily be transferred to other
    molecules and are used in oxidative phosphorylation to generate ATP.

    The end-product of glycolysis, pyruvate, still contains a great deal of chemical
    potential energy. When free oxygen is available, some of this energy can be
    released via the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. However, the
    pyruvate first enters the link reaction, which takes place in the mitochondria.

    1.1.2. Link reaction
    Pyruvate passes by active transport from the cytoplasm, through the outer and
    inner membranes of a mitochondrion and into the mitochondrial matrix. Here it
    is decarboxylated (this means that carbon dioxide is removed), dehydrogenated
    (hydrogen is removed) and combined with coenzyme A (CoA) to give acetyl

    coenzyme A. This is known as the link reaction 

    Coenzyme A is a complex molecule composed of a nucleoside (adenine plus
    ribose) with a vitamin (pantothenic acid), and acts as a carrier of acetyl groups
    to the Krebs cycle. The hydrogen removed from pyruvate is transferred to NAD.
    Fatty acids from fat metabolism may also be used to produce acetyl coenzyme

    A. Fatty acids are broken down in the mitochondrion in a cycle of reactions in
    which each turn of the cycle shortens the fatty acid chain by a two-carbon acetyl
    unit. Each of these can react with coenzyme A to produce acetyl coenzyme A,

    which, like that produced from pyruvate, now enters the Krebs cycle.

    1.1.3. The Krebs cycle
    The Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle)
    was discovered in 1937 by Hans Krebs.
    The Krebs cycle is a closed pathway of enzyme-controlled reactions.
    - Acetyl coenzyme A combines with a four-carbon compound (oxaloacetate)
    to form a six-carbon compound (citrate).
    - The citrate is decarboxylated and dehydrogenated in a series of steps,
    to yield carbon dioxide, which is given off as a waste gas and hydrogens
    which are accepted by the carriers NAD and FAD.
    - Oxaloacetate is regenerated to combine with another acetyl coenzyme A.
    For each turn of the cycle, two carbon dioxide molecules are produced,
    one FAD and three NAD molecules are reduced, and one ATP molecule is

    generated via an intermediate compound. 

    Although part of aerobic respiration, the reactions of the Krebs cycle make no
    use of molecular oxygen.
    However, oxygen is necessary for the final stage of aerobic respiration, which is
    called oxidative phosphorylation. The most important contribution of the Krebs
    cycle to the cell’s energetics is the release of hydrogens, which can be used in

    oxidative phosphorylation to provide energy to make ATP.

    1.1.4. Oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport


    In the final stage of aerobic respiration, oxidative phosphorylation, the
    energy for the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP comes from the activity of the
    electron transport chain. Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in the inner

    mitochondrial membrane.

    Reduced NAD and reduced FAD are passed to the electron transport chain.
    Here, the hydrogens are removed from the two hydrogen carriers and each is
    split into its constituent proton (H+) and electron (e).

    The energetic electron is 
    transferred to the first of a series of electron carriers.
    Most of the carriers are associated with membrane proteins, of which there are
    four types. A functional unit, called a respiratory complex, consists of one of
    each of these proteins, arranged in such a way that electrons can be passed

    from one to another down an energy gradient.

    As an electron moves from one carrier at a higher energy level to another
    one at a lower level, energy is released. Some of this energy is used to move
    protons from the matrix of the mitochondrion into the space between the inner
    and outer membranes of the mitochondrial envelope. This produces a higher
    concentration of protons in the intermembrane space than in the matrix, setting
    up a concentration gradient.

    Now, protons pass back into the mitochondrial matrix through protein channels
    in the inner membrane, moving down their concentration gradient. Associated
    with each channel is the enzyme ATP synthase. As the protons pass through
    the channel, their electrical potential energy is used to synthesise ATP in the

    process called chemiosmosis

    Finally, oxygen has a role to play as the final electron acceptor. In the mitochondrial
    matrix, an electron and a proton are transferred to oxygen, reducing it to water.

    The process of aerobic respiration is complete.

    The sequence of events in respiration and their sites are shown in Figure 1.1.
    The balance sheet of ATP used and synthesised for each molecule of glucose

    entering the respiration pathway is shown in Table 1.1.

    Theoretically, three molecules of ATP can be produced from each molecule of
    reduced NAD, and two molecules of ATP from each molecule of reduced FAD.
    However, this yield cannot be achieved unless ADP and Pi are available inside
    the mitochondrion. About 25% of the total energy yield of electron transfer is

    used to transport ADP into the mitochondrion and ATP into the cytoplasm. 

    Hence, each reduced NAD molecule entering the chain produces on average
    two and a half molecules of ATP, and each reduced FAD produces one and a
    half molecules of ATP. The number of ATP molecules actually produced varies in
    different tissues and different circumstances, largely dependent on how much

    energy is used to move substances into and out of the mitochondria.

    Table1.1: Balance sheet of ATP used and synthesized for each molecule

    of glucose entering in respiration

    Efficiency of aerobic and anaerobic respiration
    Without oxygen, pyruvate (pyruvic acid) is not metabolized by cellular respiration
    but undergoes a process of fermentation. The pyruvate is not transported into
    the mitochondrion, but remains in the cytoplasm, where it is converted to waste
    products that may be removed from the cell. This serves the purpose of oxidizing
    the electron carriers so that they can perform glycolysis again and removing the
    excess pyruvate. Fermentation oxidizes NADH to NAD+ so it can be re-used in

    In the absence of oxygen, fermentation prevents the build-up of NADH in
    the cytoplasm and provides NAD+ for glycolysis. This waste product varies
    depending on the organism. In skeletal muscles, the waste product is lactic acid.
    This type of fermentation is called lactic acid fermentation. In yeast and plants,
    the waste products are ethanol and carbon dioxide. This type of fermentation is
    known as alcoholic or ethanol fermentation. The ATP generated in this process
    is made by substrate-level phosphorylation, which does not require oxygen.

    Fermentation is less efficient at using the energy from glucose since only 2 ATP
    are produced per glucose, compared to the 38 ATP per glucose produced by
    aerobic respiration. This is because the waste products of fermentation still

    contain plenty of energy. Glycolytic ATP, however, is created more quickly. 

    Applications of anaerobic respiration

    Some food products and drinks are produced by using anaerobic microorganisms:
    - Production of beer
    - Production of wine 
    - Production of yoghurt
    - Production of cheese

    - Production of bread

    In the bread-making process, it is the yeast that undergoes cellular respiration.
    Anaerobic respiration also known as fermentation helps to produce beer and
    wine and happens without the presence of oxygen. During bread production,
    yeast starts off respiring aerobically, creating carbon dioxide and water and
    helping the dough rise. After the oxygen runs out, anaerobic respiration begins,
    although the alcohol produced during this process, ethanol, is lost through
    evaporation when the bread is exposed to high temperatures during baking.

    Yeast is crucial to making those soft, puffy loaves of bread and creating the
    deep, craggy holes popular to traditional European breads, such as baguettes.
    Yeast works as a leavening agent in bread, changing the sugars in dough into
    gas, which creates the bubbles in the loaves. The longer the yeast is allowed
    to work in the bread, this is the rising period of bread making and the more
    flavorful the bread. However, because yeast will eventually switch from aerobic
    to anaerobic respiration, the yeast will run out of nutrition of oxygen. When the

    bread is left to rise too long, the dough will slowly start to deflate.

    To speed up the rising process, increase the sugar content, as well as add in
    small amounts of vinegar, which encourages cellular respiration or fermentation
    in the yeast. When you bake the bread after it has risen sufficiently, the cellular
    respiration process stops, and the bubbles produced during the process are

    preserved, making the holes in the bread.

    The complete oxidation of glucose produces the energy estimated at 686 Kcal.
    Under the condition that exists inside most of the cells, the production of a
    standard amount of ATP from ADP absorbs about 7.3 Kcal. Glucose molecule
    can theoretically generate up to 38 ATP molecules in aerobic respiration. The

    efficiency of aerobic respiration (EAER) is calculated as follows: 

    This result indicates that the efficiency of aerobic respiration equals 40%. The
    remainder of the energy (around 60%) is lost from the cell as heat.

    Due to the fact that anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP, the efficiency of

    anaerobic respiration is less than that of aerobic respiration. 

    It is calculated as follows: 

    Oxygen debt
    Standing still, the person absorbs oxygen at the resting rate of 0.2 dm3min−1.
    (This is a measure of the person’s metabolic rate). When exercise begins,
    more oxygen is needed to support aerobic respiration in the person’s muscles,
    increasing the overall demand to 2.5 dm3min−1. However, it takes four minutes for
    the heart and lungs to meet this demand, and during this time lactic fermentation
    occurs in the muscles. Thus the person builds up an oxygen deficit. For the next
    three minutes, enough oxygen is supplied. When exercise stops, the person
    continues to breathe deeply and absorb oxygen at a higher rate than when
    at rest. This post-exercise uptake of extra oxygen, which is ‘paying back’ the
    oxygen deficit, is called the oxygen debt. The oxygen is needed for:
    - Conversion of lactate to glycogen in the liver
    - Re oxygenation of haemoglobin in the blood
    - A high metabolic rate, as many organs are operating at above resting


    The presence of the lactic acid is sometimes described as an ‘ oxygen debt’.
    This is because significant quantities of lactic acid can only be removed
    reasonably quickly by combining with oxygen. However, the lactic acid was
    only formed due to lack of sufficient oxygen to release the required energy to
    the muscle tissue via aerobic respiration. Lactic acid can accumulate in muscle
    tissue that continues to be over-worked. Eventually, so much lactic acid can
    build-up that the muscle ceases working until the oxygen supply that it needs
    has been replenished. To repay such an oxygen debt, the body must take in
    more oxygen in order to get rid of the additional unwanted waste product lactic


    Muscle cramps
    A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not
    relax. Muscle cramps can occur in any muscle; cramps of the leg muscles and
    feet are particularly common.

    Almost everyone experiences a muscle cramp at some time in their life. There
    are a variety of types and causes of muscle cramps. Muscle cramps may occur

    during exercise, at rest, or at night, depending upon the exact cause. 

    Overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain or simply holding a position
    for a prolonged period can cause a muscle cramp. In many cases, however, the
    cause isn’t known.

    Although most muscle cramps are harmless, some may be related to an
    underlying medical condition, such as:

    - Inadequate blood supply. Narrowing of the arteries that deliver blood to
    your legs (arteriosclerosis of the extremities) can produce cramp-like pain
    in your legs and feet while you’re exercising. These cramps usually go
    away soon after you stop exercising.
    - Nerve compression. Compression of nerves in your spine (lumbar stenosis)
    also can produce cramp-like pain in your legs. The pain usually worsens
    the longer you walk. Walking in a slightly flexed position such as you would
    use when pushing a shopping cart ahead of you may improve or delay the
    onset of your symptoms.
    - Mineral depletion. Too little potassium, calcium or magnesium in your diet
    can contribute to leg cramps. Diuretics or medications often prescribed
    for high blood pressure also can deplete these minerals. 

    Application activity 1.1

    The figure below accounts the energy yield per glucose molecule breakdown
    during cellular respiration in different cell organelles. Study it carefully and
    answer questions that follow:

    i) Where do the process labeled A and B take place in the cell?
    ii) Account for the total energy yield (ATP) per glucose molecule
    breakdown during cellular respiration.
    iii) What are the uses of energy produced during cellular respiration?
    iv) What would happen to the total energy yield if glucose molecule
    increases or decrease?
    v) A student-teacher regularly runs 3 km each afternoon at a slow,
    leisurely pace. One day, student–teacher runs 1 km as fast as she/he
    can. Afterward, student-teacher is winded and feels pain in her chest

    and leg muscles. What is responsible for her symptoms?

    1.2. Photosynthesis
    Activity 1.2

    Leaves and photosynthesis

    Materials: test tubes, 500-mL beaker, potted houseplant with runners,
    such as a spider plant, or a water plant (e.g., Elodea); wood splint; secured

    Bunsen burner. 

    Procedure / protocol:

    – Fill a 500-mL beaker with 400 mL of water.
    – Fill a test tube with water and, without spilling, turn it upsidedown into
    the water in the beaker. If an air bubble remains in the test tube, repeat
    the procedure until there is no bubble or until the bubble is as small as
    – Place the other test tube in the beaker repeating the steps above.
    – Carefully place a spider-plant runner or sprig of a water plant into one
    of the test tubes, as shown in the setup below and leave the other test

    tube filled with water only.

    Leave the apparatus in bright sunlight or under a spotlight until there is
    almost no water left in the tube containing the plant. Observe the test tubes
    every 15 min over several hours.
    i) What happened to the glowing splint when it was lowered into the
    test tube? Write the observation.
    ii) What gas collected in the test tube?
    iii) How do you know that the gas came from the plant?
    iv) In which step does the gas mentioned above is produced?
    1.2.1. Autotrophic nutrition
    Autotrophic nutrition is a process by which living organisms make their own
    food. This process is carried out by photoautotrophs like green plants, green
    algae and green bacteria; and chemoautotrophs. Living organisms which make
    their own food are called autotrophs, while others, including humans, which

    cannot make their own food but depend on autotrophs, are called heterotrophs.

    a. Types of autotrophic nutrition
    There are two types of autotrophic nutrition such as chemoautotrophic and

    photoautotrophic nutrition.

    a. 1 Chemoautotrophic nutrition
    It is an autotrophic nutrition where organisms (mainly bacteria) get energy from
    oxidation of chemicals, mainly inorganic substances like hydrogen sulphide and


    a.2 Photoautotrophic nutrition
    It is an autotrophic nutrition where organisms get energy from sunlight and
    convert it into sugars. Green plants and some bacteria like green Sulphur
    bacteria can make their own food from simple inorganic substances by a process
    called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process by which, autotrophs make
    their own food by using inorganic substances in presence of light energy and
    The function of thylakoids is to hold the chlorophyll molecules in a suitable
    position for trapping the maximum amount of light. A typical chloroplast contains
    approximatively 60 grana, each consisting of about 50 thylakoids. The space
    outside the thylakoid membranes are made by watery matrix called stroma. The

    stroma contains enzymes responsible for photosynthesis.

    Note: Photosynthetic prokaryotes have no chloroplasts, but thylakoids often
    occur as extensions of the plasma membrane and are arranged around the

    periphery of the prokaryotic cell. 

    b. Chlorophyll
    It is a sunlight- absorbing pigment, and it actually gets its green color because
    it absorbs bleue and red wavelengths of light.
    Structure of chlorophyll
    The chlorophyll molecule is made of atoms of Carbon and Nitrogen joined in
    a complex porphyrin ring containing an atom of Magnesium in the center of
    the ring. The chlorophyll also has long hydrophobic carbon tail of 20 carbon
    atoms (phytol) which hold it in the thylakoid membrane. In short, the chlorophyll

    consists of a porphyrin ring and a phytol tail. 

    The chlorophyll a differs from the chlorophyll b in that: the porphyrin of the
    chlorophyll a has the methyl group (-CH3) as a functional group, which is
    replaced by an aldehyde group (-CHO) for chlorophyll b.

    The difference between the chlorophyll a and the chlorophyll b shifts the
    wavelength of light absorbed and reflected by chlorophyll b, so that the

    chlorophyll b is yellow-green, whereas the chlorophyll a is bright-green.

    Adaptations for photosynthesis
    By considering both external and internal structures of the leaf, we can recognize

    several adaptations for photosynthesis.

    Note: when stomata are opened, the rate of photosynthesis may be 10 to 20
    times as fast as the maximum rate of respiration. If the stomata are closed,
    photosynthesis still can continue, using CO2 produced during cell respiration.

    The equilibrium can be reached between photosynthesis and cell respiration.

    Photosynthesis uses CO2 from respiration, and respiration uses Oxygen from
    photosynthesis. However, the rate of photosynthesis under these circumstances
    will be much slower than when an external source of CO2 is available. The
    stomata cannot remain closed indefinitely, they have to be open in order to

    maintain transpiration of the plant.

    1.2.2. Mechanism of photosynthesis

    The process of photosynthesis occurs through two main stages such as:

    - The light-dependent reactions: which take place in thylakoids, and

    - The light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle): which take place in stroma.

    A. The light-dependent reactions
    They require light energy and occur in thylakoids. They produce Oxygen gas

    and convert ADP and NADP+ into ATP and NADPH. 

     The light-dependent reactions involve the following steps:

    a. Absorption and action spectra

    In addition to water and CO2, photosynthesis requires light and chlorophyll.
    The chlorophyll pigment is found in the chloroplasts. The light that our eyes
    perceive as white light is a mixture of different wavelengths. Most of them are
    visible to our eyes and make up the visible spectrum. Our eyes see different
    wavelengths of visible spectrum as different colors (violet, blue, green, yellow,
    orange and red) except indigo which is not visible to our eyes. Plants absorb
    the light energy by using molecules called pigments such as: chlorophyll a,
    chlorophyll b, carotene (orange) and xanthophyll (yellow) but chlorophyll a
    is the principle pigment in photosynthesis. 

    The chlorophyll absorbs light very well in blue-violet and red regions of visible
    spectrum. However, chlorophyll does not absorb well the green light; instead it
    allows the green light to be reflected. That is why young leaves and other parts

    of the plants containing large amount of chlorophyll appear green. 

    The chlorophyll a as a principle and abundant pigment, it is directly involved
    in light reactions of photosynthesis. Other pigments (chlorophyll b, carotene,
    xanthophyll and phaeophytin) are accessory pigments. They absorb light
    colours that chlorophyll a cannot absorb, and this enables plants to capture

    more energy from light.

    The amount of energy that the pigment can absorb from the light depends on
    its intensity and its wavelengths. So, the greater the intensity of light, the greater
    amount of energy will be absorbed by the pigment in a given time.

    Photosynthesis begins when the chlorophyll a in photosystem II absorbs light at
    different wavelengths of light.

    - When the light energy hits the chlorophyll a, the light energy is absorbed
    by its electrons, by raising their energy level.
    - These electrons with high potential energy (electrons with sufficient
    quantum energy) are passed to the electron-transport chain.
    - Excited electrons are taken up by an electron acceptor (NADP+: oxidized
    Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate), and pass along electron
    transfer chain from photosystem II to the photosystem I. (Note: The
    photosystems are the light-collecting units of the chloroplast).

    b. Enzymes in thylakoids and light absorbed by photosystem II

    Enzymes in thylakoids and light absorbed by photosystem II are used to break

    down a water molecule into energized electrons, hydrogen ions H+, and Oxygen.

    - Oxygen produced is released to be used by living things in respiration.
    - Electrons and H+ from photolysis of water are used to reduce NADP+ to

    NADPH (Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate).

    - The light-dependent reactions also allow generation of ATP (Adenosine
    Triphosphate) by adding inorganic phosphate to ADP+ (Adenosine


    Generally, the light-dependent reactions use light energy, ADP, Pi, NADP+ and

    water to produce ATP, NADPH and Oxygen. Or simply:

    Both ATP and NADPH are energy carriers which provide energy to sugars

    (energy containing sugars) in Light-independent reactions.

    c. Photophosphorylation

    The fixation of Pi to ADP+ to form ATP is called photophosphorylation.
    Photophosphorylation can be done into two processes: cyclic
    photophosphorylation, and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

    Cyclic photophosphorylation

    It involves only photosystem I and not photosystem II. There is no production of
    NADPH and no release of Oxygen. When the light hits the chlorophyll in PSI,

    the light-excited electron leaves the molecule.

    This light-excited electron is taken up by an electron acceptor which passes
    it along an electron transfer chain (a series of electron carriers) until it returns
    to the chlorophyll molecule that it left (cyclic process). As an excited electron
    moves along an electron transfer chain, it loses energy which will be used
    for the synthesis of ATP from ADP+ and inorganic phosphate in the process
    called chemiosmosis. Electron carriers can vary, but the principle includes the


    Non-cyclic photophosphorylation

    It is the main route of ATP synthesis. It is done in the following steps:
    - When the photosystem II (in chlorophyll) absorbs light, an electron is
    excited to a higher energy level and captured by the primary electron
    - Enzymes extract electrons from a water molecule replacing each electron
    that the chlorophyll molecule lost when absorbed light energy. This reaction
    dissociates a water molecule into hydrogen ions (2H+) and Oxygen which
    is released for animals’ respiration.
    - Excited electron moves from the primary electron acceptor of photosystem 
    II to photosystem I, via an electron transport chain.
    - When excited electron moves from the primary electron acceptor of
    photosystem II to photosystem I, via an electron transport chain its energy
    level lowers. The energy removed is used to synthesize ATP from ADP and
    Pi in a process called: Non-cyclic phosphorylation.
    - The hydrogen ions (2H+) produced from dissociation of water molecule
    combines with NADP+ to form NADPH2.
    - Both ATP and NADPH2 will be used in the light-independent reactions
    (Calvin cycle) for synthesis of sugars. 

    The significance of the cyclic phosphorylation

    Non-cyclic photophosphorylation produces ATP and NADPH in equal quantities,
    but the Calvin cycle consumes more ATP than NADPH. The concentration of
    NADPH in a chloroplast may determine which pathway (cyclic versus noncyclic)
     electrons pass through.

    If a chloroplast runs low on ATP for the Calvin cycle, NADPH will accumulate as
    the cycle slows down. The rise of NADPH may stimulate a shift from non-cyclic
    (which produces ATP only) to cyclic electron pathway until ATP supply catches

    with the demand. 

    Table 1.2: Comparison between Non-cyclic and cyclic


    B. The light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle)

    The light-independent reactions occur in stroma, and consist of reducing CO2
    into sugars by using ATP and NADPH both coming from light-dependent
    reactions in thylakoids. The Calvin cycle involves three main stages such as:
    - Carbon fixation in form of CO2.
    - Carbon reduction from CO2 to glucose.

    - Regeneration of RuBP.

    a) Carbon fixation (Carboxylation) in form of CO2
    The Calvin cycle begins with a 5-Carbon sugar phosphate called Riburose-1,
    5 biphosphate (RuBP) which fixes the CO2 from air. This reaction is catalyzed
    by an enzyme called RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase (RUBISCO), which makes
    up about 30% of the total protein of the leaf, so it is probably one of the most

    common proteins on the Earth. 

    The combination of RuBP and CO2 results in a theoretic 6-carbon compound
    which is highly unstable. It immediately splits into two molecules of 3-carbon
    known as phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) or glycerate 3-phosphate, or


    b) Carbon reduction from CO2 to glucose
    With energy from ATP and reducing power from NADPH, the phosphoglyceric
    acid is reduced into 3carbon molecules known as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

    or phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL). 

    Each molecule of PGA receives an additional phosphate group from ATP,
    becoming 1, 3-biphosphoglycerate, and a pair of electrons and H+ from NADPH
    reduces the carboxyl group of 3-phosphoglycerate to the aldehyde group of

    PGAL which stores more potential energy. 

    ATP gives one phosphate group becoming ADP+, and NADPH gives H+ and
    electrons to become NADP+. Both ADP+ and NADP+ will be used again in light
    dependent reactions.

    With 6 turns of Calvin cycle, the plant cell fixes 6CO2 molecules which are used
    to synthesize 2 molecules of PGAL which leave the cycle and combine to make

    one molecule of glucose or fructose. This glucose can be converted into:

     Sucrose: when Oxygen combined with fructose. It is a form by which
    carbohydrates are transported in plants.
    - Polysaccharides like starch for energy storage, and cellulose for structural
    - Amino acids when combined with nitrates,
    - Nucleic acids when Oxygen combined with phosphates, and

    - Lipids.

    c) Regeneration of RuBP
    The remaining ten 3-carbon molecules (PGAL) are converted back into six
    5-carbon molecules, ready to fix other CO2 molecules for the next cycle. The

    light-independent reactions can be summarized as: 

    Other carbon dioxide fixation pathways (C4 CAM)
    The most common pathway combines one molecule of CO2 with a 5-carbon
    sugar called ribulose biphosphate (RuBP). The enzyme which catalyzes this
    reaction (nicknamed “Rubisco”) is the most abundant enzyme on earth! The
    resulting 6-carbon molecule is unstable, so it immediately splits into two
    3-carbon molecules. The 3 carbon compound which is the first stable molecule

    of this pathway gives this largest group of plants the name “C-3 plants”

    Dry air, hot temperatures, and bright sunlight slow the C-3 pathway for carbon
    fixation. This is because stomata, which normally allow CO2 to enter and O2
    to leave, must close to prevent loss of water vapor. Closed stomata lead to
    a shortage of CO2. Two alternative pathways for carbon fixation demonstrate
    biochemical adaptations to differing environments. Plants such as corn solve

    the problem by using a separate compartment to fix CO2

    Here CO2 combines with a 3-carbon molecule, resulting in a 4-carbon molecule.
    Because the first stable organic molecule has four carbons, this adaptation has
    the name C-4. Shuttled away from the initial fixation site, the 4-carbon molecule
    is actually broken back down into CO2, and when enough accumulates, Rubisco

    fixes it a second time! 

    In some temperate plants such as wheat, rice, potato and bean only Calvin cycle
    occurs. Such plants are called C-3 plants. While in some other plants dual
    carboxylation takes place: (1) carboxylation of phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) and
    (2) carboxylation of RuBP. Such plants are called C-4 plants e.g. maize, sugar
    cane and sorghum. In these, the first product formed during carbon dioxide
    fixation is a four carbon compound oxalo acetic acid (OAA). C-4 plants have
    special type of leaf anatomy called Kranz Anatomy. They have special large cells
    around vascular bundles called bundle sheath cells. These are characterized
    by having large number of chloroplasts, thick walls and no intercellular spaces.
    The shape, size and arrangement of thylakoids in chloroplasts are also different
    in bundle sheath cell as compared to mesophyll cell chloroplasts.

    The pathway followed by C-4 plants is called C-4 cycle or Hatch and Slack
    This was discovered by Hatch and Slack in sugar cane. The primary
    CO2 acceptor is a 3-carbon molecule phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP). The reaction
    is catalyzed by PEP carboxylase or PEP case in mesophyll cell chloroplast.
    It forms 4-carbon compounds like OAA, malic acid or aspartate, which are
    transported to the bundle sheath cells. In bundle sheath cells, these acids are
    broken down to release CO2 and 3-carbon molecule. The 3-carbon molecule
    is transported back to mesophyll cells and converted to PEP again, while CO2
    enters into C-3 cycle to form sugars. C-4 plants are more efficient than C-3
    plants as in C-4 plants, photosynthesis can occur at low concentration CO2
    and photorespiration is negligible or absent.

    Cacti and succulent (water-storing) plants such as the jade plant avoid water
    loss by fixing CO2 only at night. These plants close their stomata during the
    day and open them only in the cooler and more humid nighttime hours. Leaf
    structure differs slightly from that of C-4 plants, but the fixation pathways are
    similar. The family of plants in which this pathway was discovered gives the
    pathway its name, Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, or CAM. All carbon
    fixation pathways lead to the Calvin cycle to build sugar. 

    The CAM pathway is similar to the C4 pathway in that carbon dioxide is first
    incorporated into organic intermediates before it enters the Calvin cycle. The
    difference is that in C4 plants, the initial steps of carbon fixation are
    separated structurally from the Calvin cycle whereas in CAM plants, the
    two steps occur at separate times.

    The CAM pathway and the C4 pathway compared

    The table 1.3: Comparison between C3 and C4 plants


    In most plants, initial fixation of carbon occurs via Rubisco, the Calvin cycle
    enzyme that adds CO2 to ribulose biphosphate. Such plants are called C3
    plants because the first organic product is a three carbon organic compound,
    PGA. These plants produce less food when their stomata close on hot and dry

    The declining level of CO2 in the leaf starves the Calvin cycle. Making matter
    worse, Rubisco can accept O2 in place of CO2. As O2 concentration overtakes
    CO2 concentration within the air space, Rubisco adds O2 instead of CO2. The
    product splits and one piece, a two-carbon compound is exported from the

    chloroplast. Mitochondria then break the two-carbon molecule into CO2

    The process is called photorespiration because it occurs in presence of
    light (photo) and consumes O2 (respiration). However, unlike normal cellular
    respiration, photorespiration generates no ATP, and unlike photosynthesis,
    photorespiration generates no food. In fact, photorespiration decreases

    photosynthetic output by using material from the Calvin cycle.

    Application activity 1.2

    The diagram below illustrates photosynthesis process. Write each of the
    following terms on the correct numbered line. Then answer the questions
    that follow.
    Carbon Dioxide        Glucose       Oxygen    Water

    i) In photosynthesis, establish an equation of substrate with substances
    ii) What would happen if substance labeled in 1 and 4 are absent? Justify
    your answer.

    iii) Explain how photosynthesis and respiration are interdependent?

    1.3. Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis

    Activity 1.3

    1. When beans are grown under banana trees, the farmers record poor
    harvest. Explain why?

    2. Make a research to find out how each of the following factors can
    affect the rate of photosynthesis: Temperature – Light intensity –

    Concentration of CO2 – Amount of water 

    The photosynthesis rate varies with the species but also varies within individuals
    for a same species; this varies under the influence of certain external factors
    which are: the temperature, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, light intensity

    and soil humidity.

    a. Temperature

    Photosynthesis is an enzyme-controlled process. At very low temperatures the
    rate of photosynthesis is slow because the enzymes are inactive. As temperature
    increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases because the enzymes become
    more active. Rate of photosynthesis is optimum at (35-40) °C. Beyond 40°C
    the rate of photosynthesis decreases and eventually stops since the enzymes

    become denatured.

    b. CO2 concentration in the atmosphere
    While the concentration of carbon (IV) oxide in the atmosphere is fairly constant
    at 0.03%, an increase in carbon (IV) oxide concentration translates into an
    increase in the rate of photosynthesis upto a certain point when the rate of
    photosynthesis becomes constant. At this point, other factors such as light

    intensity, water and temperature become limiting factors.

    The photosynthetic rate is zero in place lacking CO2, it increases with the
    increase concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and reaches an optimum

    ranging between 5 and 8%CO2 concentration. 

    c. Light intensity

    The rate at of photosynthesis increases with an increase in light intensity up to
    a certain level. Beyond the optimum light intensity, the rate of photosynthesis
    becomes constant. To this effect, plants photosynthesize faster on bright and
    sunny days than on dull cloudy days.

    Light quality/wavelength also affects the rate of photosynthesis. Most plants
    require red and blue wavelengths of light for photosynthesis. Light duration also

    affects photosynthesis rate

    The photosynthesis rate is low during night, it increases when the light intensity
    increases but the optimum varies according to the plants. 

    d. Availability of water for the plant

    The photosynthesis rate is low when the soil is dry, it increases when the content
    of water increases for the terrestrial plants, and for the aquatic plants it remains
    constant as long as they are fixed in water.

    Note: The limiting factors work together to influence the rate of photosynthesis

    Application activity 1.3

    Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis.
    Materials Required:

    Elodea plant, glass rod, sodium bicarbonate.


    Take a fresh, healthy twig of Elodea plant with one end intact and tie it
    gently to a glass rod. Put the glass rod with plant in a boiling tube containing
    water and add 1mg/mL sodium bicarbonate and keep it in moderate light
    condition. Note the numbers of bubbles escaping from cut end per minute.
    Again add same amount of sodium bicarbonate and note the number of
    bubbles escaping from cut end per minute. Do you find number of bubbles
    increasing? Repeat this step until bubbles escaping per minute do not
    increase. Then take set up under high light intensity and note the numbers

    of bubbles.

    1. What is the observation made when the mass of sodium bicarbonate
    was increased?
    2. What is your observation if the set up is under high light intensity?

    1.4. Importance of photosynthesis

    Activity 1.4

    The following diagram shows the link that exists between plant and animals.

    Observe the diagram and use it to answer the related questions.

    i) What do the animals receive from the plant and what do the plants
    receive from the animal on the diagram above?
    ii) Discuss how the relation between plants and animals are
    iii) Suggest the role of aquatic plants to aquatic life of animals.
    Autotrophic nutrition is a process by which living organisms (autotrophs:
    photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs) make their own food. The autotrophism
    is very essential as it allows production of Oxygen and food for not only
    themselves but also for heterotrophs. The roles of autotrophic nutrition include:

    a. Independence of green plants from other living organisms

    This importance relates to their capacity for synthesizing organic molecules from
    glucose produced by CO2 and water, this completely make them independents

    of the other living organisms to the nutrition point of view.

    b. Energy storage

    The autotrophs like green plants, by the process of photosynthesis synthesize
    certain substances like the glucose, cellulose, starch… which are variables

    sources of energy.

    b. Energy storage

    The autotrophs like green plants, by the process of photosynthesis synthesize
    certain substances like the glucose, cellulose, starch… which are variables
    sources of energy.

    c. Production of Ofor the living organisms’ respiration

    The oxygen produced by the photosynthesis is necessary for the living organisms’
    respiration. Thus without photosynthesis, no oxygen can be produced; without

    oxygen no respiration; without respiration no life on Earth.

    d. Cleaning the atmosphere

    Photoautotrophs absorb carbon dioxide from surrounding air, and release
    Oxygen (produced by photosynthesis) in atmosphere.

    e. Formation of Ozone layer

    Ozone layer is a thick layer in the atmosphere which is formed Ozone
    molecule (O3). Oxygen atoms which make ozone molecule are produced by
    photosynthesis. Ozone layer protects the Earth from high solar radiations, and
    this allows the existence of the life on the Earth.

    Synthesis of the organic substances: food for the heterotrophs (animal and
    mushrooms). The organic substances produced by photosynthesis are the food
    for the heterotrophs which are unable to synthesize these substances by their
    own means.
    Application activity 1.4

    (a) A well watered potted bean plant was destarched by putting it in the dark
    for 36 hours. Three of its leaves were smeared with Vaseline as follows: leaf
    I on both sides; leaf II on the lower surface only; leaf III on the upper surface
    only. All the other leaves were left untreated. The plant was then placed in
    sunlight for eight hours after which an iodine test for starch was carried out.

    The observation was as follows:

    Leaf I-brown colour; Leaf II-slight blue-black stain; Leaf III-intense blueblack stain; 
    Leaf IV (untreated leaf)-very intense blue-black stain. Explain

    these observations.

    (b) A student carried out an investigation to show how light intensity affected
    the rate of photosynthesis for a water plant, Elodea. The student used a test
    containing water plant immersed in water at different light intensity. After 5
    minutes of each experiment, the student counted the number of bubbles.

    The results are shown in the following table. 

    Plot a suitable graph for the result of experiment.

    Explain the results recorded between 0.25 Cd and 0.75 Cd of light intensity

    Skills Lab 1

    Automobiles and machines must be supplied with gasoline or electricity
    as a source of energy before they can move. Your muscles require energy
    in the form of ATP to contract. Muscles can produce ATP by using oxygen
    (aerobic respiration) or not using it (anaerobic respiration). Anaerobic
    respiration in muscle cells produces lactic acid. When muscles do a lot
    of work quickly, the buildup of lactic acid reduces their ability to contract
    until exhaustion eventually sets in and contraction stops altogether. This is

    called muscle fatigue.

    Materials: clothespin, timer
    - Hold a clothespin in the thumb and index finger of your dominant
    - Count the number of times you can open and close the clothespin in
    a 20-s period while holding the other fingers of the hand straight out.
    Make sure to squeeze quickly and completely to get the maximum
    number of squeezes for each trial.
    - Repeat this process for nine more 20-s periods, recording theresult
    for each trial in a suitable table. Do not rest your fingers between
    - Repeat the procedure for the nondominant hand. 
    a) What happened to your strength as you progressed through each
    b) Describe how your hand and fingers felt during the end of your trials.
    c) What factors might cause you to get more squeezes (to have less
    d) Were your results different for the dominant and then on dominant
    hand? Explain why they would be different.
    e) Your muscles would probably recover after 10 min of rest to operate
    at the original squeeze rate. Explain why.

    f) Prepare a suitable graph of anaerobic respiration your muscle. 

    End Unit Assessment 1
    1. What are the products of the light dependent reactions of
    a) ATP, RuBP and reduced NAD
    b) ATP, oxygen and reduced NADP
    c) GP, oxygen and reduced NAD
    d) GP, reduced NADP and RuBP
    2. Before the Krebs cycle can proceed,
    pyruvic acid must be converted

    a) Citric acid
    b) Glucose
    c) Acetyl-CoA
    d) Glucose
    e) NADH
    3. The net number of ATP made directly by glycolysis is
    a) 2
    b) 4
    c) 32
    d) 38
    4. Cellular respiration is similar to photosynthesis in that they both
    a) Produce ATP
    b) Involve chemiosmosis
    c) Make phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL)
    d) All of the above
    5. By accepting electrons and protons, the oxygen used in aerobic
    respiration turns into 
    a) CO2
    b) H2O
    c) C6H12O6
    d) ATP
    6. The Krebs cycle occurs in the
    a) Cytosol
    b) Outer mitochondrial membrane
    c) Mitochondrial matrix
    d) Space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membrane 
    7. During each turn of the Krebs cycle,
    a) Two CO2 molecules are produced
    b) Two ATP molecules are consumed
    c) Pyruvic acid combines with oxaloacetic acid
    d) Glucose combines with a four-carbon molecule.
    8. Most of the ATP synthesized in aerobic respiration is made
    a) During glycolysis
    b) Through fermentation
    c) In the cytosol

    d) Through chemiosmosis

    9. Where does each stage of aerobic respiration occur in a eukaryotic


    10. The diagram summarises how glucose can be used to produce ATP,

    without the use of oxygen.

    Which compounds are represented by the letters X, Y and Z ?

    11. a. Copy and complete the table to show the differences between
    mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in C4 plants. Insert a tick (x) when

    an item is present in the cell and a cross (√) when it is not.

    b. Explain what is meant by photorespiration.
    12. a. Explain what is meant by a limiting factor.
    b. List four factors that may be rate-limiting in photosynthesis.
    c. At low light intensities, increasing the temperature has little effect
    on the rate of photosynthesis. At high light intensities, increasing
    the temperature increases the rate of photosynthesis. Explain these
