Key Unit competence:

    Analyse the impact of science and technology on religious belief

    4.1. Meaning of science and technology

    Research and discovery are important for technological advancement

    The examination of the influence of science and technology on religious life
    demands a careful consideration. The study of both domains shows at the same
    time a relation of dependence and interdependence. Thus, an attend to find the
    meaning may reveal their resemblance and difference.

    The word ‘science’ implies at the same time the knowledge and the means to
    acquire the knowledge. It may also refer to the domain of study, a matter of
    investigation, observation or experiment. The application of science is common
    in everyday life aspects including health, transport, ecosystem, etc.

    Technology refers to the application of knowledge in order to solve a specific
    problem. The etymology of the concept shows the interdependence between
    science and technology. From two words; ‘techno’- meaning application, art or
    skills and ‘logy’ simply meaning science and/ or learning. Technology refers to
    the methods, techniques, tools and devices created and used by man to solve
    different problems (Younes & Al-Zoubi 2015:82). It may also denote the efforts
    and actions aiming at rendering the work easier and productive towards a better

    The science deals with the production of knowledge while technology applies
    the knowledge to solve problems. Equally, science may search for understanding
    the accuracy of technology in use so that it can generate theories for future
    developments (Kiyiki & Kiyiki 2007, pp. 47-48). Science is concerned with how
    and why things happen while technology focuses on making things happen
    (Waddell 2013).

    Religion comprises a set of beliefs and worship practices in reverence to
    a Supreme Being or deity. These beliefs and worship are transmitted into a
    socio-cultural system of a given society implying a system of values, behaviours,
    norms and moral ethics, etc. The religious life permits to hold a worldview. The
    relationship between religion and science depends on the uses of science in
    the spread of religious values to the large number of people and large space.
    Another consideration may involve the value that religion accords to science
    and technology. Religion defines norms and values to be maintained in the
    society like courage, commitment, promptness. Thus, science and technology
    are supported and vulgarised by a religious viewpoint. The relationship may be
    independence, contact and union (Stanford Encyclopaedia Philosophy 2017).
    Generally, science and religion find the common interest in the study of the

    created world.

    4.2 Controversy on scientific and technological

    advancement on human life and religious teachings

    The science and technology have a great impact on the religious cannot be
    overlooked. However, the views differ regarding the contribution of science and
    technology in various domains of human life. On the other hand, their pressure
    imposed on the human behaviour is deemed to lead to decline of the society
    (Younes & Al-Zoubi 2015: 82). Thus, the impact science and technology on
    moral life opens to a great debate. Despite the countless opportunities offered
    by technology in various domains, views differ regarding the side consequences
    of science and technology.

    The progress of development could not be possible without the contribution
    of science and technology. For instance, the modern life acknowledges the
    importance of technology in facilitating communication and rendering the
    world like one village. The development of the techniques of information has
    reduced the distances, save time and effort in terms of access to information
    and completion the transactions.

    However, the moderate view considers also the effects of the new technologies as
    leading to the decrease of the social and family ties. The religious fundamentalist
    belief denies any compromise between science, technology and religion. This
    view considers the modern technologies as abomination of Satan and that they
    have contributed to the deterioration of values and lack of ethics while others
    see it as a constructive means that we should take advantages of them (Younes
    & Al-Zoubi 2015, p. 84).

    There is a debate however concerning the complementarily and mutual
    interdependency between science, technology and religious life. Nevertheless,
    the abusive utilisation of the technology is said to lead to harmful and inhuman
    actions. For instance, the fabrication of nuclear weapons, artificial products,
    abortion, etc. has the negative effect on the human life and the natural creation.
    Thus, the controversy is to assess the relationship between religion, science
    and technology. Does religion contribute to science and technology and viceversa?
    Should religion be distinct from science and technology like two different
    masters that one cannot serve at the same time (Matthew 6: 24; Luke 20:
    25)? How science and technology may serve better for the religious and moral
    life? And inversely, how can religion promote the science and technological


    Swierstra (2017) notes three theories regarding the relationship religion,
    science and technology: descriptive, normative and voluntarism.

     The descriptive shows technology as working independently irrespective
    of the human influence.
     Inversely, the normative emphasizes the human choice to use technologies
    in positive or negative way. Technologies are considered neutre objects
    that can be manipulated by the human intention. As in the following
    illustration: “If someone kills another person using a hammer, one does
    not blame the hammer or its designer, only its user”.
     The voluntarism combines both descriptive and normative; it seeks the
    social factors in the technology use and development (pp 8-11).

    The question remains to assess the potentials of science and technology as
    well as the doubt on their side effects. Thus, the religious should evaluate
    their position in relation to the progress of science and technology and their
    destructive power on the human society. Linda (998: 384) notes the challenge of
    believers in the era with growing technology along with evolving autocratic. The
    author calls Christians to denounce the misuses of technology: speak against
    the abortion, the manipulation of life, behaviour and death’. They have also to act
    as peacemakers and overcome oppressive ideologies by the faith in the world

    where the technology is subjected to manipulations unethical purposes.

    4.3. Consequences of science and technology of

    information on social and moral life

    The development of science and technology has its side effect on natural,
    social and moral life that cannot be overlooked. These vary from individual to
    the community life. The inventory from Mohammad Bani Younes and Samer
    Al-Zoubi shows numerous negative impacts of the use of modern technology

    1. The formation of personal beliefs social isolation;
    2. Reduction in the family ties between the family and society members;
    3. Inactivity;
    4. Obesity;
    5. Lack of desire to work different kinetic activities;
    6. Waste of time in things that are not useful;
    7. Increase in the rate of violence especially in children because of watching
    violent programs, high crime rate because of spreading video clips
    presenting all kinds of these crimes and ways of committing them and
    8. The spread of lies and rumours causing distraction and loss of trust in
    such information (2015, pp 82-83). etc

    The excessive use of the new technology is susceptible to endanger the youth.
    The more people spend time on social media and chatting may reduce the
    concentration on tasks,
    which affects their future development. Aharon
    Hersh Fried and Chaim E. Fried (2019) note the effects of technology on the
    consciousness/awareness, interpersonal relations and communication, our
    respect for privacy, and our sensitivity to truth and not hurting others. Technology
    affects considerably the conscientiousness, concentration, awareness and
    attention as the four basic areas that are affected in using technology. The social
    media impose a hurry life hence resulting into the lack of the nice of language. In
    addition, the uncontrolled diffusion of information sometimes constitutes a threat
    against the human privacy, leading to the vulnerability. Thus, educating to the
    conscious use of science and technology becomes a necessity for constructive

    purpose (Younes & Al-Zoubi 2015, p. 83).

    4.4 Importance of science and technology to Religion

    The impact of science and technology on humankind has been transformative
    on many levels. In particular, the birth of the Internet and its use by society
    has changed the way people communicate, learn and understand the world.

    Alongside the consumer aspect of technology, the advances in science and
    technology have also made great changes in various aspects of life. The mastery
    of the technological tools becomes the essential of basic literacy.

    Technology is crucial to religious life as positive religious belief is central to the
    development of technology in any society. Religion is a philosophical thought
    that directs the human response, motivation and adequate choices to deal
    with challenges. Science and technology evolve from the religious foundation
    as means adopted by a given society. Thus, religion and technology find a
    coincidence and mutual facilitation. Although the challenges of technology are
    mostly observed in the use of media, smart phone, the benefits of technology
    in promoting religious life remain fundamental. The use of the internet, social
    media, smart phones, apps and cloud phone system essential tools for
    religious organizations. They enable members of the congregation access to
    sacred scriptures (Bible, Qur’an) and sources or information necessary for the
    strengthening of the faithful through the electronic system (Alleman 2018).

    Another consideration bases on the historical view on reciprocal influence of
    religion and science/technology. The foundation of the religious communities
    such as monasteries was based on both religious and science development.
    The schools started from monasteries, one among the community life was the
    link the prayer with work and vice-versa. The work is considered as a form of
    worship, and thus technology finds roots in efforts attempting the improvement
    of work (Austine 2019). The religious scriptures show the relevance of the
    science as fundamental value along with other virtues. For instance, the appeal
    from Peter calls at the dilegent search of science: “Now for this very reason
    also, apply all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your
    moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your
    self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your
    godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love” (2 Peter 1:


    4.5 End Unit Assessment


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