Key unit competence: Apply matrices and determinants concepts in solving 

    inputs & outputs model and related problems.

    Introductory activity

    Prices of the three commodities A,B and C are X,Y and Z per units 
    respectively. A person P purchases 4 units of B and sells two units of A and 
    5 units of C. Person Q purchases 2 units of C and sells 3 units of A and one 
    unit of B. Person R purchases one unit of A and sells 3 units of B and one 
    unit of C. in the process P, Q and R earn 15000Frw, 1000Frw and 4000Frw 
    respectively. Use matrix inversion to calculate the prices per unit of A, B and 


    1.1 Application of matrices 

    1.1.1 Economic applications 

    Learning activity 1.1.1

    Three customers purchased biscuits of different types P, Q and R. The first 
    customer purchased 10 packets of type P, 7 packets of type Q and 3 packets 
    of type R. Second customer purchased 4 packets of type P, 8 packets of type 
    Q and 10 packets of type R. The third customer purchased 4 packets of 
    type P, 7 packets of type Q and 8 packets of type R. If type P costs 4000Frw, 
    type Q costs 5000Frw and type R costs 6000Frw each, then using matrix 

    operation, find the amount of money spent by these customers individually.

    Economics is the study of shortage and how it impacts the use of resources, 
    the production of products and services, the growth of production and welfare 
    through time, as well as a wide range of other complicated issues that are of 
    the utmost importance to society in order to satisfy human needs and wants. 
    To understand money, jobs, prices, monopolies, and how the world works 
    on a daily basis, one must study economics. All across the world, matrices’ 
    properties, determinants, and inverse matrices, together with their addition, 
    subtraction, and multiplication operations, are employed to address these real-
    world issues. In economics, matrices are typically also used in the production 


    Example 1

    A firm produces three products A, B and C requiring the mix of three materials 
    P, Q and R. The requirement (per unit) of each product for each material is as 


    Using matrix notation, find 
    i. The total requirement of each material if the firm produces 100 units of 

    each product 

    ii. The per unit cost of production of each product if the per unit cost of 

    materials P,Q and R is 5000Frw, 10000Frw and 5000Frw respectively 

    iii. The total cost of production if the firm produces 200 units of each product

    i. The total requirement of each material if the firm produces 100 units 
    of each product can be calculated using the matrix multiplication given 


    With the help of matrix multiplication, the per unit cost of production of each 

    product would be calculated as 

    iii. The total cost of production if the firm produces 200 units of each product 

    would be given as 

    Hence, the total cost of production will be 34000Frw

    Example 2

    The number of units of a product sold by a retailer for the last 2 weeks are 

    shown in matrix a below, where the columns represent weeks and the rows

     item sells for 4000Frw, derive a matrix for total sales revenue for this retailer 

    for these two shop units over this two-week period. 


    Total revenue is calculated by multiplying each element in matrix of sales 
    quantities A by the scalar value 4000, the price that each unit is sold at. Thus 

    total revenue can be represented in Frw by the matrix

    Example 3

    If the price of TV is 300000Frw, the price of a stereo is 250000Frw, the price of 
    a tape deck is 175000Frw. Present price P in a 3 1× matrix then determine the 

    value of stock for the outlet given by Q = [20 14 8]

    Example 4

    A hamburger chain sells 1000 hamburgers, 600 cheeseburgers, and 1200 milk 
    shakers in a week. The price of a hamburger is 450Frw, a cheeseburger 600Frw 
    and a milk shake 500Frw. The cost to the chain of a hamburger is 380Frw, a 
    cheeseburger 420Frw, and a milk shake 320Frw. Find the firm’s profit for the 

    week, using 

    a) total concepts 

    b) per-unit analysis to prove that matrix multiplication is distributive 

    a) The quantity of goods sold (Q), the selling price of the goods (P), and the 

    cost of goods (C) can all be presented in matrix form. 

    Which is not defined as given. Taking the transpose of P or Q will render the 
    vectors conformable for multiplication. Note that the order of multiplication is 

    important. Thus, taking the transpose of P and premultiplying, we get,

    Application activity 1.1.1

    A firm produces two goods in a pure competition, and has a following total 

    1.1.2. Financial applications

    Learning activity 1.1.2

    With clear example discuss the importance of matrices in finance and 


    The process of raising cash or funds for any kind of expense is called financing. To 
    further handle this process, matrices are more useful in financial applications. 
    Matrix algebra is used in financial calculations due to the large amount of data 
    involved. These include managing financial risk, presenting investment or 

    business expense results or returns, and calculating value-at-risk.

    To facilitate a better understanding of accounting procedures based on the 
    principle of double entry, various methods of solving a given problem exist. It 
    is very crucial to emphasize the use of matrix algebra in financial records for 
    accountants, bankers, and accounting students in order to prepare them for 

    emerging trends in the business/financial world.

    Application of Matrix Additive to Financial Records 

    In the application of matrix addition concept, one needs to examine thoroughly 
    the accounting records to obtain the relevant figures expressed in monetary 
    terms to form the required matrices. The principle of double entry in accounting 
    provided the need to record any business transaction twice (i.e. as debit and 
    credit). Accounting records in books are strictly governed by the principle 
    of double entry, making it easier to obtain matrices of financial transactions 
    from one period to the next. As a result, using appropriate matrix concepts, the 
    opening and closing balances can be determined from period to period with 
    little difficulty.

    In addition, financial economics and financial econometrics rely on the use of 
    matrix algebra because of the need to manipulate large data inputs. Therefore, 
    matrix used in financial risk management, used to describe the outcomes or 

    payoff of an investment, and used to calculate value at risk.

    A finance company has offices located in province, district and cells. Assume 
    that there are 5 provinces, 30 districts and 200 sectors to be considered by the 

    company. The workers at every level are given in the matrix form, 

    column stands for head clerks , and the 3rd column stands for cashiers. The 

    basic monthly salaries (in FRW) are as follows:

    Office supervisor: 150,000

    Head clerk: 120,000

    Cashier: 117,500

    Using matrix notation, find 
    i. The total number of posts of each kind in all the offices taken together 
    ii. The total basic monthly salary bill of each kind of office and,

    iii. The total basic monthly salary bill of all the offices taken together 

    ii. Total basic monthly salary bill of each kind of offices is the elements of 


    Application activity 1.1.2

    Visit the finance office and look at how he/she completes the cash books 

    then perform the following:

    a) Create a matrix from debited and credit transactions 

    b) Find out transaction vector from these matrices

    1.2. System of linear equations

    1.2.1 Introduction to linear systems

    Learning activity 1.2.1

    By simplifying the second equation and found that x+ y  = 3 is contradictory to 

    the first equation x +y = 4

    A system of linear equations that has no solution is said to be inconsistent. If 
    there is at least one solution it is called consistent. Therefore, every system of 
    linear equations has either no solution, exactly one solution or infinitely many 


    An arbitrary system of m equations and n variables ( m n × linear system) can 

    be written as

    Application activity 1.2.1

    Solve the following system of linear equations

    1.2.2 Application of system of linear equations

    Learning activity 1.2.2

    A factory produces three types of the ideal food processor. Each type X 
    model processor requires 30 minutes of juice processing, 40 minutes of 
    bread processing, and 30 minutes of yoghurt processing, while each type Y 
    model processor requires 20 minutes of juice processing, 50 minutes of bread 
    processing, and 30 minutes of yoghurt processing. Each type Z model processor 
    requires 30 minutes of juice processing, 30 minutes of bread processing, and 
    20 minutes of yoghurt processing. How many of each type will be produced if 
    2500 minutes of juice processing, 3500 minutes of bread processing, and 2400 

    minutes of yoghurt processing are used in one day?

    When there is more than one unknown and enough information to set up 
    equations in those unknowns, systems of linear equations are used to solve such 
    applications. In general, we need enough information to set up n equations 
    in n unknowns if there are n unknowns. Solving such system means finding 
    values for the unknown variables which satisfy all the equations at the same 
    time . Even though other methods for solving systems of linear equations exist 
    , one method like the use matrices is the more important choice in economics, 

    finance, and accounting for solving systems of linear equations. 

    Consider any given situation that represents a system of linear equations, 

    consider the following keys points while solving the problem:

    i. Identify unknown quantities in a problem represent them with variables 
    ii. Write system of equations which models the problem’s conditions 
    iii. Deduce matrices from the system 

    iv. Solve for unknown variables 

    Example 1 

    Mr. John invested a part of his investment in 10% bond A and a part in 15% bond 
    B. His interest income during the first year is 4,000Frw. If he invests 20% more 
    in 10% bond A and 10% more in 15% bond B, his income during the second 
    year increases by 500Frw. Find his initial investment in bonds A and B using 

    matrix method. 

    Hence, the production levels of the products are given by First product has 11 

    tons, second product has 15 tons and the third product has 19 tons 

    Application activity 1.2.2

    A couple of two person has 60,000,000Frw to invest. They wish to earn an 
    average of 5,000,000 per year on the investment over a 5 year period. Based 
    on the yearly average return on mutual funds for 5 years ending december, 
    2022, they are considering the following funds: Personal savings at 5%, 

    bank loans at 6%,

    a) As their financial advisor, prepare a table showing the various ways 
    the couple can achieve their goal 

    b) Comment on the various possibilities and the overall plan

    1.3. Input-outputs models and Leontief theorem for matrix of 

    order 2.

    1.3.1 Input-outputs models ( n = 2 )

    Learning activity 1.3.1

    1. Generate input-output model formula and conditions hold for 

    technology matrix 

    2. Two commodities A and B are produced such that 0.4 tons of A and 
    0.7 tons of B are required to produce a tons of A. similarly 0.1 tons of 
    A and 0.7 tons of B are needed to produce a tons of B.

    i. Write down a technology matrix 

    ii. If 6.8 tons of A and 10.2 tons of B are required, find the gross 

    production of both them. 

    Input Output analysis is a type of economic analysis that focuses on the 
    interdependence of economic sectors. The method is most commonly used to 
    estimate the effects of positive and negative economic shocks and to analyze 
    the unforeseen consequences across an economy. Input-output tables are the 
    foundation of input-output analysis. Such tables contain a series of rows and 
    columns of data that quantify the supply chain for various economic sectors. 
    The industries are listed at the top of each row and column. The information in 
    each column corresponds to the level of inputs used in the production function 
    of that industry. The column for auto manufacturing, for example, displays 
    the resources required to construct automobiles (i.e., requirement of steel, 
    aluminum, plastic, electronic etc,). Input – Output models typically includes 
    separate tables showing the amount of required per unit of investment or 


    The use of Input-Output Models 

    Input-output models are used to calculate the total economic impact of a 
    change in industry output or demand for one or more commodities. These 
    models employ known information about inter-industry relationships to track 
    all changes in the output of supplier industries required to support an initial 
    increase in an industry’s output or an increase in commodity expenditures. The 

    model is commonly shocked during this process.

    Let us consider a simple economic model with two industries, A1 and A2, each 
    producing a single type of product. Assume that each industry consumes a 
    portion of its own output and the remainder from the other industry in order 
    to function. As a result, the industries are interdependent. Also, assume that 
    whatever is produced is consumed. That is, each industry’s total output must 
    be sufficient to meet its own demand, the demand of the other industry, and the 
    external demand (final demand).The main goal is to determine the output levels 
    of each of the two industries in order to meet a change in final demand, based 
    on knowledge of the two industries’ current outputs, under the assumption 

    that the economy’s structure does not change.

    Application activity 1.3.1

    An economy produces only coal and steel. These to commodities serve as 
    intermediate inputs in each other’s production. 0.4 tons of steel and 0.7 tons 
    of coal are needed to produce a ton of steel. Similarly, 0.1 tons of steel and 0.6 
    tons of coal are required to produce a ton of coal. No capital inputs are needed. 
    Do you think that the system is viable? The 2 and 5 labor days are required to 
    produce a ton of coal and steel respectively. If economy needs 100 tons of coal 
    and 50 tons of steel, calculate the gross output of the two commodities and the 

    total labor days required. 

    1.3.2 Leontief theorem for matrix of order two

    Learning activity 1.3.2

    1. Differentiate open Leontief Model from closed Leontief Model

    2. The following are two firms that are producing units in tons for 

    agriculture and manufacturing. 

    Assume that the external demand of agriculture is 80 and the one of manufacturing 
    is 200. Determine the units to be produced by agriculture and manufacturing 

    firms in order to satisfy their own external demands.

    The Leontief model is an economic model for an entire country or region. In 
    this model, n industries produce a number egg n of different products such that 
    the input equals the output, or consumption equals production. It distinguishes 

    between closed and open model.

    The open Leontief Model is a simplified economic model of a society in which 
    consumption equals production, or input equals output. Internal Consumption 
    (or internal demand) is defined as the amount of production consumed within 
    industries, whereas External Demand is the amount used outside of industries. 
    In addition, some production consumed internally by industries, rest consumed
    by external bodies. This model allows us to calculate how much production is 
    required in each industry to meet total demand. To determine the production 

    level, first create a consumption matrix C. 

    Therefore, an industry is profitable if the corresponding column in C has sum 

    less than one.

    An economy has the two industries R and S. The current consumption is given 

    by the table

    Assume the new external demand is 100 units of R and 100 units of S. Determine 

    the new production levels.


    Suppose that an economy has two sectors, Mining and electricity. For each 
    unit of output, Mining requires 0.4 unites of its own production and 0.2 units 
    of electricity. Moreover, for each unit output, electricity requires 0.2 units of 

    Mining and 0.6 units of its own production.

    i. Determine the consumption matrix C for this economy 

    ii. Find the inverse egg I C−

    iii. Using the Leontief model, determine the production levels from each 
    sector that are necessary to satisfy a final demand of 20 units from mining 

    and 10 units from electricity. 

    Application activity 1.3.2

    An economy has two sectors namely electricity and services. For each unit 
    of output, electricity requires 0.5 units from its own sector and 0.4 units 
    from services. Services require 0.5 units from electricity and 0.2 from its 

    own sector to produce one unit of services.

    i. Determine the consumption matrix C

    ii. State the Leontief input-output equation relating C to the production 

    X and final demand D

    iii. Use an inverse matrix to determine the production necessary to 
    satisfy a final demand of 1000 units of electricity and 2000 units of 


    1.4 End unit assessment

    Determine the number of cars of each type which can be produced using 29, 13 

    and 16 tons of steel of the three types respectively. 

    3. A company produces three products every day. Their total production 
    on a certain day is 45 tons. It is found that the production of the third 
    product exceeds the production of the first product by 8 tons while 
    the total combined production of the first and the third product is 
    twice that of the second product. Determine the production level of 

    each product using Cramer’s rule.

    4. An economy has two sectors, mining and electricity. For each unit 
    of output, mining requires 40% units of its own production and 
    20% units of electricity. Moreover, for each unit output, electricity 

    requires 20% units of mining and 0.6 units of its own production.

    a) Determine the consumption matrix C for this economy 

    b) Find the inverse of I-C

    c) Using the Leontief model, determine the production levels from 
    each sector that are necessary to satisfy a final demand of 20 units 

    from mining and 10 units from electricity.