Key unit competence: Perform goal ball techniques and tactics in the

    game situation adhering to the rules of the game

    7.1. Prerequisite (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values)
    Student teachers of year 3 will apply and interpret rules of the game of goal ball
    game in the game situation if they have developed basic techniques and tactics

    abilities in goal ball learnt in year 1 and 2.

    7.2. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed
    • Gender

    In teaching and learning process, the tutor must prepare and provide goal
    ball activities that engage both girls and boys equally in exploiting their full
    potential and talents without any discrimination or prejudice.

    • Inclusive education

    The tutor as a facilitator he/she must consider different special education
    needs and select activities to adapt his teaching approaches to student
    teachers. This creates a positive attitude and helps all student teachers to
    participate actively and develop their competence levels.

    • Financial education

    The tutor should integrate Financial Education into his teaching/learning
    activities by providing the local and no cost teaching material where is possible.
    He/she must encourage student teachers to make their own materials that
    can help them to develop competences not only in goal ball game but also in
    their life.

    • Standardization culture

    The tutor must choose and select the standardized materials to use in his/her
    teaching/learning process of goal ball. It is necessary to provide appropriate
    materials required to the levels of student teachers and help them to develop
    culture of checking and using the quality of sport materials for the competitions
    before using them in order to prevent injuries and other cases of accident.

    • Environment and sustainability

    The tutor should provide materials and deliver the lesson by encouraging
    student teachers to protect the environment and well use of materials. The
    tutor helps them to develop the spirit of keeping safe the environment in
    which they use by cleaning playground and courts after the lesson.

    • Peace and values education

    The tutor helps student teachers to develop fair play and social values by
    avoiding violence and conflict in the game and by setting clear and relevant
    instructions. He/she should provide the activities that help student teachers
    to develop their competence peacefully.

    • Comprehensive sexuality education

    The tutor provides goal ball activities and sets instructions that prevent sexual
    harassment, any kind of gender-based violence like sexual abuse and physical
    contacts oriented to the sexuality intention.

    • Genocide studies

    While conducting goal ball exercises a tutor should take a time to explain
    student teachers how sports should be used to fight against Genocide
    ideology and how to prevent it. For example, to organize Genocide memorial
    tournaments at school and give the message related to the Genocide.

    7.3. Guidance on introductory activity

    Before introducing the lesson one of this unit, you must introduce the whole unit.
    The tutor as a guide, facilitator and expert, asks questions related to rules of the
    game of playing goal ball in order to help them to predict what to be learned in

    the whole unit.

    7.4. List of lessons/sub-heading


    Lesson 1: Recall on goal ball techniques and tactics in the game
    a) Learning objective
    Reviewing techniques and tactics of goal ball learned in year 1 and 2 in order
    to prepare the good understanding of two last lesson of year 3.

    b) Teaching resources

    - Balls - Stopwatch/Watch
    - Playground - Cones
    - Whistle - Chasubles
    - Goal posts used in goal ball game.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction

    Student teachers of Year 3 will perform better in game situation related to
    recall goal ball techniques and tactics if they have developed techniques and
    tactics exercises learnt in year 1 and 2.

    d) Learning activities

    Opening discussions
    • Ask questions about techniques and tactics of goal ball learned in year 1 and 2.
    • Let student teachers present their findings and introduce the topic of the day.
    • Invite student teachers to start warm up exercises.

    Warm up exercises and cool down description

    • Let student teachers perform general warm up exercises and specific warm
    up based on the most body’s parts to be used while in game performance
    stretch their muscles properly.
    • One student teacher leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    • Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.

    • Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson development

    Task/Activity 1
    In pairs, one student teacher tries to score by hitting the wall behind the
    opposite defending student teacher.


    –– Let student teachers practise the same exercises in team of 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3.
    –– Let student teachers play a normal game by using teams of three


    Task/Activity 2

    Step 1
    In pairs, request one student teacher to hold the ball in one hand with the
    fingers spread and supporting the ball with the other hand. Ask him/her to
    draw the ball backward by releasing supporting hand and extend the arm to
    a distance that maintains control of the ball. Ask him/her to step forward with
    the opposite leg to his/her throwing arm and keep both feet pointing in the
    direction of the throw.
    Step 2
    Student teacher swings the ball forwards very quickly and release the ball
    close to the floor so that it makes very little sound. Let all student teachers

    perform this exercise.

    Points to consider
    • Ensure the other arm is extended outwards to help balance.
    • To follow though the following arm in the direction that he/she wishes the
    ball to travel.

    • Keep the knees bent.


    Closing discussion
    –– Which challenges/benefits did you face during performing tactical
    exercises of handling and throwing the ball in different positions in Goal
    –– What are conditions do you need to perform tactical exercises of handling
    and throwing the ball in Goal ball?
    –– What is the usefulness of applying tactics in Goal ball?
    Lesson 2: Rules of the game
    a) Learning objective
    Play goal ball game adhering to official rules of the game

    b) Teaching resources

    - Balls                     - Stopwatch/watch
    - Playground       - Cones
    - Whistle                - Chasubles/bibs
    - Hard/soft copy of goal ball game rules.
    - Projector, computer and videos related to goal ball refereeing.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction

    Student teachers of Year 3 will learn better rules of goal ball game if they have
    developed techniques and tactics of playing goal ball game.

    d) Learning activities

    • Put student teachers into seven groups and distribute to them the following
    questions based on group numbers and let them discuss given questions
    into their respective groups. Distribute rules of the game for each group
    based on questions given to facilitate student teachers to get resources (if
    possible, you may use smart classroom and let them use soft copy of rules

    of the game of goal ball).



    • Pass though groups and help them where is necessary. Request student
    teachers to choose a secretary to record findings and group representative
    who will present their findings.
    • Request group representative to present their findings and group members
    may support where is necessary.
    • After presentation of all groups, use a projector to recap presentations,
    show them fouls, and misconduct with the right hand signals to use while
    officiating sitting volleyball.

    Lesson 3: Goal ball game situation

    a) Learning objective
    Play goal ball game adhering to official rules of the game
    b) Teaching resources
    - Balls - Stopwatch/watch
    - Playground - Cones
    - Whistle - Chasubles
    - Goal posts for goal ball game
    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Student teachers of Year 3 will perform better goal ball game situation if they
    have learned rules of the game of goal ball and developed basic techniques
    and tactics of playing goal ball learned in year 1, year 2.
    d) Learning activities
    Opening discussions
    • Ask questions about rules of the game of goal ball.
    • Let student teachers present their findings.
    • Invite student teachers to start warm up exercises.

    Warm up exercises and cool down description

    • Let student teachers perform general warm up exercises and specific warm
    up based on the most body’s parts to be used while in game performance
    stretch their muscles properly.
    • One student teacher leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    • Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.

    • Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.


    Points to consider during this game situation
    • Time for playing for each match: 6minutes
    • The winner is the team, which will gain many points in those three matches.
    • Choose one student teacher to lead cool down and invite them to start after
    game situation discussion.
    • Start by giving time group A, B then C to share what they have recorded
    based on rules of the games, decisions taken by officials, effectiveness of
    hand signals used, and how officials are taking positions and their movement
    during the match. Support them to clarify some rules of the game where is
    • Close the lesson by asking some questions on what they have been



    7.5. Summary of the unit
    This unit comprises the reviewing techniques and tactics of goal ball in game
    situation. It describes the rules of the game of goal ball. It provides time for playing
    games adhering to goal ball rules and helping student teachers to develop their

    knowledge and competences in goal ball.

    7.6. Additional Information for tutors
    • The dimensions
    The court will be a rectangle 18.0 m long by 9.0m wide. Measurements are
    to the outside edges. Nothing except the court markings will be allowed as
    markings on the court.
    • Team Bench Area
    Each team will have a team bench area, which will be positioned on either
    side of the officials’ table, a minimum of 3.0m from the court’s side line.
    The goals will extend across each end of the court. The internal measurements
    will be 9.0m across and 1.3 m high and at least 0.5m deep (measured from

    the front of the crossbar to the closest rear part of the goal).

    • Ball
    The ball will conform to the following specifications:
    –– Diameter: 24-25 cm.
    –– Circumference: 75.5 cm-78.5 cm.
    –– Weight: 1.250 g.
    –– Sound holes: Four holes in upper hemisphere staggered from four holes
    in lower hemisphere.
    –– Bells: 2 pieces
    –– Elastomer: Natural Rubber (NR).
    –– Colour: blue

    • Uniforms
    All players must wear a team jersey.
    • Competition Categories and Classification
    Competition will be divided into two categories, male and female.

    • Team Composition

    At the beginning of every game, each team will consist of three (3) players
    on court with a maximum of three (3) substitutes. A team will be forced to
    forfeit the game if they cannot start that game with three (3) players on court.
    In addition, each team may have up to three escorts on the bench during the
    game. The total number of individuals allowed in the team bench areas must
    be not more than nine, including the three starting players. Failure to comply

    with this will result in a team penalty delay of game.

    • Officials
    Each game will have 2 officials, 4 goal judges, 1 scorer, 1 timer, 2 ten second

    timers and 1 back-up timer.

    Length of the Game
    A game will be a total of 24 minutes divided into 2 halves of 12 minutes each.
    There will be at least 5 minutes between the end of a game and the start
    of the next game. An audible signal will be given 5 minutes before the start
    of the game. There will also be a second audible signal 90 seconds before
    the start of each half. Players who are going to start any half must be on
    court, facing their own goal and ready for eyeshade check by the officials, 90
    seconds before the start of each half, Failure to comply will result in a Team

    or Personal Penalty for Delay of Game.

    • Scoring
    At any time where the game clock is running and the ball is in play and
    completely crosses a goal line, a goal is scored. The referee will whistle two
    times and announce the goal. The game clock will stop on the referee’s first

    whistle. A goal cannot be scored by an official passing the ball into play.

    • Team Time-Out
    Each team will be allowed four (4) time-outs of 45 seconds during the game.
    At least one of these time-outs must be taken during the first half or this timeout
    will be lost. Once one of the teams has called a time-out both teams may
    use the time-out. Each team will be allowed one time-out during the entire

    overtime. All time-outs not used at the end of regulation time will be lost.

    • Official’s Time-Out
    A referee may call an official’s time-out at any time. If a referee has whistled
    for an official’s time-out as the result of the actions of the team in possession
    of the ball, the ball will be controlled by the goal judge. At the end of the
    official’s time-out, the goal judge will drop the ball 1.5 meters in front of the

    goal post.

    • Medical Time-Out
    Medical time-out is a maximum of forty-five (45) seconds. In the event of
    an injury or illness a referee may call a “medical time-out”. The referee will
    consult and determine whether the player is able to continue to play at the

    conclusion of forty-five (45) seconds.

    • Blood Rule
    If a player receives an injury where blood is observed by the referee, a medical
    time-out will be called. The player will be removed from the court and may not
    return to the court until bleeding has stopped, the wound is covered, and if
    necessary, the uniform changed. If the bleeding has not stopped, the wound
    is not covered and the uniform has not been changed within the medical time

    out period, a medical substitution is required.

    • Team Substitution
    Each team will be allowed four (4) substitutions during a game. At least one
    substitution must be taken during the first half of the game or this substitution

    will be lost.

    • Medical Substitution
    A medical substitution will not count as one of the four (4) substitutions
    allowed during regulation time or the one (1) substitution allowed during


    • Premature Throw
    A Premature Throw occurs if a player throws the ball before the referee has

    given the “play” command.

    • Ball Over
    If a ball is blocked by a defending player and the ball rebounds; (a) over the
    centre line or (b) over the sideline in the neutral area, the referee will whistle
    and call “ball over”. The ball will then be dropped back into play and to the
    opposing Team Area from which it was blocked out. The referee will then call

    “quiet please” and blow their whistle and say “play”.

    • Short Ball
    Any time a thrown ball stays on the court but forward motion of the ball stops
    before the defending team’s Team Area, the player who threw the ball will

    receive a short ball penalty.

    • High Ball
    If the ball does not touch the court at least once on or before the High Ball (6
    meter) Line at the front of the thrower’s Team Area when the ball is released

    from the thrower’s hand, the thrower will receive a high ball penalty.

    Long Ball
    Notwithstanding the rule in paragraph 24, during the throw, the ball must also
    touch the floor at least once in the Neutral Area or the thrower will receive a

    long ball penalty.

    • Eyeshades
    During the game, any player on the court who intentionally touches their
    eyeshades or the eyeshades of any other player without the referee’s
    permission will receive an eyeshades penalty. A player removed from the
    court during a penalty situation may not touch their eyeshades or they will

    receive an eyeshades penalty.

    • Illegal Defense
    The first defensive contact with the ball must be made by a player who has
    at least any part of their body in the Team Area (Orientation and Landing
    Areas). When a defending player has committed an illegal defence, play will
    be allowed to continue until the ball is controlled, blocked out or scores. If the

    goal is scored, the penalty will not be called.

    • Personal Delay of Game
    Players must be prepared to play at the start of any half, on the referee’s
    command. Players must not be re-orientated by anyone other than an oncourt
    team member unless they are being assisted by the referee or goal

    judge after a penalty situation.

    • Personal Unsportsmanlike Conduct
    If the referee determines that a player is not behaving in a sportsmanlike
    manner, the player will be given a personal unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
    Any personal unsportsmanlike penalty received by a single player during
    a game may result in ejection from that game. Any player ejected from a
    game as the result of an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will receive an
    automatic suspension from their next game in the same tournament. Any
    further unsportsmanlike conduct may result in ejection from the venue or


    • Ten Seconds
    A team has 10 seconds to ensure the ball crosses the court center line or

    side line from their first defensive contact with the ball.

    • Team unsportsmanlike Conduct
    Any violation of warm-up protocol. All members of the team and its delegation
    that are present at the game must behave in a sportsmanlike manner.
    Any further unsportsmanlike conduct may result in elimination from the game
    or the premises and/or further participation in the tournament if a referee
    feels the situation deserves it. The referee has to report the incident to the
    Technical Delegate for further decision. If the Technical Delegate feels it is

    necessary, a team may be ejected from further games in the tournament.

    • Illegal coaching
    The illegal coaching penalty may be called by either referee or can be drawn
    to the officials’ attention by either ten second timer. If called by the latter,
    ten second timer will signal to the referee by using the sound used to indicate
    a ten second penalty. The table referee will check the details of the Illegal
    coaching penalty with the ten second timer before confirming the penalty has

    been made and taking the appropriate action.

    • Noise
    Any unnecessary noise made by any member of the throwing team during the

    act of throwing until the ball touches the defensive team, will be penalized.

    • Overtime
    If a winner is needed in the case of a tied score at the end of regulation play,
    the teams will play two (2) additional three (3) minute halves if needed. There
    will be a three (3) minute break between the end of regulation time and the
    first overtime half. During this time, there will be a coin toss to determine

    which team throws and defends and which end the teams will start play.

    • Extra Throws
    If the score is still tied at the end of overtime, extra throws will decide the
    winner. The rules of the game apply to all extra throws. When the winner of a
    game needs to be determined, the coach will be provided with a line up sheet
    for extra throws at the coin toss before the game. The line-up sheet must

    include all players on the information score sheet.

    • Sudden Death Extra Throws
    If the score is still tied at the end of extra throws, sudden death extra throws
    will decide the winner. The rules of the game apply to all sudden death extra


    • Signing the Score Sheet and Protest Procedures
    Immediately after the game a coach of each team, both officials and the
    scorer will sign the score sheet at the table. If a coach does not sign the
    score sheet immediately after the end of the game, the coach cannot protest

    the results of that game.

    • Officials’ Authority
    In all matters of safety, the referee will make the rules, procedures and play,
    the final decision. If there is a dispute between a team and an official, only
    the head coach may speak to the referee. The discussion will only occur at an
    official break in play and only after the referee has acknowledged the request

    of the coach.

    7.7. End unit assessment
    Tutor divide student teachers into groups of eleven including 2 officials, 4 goal
    judges, 1 scorer, 1 timer, 2 ten second timers and 1 back-up timer. After dividing
    student teachers into their respecting groups, set the order on which groups will
    lead the game, request the first group to start the match. Ask other remaining
    student teachers to form two teams of three players for each one. Let the match
    start, change groups which is officiating after five minutes. Officials become

    players to replace those who are becoming officials.

    –– During performing officiating for each group, observe how each student
    teacher is accomplishing given tasks and roles.
    –– Observe how techniques and tactics learned are being used.
    –– Records their performance in order to give them feedback at the end of

    the exercise.

    7.8. Additional activities
    7.8.1. Remedial activities

    Distribute balls to student teachers for regular familiarization with the ball focusing

    on techniques of playing goal ball.

    7.8.2. Consolidation activities
    Participate in competitions between small groups and choose their own officials

    to lead the matches.

    7.8.3. Extended activities
    Organize goal ball competition between classes for forming school teams let
    student teachers officiate interclasses and friendly matches. Encourage student

    teachers to exploit regularly updated rules of the game of goal ball.