Key unit competence: Create company profile in QUICKBOOKS 


    Introductory Activity

    In today’s business environment, most financial accounting systems have 
    been computerized and automated in such a way that papers are not needed 
    or needed less and less. Mr NGOGA Frank is an accountant in ABC Ltd. 
    His day to day activities is to identify and record, classify, summarize, analyze 
    and interpret financial transactions of the company in a significant manner 
    and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part of financial 
    character, and interpret the related results. Mr NGOGA Frank uses a manual 
    book keeping accounting system. This causes him a low performance in 
    terms of providing timely financial information to the different users for rational 
    decisions. To overcome this, the owner is suggesting to shift from manual book 
    keeping system to computerized accounting system.

           a) Advise him on accounting software that can be used by the company.
           b) Do you think the software will help them to handle the challenges? 


    1.1 General overview on QuickBooks 

                  Activity 1.1

    Holly city Technology Ltd has a paper-based database and wants to have a 
    computerized one to use to keep all its customers, suppliers and third parties’ 
    data. Every day Director of Holly city technology Ltd faces different challenges 
    of properly keeping customer’s data because of the system they use which is 

    a paper based database and Microsoft Excel program.

    By analyzing this scenario answer the following questions:
          a. Advise him on the software the company can use for solving the above 

         b. Differentiate a paper-based database from a computerized database

    QuickBooks is one of the most popular accounting software for small 
    businesses. Moving from manual bookkeeping or spreadsheets have grown 
    into many problems, difficulties, obstacles and businesses need a better option 
    compared to other current software. 

    QuickBooks can be a good choice for small and medium businesses. It is best 
    known for its bookkeeping software; it offers a range of accounting and finance 

    solutions for small businesses. 

                         1.1.1. Key concepts

    a. Accounting: Accounting is a process of identifying and recording, 
    classifying, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting financial transactions 
    of an entity for a certain financial period. 

    b. Accounting cycle: Accounting cycle refers to a series of steps followed 
    by companies to systematically process financial information from source 
    documents to the preparation of financial statements on a monthly, 
    quarterly, and/or annual basis. The collective process of recording, 
    processing, classifying and summarizing the business transactions in 
    financial statements is known as accounting cycle.

    c. Manual Bookkeeping: This is a way of recording business activity 
    transactions without using a computer system with specialized accounting 
    software. In this way, transactions are registered by hand in accounting 
    books, using a written ledger of transactions, physical records, pads of 
    paper and books.

    d. Computerized accounting: Computerized accounting system is an 
    accounting information system that processes the financial transactions 
    and events as per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to 

    produce reports as per user requirements

       1.1.2. Use of QuickBooks software in accounting records

    QuickBooks provides a number of ready to use templates that business 
    owners can use to create invoices, spreadsheets, charts and business plan. 
    QuickBooks makes it easy to customize the look and feel of those documents. 
    QuickBooks allows the user to look at and manage purchases, sales, and 

    expenses in one spot. 

    Additionally, QuickBooks helps businesses in the following ways:

    • QuickBooks like other accounting is important in digitalization of 
       accounting data
    • Simplifies and automates data entry. For example, a point-of-sale 
       terminal may actually become a data entry device so that sales are 
       automatically “booked” into the accounting system as they occur
    • Frequently divide the accounting process into modules related to 
      functional areas such as sales/collection, purchasing/payment, and 
    • Is “user-friendly” by providing data entry blanks that are easily understood 
      in relation to the underlying transactions.
    • Minimize key-stokes by using “pick lists,” automatic call-up functions, 
      and auto-complete type technology.
    • Is built on data-base logic, allowing transaction data to be sorted and 
       processed based on any query structure. For example, producing an 
       income statement for July; providing a listing of sales to Customer
    • Provide up-to-date data that may be accessed by key business decision 
    • Are capable of producing numerous specialized reports in addition to 

      the key financial statements

          Application Activity 1.1

    1. Define the following Terms:
          a) Manual Bookkeeping
          b) Computerized accounting 
         c) Accounting cycle

    2. Discuss the importance of QuickBooks

    1.2. Installation of QUICKBOOKS software 

               Learning Activity 1.2

    Holly city Technology Ltd accountant Uwimbabazi bought a laptop which 
    doesn’t have any accounting software 
            1. Demonstrate and outline the procedure will be used by Uwimbabazi for 

                 having QuickBooks in her computer. 

    Installation (or setup) of software is the act of making the program ready 
    for execution. Installation refers to the particular configuration of a software or 
    hardware with a view to making it usable with the computer. A soft or digital 
    copy of the piece of software (program) is needed to install it. There are different 
    processes of installing a piece of software (program).

    Because the process varies for each program and each computer, programs 
    (including operating systems) often come with an installer, a specialized program 
    responsible for doing whatever is needed for the installation. Installation may be 
    part of a larger software deployment process. 

    Installation typically involves code (program) being copied/generated from 
    the installation files to new files on the local computer for easier access by 
    the operating system, creating necessary directories, registering environment 
    variables, providing separate program for un-installation etc. Because code is 
    generally copied/generated in multiple locations, uninstallation usually involves 

    more than just erasing the program folder.

    Common operations performed during QuickBooks software 
    installation include:

    • Making sure that necessary system requirements are met
    • Checking for existing versions of the software
    • Creating or updating program files and folders
    • Adding configuration data such as configuration files, Windows 
       registry entries or environment variables
    • Making the software accessible to the user, for instance by creating 
       links, shortcuts or bookmarks
    • Configuring components that run automatically, such as Windows 
    • Performing product activation

    • Updating the software versions

    Steps of installing QuickBooks Software
    The following are the steps to install a QuickBooks software in a computer:

    Step 1. Open QuickBooks set up icon, then the following window appear:


                                 Figure 1.1. QuickBooks Install Shield wizard

    Step 2: In the Welcome Window that appeared click on NEXT and get the 



                                          Figure 1.2. Welcome to QuickBooks Interface

         Step 3: Tick on “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click on 



                       Figure 1.3 QuickBooks License Agreement Interface

       Step4: After accepting the terms and conditions of QuickBooks license, 
           activate the QuickBooks Desktop by filling the license and product number 

           in their field. 


                  Figure 1.4 Field reserved for License Number and Product Number

            After click on Next then the following window of custom and network options 

            will appear. 


                Figure 1.5 Interface used for selecting where QuickBooks Desktop will be used

     Step 5: Select whether you will use QuickBooks Desktop on this computer 
    (which is the recommended option). Then click on Next. One of the three 
    options is chosen depending on how QuickBooks will be used.

    Step 6: Choose installation Location 

    Click on browse to select the installation location. By default, QuickBooks files 
    are saved in local disk C\Program Files (x86) \Intuit\QuickBooks Enterprise 
    solutions. But the user can locate it in other locations like on desktop or local 

    disk D.


                         Figure 1.6 Location of QuickBooks Software 

         Click on install and wait for installation process


            Figure 1.7 Interface with QuickBooks installation Progress 

            Application Activity 1.2

    Assume you have got a job of being an accountant of five-star hotel 
    and the hotel wants to start using QuickBooks accounting software in 
    their accounting records. Even if the hotel manager has already bought 
    QuickBooks software, it is not yet installed in their computers. You are 
    therefore asked to help them to install it.

    1. What are the steps will you follow to install QuickBooks in computer?
    2. Install the QuickBooks software in one computer in the school 

         computer lab

            1.3. Creating company profile in QuickBooks 

                     Learning Activity 1.3 

    ABADAHIGWA COOPERATIVE needs to use QuickBooks in its day to 
    day accounting records. It is necessary to ha a full complete profile of the 

    company to ensure an easy and clear records of transactions. 

    • Suggest to the cooperative the main component of the 
       company profile
    • Use your own example to show to the cooperative an example 

        of a full complete company profile

    A company profile or company file is where the user stores company financial 
    records in QuickBooks. Therefore, it is the first thing to do in QuickBooks. You 
    can create a company file from scratch or convert records previously kept in a 
    small-business accounting program. It is a tool to use for analyzing the financial 

    situation of companies.

    To create a company profile, follow this procedure:
    • Click on the QuickBooks Home page

    • Click on create new company:


                         Figure 1.8 Creation of new company

            • Clicking on Expressing Start


                   Figure 1.9 The beginning of Easy setup of company identification

              After clicking on Expressing Start, an easy setup of company profile interview 


                • Complete the easy setup of company profile interview:


                               Figure 1.10 Business information interface 

    • Fill the business name
    • For the industry, click on help me to choose so that the default chart 
       of accounts should not appear in the company charts of company. 

    • Select other/none


                       Figure 1.11 interface with a list of industry types

    The selection of Other/None allows the user to have a free field of charts of 
    account so that he can set the appropriate charts of account according to the 
    transactions he will be recording.

    If the user selects the Accounting or bookkeeping on the field of Industry, 
    the default account relating to the selected industry will appear in the chart of 
    accounts including the ones the user does not want.

              The field of Business Type should be filled according to the user’s choice. If 
               the user needs to continue by setting his own charts of account, he can select 

              Other / None. Then OK


                             Figure 1.12 Details of company information 
     Note: For Employer Identification Number use the format xxx-xx-xxxx (Three 
                  digits- Two digits-four digits).

               • After filling all fields click on Create the Company

        Then wait for the company creation process until the following window appear            

                        Figure 1.13 Interface for adding Business People, Product or Services

    In the above window the user adds people to do business with, product or 
    services sold by the company and bank accounts. Otherwise, the user may skip 

    to start Working tab.

             Then the QuickBooks Home Page interface appears as follows:


                    Figure 1.14 QuickBooks Home Page interface 

    The menu bar has fourteen menus namely: File, Edit, View, Lists, Favorites, 
    Accountant, Company, Customers, Vendors, Employees, Banking, Reports, 

    Window and Help.

              Application Activity 1.3 

    BWIZA Ltd is a small sole trade business of purchasing and selling of 
    Eggplants. It is located in NDUBA Sector, GASABO District KIGALI CITY 
    (Tel +250788567012-722567012; P.O Box 1123 Kigali). 

    BWIZA Ltd is facing serious problems related to the use of manual accounting, 

    it decided to use QuickBooks. Create accompany profile for BWIZA Ltd.

       1.4. Customization of company preference

              Learning Activity 1.4 

    If the QuickBooks user wants to customize company preferences in QuickBooks 
    to fit his personal style and business needs he can do it with the help of 
    QuickBooks preferences as long as references permit the users to choose 
    how they want QuickBooks to manage things or to set own preferences.

    • What should be the examples preferences that the user can 

    • In which process it could be done?

    Preferences allow you as the user to decide how you want QuickBooks to 
    handle things or set personal or company preferences.

    Examples of preferences that the user can customize:
    – Age from due date: The overdue days appears on the invoice, 
          statement or bill, that start from the due date that
    – Age from transaction date: The overdue days start on the creation 
         date of the invoice, statement or the date of when bill receiving.
    – Format: If you click this button, then this button will open the Report 
       Format Preferences window which authorizes you to customize Header 
       or Footer & Fonts and Numbers on QuickBooks reports. You can modify 
       the appearance of the report.
    – Reports: Show items by defining how reports display the name of the 
    – Reports: If you need to display account numbers in your reports, click 
        Name and Description or Name only.
    – The Classify button: With the help of this button, you can reclassify 

        accounts for the Statement of Cash Flows report

    Preferences can be found by going to the top of the main QuickBooks Home 
    page and click on Edit and then preferences. Click on Edit Menu, on the 

    QuickBooks Home page and find the following window:                


    A click on Preferences gives to the user the wide option to customize either his 

    preferences or Company Preferences.


    For example: If the user needs to customize the use of numbers on the 
    accounts, he/she must follow these steps:

    1. Click on Accounting


    Click on Company preference and tick on Use Account Numbers

       and OK


       After clicking OK, check the accounts and see the numbers on the 



             Application Activity 1.3

    1. What is the meaning of customization of company preferences?
    2. Give the examples of preferences that the QuickBooks user can 
        customize to suit its work.
    3. Present a preferences window where on My Preferences, Payroll & 

        Employees, Only Online Payroll and Last Name are selected. 

       End of Unit Assessment 

    1. Define the Installation of software
    2. List the common operations performed during QuickBooks software 
    3. MUTARA ENTERPRISE is a small sole trade business of manufacturing 
    of furniture items. It is located in KAGEYO Sector, Gatsibo District 
    in Eastern Province (Tel +250788567012-722567012; P.O Box 
    1123 Gatsibo). MUTARA ENTERPRISE Shop is well known for its 
    services performed in Society that attracts customers.

    • Use the information above to create a company profile.
    • Customize the charts of accounts so that they appear with 

       relevant codes numbers