• UNIT 5:Discoveries and Inventions

    Introductory activity: Read the following text and answer 
    questions below:

    Medical discoveries and inventions

    With the idea that modern healthcare is rooted in discoveries of the past, 
    let’s take a look at seven major medical

    of the 20th century.
    In 1929, Sir Alexander Fleming, of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in 
    London, United Kingdom, shared his observation that the culture medium 
    on which a penicillium mold grew attacked certain types of bacteria. But 
    chemists and bacteriologists working separately were unable to isolate the 
    active substance in the mold ooze. Mold is a type of fungus that consists 
    of small organisms found almost everywhere.
    In 1940, Oxford researcher Sir Howard Florey brought together a 
    multidisciplinary team who were finally able to isolate the drug penicillin. 
    Penicillin became widely popular in the years surrounding World WarIInot only for 
    the treatment of battle wounds, but also for the treatment of 
    syphilis. Moreover, penicillin led to a surge in healthcare utilization in the 

    post-war era.

    American scientists John Enders, PhD, Thomas Weller, MD, and Frederick 
    Robbins, MD, announced in 1949 that they had grown poliovirus in 
    cultured human embryonic skin and muscle cells, thus taking tissue 
    culture mainstream. This discovery led to methods of measuring 
    immunity to polio and the Nobel Prize for the trio in 1953.

    As late as 1952, geneticists didn’t know how Deoxyribonucleic acid
    (DNA) worked. All of this changed with the 1953 discovery of the double 
    helix (the DNA double helix is an elegant structure that allows the genetic 
    information to be stored, protected, replicated, and repaired) by James 
    Watson, PhD, and Francis Crick, PhD. Their discovery of DNA’s structure 
    was rooted in Gregor Mendel’s theory on the principles of single gene 
    inheritance in 1866, as well as Sir Archibald Garrod’s elucidation of the 
    inheritance pattern of alkaptonuria (black urine disease) which is a very 
    rare inherited disorder that prevents the body fully breaking down two 
    protein building blocks (amino acids) called tyrosine and phenylalanine) 
    in 1923.

    Drs. Watson and Crick, as well as Maurice Wilkins, PhD, were honored with 
    the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discovery. 
    In addition to Dr. Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, PhD, helped produce x-ray 
    diffraction images instrumental to the deduction of Drs. Watson and Crick 

    that DNA is a three-dimensional helix.

    Comprehension questions

    1. Outline major medical milestones of the 20th century.
    2. Explain how penicillin was discovered. 
    3. Write in full form of the acronym DNA.
    4. Explain Archibald Garrod’s contribution to the discovery of the 

    double helix in 1923.

    Vocabulary practice
    Use each of the following words in your own sentence.
    1. milestones
    2. penicillium mold
    3. mold ooze
    4. penicillin
    5. surge
    6. poliovirus
    7. cultured
    8. embryonic skin
    9. muscle cells
    10.culture mainstream
    11.single gene inheritance


    Write a composition explaining why penicillin is no longer commonly 

    prescribed to treat infections. Tell other antibiotics that are in use today.

    Recounting a famous discovery
    Language use
    Activity 1 
    Share your opinions about these questions and compare your answers 

    with other classmates.

    1. Explain the role of scientists in our communities.
    2. Think about the life people in the past lived without advanced 
    science and technology. Compare their life with the life today 
    where we live in a modern scientific world.
    3. How have scientists made our lives more comfortable and 

    4. Whom do you regard as your favourite scientist? Why? 

    Describing a famous invention

    Activity 1 


    1. Share with your classmates or Biology teachers what you know 
    about Gregor Mendel. Explain the relevance of his discovery about 
    genetics to our lives.

    2. Discuss why he is referred to as “the father of genetics”.

    Activity 2 
    Read and enjoy the story about Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics


    Mendel was unhappy with how inheritance of traits was being 
    People had known for millennia about selective breeding. They knew 
    that by breeding from those individuals that showed the most desirable 
    traits, future generations were more likely to show these desirable traits.
    • Guard dogs might be bred from parents that were loyal and 
    friendly to their owners, but were suspicious or even aggressive 
    with strangers.
    • Cattle might be bred from cows that yielded the most milk and 
    bulls that yielded the most meat.
    • Wheat might be kept and sown the following year from those 
    plants which had produced the most abundant crop.
    The main theory of heredity in Mendel’s time was that offspring were 
    a smooth blend of their two parents’ traits.
    Mendel set himself the very ambitious task of discovering the laws of 
    To achieve this, he embarked on a mammoth-sized, highly systematic, 
    eight-year study of edible peas, individually and carefully recording the 
    traits shown by every plant in successive generations. 
    His work involved growing and recording the traits in about 30,000 
    One of the keys to his success was breeding from closely related pea 

    varieties which would differ in only a small number of traits


    The seven traits of pea plants that Mendel chose to study: seed wrinkles; 
    seed colour; seed-coat colour, which leads to flower colour; pod shape; 
    pod colour; flower location; and plant height. 
    Mendel’s results for flower colour
    Mendel found the same results for all traits, but we shall look at flower 
    colour as an example.
    When Mendel bred purple-flowered peas (BB) with white-flowered peas 
    (bb), every plant in the next generation had only purple flowers (Bb). 
    When these purple-flowered plants (Bb) were bred with one another 
    to create a second generation of plants, some white flowered plants 
    appeared again (bb).
    Mendel realised that his purple-flowered plants still held instructions 
    for making white flowers somewhere inside them.
    He also found that the number of purple compared to white was 
    75 percent of the second-generation plants had purple flowers, while 
    25 percent had white flowers. He called the purple trait dominant and 

    the white trait recessive.


     A Punnett square
    Both of the starting plants have purple flowers but they contain the genes 
    for purple (B) and white (b). The pollen from the male plant fertilises 
    the egg in the female flower. In this variety of plant, purple flowers are 
    caused by a dominant gene (B). Dominance is indicated by a capital 
    letter. White flowers are caused by recessive genes, indicated by the 
    small letter (b). Both the male and female parent plants in the diagram 
    above carry the dominant gene B for purple and the recessive gene b 
    for white flowers. The ratio of purple flowers to white flowers in their 
    offspring will be 3:1 as shown in this diagram. For a white flower to 
    appear, the offspring must inherit the recessive gene from both parents. 
    Purple appears with any other combination of genes inherited from the 

    parent plants. (Image by Madeleine Price Ball)

    Mendel’s conclusions

    Mendel’s most important conclusions were:
    • The inheritance of each trait is determined by something (which we 
    now call genes) passed from parent to offspring unchanged. In other 
    words, genes from parents do not ‘blend’ in the offspring. 
    • For each trait, an organism inherits one gene from each parent.
    • Although a trait may not appear in an individual, the gene that can 
    cause the trait is still there, so the trait can appear again in a future 
    Scientists who did research later found that Mendel’s results do not only 
    apply to pea plants. Trait inheritance in most plants and animals, including 
    humans, follows the patterns Mendel recorded.

    In Mendel’s honour, these very common patterns of heredity are now called

    Mendelian inheritance.
    Activity 3 
    Write notes about Mendel’s discovery about genetics.
    Activity 4 
    In your own words, explain what you learnt about Mendel’s genetic 
    Activity 5 
    Visit your computer laboratory. Use the internet to carry out research 
    about two scientists and make notes to compare their discoveries. 

    Compare your work with that of other classmates. 

    Describing a famous scientist
    Activity 1 
    There have been many scientific inventions and discoveries, all of which 
    are very useful in solving our world problems; such as in transport, 
    communication, and health, among others. Think about the transport 
    sector. Before, people would travel miles and miles on foot but today, 
    someone can travel around the world in just a few minutes or hours. 
    Which scientists do you know of that made discoveries, inventions or 
    innovations in the transport sector? What did he or she invent to solve 

    our transport challenges?

    Activity 2 

    Read and enjoy the passage below carefully


    Orville and Wilbur Wright are credited with inventing the aeroplane. 
    They were the first to make a successful human flight with a craft that 
    was powered by an engine and was heavier than air.
    This was quite a milestone and impacted on transportation throughout 
    the world. It took some time to perfect, but in later years people could 
    travel long distances in much less time. Today, trips that previously 
    would have taken months by boat and train, can be made by plane in a 

    few hours.


    Orville and Wilbur Wright were born four years apart, in different cities. 
    They shared a curiosity about the world and a love of tinkering that 
    would make history
    Wilbur was born in 1867 on a small farm near Millville, Indiana. Orville 
    was born in 1871 in a house in Dayton, Ohio. Their father was a bishop 
    in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. (The Wrights had five 
    children in all: Reuchlin, Lorin and Katharine were the names of the 
    other children.)
    Life in the Wright house was strict but loving. Both parents encouraged 
    their children to enjoy school and learn as much as they could. A large 
    library of books about all kinds of subjects helped the Wright children 
    quench their thirst for knowledge from a very early age.
    Orville and Wilbur’s fascination with flight began with a present their 
    father gave them—a flying toy. It had a paper body and other parts made 
    of cork and bamboo. Rubber bands provided the power. The young boys 
    (7 and 11) were thrilled to make the little toy fly across the room, so 
    much so that they broke it. They remembered how it looked, though, 
    and promised each other that someday they would fly in the air, just 
    like the little toy.
    The boys continued to be interested in mechanical things and flight. 
    Orville sold kites at school to make money. Wilbur started reading all 
    he could about how birds flew and machines worked.
    Though the boys were good students, neither graduated from high 
    school. (Not many did in those days, actually.) Wilbur was hit in the face 
    with a baseball bat when he was a teenager and suffered from irregular 
    heartbeats the rest of his life. He stayed at home for awhile, during 
    which time their mother developed tuberculosis (which, at that time, 
    was a devastating disease with no known cure). Wilbur recovered and 
    then stayed at home to care for his mother. Orville left high school on 
    his own, to start a printing business. He and Wilbur designed a printing 
    press that worked very well. The two later sold the printing business 
    and opened a bicycle shop. They were both very good mechanics and 
    could fix just about anything anyone asked them to fix. (They inherited 
    this skill and desire from their mother, who was the family mechanic.)
    It was in the bicycle shop that the idea of the aeroplane was born.
    The Wrights had made kites, very large ones, in fact. By 1900, they 
    were making ones so large that people could fly in them, sort of. These 
    were called gliders, and Orville and Wilbur actually built one or two 
    that were large enough for a person to ride in. They flew on nothing but 
    air current, and the person could get a ride of about 10 seconds before 
    the glider came down to the ground. 
    They flew the machine three times that day, mainly because each time 
    they managed to land without crashing. Each flight was a bit longer, 
    and the final flight of the day carried Wilbur 852 feet. He was in the air 

    for a full 59 seconds.


    The Wright plane wasn’t a hit overnight, however. No one else knew 
    about the flight. The brothers returned to their bicycle business in Dayton 
    and also continued to refine their aeroplane invention. Not long after that, 
    they had built a plane that could fly 25 miles and go 40 miles an hour. 
    They even had a model that could fly circles—and not go off-balance 
    and crash to the ground!
    In 1908, Wilbur flew one of their planes in front of royalty in Europe. 
    In the same year, the rest of America discovered the aeroplane when a 
    newspaper reporter witnessed a flight and wrote about it. The story was 
    soon in newspapers all over the country. The Wrights were suddenly 



    The very next year, they opened a business to make aeroplane, the 
    Wright Co. They found great fame and success making aeroplane. 
    Unfortunately, Wilbur died in 1912 of typhoid fever. Orville lived 
    on, however, eventually selling his business and watching his and his 

    brother’s dream become a reality in the modern industrial age.


    Answer these questions about the passage you have read
    1. Why is Orville and Wilbur’s invention of a plane referred to as a 
    “milestone” in air transport?
    2. Explain what inspired the Wright brothers to invent the aeroplane.
    3. How was the idea of making a flying plane born in the bicycle 
    4. Explain how the gliders that the Wright brothers made worked.
    5. How did the aeroplane invention by the Wright brothers get known 

    in Europe?

    Activity 3 
    Imaginary interview
    The Wright brothers did not go far in school. Actually they were about the 
    same level as we in Senior Four or Five, yet they made this spectacular 
    Imagine you met the Wright brothers. Think about the questions you 
    would ask them about their aeroplane invention. Use their knowledge to 
    think about a scientific invention you could make. Describe your amazing 
    scientific invention or discovery and explain the process you would go 
    through to create it. Describe the functionality and the problem it would 
    solve. Present your description in an expository essay. Compare your 

    answers with those of your classmates.

    Before modern-day scientists explained natural forces using scientific 
    inquiry and investigations, early man used to explain natural forces using his 
    own knowledge and interpretation; most of which, actually, relied heavily on 
    divine philosophy. Scientists have helped much to demystify these natural 
    phenomena. They have also helped us to make scientific predictions and as 
    a consequence take precautionary measures. For example, we can explain 

    the concept of global warming, diseases, nutrition, etc. using science.

    Activity 4 
    Most of the earth’s forces such as gravitation pull or kinetic forces are 
    explained through physics.
    (a) Who would you regard as the father of physics? 
    (b) What did he or she do?
    (c) Describe his or her life.
    (d) Do you think scientists are born scientists; or they are 
    inspired to dwell on science as they grow up?

    Activity 5

    Read and enjoy the life story of the famous scientist, Chen-Ning Yang

    The famous scientist: Chen-Ning Yang


    Chen-Ning Yang thought the unthinkable and won the 1957 Nobel Prize 
    in physics. Yang and his co-worker Tsung-Dao Lee showed that parity 
    – a property that physicists had believed was always conserved – like 
    energy, momentum and electric charge – need not be conserved. 
    Yang also worked with Robert Mills to produce Yang-Mills theory, which 
    today lies at the heart of the Standard Model in physics.
    Early life and education
    Chen-Ning Franklin Yang was born on 22 September 1922 in the city 
    of Hefei, China. 
    His family moved to Beijing when he was young after his father, 
    WuChih, became a professor of mathematics at Tsinghua University. His 
    mother, Meng-hua, was a housewife.
    Yang was schooled in Beijing until 1937, when the Japanese invasion of 
    China forced his family to return to Hefei, and then, a year later, move to 
    the city of Kunming. The Japanese army did not reach Kunming in the 
    south-west of China, although it was bombed by the Japanese air force.
    Yang enrolled at the National Southwestern Associated University in 
    Kunming and was awarded a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1942.
    In 1944 he was awarded a master’s degree in physics for his work in 
    statistical mechanics. He was awarded his degree by Beijing’s Tsinghua 
    University, which had relocated to Kunming. 
    Yang worked as a teacher until he won a United States government 
    scholarship in 1946, which took him to the University of Chicago. There 
    his doctoral advisor was Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb. 
    In 1948 Yang was awarded a PhD in physics for his work on nuclear 


    Chen-Ning Yang’s research work
    After the award of his PhD, Yang stayed at Chicago for a year, working 
    with one of the giants of 20th century physics, Enrico Fermi.
    In 1949 he was invited to become a theoretical physics researcher at the 
    Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. 
    The institute had been founded in 1930 with the goal of employing the 
    best mathematicians and physicists in the world; Albert Einstein was 
    there from 1933 until his death in 1955.
    Parity conservation
    Atom smashing

    During the 1950s, increasingly complex results had been coming out 
    of particle accelerators and cosmic ray detectors, causing increasing 
    confusion among physicists. 
    The accelerators were pushing ions and particles to enormous speeds, 
    then smashing them into one another. Physicists hoped the debris from 
    the collisions would reveal more about what matter is and how it behaves. 
    Cosmic rays – high energy particles reaching the Earth from the sun and 
    the stars – also produced interesting debris.
    The debris from both accelerators and cosmic rays contains subatomic 
    particles, which are generally unstable, quickly decaying into other 

    A very high energy proton (red) ejected by the sun enters the Earth’s 
    atmosphere. We call this a cosmic ray. It collides with a particle high 
    in the Earth’s atmosphere, producing a shower of subatomic particle 
    debris, which can help reveal some of the basic properties of matter. 
    The Meson problem
    Two unstable particles, the theta-meson and the tau-meson, were causing 
    a lot of heads to be scratched. 
    In some senses, the theta-meson and the tau-meson looked as if they 
    might be the same particle: their masses and the average time they took 
    to decay into other particles seemed to be the same. The theta-meson
    and the tau-meson both decayed into pi-mesons, usually known as pions.
    BUT the theta decayed to produce two pions, while the tau decayed to 

    produce three pions


    The theta and tau particles seemed to be identical, except the theta 
    decayed to give two pions, while the tau produced three pions.
    Most physicists took it as a fundamental law of the universe that when 
    any particle decayed, its parity stayed the same. 
    Parity must never be broken: this meant, in a very simplified way, that 
    the same particle could not possibly decay sometimes into two pions, 
    and at other times into three pions. Physicists believed there was a 
    fundamental symmetry in the universe. If parity were broken, the 
    fundamental symmetry they believed in would also be broken.
    Physicists regarded parity as a property that was conserved in the same 
    way that energy, momentum, and electric charge are always conserved.
    Yet the only difference physicists could find between the theta-meson 
    and the tau-meson was that they decayed differently. Otherwise these 
    mesons seemed identical.
    A daring hypothesis: Broken parity
    What if there really were only one meson – a meson that sometimes 
    decayed into two pions and sometimes into three pions? 
    Most physicists thought the idea was ludicrous; if there was one thing 
    they could rely on Mother Nature to do, it was to preserve parity and 


    Enter Yang and Lee
    At the Institute for Advanced Study, Yang had started working with 
    Tsung-Dao Lee. They had actually first met in China at the National 
    Southwest University. 
    Yang was now a full professor of theoretical physics, having been 
    promoted in 1955.
    In summer 1956, Yang and Lee thought the unthinkable. What if parity 
    really could be broken? At this time, Yang was 34 and Lee was 29 years old.
    The meson decay they were looking at involved the weak nuclear force
    – the force responsible for nuclear fission and beta particle emission 
    from atomic nuclei. 
    The two physicists read everything they could and carried out a large 
    number of calculations; they wanted to see if there truly was a fundamental 
    physical law preventing parity being broken for interactions involving the 
    weak nuclear force. There was already good evidence that parity could 
    not be broken for interactions involving the strong nuclear force.
    They published their work late in 1956, showing they could find nothing 
    to stop parity being broken for weak interactions and they described 
    experiments they had devised which could prove whether parity was 
    The unthinkable is true = Nobel Prize
    A team of physicists at the Cryogenics Physics Laboratory at the National 
    Bureau of Standards in Washington carried out one of the experiments 
    designed by Yang and Lee, cementing Yang and Lee’s place in the 
    history of science.
    In 1957 Yang and Lee won the Nobel Prize in Physics: they had 
    thought the unthinkable, their calculations showed the unthinkable was 
    possible, and they had devised experiments that had established that the 
    unthinkable was actually true: the theta and tau mesons were actually 
    the same particle and Mother Nature did not preserve parity. Symmetry 
    had also been broken. At a deep level, this means that nature can tell the 

    difference between left and right.

    In the more sombre words of the Nobel Prize Committee, Yang and 
    Lee’s prize was for their “penetrating investigation of the so-called parity 
    laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary 
    Even in the face of the theta-tau puzzle, most physicists had not seriously 
    contemplated the possibility of parity breaking. Physics giant Richard 
    Feynman was pleased that at one point he gave the odds of parity 
    breaking being discovered as low as 1 in 50!
    Particle physics had been held back for years by the incorrect assumption 
    that parity could not be broken in weak interactions. Yang and Lee set 

    particle physics free again


    The theta-tau puzzle was solved when Yang and Lee paved the way for 
    the discovery that tau and theta mesons are identical: they represent 
    different behaviours of the K+
     meson. Sometimes a K+
     meson decays to 

    form two pions; sometimes it decays to form three pions.

    Answer these questions about the passage.
    1. Use your own words to explain the important scientific principle 
    that Yang discovered.
    2. By his father being a professor of mathematics at Tsinghua 
    University, do you think this inspired Yang’s discovery of the 
    physics law? Explain your opinion.
    3. At only 26 years, Yang had already attained a PhD in physics, the 
    highest degree award in any field of study. Explain the contribution 
    of his education to his important discovery.
    4. Carry out research about Professor Albert Einstein and find out 
    why he is known as the father of modern physics. Do you think 
    that Yang’s working in the same university with Professor Albert 
    Einstein, broadened his mind to discover the scientific law? 
    Explain your opinion.
    5. In your own words, explain precisely what the Meson problem was 
    all about and the confusion it was causing among most physicists.

    6. Explain how Yang solved the parity puzzle.

    Describing African scientists

    Activity 1 

    We have discussed European, American and Asian scientists in the 
    previous sub-units. In this sub-unit, we are going to discuss African 
    scientists and their prolific innovations, inventions and discoveries.
    Are there some African scientists you know of? Share them and their 
    scientific works with your group members. Choose a group secretary to 
    present your findings to the class for further discussion and comparison. 
    If you do not know any African scientist, then visit the internet facility of 
    your school laboratory. If your school does not have a computer, conduct 

    research from science textbooks from your library or ask your teachers.

    Activity 2 
    Research on African scientists
    Visit your school laboratory and find out about the life and scientific 
    discoveries or works of these famous African scientists. Compare your 
    findings with those of your classmates. If your school does not have a 

    computer laboratory, ask your science teachers.


    Speculating about the future
    Third conditional
    Activity 1 
    Look at this sentence. What does it mean?
    If Alexander hadn’t discovered antibiotics, many people would have
    Activity 2 
    Look at the scientists and their discoveries or inventions that you have 
    learnt about in this unit. Predict what would have happened if they hadn’t 
    made those discoveries. Write sentences about your speculations.
    Activity 3 
    Carry out research about the scientists in the table below and their 
    discoveries or inventions on the internet, or by asking your science 
    teachers, and write sentences speculating what would have happened if 
    they hadn’t made their discoveries. Compare your sentences with those 

    of your classmate


    Activity 4 

    Gap filling

    Predict what would have happened in these sentences and complete them.

    1. If the Wright brothers hadn’t invented the aeroplane, ……………
    2. If their father hadn’t given them a gift of a toy plane, the Wright 
    brothers ………………
    3. ………………, the idea of the aeroplane wouldn’t have been born.
    4. If the Wright brothers hadn’t made the kites, …………….
    5. If the newspeople hadn’t covered the first flight, …………….
    6. If Mendel hadn’t set for himself the ambitious task of discovering 
    the laws of heredity, ……………………
    7. If Chen-Ning Yang hadn’t studied physics,…………………..
    8. If the Meson problem hadn’t persisted, Yang ………………..
    9. If Dr. Phillip Emeagwali hadn’t developed the world’s fastest 
    computer, …………..
    10. If Professor Gebisa Ejeta ………………, the sorghum breeding 

    research would not have been successful.

    Grammar highlight: Third Conditional
    We can use the third conditional to talk about ‘impossible’ conditions. 
    Impossible because they are in the past and we cannot change what 
    has happened.
    If I had worked harder at school, I would have got better grades.
    If I had had time, I would have gone to see him. But I didn’t have time.
    If we had bought that house, we would have had to rebuild the kitchen.
    If we had caught the earlier train, we would have got there on time but 
    we were late.

    Notice that the main clause can contain ‘would’, ‘could’ or ‘might’.

    If I had seen him at the meeting, I would have asked him. (But he wasn’t 
    there so I didn’t.)
    If I had seen him at the meeting, I could have asked him. ( But he wasn’t 
    there so it wasn’t possible.)
    If I had seen him at the meeting, I might have asked him. (But I’m not 
    sure. Perhaps if the opportunity had arisen.)
    If I had paid more attention in class, I would have understood the lesson.
    Also notice that sometimes the ‘if clause’ is implied rather than spoken.
    I’d have done it. (“if you had asked me but you didn’t.”)
    I wouldn’t have said that. (“if I’d been there.”)

    He wouldn’t have let him get away with that. (“if he had tried that with me.”)

    Revision on the third conditional 
    Activity 1 

    Gap filling

    In this exercise, you will practise forming the third conditional. Basing 
    on the example sentence, complete the third conditional sentences by 
    filling in the spaces. For example:
    I didn’t pass the test, because I hadn’t studied hard enough.
    “If I had studied harder, I would have passed the test.”
    1. He crashed his car because he fell asleep while driving. 
    If he …………… asleep while driving, he …………… his car.
    2. We couldn’t go to the concert because we didn’t have enough 
    If we ………… enough money, we ……… to the concert.
    3. I lost my job because I was late for work.
    I …………… my job if I …………… late for work.
    4. The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed.

    If the wind …………… so strong, the bridge …………… .

    5. I couldn’t call Mutesi because I had lost her number.

    …………… Mutesi if I …………… her number.

    Multiple choice
    For each question, read the situation and choose the best sentence using 
    the third conditional.
    1. I wasn’t thirsty. I didn’t drink the lemonade.
    A. If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade.
    B. If I had been thirsty, I would’ve drunk the lemonade.
    C. If I would have been thirsty, I drank the lemonade.
    2. I didn’t know Butera was in town. I didn’t call her.
    A. If I had known Butera was in town, I would have called her.
    B. I had called Butera if I had know she was in town.
    C. I would had called Butera if I have known she was in town.
    3. I didn’t know watching this documentary was important for our 
    exam. I didn’t watch it.
    A. If I knew this documentary was important, I had watched 
    B. If I would have known this documentary was important, I 
    had watched it.
    C. If I had known this documentary was important, I would’ve 
    watched it.
    4. I walked home from the disco. My friend was too drunk to drive.
    A. I hadn’t walked home from the disco if my friend wasn’t 
    too drunk to drive.
    B. I wouldn’t have walked home from the disco if my friend 
    hadn’t been too drunk to drive.
    C. I wouldn’t had walked home from the disco if my friend 
    hadn’t been too drunk to drive.
    5. I didn’t go to the store. I thought it closed at 5 pm. It closed at 6 pm.
    A. If I had known the store had closed at 6 pm, I would’ve 
    B. If I knew the store would have closed at 6 pm, I would’ve gone.
    C. I would’ve gone to the store if I know it had closed at 6 pm.
    6. I ate the yoghurt in the fridge. I thought it was mine, not yours.
    A. If I would have known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn’t 
    have eaten it.
    B. If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn’t have eaten 
    C. I hadn’t eaten the yoghurt if I knew it was yours.
    7. I am really hungry now. I didn’t have any breakfast.
    A. If I had some breakfast, I wouldn’t be hungry now.
    B. If I would had had some breakfast, I wouldn’t be hungry 
    C. If I had had some breakfast, I wouldn’t be hungry now.
    8. I didn’t see Tony at the party. I wanted to speak to him about his 
    vacation in Kenya.
    A. If I saw Tom at the party, I would’ve spoken to him.
    B. If I had seen Tom at the party, I would’ve spoken to him.

    C. If I would have seen Tom at the party, I would’ve spoken to him.

    Predicting discoveries and inventions in the 


    Activity 1 


    We are witnessing many scientific innovations like the computer and 
    satellite technology and indeed many more inventions, discoveries and 
    innovations are in the pipeline. You have probably heard people predict 
    some of them. Discuss the scientific inventions you think will happen in 
    the coming years. If you do not know, then use the internet to find out 

    or ask your science teachers and community members.

    Activity 2 


    In groups, study the photographs carefully. Describe them with your 




    Answer these questions

    1. Look at Fig. A of the planet Mars, also called the red planet. Find 
    out why it is called the red planet. Have you heard of the one-way 
    ticket to Mars? It is an expedition in which a USA billionaire 
    called Elon Musk has invested to land humans on planet Mars to 
    live there permanently after the scientists in Fig. B discovered that 
    the planet could support human life. Visit your school’s internet 
    laboratory, search for the topic ‘one-way ticket to Mars’. Write an 
    essay about how the whole process will be conducted, the possible 
    challenges humans who will live on the planet will face and the 
    possible mitigation measures scientists have put in place.
    2. Look at Fig. C (the flying car). It is anticipated to solve the problem 
    of traffic jams in towns and cities. Again use the internet to find 
    out how the car will operate. 
    3. Fig. D is a telephone conferencing gadget. Conference means a 
    gathering. This gadget is already in use with plans to modify it so 
    that it can address hundreds of thousands or millions of people in 
    a community. How does it work? Find out from the internet.
    4. Have you heard of the Airbus; of the road that will be constructed 
    to rotate around the world cutting through the major cities of the 
    world; food that will be grown in floating gardens in air; cities 
    and towns built on water by scientists; the first head transplant 
    that will take place in December 2017, by Professor Doctor Sergio 
    Canavero, an Italian neurosurgeon; etc? Research about all of them 
    and any other astonishing future or current scientific inventions, 
    innovations and discoveries and find how they will affect the 
    world. Present your work in an essay.

    Please work together and compare your answers.

    Future perfect

    Activity 3 


    1. Predict the inventions that will happen in future. What do you 
    think life as influenced by scientific innovations will be like in 
    the year 2500?
    2. What impact do you think these scientific inventions, innovations 
    and discoveries will have on our lives?
    3. Do you think by 2500, a cure for HIV/AIDS will have been found?
    4. What do you predict will be the effect of science and technology, 
    including ICT, on the lifestyles of the people who will be living 

    by that time, 2500 and beyond?

    Use the predictions to write sentences or paragraphs about those scientific 
    inventions and discoveries and the effect they have on our lives and the 
    environment using the future tense ‘will’. Compare your answers with 
    those of your classmates.
    By the year, 2050, it is predicted by the UN that there will be two billion 
    more people in the world, creating a demand for 70 percent more food. By 
    that time, 80 percent of us will be living in cities, and most of the food will 
    be farmed in the cities. I predict that scientists will invent air floating farms 

    to meet the very great food demand for the urbanites

    UNIT 4:Fractions and PercentagesUNIT6:Natural and Industrial Processes