Key unit Competence

    By the end of this unit, student-teacher will be able to identify the components of Physical Education and Sports syllabus for primary schools.

    Introductory activity
    1.1   Rationale of Physical Education and Sports
    1.1 Rationale of Physical Education and Sports
    Activity 1.1

    In senior 1, 2 and 3 you performed Physical Education and Sports exercises and you developed better integration in groups, development of the value and development of personality dimensions (good will, courage, loyalty, etc…). You have also performed different games and you applied some basic rules for individuals and collective sports as planned in syllabus to be used in teaching of Physical Education and Sports.

    Physical   exercises   help    learners    to    develop    their    neuromuscular and intervene in biological maturation. It intervenes in correction of morphological malformation and physiological problems through  the process of doing regular exercises. It is also helps learners to be disciplined and have fair play, acquire knowledge and ability of concentration.

    Doing physical education and sports exercises provide benefits to the learners by fighting against cardio-vascular diseases. It is used to reduce stress, to strengthen our muscles and bodies. It is also providing for us a food health by being physically fit.

    Application Activity 1.1

    The games shown above are usually played by children between the ages of 4 and 12, with some latitude on both ends of the age range. These are the teaching points:

    a.  Jumping over the rope

    Organize learners in groups of 3; give each group long rope, one learner will jump first as the other two remaining act as rope turners; tell the learners to jump while entering the turning rope, they should stand besides; time the turning rope when it touches the floor; tell the rope turners to command the jumper ‘go’ each time the rope touch the floor; tell the jumper to concentrate on jumping in the centre of the rope while facing a turner; tell the jumper to exit the rope by facing and jumping toward one turner and exist immediately after jumping.

    b. In the water on the beach

    If the teacher say in the pupils jump in, on the beach they jump out. Teacher commands quickly, if a pupil does the opposite is put out of play, the winner is the one who will stay without making a mistake.

    c. Follow my hand

    This game aims at warming-up the whole body. During this game, the “followers” move after the “leaders” and try to keep their face at about 50 cm from the right hand of the leader whatever his/her position may be.

    Organization and rules of the game: Group learners into pairs, ask one learner from each pair to start the game by playing the role of leader, another partner of each group will start the game by playing the role of follower, explain and demonstrate.

    If teacher says: “go!” every follower tries to keep their face at about 50 centimeters from the right hand of the leader. Leaders move across the playground, raising and lowering their right hands in any direction. If teacher says: “stop” all followers switch roles to become leaders and bring their partners to right hand. Say “go!” and “stop!” in one or two minutes.

    Make sure learners are permanently paying attention to one another. Ask leaders to bring their partner with another part of the body. For example, all followers have to keep their face at 50 centimeters from left elbow of their partner, and so on.

    d. Hide-and-seek Game

    Description: Hide-and-seek, or hide-and-go-seek, is a popular children’s game in which any number of players conceal themselves in a set environment, to be found by one or more seekers. The game is played by one player chosen closing their eyes and counting to a predetermined number while the other players hide.

    e. Cat and mouse

    Ask for two volunteers to play the cat and the mouse. The other players should form a circle and hold hands. The player who is the mouse should stand inside the circle and the cat should stand outside the circle. The aim of the game is for the mouse to get outside the circle and avoid being caught by the cat.

    The mouse must stay moving while inside the circle but cannot stay inside the circle for more than 10 seconds. The cat cannot come into the circle but they can reach into the circle to grab the mouse.

    The circle players have to try and keep the cat away from the mouse by holding up their hands to let the mouse in and out of the circle. They can also block the cat’s attempts to grab the mouse by standing in their way.

    1.2 Physical Education and Sports activities

    Activity 1.2


    Physical Education and Sports activities, like games and exercises may be used by a teacher in order to warm up learners during learning and teaching process. During sports activities, learners may play games related to running, throwing balls, playing football, playing volleyball. Learners should also do exercises which may help them to warm up their body and exercises intended to recovering of energy used by the body after physical education and sports activities.

    Here are some warm up exercises (play based learning games and sports specifics games).

    •  Running
    • Jumping
    • Throwing and catching balls
    • Playing different games.

    1.3 Syllabus

    Activity 1.3

    1. Describe the image given below


    2. Go through the Physical Education and Sports and identify the components of its content

    3. Discuss the content distribution of Physical Education and Sports syllabus and make presentation of your findings.

    In teaching and learning process of Physical Education and sports, teacher uses a syllabus which describes the learning objectives, content and activities related to Physical Education and sports. This document provides guidance on teaching and assessment methodologies of physical education and sports. For primary schools, there is a syllabus for lower level and up level for Physical Education and Sports. In primary schools, there is a content distribution which in learned from primary one up to primary six:

         – Aerobic warm up exercises.

       – Gymnastic exercises alone and with others including jumping.

       – Exercises on prolonged inspiration, expiration, and relaxation of muscles in general.

        – Using basic gyminastic equipment for climbing: vaults and balance.

        – Exercises and games which develop intelligence, cooperation, social aspect and emotional control.

        – Different types of formations and hand-eye coordination.

       – Playing in teams adhering to the rules.

       – Exercises of rolling forward and backwards from different departure positions.

       – Exercises of jumping.

       – Exercises of running 70 to 100 meters at top speed.

       – Exercises of endurance race running.

       – Exercises of throwing.

       – Exercises of body coordination.

       – Exercises of basic football techniques for playing in team.

       – Exercises of basic football tactics for playing in team.

       – Exercises of passing, setting, blocking, and serving the ball using volleyball basic techniques.

       – Basic volleyball rules. Using basic volleyball equipment.

       – Receiving, holding, passing, dribbling, and shooting the ball in basketball.

       – Ten consecutive passes without the other team touching the ball.

       – Shooting the ball on target, develop body coordination.

    Application activity 1.3

    Apply/make the detailed content distribution of Physical Education and Sports in primary one and primary four.

    1.4 End unit assessment

    1. What is syllabus and its importance?

    2. Identify components of Physical Education and Sports syllabus

    3. Explain the following terms

    a. Sports

    b. Physical Education

    c. Game

    d. Play

    e. Syllabus

    f. Unit structure

    g. Rationale

    4. Discuss the purposes of doing Physical Education and Sports

    5. Brainstorm outdoor and indoor activities.

    6. Observe the image and answer whether is indoor or outdoor activity
