Key unit competence

    To be able to calculate the solubility product constant of sparingly soluble salts and deduce the applications of common ion effect in the industry.

    Learning objectives

    At the end of this unit , students will be able to:

    • Define the term solubility product Ksp;State and explain the factors that affect the solubility of sparingly soluble salts;

    • State and explain the applications of solubility product;

    • Explain common ion effect on the solubility of sparingly soluble salt;

    • Explain the relationship between kidney stone formation and solubility and the solubility product;

    • Explain the applications of the solubility product and the common ion effect;

    • Perform a simple experiment to determine the solubility product of sparingly soluble salt;

    • Write the equations of dissociation and Ksp expression for sparingly soluble salts;

    • Calculate the molar concentration of ions and Ksp values for sparingly soluble salts;

    • Relate the solubility product principle to the selective precipitation of sub-stances;

    • Use the values of Ksp and Qc to predict if a mixture of solutions will form a precipitate or not;

    • Relate the common ion effect to the solubility to the sparingly soluble salt.

    Introductory activity 11:1.

    1. Identify substances which are soluble in water from the following list CuSO4, Pb (NO3)2, CaCl2 Agl.

    2. Explain what happens when ionic salts dissolve in water.

    This unit introduces us to solubility equilibria which are found in saturated solutions of slightly soluble ionic salts. We will discuss the difference between solubility equilibria and dissociation equilibria and we will clarify some possible points of confusion in solving problem related to equilibria products.

    11.1. Definition of solubility and molar solubility

    Activity 11.1

    1. Differentiate between solubility and Molar solubility and state the units.

    2. What is the difference between solubility equilibria and other equilibria systems


    In the previous units, it has been mentioned that a solution is made by a solute which is dissolved in a solvent. Similarly, the solubility is a chemical property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent. In this section, we will deal with solubility which is a term that refers to the maximum amount of solid (either in moles or grams) that actually does dissolve in a solvent at equilibrium, producing ions; this amount can be calculated for a particular solid.Solubility may be considered to be an equilibrium between solid and ions in solution.

    In general, the solubility of a solid in water is given by the maximum number of grams or number of moles of the solid that will dissolve in 100g of water at a given temperature. Generally the solubility of salts increases with increased temperature.

    Solubility is most fundamentally expressed in molar (mol l–1 of solution) or molal (mol kg–1 of water) units. A solution that contains the maximum possible amount of the solute in said to be “saturated”.

    Molar solubility

    Molar solubility can be expressed as the number of moles of a solute that can be dissolved per liter of solution at saturation.

    Most ionic salts are soluble in water while some are sparingly soluble (often called insoluble)

    • All Nitrates,

    • Generally Group I carbonates, except lithium carbonate are soluble but group II carbononates are sparingly soluble.

    • All Chlorides except lead chloride, silver chloride and mercury chlorid

    • Sodium, Potassium, and Ammonium Sulphate are also soluble, the rest of the sulphate are insoluble.

    Checking up 11.1

    1. Insoluble substances such as AgCl, Ca3(PO4)2 partly dissolve and they form a heterogenous mixture. Solubility of solutes often increases with increased temperature. Observe the graph below and answer the following questions.

    2. Explain the nature of the graph.

    3. Identify the letter corresponding to:

    a. Salt whose solubility is not affected by an increase in temperature.

    b. Salt which dissolves highly with increased temperature.

    c. Salt which moderately dissolve with increased temperature.

    11.2. Unsaturated, saturated and super saturated solutions

    Activity 11.2

    1. Dissolve two spatula full end of Copper II sulphate in 100cm3 of distilled water. State what is observed 2. Without changing the volume of water add extra spatula full of copper II sulphate crystals stepwise, state what is observed. Keep on stirring until there is no further change.

    All the beginning of the activity, you noticed that all the amount of the salt added to water dissolved completly. If more solid as added to an unsaturated solution, it dissolves until the solution is saturated (at which point there is solid in equilibrium with the solvated ions).

    A saturated solution is one which contains the maximum amount of dissolved solid at a particular temperature in the presence of undissolved solute. A solution will be saturated when the solid is in equilbrium with its ions dissolved.

    Checking up 11.2

    The term “solubility equilibria” refers to the kind of equilibria that exists in saturated solution of slightly soluble ionic solids.

    Explain what will be the concentration of the ions in a saturated solution.

    A super saturated solution contains more solute than a saturated solution. This kind of solution is instable and any disturbance, such as shaking, will cause the excess solute to precipitate, Adding a crystal of solute to a super saturated solution, the precipitation will be observed and will cause the crystal to grow bigger in size until the solubility equilibrium is achieved.

    11.3. Equations of the dissociation of sparingly soluble salts in water

    Activity 11.3

    Write equations to show the dissociation of the following substances in water.

    1. Barium sulphate.

    2. Silver Iodide.

    3. Silver carbonate.

    4. Calcium phosphate.

    A sparingly soluble solute is one which slightly dissolves in a given solvent. It partly dissociates into component ions.
    The main examples of sparingly soluble salts include; Barium sulphate, BaSO4; and Silver chloride ,AgCl and lead(II) chrolide, Pbcl2

    As stated previously, when salts dissolve in water, they dissociate into ions. H2O

    Checking up 11.3

    1. Write balanced equations for the dissociation of some sparingly soluble ionic solts.

    2. Write down the ionic equations for each of the reactions in 1 above

    11.4. Definition of solubility product ksp

    Activity 11.4.3.

    Differentiate solubility and solubility product:4. State the units of Ksp.

    In the previous sections, we have seen that solubility of a solid is expressed as the concentration of the “dissolved solid” in a saturated solution. A solution is made of solute and solvent.

    The solubility product is the equilibrium constant expressed in terms of concentrations of the ions produced from a sparingly soluble solid in contact with a saturated solution.

    The equilibrium constant for the system is given the symbol (Ksp) where the sp added to k tell us that this equilibrium constant is a solubility product. Equilibrium is set up between the undissolved solid and the hydrated ions in solution. A precipitate will appear if the solubility product is exceeded for the system containing silver chloride.

    Examples of expression of Ksp for some compounds

    There is no denominator in the expression for the solubility product because the denominator is a pure solid and pure solids and liquids are never included in equilibrium constant expression.

    A solubility product is generally a special example of a heterogeneous equilibrium constant. It involves more than one phase; that is solids in contact with liquids.

    ii. Solubility product for lead II sulphate (PbSO4)

    Suppose you made a saturated solution of lead (II) sulphate PbSO4 by shaking the solid with water until no more would dissolve. Lead (II) Sulphate is almost insoluble in water and a white solid would be observed suspended in the water; after sometime the solid will settle to the bottom.Lead (II) Sulphate is an ionic compound and some Lead (II )ions (Pb2+) and Sulphate ions(SO42-) will break away from the lattice and go into solution; others which had broken off previously will return to attach themselves to the solid; this results into an equilibrium as follows.

    iii. Solubility product for lead II iodide (PbI2)

    Note: In brief, the formula for the solubility products is the product of molar concentration of the respective ions, each concentration raised to the power of the stochiometric coefficient in the dissociation equation.Solubility products are only constant at a particular temperature which is usually 298K.

    Checking up 11.4

    Express the solubility product Ksp for the following sparingly soluble salts.

    a. AgI(s)

    b. CaSO4(s)

    c. Ag2CO3 (s)

    d. Li3PO4(s).

    11.5. Relationship between solubility(s) and solubility product (Ksp)

    Activity 11.5

    1. Explain the meaning of the term solubility equilibrium.

    2. What is meant by the term solubility product?

    Solubility equilibrium refers to kind of equilibrium that exists in saturated solutions of sparingly soluble ionic salts.Solubility is normally expressed in moldm-3 or (gdm-3).The term solubility product refers to the numerical value of the equilibrium constant for the equation that represents the substance dissolved in water.

    Determination of the solubility product from solubility

    The solubility can be denoted by using ‘s’ and solubility product is expressed by Ksp

    The the term solubility product constant suggests that Ksp is related to the solubility of ionic solute . However ,this does not mean that Ksp and molar solubility ,molarity of solute in a saturated solution are equivalent .It means that one can determine Ksp,from molar solubility from Ksp.

    Consider the following reaction:

    Checking up 11.5

    A saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt has the following equilibrium:

    a. Write the solubility product expression Ksp for this system.

    b. Using ‘s’ as solubility of the salt in moles per liter calculate Ksp for this system.

    11.6. Calculations involving solubility product

    In solubility equilibria calculations, it is usually expressed as grams of solute per liter of solution. Since Ksp is expressed in molar concentrations, solubility expressed in grams per litre must be converted into molar solubility.

    Activity 11.6

    Write solubility product expressions,Ksp for each of the following solubility equilibria:

    Molar solubility, solubility and solubility product all refer to a saturated solution.

    Worked examples:

    1. The solubility of calcium carbonate CaCO3, at 298K is 6.9×10-3 moldm-3. Calculate the solubility product at this temperature.


    Key point

    Every mole of calcium carbonate which dissolves gives 1 mole of calcium ions and 1 mole of carbonate ions; in solution; so 6.9×10 -3 moles of calcium carbonate dissolves in 1dm3of solution, then there will be 6.9×10-3 moles of calcium carbonate ions and 6.9×10-3 moles of CO32- ions in dm3 of the solution.

    2. The solubility of calcium sulphate CaSO4 at 298K is 0.67g/dm3. Calculate the solubility product at this temperature. (O=16, S=32, Ca=40)


    Key point: number of moles=mass(g)/molar mass(gmol-1)

    The concentration is given in g/dm3; Convert it to mol/dm3

    1 mole of CaSO4 weighs:40+32+(16×4)=136g

    0.67 corresponds to 0.67/136=4.93×10-3 mol/dm3

    The solubility of calcium sulphate is 4.93×10-3 mol/dm3

    Each mole of calcium sulphate that dissolves produce 1 mole of Ca2+ ions and 1 mole of SO42- ions in solution.

    3. The solubility of lead II chloride, PbCl2 is 0.016moldm3 at 298k. Calculate the solubility product at this temperature.


    Key point

    The ratio of the ions in the compound is 1:2; each mole of lead( II) chloride produces 1 mole of lead II, and [Pb2+]=0.016 moldm-3. However, each mole of lead (II) chloride produces 2 moles of chloride ions in solution. If 0.016 mol of lead (II )chloride dissolves, there will be twice this amount of chloride ions present.

    4. The solubility of calcium phosphate, Ca3(PO4)2 is 7.7× 10-4g/dm3 at 250c. Calculate the solubility product at this temperature. (O =16, P =31,Ca=40)


    Key point

    Convert the concentration in g/dm3 to mol/dm3

    Number of moles= mass(g)/ molar mass(g)

    1 mole of Ca3(PO4)2 weighs 310g.

    Concentration in moldm-3=7.7×10-4/310=2.48×10-6mol/dm3

    Each mole of calcium phosphate that dissolves produces 3 moles of calcium ions in solution and 2 moles of phosphate ions.

    Calculating solubility from solubility product


    1. Calculate the solubility in mol/dm3 of silver chloride, AgCl, at 298K if its solubility product is 1.8×10-10 mol2dm-6


    Key points

    For every mole of silver chloride that dissolves, the solution will contain 1 mole of Ag+(aq) and 1 mole of Cl-(aq) so if “s” moles dissolved, the solution will contain “s” moles of each ion.

    [Ag+]= s moldm-3

    [Cl-]= s moldm3

    Ksp= [Ag+][Cl-]

    1.8×10-10=s x s

    S =1.3×10-3mol/dm3

    2. Calculate the molar solubility of PbSO4 (lead II sulphate), given its solubility product equal to 1.6×10-8.


    Key point

    One mole of lead II sulphate dissolves to produce 1 mole of a Pb2+ and 1 mole of SO42-ions in solution.[Pb2+]=smoldm-3[SO42-]=smoldm-3Where “s”= moldm-3 PbSO4 that dissolved (the molar solubility)

    Ksp=[ Pb2+][ SO42-]=1.6×10-8(s)(s)= 1.6×10-8

    Molar solubility= 1.26×10-4M

    3. Calculate the solubility in mol/dm3 of silverI sulphide, Ag2S at 298K if its solubility product is 6.3×10-51 mol3dm-9


    Key point

    For every one mole of silver I sulphide that dissolves, the solution will contain 2 moles of Ag+ and 1 mole of S2-ions. We will call the solubility of silver I sulphide “s” moldm-3.

    4. Calculate the solubility in gdm-3 of chromium III hydroxide, Cr(OH)3 at 250C if its solubility product is 1.0×10-33mol4dm-12(H=1, O=16,Cr=52)


    Key points

    Work out the solubility in moldm-3Number of moles=mass(g)/ molar mass(g)1mole of Cr(OH)2 produces 1 mole of Cr3+(aq) and 3 moles of OH- ions

    Checking Up 11.6

    1. Calculate the molar solubility of Sr3(AsO4)2 given its solubility product equal 4.29 x 10-192. Given that the molar solubility of Ag2CO3 is equal to 1.27x10-4M. Calculate its solubility product.3. The Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 1.8 x 10-11

    a. Calculate the solubility of Mg(OH)2 in pure water.

    b. Calculate the molar solubility of Mg(OH)2 in a solution of PH of 11.22.

    11.7. Definition and calculation of ionic product (QC)

    Activity 11.7

    a. Explain the meaning of the term ionic product.

    b. State the difference between ion product and solubility product.11.7. Definition and calculation of ionic product (QC)

    The ionic product (Q) of salt is the product of the concentrations of the ions in solution raised to the same power as in solubility product expression. Whereas the solubility product Ksp describes the equilibrium concentrations, the ion product describes concentrations that are not necessarily equilibrium concentrations. Ksp is applicable to saturated solutions only, whereas ion product is applicable to all types of solutions of any concentration.

    The ion product tells chemist whether a precipitate will form when solutions of two soluble salts are mixed.

    i. Q>Ksp, the solution is supersaturated and the ionic solid will precipitate

    ii. Q<Ksp, the solution is unsaturated and more of the ionic solid, if available will dissolve. No precipitate occurs

    iii. Q=Ksp, the solution is saturated, at equilibrium. Precipitate will not form, the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of precipitation, no net change in the amount of dissolved solid will occur.

    The process of calculating the value of the ion product and comparing it with the magnitude of solubility determining whether a solution is unsaturated saturated or supersaturated.


    i. Write the balanced equilibrium equation for precipitation reaction and the expression for Ksp.

    ii. Determine the concentrations of all ions in solution when the solutions are mixed and use them to calculate the ion product(Q)

    iii. Compare the values of Q and Ksp to decide whether a precipitate will form.

    Worked examples

    1. Will a precipitate of lead II chloride be formed if 10 cm3 of 0.10 mol dm-3lead II nitrate solution, Pb(NO3)2 is mixed with 10 cm3 of 0.20 mol dm-3hydrochloric acid, HCl? Ksp (PbCl2) =1.6×10-5 mol3dm-9 at 298K.


    When the solutions are mixed, all the ion concentrations will decrease. In this case each solution is being diluted from10cm3 to a total volume of 20cm3; so, each is diluted by a factor of 2.

    This answer is bigger than that solubility product. Because Q>Ksp we predict that PbCl2 will precipitate when the two solutions are mixed PbCl2 will continue to precipitate until the system reaches equilibrium; which occurs when;

    2. Will a precipitate of calcium hydroxide; Ca(OH)2 form if 5.0cm3 of 0.05moldm-3sodium hydroxide solution; NaOH, is added to 5.0cm3 of 0.05moldm-3 calcium chloride solution. CaCl2? Ksp(Ca(OH)2) = 5.5 × 10-6 mol3 dm-9 at 298K


    Mixing; dilutes the solutions by a factor of 2 ion concentration before reaction takes place is

    Q>Ksp calcium hydroxide will precipitate when the two solutions are mixed until the ion concentrations are sufficiently reduced ;( i.e. until the system reaches equilibrium)

    3. Will a precipitate of calcium hydroxide form if 5.0 cm3 of ammonia solution con-taining OH- ions with concentration of 2.0 × 10-3 mol/dm3 is added to 5.0 cm3 0f 0.05 mol dm3 is added to 5.0 cm3 of 0.05 mol dm-3 calcium chloride solution. CaCl2? Ksp (Ca(OH)2) = 5.5×10-6 mol3dm-9 at 298K.


    11.8. Predicting precipitation reactions using the ionic product and Ksp

    Activity 11.8.

    Distinguish between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures.

    Homogeneous mixtures appear in one phase, Heterogeneous mixtures are in more than one phase.Sparingly soluble salts form heterogeneous mixtures involving formation of precipitates.Homogeneous matures do not form precipitates.

    A solubility product is a special example of a heterogeneous equilibrium constant, it involves more than one phase, a solid in contact with a liquid.Reagents such as Sodium hydroxide NaOH, and Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH can precipitate out insoluble salts from their solutions Examples include:

    Checking up 11.8

    Ammonia is a weak base which reacts with water to produce hydroxide ions. A 1.0 moldm-3 solution of ammonia has [OH-] = 4.2×10-3 mol dm-3. Ammonia solution was added to 10 cm3 0.10 mol dm-3 solution of magnesium nitrate, calcium nitrate, strontium nitrate and barium nitrate. (All the nitrates have the formula X(NO3)2. The experiments were then repeated with 10 cm3 samples of a 1.0 mol dm-3solution of sodium hydroxide, where [OH-] = 1.0 mol dm-3. In which cases will a precipitate be formed?
    Solubility products (in mol3dm-9);

    11.9. Separation of ions by fractional precipitation

    Suppose you are given an aqueous solutions containing two ions: Ag+ and K+. How can you proced to separate the two cations. Ions can be separated from each other basing on the solubility of their salts in water. This is done by using a reagent that forms a precipitate with one or a few of the ions in solution (fractional precipitation).


    1. A solution containing both Ag+ and Cu2+If hydrochloric acid solution is added to this solution, AgCl (Ksp=1.8×10-10) precipitates, while Cu2+ remains in solution because CuCl2 is soluble. The reagent HCl forms a precipitate with Ag+.

    2. Fractional precipitation of a carbonate (CO3-2) and a Chloride (Cl-).A solution suspected to contain chloride and a carbonate is mixed with a solu-tion of Silver nitrate A solution of Silver nitrate precipitates out both the Carbonate and a Chloride forming Silver carbonate and Silver Chloride respectively.We can distinguish both the carbonate and a chloride by using concentrated nitric acid.

    Observations:Carbonate reacts to give carbon dioxide gas. There is no observable change with a Chloride.A solution contains 1.0 x10-2 M Ag+ and 2.0 x10-2 M Pb2+ When CI- ion is added to the solution, both AgCl (Ksp =1.8x10-10) and PbCl2 (Ksp =1.7x10-3) precipitate from the solution.

    What concentration of Cl- ions is necessary to begin the precipitation of each salt, and which salt precipitates first?


    The salt requiring the lower concentration of CI- ions will precipitate out first. For AgCl we have: Ksp [Ag+][Cl-] = 1.8 x 10 -10 Because [Ag+] =1.0x10 -10 M, the greatest concentration of Cl- ions that can be present without causing precipitation of AgCl can be calculated from the Ksp expression

    Checking up 11.9

    1. State one importance of fractional precipitation.

    2. Write ionic equations to show precipitation of silver shloride and silver carbonate when a solution of silver nitrate is added to their saturated solution.

    Activity 11.10

    Give example of pairs of ionic salts with common ions.

    11.10. Common ion effect and solubility

    It is known that the solubility of a sparingly soluble ionic substance is obviously decreased in a solution of another ionic compound when the two substances have an ion in common. This can be explained by Lechatelier’s principle. Common ion effect is the decrease of solubility of a sparingly soluble salt caused by the presence of a common ion.

    For example, molar solubility of BaSO4 in pure water is 1.1x105M; but if BaSO4 is dissolved in an aquous solution arleady containing SO42- or Ba2+ ion, its solubility will be lower than 1.1x10-5M

    If sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is added to the solution of BaSO4, the concentration of SO42- ions increased and shifts equilibrium to the left side of the reaction. As a result, barium gets precipitated as BaSO4(s). H2SO4 is a strong acid and it dissociates completely as indicated in the equation:
    The sulphate ion (SO42-) is the common ion among these two reactions thus when its concentration increases due to dissociation of sulphuric acid it shifts equilibrium to the left side of the reaction resulting in the precipitation of barium as BaSO4(s).
    This phenomenon of “Common Ion Effect” is widely used for the complete precipitation of soluble or sparingly soluble salts.
    The solubility product expression tells us that the equilibrium concentration of the cation and the anion are inversely related. When the concentration of the anion increases; the maximum concentration of cation needed for the precipitation to occur decreases; and vice versa, because why Ksp is constant. Consequently, the solubility of an ionic compound depends on the concentration of the other salt that contain the same ions as the given salt.

    Calculations on the common ion effect

    Checking up 11.10

    The Ksp of Ca(OH)2 is 5.5x10-6
    a. Calculate the solubility of Ca(OH)2 in pure water.
    b. Calculate the solubility of Ca(OH)2 in 0.77M solution of Ba(OH)2

    11.11. The pH and solubility

    1. Explain the meaning of the term pH
    2. Explain how pH affects the solubility of a solute.

    The term pH refers to the concentration of [H+] ions in solution.

    The pH can be found if the [H+] ions in a solution is known.

    Changes in pH

    Some sparingly soluble salts produce ions such as, PO43-, C2O42-, OH-, CO32- which behave like bases; these can combine with hydrogen ions to form weak and poorly dissociated acid molecules.

    This reduces the concentration of H+ ions in the solution and for such salts their solubility will always increase  with a decrease of PH or addition of a dilute acid to the solution, the excess H+ ions will combine with the base-like ions thereby reducing their concentration and allowing the dissolution of more salt.

    Checking up 11.11

    1. The solubility product of silver oxalate Ag2C2O4 is given by the expression, Ksp = [Ag+] 2 [C2O42-]. Explain how the solubility of silver oxalate would be affected if a few drops of the following solutions are added.

    a.  Concentrated ammonia solution
    b. Sodium oxalate

    2. Strontium hydroxide is sparingly soluble in water.

    a.  Write the equation for the solubility of strontium hydroxide in water.
    b.  Write an expression for the solubility product (Ksp) of strontium hydroxide.
    c. Sodium hydroxide was added to a saturated solution of strontium hydroxide.

    i. State what happened to the solubility of strontium hydroxide in water.

    ii. Explain your answer in (i) above.

    11.12. Complex ion formation and solubility

    Activity 11.12

    3. Explain what you understand by the following terms:

    a. Complex ion
    b. Ligand
    c. Coordination number
    d. Hydrated cation
    e. Lewis base

    2. Arrange the following ligands in order of stronger Lewis base,

    NH3, Cl-,     H2O,     CN

    Checking up 11.12
    1. State the factors that favour the formation of complex ions.
    2. Can the shape of the complex ion change after ligand displacement?
    Explain your answer.

    11.13. Applications of solubility product

    Activity 11.13
    According to your experience or by doing research, give example of application of the solubility product.

    Some areas where solubility product is used:

    a. Volumetric analysis:
    The concentration of Chloride ions in a solution of soluble Chloride salt can be determined by titration with a standard solution of silver nitrate Potassium chromate is used as an indicator. A  white precipitate of silver Chloride  forms first due to lower solubility of silver Chloride , the end point is indicated by the formation of a red precipitate of silver chromate   This can be seen from  the solubility product

    Checking up11.13

    The solubility product of Bi2S3 is listed as an unimaginably small number, 1x10-97.

    1. Calculate the solubility ofBi2S3 in pure water.
    2. Suppose you tried to dissolve some Bi2S3in a solution of 0.50M Na2S how many grams of Bi2S3 would theoretically dissolve in one litre of this solution?


    1. Consider two compounds A and B where A has a solubility product of 3.3x10-3 while B has a solubility product of 4.4x10-7.Can we conclude that compound has ahigher Molar solubility than B. Explain your answer?

    2. Write the solubility product expressions for the following solubility equilibria.

    3. Consider a compound with the formula   L3X4   that dissolve to produce L4+and X3-ions in solution if the solubility product of this compound is 8.2x10-24. Calculate the molar solubility of the compound.

    4. Explain what is meant by the term common ion effect and how is it accounted for by applying Lechatelier’s principle.

    5. Calculate the molar solubility of Ba(IO3)2 given that its Ksp is equal to 1.5x10-9.