• UNIT 3: Weather

    Oral Activity

    Look outside, and then say what the weather is like.

    3.1 Talking about the weather

    Activity 1

    1. Describe the weather shown in the pictures below.


    2. Now match the sentences below to the pictures above.
    a) It is raining today.
    b) The sun is shining brightly.
    c) There is no wind this afternoon.
    d) There is too much wind this afternoon.

    Activity 2

    1. Go out of the class if possible and observe the weather conditions. What is the weather like today?

    For example

    a) It is very hot today.

    b) The temperature is very high.

    c) The wind is blowing softly to the west.

    2. In groups, talk about what you are observing.

    One can ask, “What is the weather like today?” The other can answer by saying, “The sun is shining brightly, today.” Or One can ask, “Is it raining today?” The other can answer by saying, “Yes, it is.” or “No, it is not raining today. The sun is shining brightly.”

    Activity 3

    Find at least seven (7) words that are used to describe weather in the puzzle below.


    Grammar point

    The Present Continuous Tense is used to show that an action:

    a) Is still going on at the time of speaking.

    b) Is happening now.

    c) Will or will not happen in the near future. It is formed by adding – ing to the main verb.

    For example

    Read the following examples:

    1. It is raining in town.

    2. He is carrying an umbrella.

    Exercise 1

    Construct seven sentences in the Present Continuous Tense and read them out to the class.

    Activity 4

    Change the following verbs into the Present Continuous form. Use the converted verbs to construct sentences.

    For example

    Rain = raining

    It is raining. (Present continuous)

    Thunder = thundering

    It's thundering right now.

    a) Pour                      b) Blow            c) Drizzle                   d) Shine
    e) Flood                     f) Freeze          g) Snow

    Exercise 2

    Write seven sentences in different tenses and change them into the Present Continuous Tense.

    Present the sentences to your classmates.

    Activity 5

    The weather today
    Mr Rukundo:       Good afternoon, Jane?
    Jane:                  Good afternoon, Mr Rukundo.
    Mr Rukundo:      How can I help you, Jane?
    Jane:                   Please tell me about today’s weather.
    Mr Rukundo:      Well, it is rainy, and the temperature is cold.
    Jane:                   I think it is cloudy and calm.
    Mr Rukundo:      You are partly right, Jane. It is calm because there is no wind. But it can’t be cloudy and at 

                                the same time be rainy.
    Jane:                  I don’t understand what you have just said, sir.
    Mr Rukundo:     I mean it was cloudy and the clouds have cleared because the water that was in the 

                               clouds is falling as rain.
    1. Role-play the dialogue between Mr Rukundo and Jane.
    2. Answer the following questions.
    a) Which words are used to describe weather in the passage above?
    b) What is the meaning of the word temperature?

    Exercise 3

    Draw and colour a picture to show the weather that you are experiencing today. Display your picture on the notice board for your friends to see.

    3.2 Predicting the weather

    Name the weather instruments shown below. Which element of weather are they used to measure?



    Activity 2

    1. Make a weather chart for the whole week similar to the one shown below. You can also draw symbols in place of the words.


    2. Observe the weather on a daily basis. Is it the same as you had recorded in your weather chart?
    3. Construct sentences that show predictions about weather according to the weather chart that you have filled in.

    For example

    1. It was cloudy and windy on Monday.

    2. On Tuesday, it was rainy and very cold.

    Activity 3

    Read the following weather forecast as heard on Rwanda Television. Complete the forecast by picking the correct words to fill the gaps.

    fall      sunny      viewers      presenter      forecast          cold



    Activity 4

    Role-play the weather forecast above in class. Let pupils be chosen at random from each group to be the weather forecaster. The rest of the class will be the viewers.

    Activity 5

    Your teacher will organize for a field trip to the nearest weather station.
    a) Observe all the weather instruments that are used in the station.
    b) Find out how the weather forecasters are able to predict the weather for a given place.

    Also ask any other questions that you might have.
    c) When back in class, draw all the weather instruments that you saw at the station.

    Under each instrument, write its use.

    Exercise 4

    a) Listen to a recorded weather broadcast message.

    b) Draw a weather chart based on what you heard.

    c) In pairs, compare your work. Are the charts different?

    3.3 Planning future events

    Activity 1

    Tell your friends about what you plan to do over the weekend depending on the weather conditions.

    For example

    1. If it rains on Friday, I will go to the garden with my father on Saturday.

    2. If it will be sunny over the weekend, I will wash my clothes.

    3. If it will be windy on Sunday, I will go to the beach to fly my kite.

    Activity 2

    Look at the pictures below. Predict the type of clothing you will wear for each picture.

    Present your answer in a complete sentence in your exercise book. Then read it out loud for your classmates.

    For example

    If you have a picture of rainy weather, you can say; “If it rains this morning, I will wear gumboots”.



    Look at each of the pictures about the different weather conditions above, and write a paragraph explaining each situation.

    Grammar point

    The first conditional is used to express a future action as determined by another factor.

    It is also called IF 1. It shows the possibility of something happening if a certain condition is fulfilled.

    It is made up of two parts:

    The IF clause and the main clause.

    If it rains, he will weed the garden.

    The coloured is the IF clause while the part after the comma is the main clause.

    The Present Simple Tense is used in the IF clause while the future simple is used in the main clause.

    The first conditional can be expressed using two structures:

    1. If condition then result. or 2. Result then if condition.

    For example

    1. If it rains, I will plant maize.

    2. If it rains, I will carry an umbrella.

    3. We shall rest if the weather is hot.

    4. The trees will shake if it rains.

    Where the main clause starts a conditional sentence, there is no comma added after the main clause as seen in numbers 3 and 4. However, a comma is always necessary after the IF clause if it starts a sentence before you can continue with the main clause. As seen in numbers 1 and 2.

    Activity 3

    Construct five sentences in the first conditional (IF 1) to explain how their programs change because of the weather changes.

    Exercise 5

    Read and recite the poem below.

    My umbrella

    Is it raining on the hill?

    No, it is not raining.

    Is it raining in the valley?

    No, it is not raining.

    I will carry my umbrella.

    Will the sun shine?

    Yes, it will shine.

    On the hill and in the valley,

    I will see the rainbow.

    And carry my umbrella.



    1. Why is the poet carrying an umbrella when it is not raining?

    2. What does the poet expect to see?

    3. State the colours of a rainbow.

    3.4 Describing future plans

    Activity 1

    a) Listen carefully as your teacher reads the following words.

    temperature,     chilly,       freezing,         warm,      forecast,      thunderstorm,      lighting

    b) Discuss the meanings of the words that you know with your friend.

    c) Use a dictionary or the Internet to find out the meanings of the words that you do not know.

    Activity 2

    Choose the correct word from the words you learnt above to fill in the blanks.

    1. The...………. is going to be cold in March.
    2. The girl is going to be scared by the.........….during the rainy season.
    3. The weather...……... is going to be read after news.
    4. Byumba will be in October.
    5. I am …………... Get me a sweater please.

    Grammar point


    We use ‘going to’ to talk about what we plan to do, predict or give commands.

    For example

    1. I am going to Huye on Friday evening. I hope it won’t be cold.


    2. I will put on my new gumboots when it rains.

    3. We are going to Musanze in the evening. We are taking umbrellas with us because it might rain there.

    Activity 3

    Write down 3 different sentences about an activity that you hope to do in the future. Share what you have written with the class.

    Exercise 6

    In your exercise, re-write the sentences describing each of the pictures below correctly.






    3.5 Describing seasons

    Activity 1

    Talk about the pictures. What is the difference between the pictures?


    Activity 2

    Read the passage below about Rwanda’s climate and answer the questions that follow

    Rwanda’s climate
    Rwanda has very good climate. Temperatures vary from one region to another because of the different altitudes.
    The south western part of Rwanda receives heavier rainfall compared to the eastern part.
    Rwanda experiences two rainy seasons and two dry seasons. The long rainy season begins in March. During this time there is a lot of rain. The short rainy season is experienced from October to November.
    The long dry season is experienced from June to around mid September. Lastly, the short dry season is experienced from December to February.
    Rwanda’s capital city has an average temperature of 21°C. These cool temperatures are experienced because there is always cloud cover all year long.


    1. Look up the meanings of the following words. Write them down and share with the class.
    a) Climate
    b) Weather
    c) Temperature
    d) Altitude

    2. Write the months next to the seasons.
    a) Long rainy season ---------------------
    b) Short dry season -----------------------
    c) Long dry season ------------------------
    d) Short rainy season ---------------------
    3. Discuss in groups and explain why rainfall is heavy in the South–west and North–east, but not in the East. Write in your notebook and present to the class.

    Activity 3

    Study the bar graph about Rwanda’s climate and answer the questions that follow.


    1. What is the title of the bar graph?
    2. What information is displayed on the:
    a) X-axis             b) Y-axis
    3 Which month receives the highest rainfall?
    4 Write down two months with the least rainfall.
    5 Describe the characteristics of the season with the least rainfall in a paragraph.

    Activity 4

    From the example of the bar graph given above, work in groups and construct bar graphs about Rwanda’s climate using the information provided in the table below.


    Grammar point

    The Present Simple Tense is used to express habits, facts or abilities. The tense appears on the verb. Read the following sentences:

    1. The temperature is hot in the afternoon.

    2. Farmers plant their crops in the rainy season.

    3. We harvest our crop in the dry season.

    Exercise 7

    Construct sentences about the graphs you have drawn in Activity 3 and Activity 4.

    For example, in the first graph we can say:

    a) Rainfall is highest in the month of April.

    b) Temperatures are high in the middle of the year.

    c) Temperatures are low during the rainy seasons.

    Sounds and spelling

    Activity 1

    Listen carefully as the teacher dictates words used to describe seasons. Write down the words in your exercise book.

    Activity 2

    Re-arrange the letters to form words relating to weather.

    htdunreormts                       oughtdr                    doodlfs
    ostfr                                   pemtaurepre                  istm


    I flash the sky with bright lights and I sound louder than any gun.
    What am I?


    Hold a class debate on the motion:
    Industries are responsible for the harsh weather we are experiencing.
    Think, pair and share
    Talk about man’s activities in the environment that negatively affect weather and climate.

                                               Unit 3 Assessment

    1. Discuss and explain the difference between weather and climate
    2. a) Draw pictures of the different weather conditions. Colour and write a sentence describing each picture.
    b) Describe the kind of activities done during:
    • Rainy season
    • Dry season

    3. Study and describe the current weather conditions and make a weather prediction for tomorrow.
    4. In pairs, review your work and discuss your weather findings and explain why your predictions were either correct or incorrect.
    5. Make a list of plans or events you want to do that will be determined by weather.
    6. Search for weather charts from atlases, newspapers and other academic materials. Copy the weather  

        charts and interpret the information for the class.
    7. Make weather charts for your class and hold an exhibition. Invite the head teacher to be the guest of   

        honour. Choose a leader to explain what you have done.
    8. Draw and label at least three instruments used at a weather station.
    9. In groups, discuss and explain why some areas in Rwanda receive heavy rainfall and some areas do not. Share your answers.
    10. Complete the following sentences correctly.

    a) If the sun shines tomorrow, we -----------------------
    b) If it rains, I ---------------------------
    c) They will play football if ------------------------
    d) We shall carry our umbrellas if ----------------------

    11. Study the table below showing temperatures in months in Eastern Province, Rwanda.


    a) Draw a bar graph from the table.
    b) Write three sentences about the graph.
    12. Write in words.
    a) 39°C   -------------------------------  b) 32°C  ----------------------------------------

    UNIT 2: Making future plansUNIT 4: Behaviour, rules and laws