Introductory activity

     Kamali’s grandfather worked in a bank in 1980. He narrates that at that time 
    when a customer came to the bank, a bank staff had to get his/her booklet, 
    locate his/her information sheet which was kept in a box with other clients’ 
    information sheets and bring it to the teller. When a transaction was done 
    the information about that transaction was kept both in the booklet and the 
    customer information sheet. The teller had to count the money by hand and 
    give it to the customer. The bank’s staff had then to take back the customer 
    information sheet and put it again in its appropriate place.
     Visit the nearest bank of your home or school, and request to branch 

    manager some information about:

     a. How the bank process was done in the years 1980

    b. What are the dangers presented in that banking process stated in question 1?

    c. What are the common ICT tools used at banks in these days?
    d. How the current banking system corrected the problems that 
    were in the old banking system.

    8.1 Counting machines
    Activity 8.1
      Kamanzi is a company owner whose activities are carried out in East Africa 
    and China. At the end of the day the company’s headquarter have to count 
    the received money and deposit it to the company’s accounts.
     1) If at the end of the day this company has hundreds of millions to 
    count, what are the tools that they will use to ease this task?
    2) State the process of using the tool given in questions 1)

    3) Give at least the parts of the tool you have given.
    A counting machine or more precisely a currency counting machine is a machine 
    that counts money. They are in different types namely bank note only counters, 
    banknote and coin counters, coin sorters, coin counters. All these machines 
    have many advantages including among others saving time and resources, 
    fighting counterfeited notes, increased accuracy in accounting and facilitating 

    the keeping book of accounts.

     8.1.1.Banknotes only counters
     These are devices which can count bank notes only. Most of the counters need 
    to be fed with sorted notes for counting to be properly done meaning that they 
    can count only same value bills at the same time. However more advanced 
    counters can identify different bill and provide a total currency value of mixed 

    banknotes, including those that are upside down. 

    NB: There are devices which can count both coins and banknotes. These are 
    called Banknotes and coins counters.
    . Parts of a banknote counter
     Apart from the external frame, a banknote counter has different part which are 

    seen from outside of which are not visible as they are encased inside.

     B. Using a counter
     A billing machine is used in the following process :
     • The billing machine has first to be plugged to the power source using 
    its powercable then switched on. If the billing machine has a battery, it 
    can be operated without being plugged to the power source.
     • Select the function that the counter will perform
     • Place the bank notes in the appropriate tray
     • Press the start button for the counting operation to start

    i). Some of a counter’s functions

     A counter has functions which facilitate how it is utilized by a user. Some of the 
    basic functions are:

     Currency Code:
    After the machine is turned on, the currency kind is displayed 
    on the screen. To change the current currency press “CURRENCY” key to 
    choose a new currency.
    Counting Mode: There are different counting mode which are selected by 
    pressing the MODE button. One example of counting is batch in which the user 
    specifies the number of notes to count say 100 notes.

     ii). Counter basic maintenance 

    A counter may have slight problems that don’t need deep competences in order 
    to sort them out. Those problems can be prevented in this way:
     • Clean regularly the counter for optimal performance. This cleaning 
    includes that of the hopper and stacker which has to be done using a brush
    Clean the banknote pathway using a soft brush or a dry soft lint free cloth 
    • Occurrence of error during banknotes counting can be solved by doing 
    one of these depending on the kind of error: Removing the banknote, 

    cleaning the counter’s sensors.

    8.1.2.Coin sorters and coin counters
     Coin sorters are devices used to arrange coins into separate groups according 
    to their denominations. These devices are commonly specific for coins of specific 
    countries as the size of coins may vary depending on countries. Some sorters 
    have screens which show the number of the coins that passed through it.
    As its name suggest, a coin counter on the other hand is used to count the value 

    of coins. However some of these devices both sort and count coins at the same 
    time or count only presorted coins that are all the same size. Most counters use 
    bowl with flat spinning disks at the bottom of the bowl to distribute the coins 
    around the bowl perimeter. At the bottom of that bowl there is an opening which 
    allows the passing of one coin at a time. These coins then pass through a light 
    beam counter or are pushed through a spring loaded cam that accepts only one 

    coin at a time.

    Application activity 8.1
     1) What is a banknotes counter?
     2) What are the different parts of a banknotes counter?
     3) By doing a research identify the internal parts of a banknote only counter
     4) By doing a research on the internet find at least 5 different banknotes 
    counters and their specifications. The specifications should at least 

    include the counting speed, hopper capacity, stacker capacity, weight.

    8.2.3 Billing machines

    Activity 8.2
     Isimbi, a student in was doing a research about billing machines used in 
    Rwanda. She visited one supermarket to ask questions to the owner, clients 
    and the supermarket staff. Suggest the answers she will get about the 
    following questions:
     1) Which machines are used to make bills in a supermarket?
     2) How does the supermarket staff proceed in order to make a bill for 
    a customer?
     3) Which type of information is found on a bill?
     4) What are the advantages of the billing system in a supermarket in 
    regard to:
     a) Stock management?

     b) Paying taxes?

    These are machines that are used in entering in a system of customer information 

    and purchased goods so as to come up with invoices or bills. 

    For these machines to print bills they use a thermal printing process by which 
    images are produced by selectively heating coated thermochromic paper when 
    it passes over the thermal print head. The coating becomes black in the areas 
    where it is heated, producing an image. Two-color direct thermal printers can 
    print both black and an additional color (often red) by applying heat at two 
    different temperatures. 

    Bill printers print by direct contact between the thermal head which generates 

    heat and thermal paper which is thermally coated to be sensitive to heat. The 
    paper rolls available are sensitive to the heat and thus when the heat is produced 
    it can easily initiate the process of printing. It can print more than just a single 
    color by setting the printer to different temperatures. 

    The world is becoming more digital and this require that stores acquire billing 

    machines as every business is required to issue receipts generated using billing 
    machines. Billing machines reduce the chances of error, once the required 
    information is entered into the system, it automatically updates each new bill 

    without any additional effort.

     8.2.1.Main parts of a billing machine
     Billing machine systems, like most electronic devices, consist of different parts 
    which play different roles grouped into three categories namely inputting data, 
    processing and printing bills
    . The first part is the keyboard which is used 
    to feed information like goods names in the billing machine. The second part 
    can be considered to be the processor and all parts working with it like memory 
    and motherboard. The third part is the printer which plays the role of helping 
    get hard copy bills. Also in the same third category is a screen which displays 
    information that a billing machine user can understand. Note that some billing 
    machines may have additional parts which help in payments like a weighing 


    8.2..2.Operating a billing machine
     Producing a bill by a billing machine requires the presence the information to 
    appear on the bill. That information can be fed to the billing machine’s printer 
    from different sources namely the database on which the billing machine is 
    connected through internet or a local network, the billing machine’s permanent 
    memory or temporary memory. The temporay memory of this machine keeps 
    information which is immediately fed to it by using its keyboard or any other 

    input device

    Before using a billing machine make sure the following is met :
     • It is properly connected to a power source or that its battery has enough 
     • It is properly connected to a local network or internet by the use of a 
    cable or wireless network. This is necessary when the machine gets or 
    submits data to a database stored at another location 
    • All the peripherals to a billing machine are properly connected
     • Make sure that as a user, you have the right access credential if the 
    machine is password protected

     When a billing machine is ready follow the following steps to use it:
     • Log in to the machine. Some may need a username and password 
    while some need a swiping card accompanied by a password. 

    • Enter the billing information by using the keyboard. This information 
    is about the client details, purchased goods details and amount to be 
    paid. Most of the time the price of each item purchase is got from 
    the machine’s database and the total price to pay is automatically 
     • Print the bill by pressing the key for printing
    Note that:

      Some billing machines may not require login depending on how their 
    setting were configured. There exist typically three types of user on a 
    billing machine namely Clerk who can only generate invoice, the Admi
    nistrator who can generate Invoice and Reports, add or modify items and 
    their price, change print settings and the Supervisor who has access 
    to all that the administrator can do and more to that have access to 
    System settings, Erase Memory/Bills, Create different users and assign 
    Billing machines allow users to get different reports. Depending on the 
    available functionalities, these machines can provide daily, weekly or 

    yearly reports. 

    8.2.3.Billing machines in Rwanda
     Rwanda through the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) adopted the use of 
    billing machines from 2013. These machines which are known as Electronic 
    Billing Machines (EBM) are devices which receive information from the user like 
    bought items and generate a bill which is then printed. These devices come with 
    software installed by the manufacturer or the vendor and the user can not easily 
    remove or add a new software. 

     In 2017 Rwanda Revenue Authority adopted a new version of EBM which 
    is known as EBM version 2 (EBM ver2.0) which is a software installed on 
    a computer allowing then to have access to the central database. With this 
    software installed, after logging in the user has access to different functionalities 
    including among others item management, customer management, sales 
    management, purchase management. This EBM also allows the printing of an 

    invoice to be given to the customer.

    8.2.4.Types of billing machines 
    There are machines which are dedicated to be billing machines. With these ma
    chines the software which make them operate is installed by the manufacturer or the 
    vendor and these devices cannot play another role other than the one they were made 
    for. On another hand, billing machine functionalities are implemented in a software 
    which can then be installed on electronic devices like computers, ipad, smart phones 
    and therefore acting as billing machines.

     The different types of dedicated billing machines are outlined below :

    A. Portable machines
     Billing machines that can be moved from place to place are referred to as 
    portable machines. The handheld machines or the bus ticketing machines are 

    examples of such machines.

    Among portable machines are card swipe machines which are devices that 
    read the magnetic stripe on a card and takes the information from it. The most 
    common card swipe machine is a credit card reader that is used with a cash 
    register. These machines come with a keypad for the customer to enter the PIN 

    of the card, a display bar and a swipe slot for swiping the card.

     B. Automatic machines
     These are machines come with software and algorithms inbuilt in it to add up the 
    taxes and deduct the rebates automatically. No additional manual instructions 

    are required for such type of machines.

     C. POS machines
     The POS or the Point of Sale is a billing technology used in supermarkets to 
    keep track on the sales of goods. This system uses bar-code technology to 
    perform tasks like review sales or prepare the next fresh lot of products that 
    need to be replaced with the sold-out ones.
    Normally a POS system is referred to as a cash register at a store. While this is 

    still true today’s modern POS systems accepts payments even when customers 
    are away from the POs system. What is needed in this case is a POS app and 
    an internet-enabled device, like a tablet or phone.

    Hardware parts of a POS system
     POS system uses POS software. However in the case of an online store the 
    POS system does not need to have the hardware. In this case of an online store 
    all of the sales happen on a website, so the business owner does not need POS 

    hardware to help accept payments.

    Register: this helps calculate and process a client’s transaction.
      Connected device, like an iPad or other tablet: These are devices 
    equipped with a monitor allowing the user to view a list of items and 
    interact with the system

      Credit card reader: A card reader lets a customer pay by credit card 

    while in the store.
      Cash drawer: This is a place where cash can be kept in case the 
    store accepts payments in cash. POS software that’s connected to a 
    cash drawer can minimize fraud by tracking exactly when the drawer is 
      Receipt printer: A paper receipt shows customers exactly when and 
    what they purchased and how much they paid.
      Bar code scanner: A bar code scanner reads an item’s product de
    tails so you can ring it up. It can also be a quick way to double-check 

    the price, stock level, and other details.

    Application activity 8.2

    1) What is the technology used by billing machines in printing the bills?
     2) What are the 3 main parts of a billing machine?

     3) What is EBM version 2

    8.3 Note detector

    Activity 8.3

     1) Suppose you are a teller at a new bank which features will you check 
    in a note in order to discover counterfeited notes
     2) Which device will your bank buy in order to detect fake notes easily?
     3) What are the advantages that using the device stated in question 2 has?
    A note detector is a device which is designed to sort identify a fake note which 
    does not have all the attributes of a nation’s notes. Fake notes can be identified 
    by using hands and eye, a counterfeit detector pen, or a machine known as a 

    note detector. 

    i) The Counterfeit Detector Pen
     Counterfeiters don’t use expensive special inks to try to closely duplicate paper 
    currency. They instead try to create a bill that looks like the authentic one by using 
    their available means which include wood-based paper. However, their bills would 
    not raise any initial suspicion when used in an everyday purchase. 

    One of the simplest tools used for counterfeit detection is a Counterfeit 

    Detector Pen. This pen contains an iodine solution that reacts with the starch 
    in wood-based paper to create a black, marker-like stain. When the solution 
    found in this pen is applied to the fiber-based paper used in authentic bills there 
    is no change in color and no stain appears. This tool is useful for identifying 
    amateur counterfeit currency. However, when dealing with more sophisticated 

    counterfeit bills, utilizing a more complex detector is be necessary.

    ii)  Fake notes detection by a counter
     Some banknote counters can also detect counterfeit notes by using one of the 
    following methods:
    Magnetic counterfeit bill detection: This is a method by which the 
    specialized magnetic ink which is found in bills is read by currency 
    counters with magnetic detection capabilities to identify counterfeited 
    bills from genuine ones.

    Magnetic inks are ones with pigments containing magnetic material typically 

    iron oxide similar to what is used in the coatings of audio and video tape. These 
    inks are employed by most countries in the printing of paper currencies.

    There are different methods and devices used in detecting the magnetic 

    properties in currency such as hand-held units and single-bill readers that 
    require the user to rub or slide the bill across a sensor. This device then emits 
    an audible signal to indicate the presence of the magnetic properties in the 
    bill. These devices are easy to use and are effective but they are impractical 
    for banks and big businesses with big amounts of cash to verify. There are 
    also more effective and quick modern money counters equipped with magnetic 
    counterfeit technology which can scan hundred or even thousands of bills per 

    • UV counterfeit detection:
    This is a method in which detection 
    devices use ultra-violet light to detect fake notes. With this method the 
    counterfeit detector works by detecting the UV fluorescent phosphors 
    used on authentic bills. This phosphor produces a reaction when 
    placed under the UV light but remains hidden when viewed under 
    normal lighting conditions. The UV ink changes its appearance and can 
    then be easily seen by the human eye under UV light.
    Apart from banknotes detectors which have fake notes detection functionalities, 
    there are note detectors which have the sole functionality of detecting fake 
    money by using the ultraviolet light or the magnetic detection method. To use 
    these devices the user places suspicious notes in the appropriate place and the 

    device detects its authenticity

    Application activity 8.3

    1) Explain the methods used by a note detector to identify fake notes

    2) By doing a research on the internet, identify the parts of a note detector.

    8.4 Automatic Teller Machine

    Activity 8.4

     You have at least once visited banks in Rwanda.
     1) Explain how the process of withdrawing and depositing money at a 
    bank is done
     2) Give the name of a machine that can do the task of a human teller? 
    3) Explain how withdrawing and depositing money using the machine 

    stated in 2) is done.

    An ATM known in full letters as an Automated Teller Machine, is a specialized 
    computer device that is used by bank customers to perform transactions on their 
    bank accounts. With these devices customers can check account balances, 
    withdraw or deposit money, transfer funds from one account to another, print a 

    statement of account activities.

     ATMs can be found in financial institutions like banks. However there are also 
    ATMs that can be displaced and found at other places like airports, shopping 
    malls where there may be many people needing cash. ATMs started being used 

    as a response to labor cost and request to get cash even after working hours.

     8.4.1.Parts of an ATM
     Like other computers and most electronic devices, an Automatic Teller Machine 

    has two parts namely hardware and software.

     A. Hardware
     The hardware parts of an ATM work together in order to make a transaction 
    possible. An ATM has parts that are visible by the client that can be considered 
    as an interface and other parts which are visible by the bank administrators. 
    Although each ATM offers various features other than basic services, all the 
    devices contain the same components. The parts of ATM are detailed below :
    Card Reader
     A card reader is a device that can decode the information contained in a credit 
    or debit card’s magnetic strip or microchip. In finance, this term refers to the 
    technologies used to detect the account number, cardholder information, and 
    authorization code contained on a credit card. When a customer inserts a card 
    in the machine, a card reader reads the account details of the clients then verify 

    the provided information and process the transaction.

     A keypad for electronic devices is an input unit which enters data in that device. 
    Keypads have keys which are mostly numeric and letter keys. When the bank 
    card holder has put it in the ATP slot, he/she is prompted to enter a password, 
    choose among different options, etc and this is done using the keys found on 

    the keypad

      Cash Dispenser
     A cash dispenser is the part that contains cash. Cash dispensers are connected 
    with a safe that contains cash. Through cash dispensers, customers receive 

    banknotes in return to the transaction they made. 

     An ATM printer has the role of printing a receipt of the performed transaction. 
    The printed receipts include all the details of the transaction for cash withdrawal. 
    It further shows the total balance that a cardholder has in their bank account. 


     The display screen in ATM shows the cardholder all the details. It prompts the 
    customer through each step of the transaction process. Nowadays advanced 
    ATM screens may be touchscreens whereby instead of using the physical key 

    there is a virtual keypad laying under the screen. 


     The speaker provides feedback in form of audio when a particular key is pressed.

      Vaults: This is a house to which store the parts of the machinery requiring restricted

    Note also that, like other computers, ATMs have most hardware parts found 
    inside a computer like processors and motherboards to support the whole 
    circuitry. Moreover they have sensors and indicators and cameras. One of the 
    functions of a sensor is to measure if the thickness of the bill is normal in order to 
    avoid that two bills may pass at the same time which would result in a customer 

    receiving more money than requested.

     A. Software
     Like any other electronic device that performs complex tasks, an ATM has an 
    operating system. Today, the vast majority of ATMs worldwide use Microsoft 
    Windows among which a big number runs on Windows XP (95% in 2014). 
    There are also a small number of ATMs which are still running older versions 
    of Windows such as Windows NT, Windows CE or Windows 2000. Some 
    others use newer operating systems such as Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and 

    Windows 11.

     Windows is not the only operating system for ATMs because in these days 
    Linux is also finding some ground like in Brazil where the Banrisul bank’s ATMs 

    run on Linux.

     8.4.2.Withdrawing and depositing from an ATM
     The process of withdrawing cash from an ATM machine has to go through a 
    number of steps starting by insertion of the bank card and a withdrawal of that 

    same card. Those steps are outlined below:

     Step 1: Insert an ATM Card in the card slot
     Step 2: Select the language from the language options appearing on the display 
    Step 3: Enter ATM Pin using the keypad. For most ATMs PIN are in 4 digits. 
    Do not ever share your ATM Pin with anyone even with bank staff. Ensure that 
    nobody is watching you, while you enter the Pin. Make sure you enter a right pin 
    as entering a wrong one may lead to the blockage of the ATM card.
     Step 4: Select the type of transaction which can be withdrawal, deposit or 
     Step 5: Select your type of account: As an individual banker, you should be 
    choosing a savings account, as current accounts are a special type of accounts 
    used by businesses. Some ATMs offer you a choice to add a line of credit to 
    your account. This can help a banker when they need excessive money in an 
     Step 6: Enter the withdrawal amount. The withdrawal amount should not be 
    more than the balance in your account.
     Step 7: Collect the cash from the ATM cash slot
     Step 8: Take the receipt which is produced by the ATM printer. Making the 
    printer produce a receipt is done by prompting the ATM to print it. If you choose 

    not to have a receipt, it will not be produced.

     A. ATM malfunction errors
     The hardware components specifically the ones which move may wear out or 
    get old therefore resulting in a faulty equipment

    • Faulty dispenser
    When the dispenser has problems, customers insert their ATM cards in the slot, 
    enter their password or PIN, select the cash withdraw option and fill the cash 
    amount but when it arrives at the steps of counting and dispensing the cash 
    everything halts yet the customer’s account has already been to the full amount. 
    Another scenario is that ATM may fail to provide the full requested amount. 
    When such errors happen, the customer will have to apply for payment and the 
    bank manager will verify that application.

     • Worn out card reader
     Bank cards have a dark magnetic stripe on the back which contains specific 
    details about the card and its owner. When the bank card is inserted in an ATM, 
    the reader verifies the information on the card before it authorizes the transaction. 
    As a card is used again and again, the ATM card reader wears it out therefore 
    making the reading of information on the card impossible. If this happen, obviously 
    the transaction the customer wanted to carry out will not be done.
    • Broken Keypad
     The keypad which is used as an interface between a custom and the ATM may 
    be broken or one key may stick or may be unresponsive. If among the keys that 
    the customer needs have such problems, a transaction will not be possible.

    • Receipt Malfunctions
     The ATM printer may not give a receipt due to different reasons such as when 
    the machine has run out of paper, the printer has run out of paper, there is a 
    paper jam or any other problem with the ATM printing system. Since the receipt 
    contains vital information about the ATM transaction, it’s imperative that any 
    issues with printing receipts is handled quickly.
    • Software glitches

     ATM have different software whose technology never ceased to advance. Many 
    ATMs now have touch screen and other technology that relies on computer 
    software to function. Like other machines that run on computer software, ATMs 
    can have software glitches. When such problem happens, a transaction in not 
    Application activity 8.4
     1) By doing a research on the internet, identify the internal parts of an 
    Automatic Teller Machine
     2) Can an ATM be hacked? If yes explain the likely consequences of this hacking.
    Skills Lab 7

     Use different ICT tools in Accounting you have learnt to perform the 
    following activities:
     a) Counting money
     b) Detecting fake money
     c) Withdrawing using ATM cards
    End of unit assessment 8
     1) What are the benefits of using ICT tools in Accounting
     2) Describe the ICT tools you have seen in this unit
     3) Using the internet do a research on the software tools used in 


    1. MINEDUC, (2013), Education Sector Strategic Plan, Kigali. 
    2. MINEDUC, (2014), ICT in Education Policy, Kigali: MINEDUC. 
    3. MYICT, (2011), National ICT strategy and plan NICI III-2015, Kigali. 
    4. Herman Oduor, 2014, Senior Secondary Certificate Computer Science 
    for Rwanda student’s book 4, East African Publisher, Kigali 
    5. National Curriculum Development Centre(NCDC), (2010), computer 
    science curriculum for computer science economics and mathematics 
    option & mathematics physics and computer science option, Kigali, 
    6. www.sumup.co.uk/invoices/dictionary/quotation/ 27/03/2022
     7. www.umucyo.gov.rw/ 27/03/2022
     8. https://www.reviews.in/best-billing-machine.html
     9. http://mybillmachine.com/ visited on 27/03/2022
     10. https://carnation-inc.com/ visited on 28/03/2022
     11. https://tax-handbook.rra.gov.rw/handbook/explanation-of-ebms/ visited 
    on 30/03/2022
     12. https://squareup.com/us/en/townsquare/what-pos-system visited on 
     13. https://en.wikipedia.org/ visited on 01/04/2022
     14. https://www.tutorialspoint.com
     15. https://www.tutorialandexample.com

     16. https://www.tutorialandexample.com