Topic outline


    Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on Gastro Duodenal Ulcers

    Introductory activity 1.0

    The image A and B illustrate the structures of stomach and duodenum. Observe 

    them and respond to the attached questions.

    1) Is there any difference between the two images (A&B)?
    2) What explanations can you give to justify the abnormal structure of 
    stomach and duodenum?
    3) What do you think can cause the modifications that you have observed? 
    4) What are the manifestations of such abnormalities in the human body?
    5) How can health personnel identify or notice these abnormalities of 
    stomach and duodenum?

    6) How can these abnormalities be corrected?

    1.1. Description of gastroduodenal ulcers

    Learning Activity 1.1

    S.D is a 47-year-old police officer who lives and works in urban area. Mr. S.D has 
    now been admitted to the hospital where you are allocated. 
    *In the past history, Mr. SD has had ‘heartburn’ and abdominal discomfort for 
    years, but he thought it went along with his job. Last year, after becoming weak, 
    light-headed and short of breath, he was found to be anemic. He said that he 
    took omeprazole and ferrous sulfate for 3 months before stopping both, saying 
    he had ‘never felt better in his life’. 
    *On today’s initial assessment, S.D is alert and oriented, though very worried 
    about his condition. Skin pale and cold; BP 136/78, P 98; his abdomen is 
    distended and tender with hyperactive bowel sounds; he has active upper GI 
    bleeding as manifested by 200 mL bright red blood obtained on nasogastric tube 
    that has been inserted.
    * The medical doctor is now ordering different diagnostic measures and include 
    FBC, endoscopy and a biopsy taken from the stomach and duodenum. 
    *The results of FBC have indicated low Hemoglobin and low hematocrit. Tissue 
    biopsy obtained during endoscopy confirms the presence of H. pylori infection.
    Questions related to the case study
    1) Identify the biography of the patient described in the case study
    2) What is the medical history of patient described in the case study?
    3) Describe the signs and symptoms that the patient present and are 
    described in the case study
    4) What are the aggravating and relieving factors?
    5) What is the probable diagnostic method of this S.D?
    Learning Activity 1.1
    1.1.1. Definition and the Gastroduodenal ulcers
    Gastroduodenal ulcers also known as Peptic ulcer (PU) disease is a condition in 
    which painful sores or ulcers develop in the lining of the stomach or the first part of 
    the small intestine (the duodenum). 
    1.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of Gastroduodenal ulcers
    Studies have revealed two main causes of peptic ulcers (PU): Helicobacter pylori 
    (H. pylori) bacteria and pain-relieving NSAID medications. There are other many 

    factors of Peptic ulcers. 

    Risk factors for peptic ulcer disease 

    • H. pylori infection, 
    • Low socioeconomic status Crowded, unsanitary living conditions 
    • Unclean food or water 
    • Advanced age
    • History of PUD 
    • Concurrent use of other drugs such as glucocorticoids or other NSAIDs 
    • Cigarette smoking 
    • Family history of PUD
    PU disease is characterized by discontinuation in the inner lining of the gastrointestinal 
    (GI) tract because of an increase in the concentration or activity of gastric acid or 
    pepsin. It extends into the muscularis propria layer of the gastric epithelium. Some 
    individuals have more rapid gastric emptying, which, combined with hypersecretion 
    of acid, creates a large amount of acid moving into the duodenum. As a result, peptic 
    ulcers occur more often in the duodenum. The Pathophysiology of gastroduodenal 

    Ulcer is summarized on the figure 1.1.

      1.1.3. Signs and symptoms of Gastroduodenal ulcers

    Some people with ulcers don’t experience any symptoms. But signs of a peptic 
    ulcer can include burning pain in the middle or upper stomach between meals or 
    at night. Pain that temporarily disappears if you eat something or take an antacid, 
    bloating, heartburn, nausea or vomiting.
    In severe cases, symptoms can include dark or black stool (due to bleeding), 
    vomiting, weight loss, severe pain in the mid to upper abdomen. Table 1.1 compares 

    the characteristics of duodenal and gastric ulcers


    1.1.4. Diagnostic measures

    The gastroduodenal ulcers can be diagnosed through a complete history, physical 
    examination, Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 
    with biopsy, Helicobacter pylori testing. Endoscopy is the most accurate diagnostic 
    procedure and allows for direct viewing of the gastric and duodenal mucosa 
     The Complete blood cell count may indicate low level of Hb and Ht due to chronic 
    bleeding. Helicobacter pylori results are referred to as positive or negative. 
    Differential diagnostic includes acute choleritiasis, cholique syndrome, myocardial 


    Figure 1.2: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) directly visualizes the mucosal lining of the 
    stomach with a flexible endoscope. Ulcers or tumors can be directly visualized and biopsies taken. 

    (Lewis 2012)

    Self-assessment 1.1

    Briefly explain the pathophysiology of gastroduodenal ulcers?
    Identify other diseases that would mimic the symptoms of gastroduodenal ulcers?

    How would reduce the anxiety of the patient caused by the fear of endoscopy?

    1.2. The management of gastroduodenal ulcers

    Learning Activity 1.2

    …Continuation of S.D case study

    After different investigations, the medical doctor confirmed that the police officer 
    Mr. S.D is suffering from Gastroduodenal ulcers. Regarding the treatment, 
    Mr. S.D has received two units of packed RBCs and intravenous fluids. Oral 
    omeprazole (40 mg BID) was ordered and when he was in endoscopy they 
    managed to stop the bleeding.

    Questions related to the case study

    1) What is the surgical treatment plan adopted by the medical doctor for this 
    2) In group discuss the different medication prescribed to this patient 

    3) List potential complications which may happen to this police officer 

    1.2.1. The treatment plan of Gastroduodenal ulcers

    Medications to treat peptic ulcer include:
    • Proton pump inhibitors (PPI): These drugs reduce acid, which allows the ulcer 
    to heal (e g: nexium). 
    • Histamine receptor blockers (H2 blockers): These drugs also reduce acid 
    production (e g: Tagamet).
    • Antibiotics: These medications kill bacteria (e g:Amoxicillin).
    • Protective medications: Like a liquid bandage, these medications cover the 
    ulcer in a protective layer to prevent further damage from digestive acids and 
    enzymes (e g: Carafate). 
    • Several treatment options are combined to cure H. pylori without recurrence. 
    Triple therapy has the best eradication rate
    • Endoscopy procedure treatment: 
    • Doctor may treat peptic ulcers during an endoscopy procedure by injecting 
    • Doctor can also use a clamp or cauterization (burning tissue) to seal it off and 
    stop the bleeding.
    To eradicate the H pylori infection dual or triple therapy is recommended as indicated 

    in table 1.2.

    1.2.2. Associate nurse decision making

    In the hospital, the associate nurse will perform tasks that are delegated by 
    registered nurses. The primary focus of care for peptic ulcer disease is educating 
    patients. The teaching guide will include detail the following:
    – Describe dietary modifications
    – Explain the rationale for avoiding cigarettes
    – Emphasize the need to reduce or eliminate alcohol ingestion
    – Explain the rationale for avoiding OTC drugs unless approved by the 
    patient’s health care provider.
    – Explain the rationale for not interchanging brands of antacids and
    – H2-receptor blockers that can be purchased OTC without checking with 
    the health care provider Emphasize the need to take all medications as 
    – Explain the importance of reporting any of the following:
    – Describe the relationship between symptoms and stress. Stress reducing 
    activities and relaxation strategies are encouraged.
    – Encourage patient and caregiver to share concerns about lifestyle changes 

    and living with a chronic illness.

    1.2.3. Complications of gastroduodenal ulcers

    Perforation, abscess of the appendix, and peritonitis are major complications of 
    gastroduodenal ulcer. With perforation, the pain is severe, and temperature is 

    elevated to at least 37.7°C.

    Self-assessment 1.2

    Mr. S.M a patient on your department unit, has a duodenal ulcer. His wife runs to 
    the nursing station and says that you need to help her husband, he is in terrible 
    pain. As you enter the room, you see Mr. SM bent knee-to-chest position on the 
    bed. He is crying and says he has excruciating abdominal pain.
    1) What additional data would you gather?
    2) What emotional support would you offer to Mrs. SM?
    3) After orders are obtained, what actions will you anticipate implementing 

    under supervision

    1.3 End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) What are the most frequent symptoms of Gastroduodenal ulcers?
    2) What are the diagnostic measures of Gastroduodenal ulcers?
    3) The nurse is teaching the client and her family about possible causes of 
    peptic ulcers. How does the nurse explain ulcer formation? Choose the 
    best answer.
    a) Caused by a stressful lifestyle and other acid-producing factors such as 
    Helicobacter pylori
    b) Inherited within families and reinforced by bacterial spread of 
    Staphylococcus aureus in childhood
    c) Promoted by factors that tend to cause over secretion of acid, such as 
    excess dietary fats, smoking, and H. pylori
    d) Promoted by a combination of possible factors that may result in erosion 
    of the gastric mucosa, including certain drugs and alcohol
    4) Duodenal and gastric ulcers have similar as well as differentiating features. 
    What are characteristics unique to duodenal ulcers (select all that apply)?
    a) Pain is relieved with eating food.
    b) They have a high recurrence rate.
    c) Increased gastric secretion occurs.
    d) Associated with Helicobacter pylori infection.
    e) Hemorrhage, perforation, and obstruction may result.
    f) There is burning and cramping in the midepigastric area.
    5) What are the dietary modifications would you recommend a patient with 

    gastroduodenal ulcers?


    Key Unit competence: 
    Take appropriate decision on appendicitis

    Introductory activity 2.0

    Observe the images A and B below illustrating the structures of appendix in 

    human body. 

    1) Is there any difference between two appendixes?
    2) Which one of these two would reflect the normal structure of appendix in 
    the human body? 
    3) Describe the abnormalities that you have observed. 
    4) What do you think can cause the abnormalities that you have observed?
    5) What are the manifestations of the observed abnormalities in the human 
    6) How can health personnel identify these abnormalities?

    7) How can these abnormal structures be corrected?

    2.1. Description of appendicitis

    Learning Activity 2.1

    M.H, a-13-year-old boy with history of constipation comes into the emergency 
    of referral hospital for severe abdominal pain. M.H reports that his abdomen 
    hurts for the past 24 hours. He notes that he initially suffered from mild pain 
    around his umbilicus last night and this morning he reported that the pain has 
    migrated to his right lower quadrant. He tells the nurse that the pain just keeps 
    getting worse and it is associated with nausea, vomiting and fever (39 degrees 
    Celsius). Upon physical assessment, M.H doesn’t allow anyone auscultate 
    or palpate his abdomen because of the pain. After 10 minutes he allowed the 
    nurse to do physical assessment. He is quite tender to mild palpation in the 
    right lower quadrant and he has muscle guarding. M.H prefers to lie still with the 
    right leg flexed. The medical doctor ordered blood sample to check the number 
    of WBCs. He also ordered ultrasound and CT scan. The blood test revealed 
    elevated WBC and neutrophil counts. An ultrasound and computed tomography 
    (CT) scan revealed an enlargement in the area of the cecum and appendicitis 
    was confirmed. Based on the case study narrated above, answer to the following 


    Questions related to the case study
    1) Identify the biography of M.H
    2) What is the medical history of M.H? 
    3) Describe the signs and symptoms of M.H
    4) What are the aggravating and relieving factors for M.H?

    5) What are the differential diagnosis M.H?

    2.1.1. Definition of appendicitis
    Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, a narrow blind tube that extends 
    from the inferior part of the cecum. Appendicitis, inflammation of the vermiform 
    appendix, is a common cause of acute abdominal pain and most common reason 
    for emergency abdominal surgery. It occurs at any age, but it is more common in 
    adolescents and young adults and slightly more common in males than females

    2.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of appendicitis 

    Because of the small size of the appendix, obstruction may occur, causing 
    inflammation and making it susceptible to infection. The obstruction is often caused 
    by a faecalith or hard mass of faeces. Other obstructive causes include a calculus 
    or stone, a foreign body, inflammation, a Tumor, parasites (e.g. pinworms) or 
    oedema of lymphoid tissue. Hereditary and family tendencies of appendicitis have 
    been noticed. Following obstruction, the appendix distends with fluid secreted by 
    its mucosa. As pressure within the lumen of the appendix increases, blood supply 
    is impaired, leading to inflammation, edema, ulceration and infection.

    2.1.3. Signs and symptoms of appendicitis

    Signs and symptoms of appendicitis include fever, generalized pain in the upper 
    abdomen. Within hours of onset, the pain usually becomes localized starts on the 
    periumbilical area to the right lower quadrant at McBurney’s point, midway between 
    the umbilicus and the right iliac crest. This is one of the classic symptoms of 
    appendicitis. Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia are also usually associated. Physical 
    examination reveals slight abdominal muscular rigidity (guarding), normal bowel 
    sounds, and local rebound tenderness (intensification of pain when pressure is 
    released after palpation) in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. The pain is 
    aggravated when patient straightens the leg, coughs, walks and makes any shaking 
    movement. The patient may keep the right leg flexed for comfort. 
    ! Consideration for practice
    • Sudden relief of preoperative pain may signal rupture of the distended and 
    edematous appendix. 
    • Assess abdominal status frequently, including distension, bowel sounds and 
    tenderness: Increasing generalized pain, a rigid, boardlike abdomen and 

    abdominal distension may indicate developing peritonitis.

     2.1.4. Diagnostic measures

    The appendicitis can be diagnosed through a complete history, physical examination, 
    and a differential WBC count. The WBC count is mildly moderately elevated in most 
    cases. CT scan is the preferred diagnostic procedure, but ultrasound is also used. A 
    urinalysis is done to rule out genitourinary conditions that mimic the manifestations 
    of appendicitis. Other differential diagnostic includes intestinal obstruction, 
    inflammation and stones of gall bladder, stones in urinary organs such as ureter, 
    ruptured ovarian follicle, a ruptured tubal pregnancy, perforation of stomach or 

    duodenal ulcer and inflammation of the right colon 

    Self-assessment 2.1

    1) Who are people most likely to develop appendicitis?
    2) Among the cells of WBC, which ones would increase in case of 


    2.2. The management of appendicitis

    Learning Activity 2.2

    2.2.1. The treatment plan 

    The patient is kept NPO, and surgery (check appendectomy collaboration care in 
    box 2.1) is done immediately unless there is evidence of perforation or peritonitis. 
    Medications prior to surgery, intravenous fluids are given to restore or maintain 
    vascular volume and prevent electrolyte imbalance. Antibiotic therapy with a third
    generation cephalosporin effective against many gram-negative bacteria, such as 
    cefotaxime (Cefotaxime Sandoz), ceftazidime (Fortum) or ceftriaxone (Rocephin) 
    is initiated prior to surgery. The antibiotic is repeated during surgery and continued 
    for at least 48 hours postoperatively. Post-operative analgesic medications are 
    administered as prescribed.
    Following an uncomplicated appendectomy, the person is often discharged either 
    the day of, or the day following, surgery. Postoperative teaching includes:
    • Wound or incision care, including hand hygiene and dressing change 
    procedures as indicated.
    • Instructions to report fever, increased abdominal pain, swelling, redness, 

    drainage, bleeding or warmth of the operative site to the doctor.

    • Activity limitations (e.g. lifting, driving), if any.
    • When it is appropriate to return to work.

    Summary of appendectomy care is indicated in table 2.1

    2.2.2. Associate nurse decision making
    An associate nurse who receives a patient with signs and symptoms of appendicitis 
    must refer the case to the next level for adequate management. In the hospital, the 
    associate nurse works under supervision of registered nurses and they will discuss 
    the appropriate nursing care plan.
     2.2.3. Complications of appendicitis 
    Most patients recover quickly after an appendectomy and frequently are discharged 
    from the hospital after few days. Preventing complications during the perioperative 
    period is a primary nursing care goal. Perforation and peritonitis are the most likely 
    preoperative complications. With perforation, the pain is severe, and temperature is 
    elevated to at least 37. 7°C. Postoperative complications include wound infection, 

    abscess and possible peritonitis.

    Self-assessment 2.2

    1) What is the rationale of avoiding the use of warm/heating pads to relieve 
    the pain resulting from appendicitis?

    2) Explain the treatment options for a patient with appendicitis

    2.3. End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) Within hours of onset, the pain of appendicitis usually becomes localized 
    starts on the ___________ area to the ___________ quadrant.
    2) What are the diagnostic measures of appendicitis?
    3) The patient has persistent and continuous pain at McBurney’s point. The 
    nursing assessment reveals rebound tenderness and muscle guarding 
    with the patient preferring to lie still with the right leg flexed. What should 
    the nursing interventions for this patient include? Choose the best answer
    a) Laxatives to move the constipated bowel
    b) NPO status in preparation for possible appendectomy
    c) Parenteral fluids and antibiotic therapy for 6 hours before surgery
    d) NG tube inserted to decompress the stomach and prevent aspiration
    4) Appendicitis may occur:
    a) After complications of an episode of flu 
    b) After complications of a viral infection of the digestive
    c) After opening to the appendix becomes blocked by stool
    d) After an enema to evacuate the stool
    5) If you suspect the appendicitis, what type of medicine should you not 
    a) Analgesics
    b) Laxatives
    c) Anti-inflammatory
    d) Allergy medicines
    6) BA 19-year-old student in her second year of a dental degree. BA arrives 
    at the emergency department at 0200hrs. She presents a general lower 
    abdominal pain which started the previous evening. She is also nauseated 
    and reports episodes of vomiting. The physical assessment reveals the 
    T 37. 8 o C, R 16, BP 110/70; abdomen flat and guarded. BA WBC was 

    a) What are the missing characteristics/features of the abdominal pain to 
    confirm appendicitis?
    b) What are the disturbed needs of BA?
    c) Is appendectomy indicated for this patient? Justify your response

    7) List the complications of appendicitis


    Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on intestinal obstruction

    Introductory activity 3.0

    Observe the segments of the intestines presented in figure A, B, C and D and 

    respond to the questions below.

     1) What do you think is happening to these segments of the intestines? 
    2) Is there any difference between four figures? Describe the differences 
    3) Reference to what you leant in anatomy and physiology, what are the 
    implications of such structures on food digestion? 
    4) What are other manifestations of such structures to the human body?
    5) How can health personnel identify these structures?

    6) How can these segments be corrected?

    3.1. Description of intestinal obstruction

    Learning Activity 3.1

    L.A, a 59-year-old woman was brought to the hospital with a 3-day history of 
    complete constipation and faeculent vomiting. She had no other medical or 
    surgical history and was not taking any regular medications. She lived at home 
    with sister and required assistance with several activities of daily living, however, 
    she was able to eat oh her own. On examination, her abdomen was extended 
    and mildly tender in the right iliac fossa, but there was no guarding or peritonism. 
    Chest and cardiac examination revealed tachycardia (115bpm), BP 139/102 
    mmHg, RR 18, T0 37.10C and saturation 98% on room air. The medical doctor 
    prescribed the following investigations: blood sample, abdomen x-rays and CT 
    scan. The results showed an increase of WBCs, urea and creatinine. A relatively 
    gasless abdomen with few dilated loops of small bowel was observed in the 
    results of X-rays. The CT scan showed small bowel obstruction within the mid 
    small bowel loop with the possibility of ischaemia of the small bowel loop. There 

    was no evidence of bowel operation.

    Questions related to the case study

    1) What is the intestinal obstruction?
    2) Briefly describe the pathophysiology of intestinal obstructions
    3) What are the key signs and symptoms of intestinal obstructions highlighted 

    in the case study? 

    3.1.1. Definition of intestinal obstruction
    Intestinal obstruction occurs when the contents of intestines fail to pass through the 
    bowel lumen. The obstruction may take place in both small or large intestines and 
    can be partial or complete. 
     3.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction
    The two types of intestinal obstruction are mechanical and non-mechanical. 
    Mechanical obstruction occurs when a blockage occurs within the intestine from 
    conditions causing pressure on the intestinal walls such as adhesions (B), twisting 
    or volvulus (C) of the bowel, intussusception (D), or strangulated hernia (A). Non 
    mechanical obstruction may result from a neuromuscular or vascular disorder. 
    Paralytic ileus (lack of intestinal peristalsis and bowel sounds) is the most common 
    form of non-mechanical obstruction.
    When an obstruction occurs, fluid, gas, and intestinal contents accumulate proximal 
    to the obstruction, and the distal bowel collapses. 
    The proximal bowel becomes increasingly distended, and intraluminal bowel 
    pressure rises, leading to an increase in capillary permeability and extravasation of 
    fluids and electrolytes into the peritoneal cavity. 
    This accumulation of fluids in intestines and in peritoneal cavity causes a severe 
    reduction in circulating blood volume, hence hypotension, hypovolemic shock and 
    bowel ischemia. 
    When the distension is severe the segment of the bowel becomes gangrenous a 
    condition known as intestinal strangulation or intestinal infarction (figure 3.1)
    If it is not corrected quickly, the bowel will rupture, leading to infection, septic shock, 
    and death. If the obstruction is below the proximal colon or in the large bowel which 
    is less common and not usually as dramatic as small-bowel obstruction, dehydration 
    occurs more slowly because of the colon’s ability to absorb fluid and distend well 
    beyond its normal full capacity.
    If the blood supply to the colon is cut off, the patient’s life is in jeopardy because of 

    bowel strangulation and necrosis

    3.1.3. Signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction
    The clinical manifestations of intestinal obstruction vary, depending on its location 

    as displayed in table

    ! Consideration for practice
    • Abdominal tenderness and rigidity are usually absent unless strangulation or 
    peritonitis has occurred. 
    • Auscultation of bowel sounds reveals high-pitched sounds above the area of 
    obstruction. Bowel sounds may also be absent. 
    • The patient often notes borborygmi (audible abdominal sounds produced by 
    hyperactive intestinal motility). 
    • The patient’s temperature rarely rises above 37.8° C unless strangulation or 
    peritonitis occurs.
    • Promptly report any acute increase in abdominal, groin, perineal or scrotal 
    • An abrupt increase in the intensity of pain may indicate bowel ischaemia due 
    to strangulation.
    3.1.4. Diagnostic measures of intestinal obstruction
    A thorough history and physical examination. CT scans, abdominal x-rays, 
    Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may provide direct visualization of an obstruction in 
    the colon. A FBC and blood chemistries may be performed. An elevated WBC count 
    may indicate strangulation or perforation. Elevated haematocrit values may reflect 
    hemoconcentration. Decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit values may indicate 
    bleeding from a neoplasm or strangulation with necrosis. Serum electrolytes, BUN, 

    and creatinine are monitored frequently to assess the degree of dehydration. 

    Self-assessment 3.1

    1) List different exams performed in order to diagnose intestinal obstruction 
    2) What is the indication of frequent monitoring of electrolytes, BUN and 

    creatinine on patient suffering of intestinal obstruction? 

    3.2. The management of intestinal obstruction

    Learning Activity 3.2

    …Continuation of L.A case study

    After different investigations, the medical doctor confirmed that LA is suffering 
    from intestinal obstruction. Intravenous catheter was inserted and IV fluids 
    administered; a decompressive nasal gastric tube was put in place and later 
    alone patient was taken to the theatre for surgery.
     A laparotomy was performed and proved to be a single potato, measuring 4×3cm, 
    swallowed without chewing. The potato was extracted. In post-operative, the 
    medical doctor prescribed antibiotics, anti-emetics and pain control medications 
    and the patient was recovered well with no complications. The patient was 
    discharged with written letter to her sister regarding dietary advice. The patient 
    was subsequently followed up 8 weeks postoperatively and she was well.

    Questions related to the case study

    1) What is the pre and post-operative treatment plan of Mrs. L.A?

    3.2.1. The treatment plan of intestinal obstruction
    The management of a bowel obstruction focuses on relieving the pressure and 
    obstruction and providing supportive care. The intestine is decompressed by NG 
    tube insertion and keeping the patient.Nothing by mouth (NPO), the dehydration 
    and electrolytes imbalances are corrected by administering fluid and electrolytes. 
    Surgery may be necessary to relieve a mechanical obstruction or if strangulation 
    is suspected. In post-surgery mouth care is performed, medications such as 
    antibiotics, antiemetics, and analgesics are administered. A teaching plan is also 
    Include the following topics when teaching a person with intestinal obstruction in 
    preparation for home care: 
    • Wound care 
    • Activity level, 
    • Return to work and any other recommended restrictions 
    • Recommended follow-up care 
    • Recurrent obstructions, explain their cause, early identification of 

    manifestations and possible preventive measures.

    3.2.2. Associate nurse decision making
    An associate nurse who receives a patient with signs and symptoms of intestinal 
    obstruction must refer the case to the next level for adequate management. In the 
    hospital, the associate nurse works under supervision of registered nurses and 
    they will discuss the appropriate nursing care plan.
    3.2.3. Complications of intestinal obstruction
    Small intestines obstructions: Hypovolaemia and hypovolaemic shock with 
    multiple organ dysfunction is a significant complication of bowel obstruction and 
    can lead to death. Renal insufficiency from hypovolaemia leads to acute kidney 
    injury or dysfunction. Pulmonary ventilation may be impaired because abdominal 
    distension elevates the diaphragm, impeding respiratory processes. Strangulation 
    associated with incarcerated hernia or volvulus impairs the blood supply to the 
    bowel. Gangrene may rapidly result, causing bleeding into the bowel lumen and 
    peritoneal cavity and eventual perforation. With perforation, bacteria and toxins 
    from the strangulated intestine enter the peritoneum and, potentially, the circulation, 
    resulting in peritonitis and possible septic shock. Strangulation greatly increases 
    the risk of mortality.
    Large intestines: If the ileocaecal valve between the small and large intestines is 
    competent, distension proximal to the obstruction is limited to the colon itself. This 
    is known as a closed-loop obstruction. It leads to massive colon dilation as the 
    ileum continues to empty gas and fluid into the colon. Increasing pressure within 
    the obstructed colon impairs circulation to the bowel wall. Gangrene and perforation 

    are potential complications

    Self-assessment 3.2

    Mrs. LS is admitted for abdominal pain. She has a history of abdominal surgery. 
    Her abdomen is distended, firm, and tender to touch. She states that she feels 
    1) Is Mrs. L.S at risk for developing an intestinal obstruction? 
    2) How would the nurse know if Mrs. LS is at risk of developing a small bowel obstruction?

    3.4. End of unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) What are the common causes of intestinal obstruction? 
    2) What are the most common types of intestinal obstructions?

    3) What are the predicted complications on patient with intestinal obstruction?


    Key Unit competence:

    Take appropriate decision on Hernia
    The below images illustrate different structures including esophagus, stomach, 
    diaphragm (A, B, C) umbilicus (D) and inguinal area (E). Observe them and 

    respond to the questions attached.

    1) Identify normal and abnormal structures among the images above
    2) What is the common characteristic of the abnormal structures? 
    3) What could be the causes of such abnormalities?
    4) What are the manifestations of such abnormalities in the human body?
    5) How can health personnel identify or notice these abnormalities?

    6) How can these abnormalities be corrected?

    4.1. Abdominal hernias

    Learning Activity 4.1

    Mr. Y.A. 65 years old male, a laborer in a sawmill with low socioeconomic status 
    visits the hospital with chief complaints of swelling of about 10cm in right groin 
    since 3 years and pain in the right groin since 6 months. In the history, patient 
    was apparently well 3 years back, he noticed a swelling in right groin while 
    coughing which was initially small size (3cm) gradually increasing to present 
    size and reaching up to the scrotum. Mr. Y.A states that the swelling increases 
    when standing, coughing and lifting heavy weights. It decreases on lying down 
    and disappear on manipulation (pushing it using his fingers). Y.A has a history of 
    chronic cough with sputum since 20years but no history of chronic constipation 
    or urinary problems. Mr. Y.A is a known case of COPD on bronchodilators since 
    20 years, has habit of smoking, non-alcoholic, non-vegetarian diet, bowel and 
    bladder habits-regular. No history of similar history in his family. He regular takes 
    levasalbutamol inhaler since 20 years. No history of any allergy. On physical 
    examination; normal vital signs, a swelling of size 6x3cm is present above and 
    medial to the pubic tubercle extending into the scrotum up to upper pole of right 
    After taking history and performing physical exam, the health personnel confirmed 

    inguinal hernia and planned a surgical treatment.

    Questions related to the case study.

    1) Based on the history of Y.A, what are the contributing factors of inguinal 
    2) What are the signs and symptoms of inguinal hernia?
    3) How inguinal hernia be diagnosed?

    4) What is the treatment adopted by the health personnel? 

    4.1.1 Definition of abdominal hernias
    A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ or structure through a weakness or 
    tear in the wall of the cavity normally containing it. Abdominal hernias are defined 
    as the abnormal protrusion of intra-abdominal contents through congenital/acquired 

    areas of weakness in the abdominal wall 

    4.1.2 Types of abdominal hernias

    Ventral or incisional hernias are due to weakness of the abdominal wall at the 
    site of a previous incision (fig 4.2). They occur most commonly in patients who 
    are obese, have had multiple surgical procedures in the same area, or have had 

    inadequate wound healing because of poor nutrition or infection.

    Hernias that easily return to the abdominal cavity are called reducible. The hernia 
    can be reduced manually or may reduce spontaneously when the person lies down. 
    If the hernia cannot be placed back into the abdominal cavity, it is known as irreducible 
    or incarcerated. In this situation the intestinal flow may be obstructed. When the 
    hernia is irreducible and the intestinal flow and blood supply are obstructed, the 
    hernia is strangulated. The result is an acute intestinal obstruction.
    4.1.3 Clinical manifestations of abdominal hernias
    An abdominal hernia may be readily visible; an abnormal bulging can be seen in 
    the affected area of the abdomen, especially when straining or coughing. There 
    may be some discomfort as a result of tension. If the hernia becomes strangulated, 
    the patient will have severe pain and symptoms of a bowel obstruction such as 
    vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, and distention. Strangulated hernias are painful 
    and inflamed hernias that cannot be reduced, they require emergency surgery.
    4.1.4. Diagnostic measures
    Abdominal hernias are mainly diagnosed based on history, physical examination 
    and ultrasound. 
    4.1.5 Therapeutic Measures
    Treatment options include no treatment, observing the hernia, using short-term 
    support devices, or surgery to cure the hernia. A supportive truss or brief applies 
    pressure to keep the reduced hernia in place. Emergency surgery is needed for 
    strangulation or the threat of bowel obstruction. Surgical repair is recommended 
    for inguinal hernias. Surgical procedures are most often done laparoscopically 
    and include hernioplasty (open or laparoscopically) or herniorrhaphy (open hernia 
    Herniorrhaphy involves making an incision in the abdominal wall, replacing the 
    contents of the hernial sac, sewing the weakened tissue, and closing the opening.
    Hernioplasty involves replacing the hernia into the abdomen and reinforcing the 
    weakened muscle wall with wire, fascia, or mesh. Bowel resection or a temporary 
    colostomy may be necessary if the hernia is strangulated. 
    Postoperative Care
    Care following inguinal hernia repair is generally similar to any abdominal 
    postoperative care. Patients can perform deep breathing to keep lungs clear 
    postoperatively but should avoid coughing. Coughing increases abdominal 
    pressure and could affect the hernia repair. Teach patients to splint the incision 
    and keep their mouths open when coughing or sneezing are unavoidable. The 
    male patient may experience swelling of the scrotum. Ice packs and elevation of 
    the scrotum may be ordered to reduce the swelling. Because most patients are 
    discharged the same day of surgery, they are taught to change the dressing and 
    report difficulty urinating, bleeding, and signs and symptoms of infection, such as 
    redness, incisional drainage, fever, or severe pain. The patient is also instructed to 
    avoid lifting, driving, or sexual activities for 2 to 6 weeks. Most patients can return 
    to nonstrenuous work within 2 weeks.

    After a hernia repair, the patient may have difficulty voiding. Measure intake and 
    output and observe for a distended bladder. Scrotal edema is a painful complication 
    after an inguinal hernia repair. A scrotal support with application of an ice bag may 

    help relieve pain and edema. Encourage deep breathing, but not coughing.

    4.1.6 Associate nurse decision making
    The associate nurse has to recognize the signs and symptoms of hernias and the 
    strangulated hernias for better referring. A post-operative teaching plan is also 
    important and includes the above measures mentioned in post-operative care.
    4.1.8 Complications
    An incarcerated hernia may become strangulated if the blood and intestinal flow are 
    completely cut off in the trapped loop of bowel. Strangulated hernias do not develop 
    in adults very often. Incarceration leads to an intestinal obstruction and possibly 
    gangrene and bowel perforation. Symptoms are pain at the site of the strangulation, 

    nausea and vomiting, and colicky abdominal pain.

    Self-assessment 4.1

    1) What are the types of abdominal hernias?
    2) Identify the common factors associated with abdominal hernia

    3) What are the signs and symptoms of a complicated hernia?

    4.2 Hiatal hernia

    Learning Activity 4.2

    P.F, a 56-year-old male consults the health facility experiencing pain about 2-3cm 
    beneath his sternum and sharp pains in radiating towards his left shoulder. The 
    pain varies in intensity and is increased immediately after eating spicy foods. 
    After most meals, he suffers from mild heartburn. He said that the health 
    personnel initially prescribed a two week course of Omeprazole, which alleviated 
    the symptoms, but they returned after a few days.
    The physical examination does not disclose any strong evidence. The patient is 
    obese, lacks regular physical activities and poor diet. All other findings are within 
    normal limits.
    The medical doctor requested some diagnostic studies including an esophagram 
    (barium swallow) and an endoscopy to visualization the lower esophagus. The 
    results of these tests showed that there is a bulging mass in the low part of 
    the esophagus and confirmed that it was the stomach prolapsing through the 
    diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus i.e. hiatal hernia. Considering that omeprazole 
    did not act before, the medical doctor proposed a surgical treatment that was 
    scheduled in 2 weeks. While waiting for the surgical intervention, the patient was 
    taught to observe some conservative treatment including: 
    • Elevation of head of bed 
    • Avoid reflux-inducing foods (fatty foods, chocolate, peppermint)
    • Avoid alcohol
    • Reduce or avoid acidic pH beverages (red wine, orange juice)
    • Antacids were prescribed (omeprazole) 
    Questions related to the case study.
    1) Identify the biography of the patient described in the case study
    2) What is the medical history of patient described in the case study?
    3) Describe the signs and symptoms that the patient present and are 
    described in the case study
    4) What are the diagnostic studies?

    5) What was the proposed management plan?

    4.2.1 Definition of hiatal hernia
    Hiatal hernia is a condition in which the stomach slides up through the hiatus of 
    the diaphragm into the thorax. It is also referred to as diaphragmatic hernia and 

    esophageal hernia. 

    4.2.2 Causes and pathophysiology of Hernia
    Many factors contribute to the development of hiatal hernia. Structural changes, 
    such as weakening of the muscles in the diaphragm around the esophagogastric 
    opening, occur with aging. Factors that increase intraabdominal pressure, including 
    obesity, pregnancy, ascites, tumors, intense physical exertion, and heavy lifting on 

    a continual basis, may also predispose patients to development of a hiatal hernia

    Hiatal hernias are classified into the following two types:

    4.2.3 Signs and symptoms of Hernia

    A small hernia may not produce any discomfort or require treatment. However, a 
    large hernia can cause pain, heartburn, a feeling of fullness, or reflux (regurgitation), 
    which can injure the esophagus with possible ulceration and bleeding.
    The chest pain can mimic angina and is described as burning; squeezing; or radiating 
    to the back, neck, jaw, or arms. Complaints of chest pain are more common in 
    older adults with hiatal hernia or gastro esophagus reflux (GERD) disease. Unlike 
    angina, hiatal hernia and GERD-related chest pain is relieved with antacids.
    4.2.4 Diagnostic measures
    An x-ray studies such as an esophagram (barium swallow) may show the protrusion 
    of gastric mucosa through the esophageal hiatus. Endoscopic visualization of the 
    lower esophagus provides information on the degree of mucosal inflammation or 
    other abnormalities.
    4.2.5 The management of Hernia
    Conservative treatment includes lifestyle changes to alleviate symptoms of hiatal 
    hernia; losing weight, taking antacids, eating small meals that pass easily, through 
    the esophagus, not reclining for 3 to 4 hours after eating, elevating the head of the 
    bed 6 to 12 inches to prevent reflux, and avoiding bedtime snacks, spicy foods, 

    alcohol, caffeine, and smoking.

    4.2.6. Complications
    A paraesophageal hernia is rarer but serious as part of the stomach squeezes 

    through the hiatus and is at risk for strangulation (blood supply is cut off).

    4.2.7. Associate nurse decision making

    In the hospital, the associate nurse will perform tasks that are delegated by registered 
    nurses. The primary focus of care for hiatal hernia disease is educating patients. 
    The teaching guide will include detail the following: The patient is taught lifestyle 
    interventions to reduce the symptoms of hiatal hernia. If the patient undergoes 
    surgery, general postoperative nursing care is provided. In addition,
    following fundoplication, patients are assessed for dysphagia during their first 
    postoperative meal. If dysphagia occurs, the physician should be notified because 

    the repair may be too tight, causing obstruction of the passage of food.

    Self-assessment 4.2

    1) Explain the types of hiatal hernia
    2) What are other diseases that can mimic the signs and symptoms of 

    hiatal hernia?

    4.3 End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) How should the nurse teach the patient with a hiatal hernia or GERD to 
    control symptoms?
    a) Drink 295 to 355ml of water with each meal.
    b) Space six small meals a day between breakfast and bedtime.
    c) Sleep with the head of the bed elevated on 4- to 6-inch blocks
    d) Perform daily exercises of toe-touching, sit-ups, and weight lifting.
    2) The patient calls the clinic and describes a bump at the site of a previous 
    incision that disappears when he lies down. The nurse suspects that this 
    is which type of hernia (select all that apply)?
    a) Ventral 
    b) Inguinal 
    c) Femoral 
    d) Reducible 
    e) Incarcerated 

    f) Strangulated

    3) The patient asks the nurse why she needs to have surgery for a femoral, 
    strangulated hernia. What is the best explanation the nurse can give the 
    a) The surgery will relieve her constipation.
    b) The abnormal hernia must be replaced into the abdomen.
    c) The surgery is needed to allow intestinal flow and prevent necrosis.
    d) The hernia is because the umbilical opening did not close after birth as 
    it should have.
    4) What are the most frequent symptoms of abdominal Hernia?
    5) What are the diagnostic measures of hiatal hernia?
    6) What are the do’s and don’ts after inguinal hernia surgery?


    Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on Hemorrhoids

    Introductory activity 5.0

    The images below from A to E illustrate the structures of the cross section of 

    sigmoid and anus. Observe them and respond to the attached questions.

    1) What are the physiological changes would reflect these changes in the 
    2) What are the manifestations of such abnormalities in the human body?
    3) How can health personnel identify or notice these abnormalities?

    4) How can these abnormalities be corrected?

    5.1. Description of Hemorrhoids

    Learning Activity 5.1

    N.A is a 37-year-old pregnant woman consults the hospital with pain in the rectum 
    during and after passing stools. She said that he saw blood on the toilet paper 
    that she used. She also mentioned that she has been having hard stool since 
    some weeks and itching. The medical doctor put the patient on the left lateral 
    decubitus with the N. A’s knees flexed toward the chest, he inspected the anus 
    and performed anal digital examination. A bulging mucosa was observed during 

    inspection and palpated confirming external hemorrhoids.

    Questions related to the case study

    1) What is the medical history of N.A described in the case study?
    2) Do you think that this history has something to do with the haemorrhoids? 
    Explain your response.

    3) Describe the signs and symptoms presented in the case study

    5.1.1. Definition of Hemorrhoids
    Hemorrhoids are a very common anorectal condition defined as the symptomatic 
    enlargement and distal displacement of the normal anal cushions.

    5.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of hemorrhoids

    The exact pathophysiology of hemorrhoidal development is poorly understood. 
    For years the theory of varicose veins, which postulated that hemorrhoids were 
    caused by varicose veins in the anal canal, had been popular but now it is obsolete 
    because hemorrhoids and anorectal varices are proven to be distinct entities. 
    Today, the theory of sliding anal canal lining is widely accepted. This proposes that 
    hemorrhoids develop when the supporting tissues of the anal cushions disintegrate 
    or deteriorate. Hemorrhoids are therefore the pathological term to describe the 
    abnormal downward displacement of the anal cushions causing venous dilatation 
    and increase in pressure in the veins. 
    Some of the risk factors of hemorrhoids include pregnancy, prolonged sitting or 
    standing position, obesity and chronic constipation. Portal hypertension related to 
    liver disease may also be a factor.

    5.1.3 Signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids

    Internal hemorrhoids (Fig 5.1) are usually not painful unless they prolapse. They 
    may bleed during bowel movements. External hemorrhoids (Fig 5.1) cause itching 
    and pain when inflamed and filled with blood (thrombosed). Inflammation and 
    edema occur with thrombosis, causing severe pain and possibly infarction of the 

    skin and mucosa over the hemorrhoid

    5.1.4 Diagnostic measures

    The Hemorrhoids can be diagnosed through a complete history, physical 

    examination; (lubricated finger, gently inserted into the anal canal while asking the 

    patient to bear down the resting tone of the anal canal). Internal hemorrhoids are 
    generally not palpable on digital examination, anoscopy is performed. Hemorrhoidal 
    bundles will appear as bulging mucosa and anoderm within the open portion of the 
    anoscope. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy can also be used. A complete blood cell 
    (CBC) count may be useful as a marker for infection. Anemia due to hemorrhoidal 

    bleeding is possible.

    Self-assessment 5.1

    1) Briefly explain the pathophysiology of Hemorrhoids?

    2) Identify other diseases that would mimic the symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

    5.2. The management of Hemorrhoids

    Learning Activity 5.2

    …Continuation of N.A case study
    After physical exam, the medical doctor confirmed that Madam N.A is suffering 
    from Hemorrhoids. Regarding the treatment, Mr. S.D has received anti 

    inflammatory drugs and advice on how to change her lifestyle

    Questions related to the case study.

    1) What is the surgical treatment plan adopted by the medical doctor for this 
    2) In group, discuss the different medication prescribed to this patient.

    3) List potential complications which may happen to Madam N.A. 

    5.2.1. The treatment plan of Hemorrhoids

    Treatment is aimed at preventing constipation, avoiding straining during 
    defecation, maintaining good personal hygiene, and making lifestyle changes to 
    relieve hemorrhoid symptoms and discomfort .Lifestyle modification use of anti 
    inflammatory and surgery are the treatment of hemorrhoids

    5.2.2. Associate nurse decision making

    In the hospital, the associate nurse will perform tasks that are delegated by 
    registered nurses. The primary focus of care for haemorrhoids disease is educating 

    patients. Encourage patient and caregiver to share concerns about lifestyle.

    5.2.3. Complications of Hemorrhoids

    The most common and serious complications of haemorrhoids include perianal 
    thrombosis and incarcerated prolapsed internal haemorrhoids with subsequent 
    thrombosis. They are characterised by severe pain in the perianal region possibly 
    with bleeding. In a short history of the perianal thrombosis, acute surgical incision 

    or excision is indicated, which can result in rapid relief of the painful symptoms

    Self-assessment 5.2

    Mr. K.M a patient on your department unit, has a Hemorrhoids. His wife runs to 
    the nursing station and says that you need to help her husband, he is in pain.
    4) What additional data would you gather to confirm the statement of her 

    5) What emotional support would you offer to Mrs. SM?

    5.3 End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) Following a hemorrhoidectomy, what should the nurse advise the patient 
    to do?
    a) Use daily laxatives to facilitate bowel emptying.
    b) Use ice packs to the perineum to prevent swelling.
    c) Avoid having a bowel movement for several days until healing occurs.
    d) Take warm sitz baths several times a day to promote comfort and 
    2) A patient is scheduled for a hemorrhoidectomy at an ambulatory day
    surgery center. An advantage of performing surgery at an ambulatory 
    center is a decreased need for
    a) laboratory tests and perioperative medications.
    b) preoperative and postoperative teaching by the nurse.
    c) psychologic support to alleviate fears of pain and discomfort.
    d) preoperative nursing assessment related to possible risks and 
    3) Apart from digital examination, what are other diagnostic tests indicated 
    in the case of hemorrhoids?
    4) Changing life style is one way to prevent and treat hemorrhoids. What 
    are the lifestyle modifications would you recommend a patient with 
    5) What is the role of medications in the treatment of haemorrhoids?The 
    goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce pain and constipation in patients 
    with haemorrhoids.
    6) What is the role of pregnancy in the aetiology of haemorrhoids?Pregnancy 
    clearly predisposes women to symptoms from haemorrhoids, although 
    the aetiology is unknown. Notably, most patients revert to their previously 
    asymptomatic state after delivery. The relationship between pregnancy 
    and haemorrhoids lends credence to hormonal changes or direct pressure 
    as the culprit.
    7) What is the role of blood studies in the workup of hemorrhoids? A complete 
    blood cell (CBC) count may be useful as a marker for infection. Anemia 
    due to hemorrhoidal bleeding is possible
    8) What is the role of colonoscopy in the workup of hemorrhoids? 
    Colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, and barium enema are reserved for 

    cases of bleeding without an identified anal source.


    Key Unit competence:

    Take appropriate decision on balanitis and balanoposthitis

    Introductory activity 6.0

    The Image A and B illustrate the structures of male reproductive organs. Observe 

    them and respond to the attached questions.

    1) Which one of these two figures (A&B) would reflect the normal or abnormal 
    structure of the male reproductive organ in humans? 
    2) What explanations can you give to justify the abnormal structure of the 
    male reproductive organ you have found?
    3) What do you think can cause the modifications that you have observed?
    4) What are the manifestations of such abnormalities in the human body?
    5) How can health personnel identify or notice these abnormalities of male 

    reproductive organ in humans? 

    6.1. Description of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis

    Learning Activity 6.1

    You are at health center on day duty in consultation, you receive Mr. K C., a 26 
    year’s old uncircumcised male patient. He was complaining of urethral discharge 
    and painful urination. During history taking he reveals you that he had the same 
    signs and symptoms, 6 months ago and bought some drugs from the pharmacy 
    and symptoms disappeared. Once asked if he had sex in previous time, he 
    reveals you that he had it twice before developing the signs and symptoms and 
    he confirms that he did not told his girlfriend. During the physical exam of external 
    genitalia, you notice that the glans and the prepuce are inflamed, reddened, with 
    foul smell white discharge under the foreskin. At this stage, different diseases 
    are presumed including gonorrhea, balanitis, syphilis and candida. Urinalysis, 
    urethral opening swab and blood test were requested for better diagnosis. 
    Finally, the exams revealed a balanitis/ balanoposthitis caused by gonorrhea. 
    After confirming balanitis/ balanoposthitis. The treatment of gonorrhea was given 
    and KC was advised to have circumcision and to bring her girl friend to get 

    treatment as well.

    Questions related to the case study:

    1) What are possible risk factors which might probably exposed K.C to this 
    2) Identify the signs and symptoms as described in the case study
    3) Which statement by the patient indicates the most likely cause of the 
    recurrence of his infection?
    a) “I took the Vibramycin twice a day for a week.”
    b) “I haven’t told my girlfriend about my infection yet.”
    c) “I had a couple of beers while I was taking the medication.”
    d) “I ve only had sexual intercourse once since my medication”
    4) Why blood tests were included in the diagnostic tests to find the diagnosis 
    of K.

    6.1.1. Definition and the Balanitis and Balanoposthitis

    Balanitis is often confused with two similar conditions: phimosis, balanoposthitis 
    and prosthitis. All these conditions affect the penis. However, each condition affects 
    a different part of the penis.

    • Phimosis is a condition that makes it difficult to retract the foreskin.

    • Balanitis is inflammation of the head (glans) of the penis.
    • Balanoposthitis is inflammation of both the penis head (glans) and the foreskin.
    • Prosthitis is the inflammation of the prepuce 
    6.1.2. Causes and pathophysiology of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis
    Balanitis and Balanoposthitis are mostly caused by poor hygiene in uncircumcised 
    men. Other causes may include:
    • Sexually transmitted diseases/infections(STDs/STIs) such as Gonorrhea, 
    chlamydia, trichomonas vaginalis, mycoplasma genitalium, genital helps, 
    human papilloma virus(HPV), syphilis
    • Genital yeast infection (candidiasis).
    • Diabetes
    • Scabies (tiny burrowing parasite) infection.
    • Skin conditions that cause itchy, dry, scaly skin (ex. In psoriasis and eczema 
    diseases conditions).
    • Reactive arthritis, a type of arthritis that develops in response to an infection 
    somewhere in the body
    • Reactive arthritis, a type of arthritis that develops in response to an infection 
    somewhere in the body.
    Beside poor hygiene among uncircumcised men, other predisposing factor
    include: over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and no- retraction of the foreskin.
    Balanitis can be classified under different types
    • Balanitis (also called Zoon’s balanitis):
    – This is the main type of balanitis,
    – usually affects uncircumcised, middle-aged men
    – the head of penis is inflamed, painful, and reddened 
    • Circinate balanitis:
    – This is the type of Balanitis which occurs as a result of reactive arthritis, 
    (an arthritis that develops in response to an infection in the body). 
    – Inflammation, redness, pain, and small lesions (sores) on the head of the 
    penis are present
    • Pseudoepitheliomatous keratotic and micaceous balanitis: 
    – very rare form of balanitis 
    – It mostly affects men over 60 

    – scaly warts on the glans is present

    6.1.3 Signs and symptoms of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis
    Generally, signs and symptoms of balanitis may appear suddenly or gradually. 
    They can include:
    • Swelling
    • Pain and irritation on the glans (head of the penis).
    • Redness or red patches on the penis.
    • Itching under the foreskin.
    • Areas of shiny or white skin on the penis.
    • White discharge (smegma) under the foreskin
    • Foul smell.
    • Painful urination.
    • Sores or lesions on the glans (rare and specific to Pseudoepitheliomatous 

    keratotic and micaceous balanitis)

    6.1.4 Diagnostic measures of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis
    The Balanitis and Balanoposthitis can be diagnosed through a complete history, 
    physical examination as well as some diagnostic test to determine the underlying 
    cause like infection 
    • Urinalysis
    • urethral opening swab 
    • blood test: glycaemia (to exclude Diabetes mellitus), full blood count (to 
    determine the type of infection) 
    NB: In people with recurrent balanitis and balanoposthitis, HIV test is advisable

    Self-assessment 6.1

    1) What are the signs and symptoms of balanitis and balanoposthitis? 
    2) Briefly explain the pathophysiology of Balanoposthitis?
    3) All types of balanitis share almost the same signs and symptoms. What 
    is the specific sign and particular sign for circinate balanitis?

    4) List the treatment goals of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis

    6.2.1 The treatment of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis

    The treatment and management of balanitis depends on the underlying cause and 
    contributing factors. Whatever the treatment plan, the goal of treatment is to: 
    • Minimize sexual dysfunction
    • Minimize urinary dysfunction
    • Exclude penile cancer
    • Treat premalignant disease
    • Diagnose and treat sexually transmitted disease.
    Depending on the cause, the treatments can include:
    • Antibiotics: If a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is confirmed to be the 
    cause of balanitis, the antibiotics will be prescribed. The antibiotic will also 
    depend on the type of infection (Gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomonas vaginalis, 
    mycoplasma genitalium, genital helps, human papilloma virus(HPV), syphilis
    • Circumcision: is a surgical procedure in which the foreskin covering the 
    penis is surgically removed. Circumcision is recommended in case of 
    recurring symptoms of balanitis in uncircumcised 
    Antifungal creams: is prescribed if the yeast infection is the underlying 
    cause of balanitis. Antifungal like clotrimazole will be applied the glans (head 
    of the penis) and foreskin as prescribed.
    • Diabetes management: If you have diabetes, your provider will show you 
    how to manage the condition.
    Improved hygiene: this consist of washing and drying under the penis’s 
    foreskin (glands) often to reduce the risk of reoccurrence of balanitis.
    6.2.2. Evolution and complications of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis
    Untreated balanoposthitis does not usually cause serious complication except 
    when its underlying cause are cancerous origin.

    Generally untreated inflammation of the glans of the penis (balanitis) is frequently

    associated with a degree of the inflammation of the foreskin (posthitis), a situation 

    which can lead to the following: 

    Phimosis: retraction of the penis’s foreskin. The foreskin may swell, cause 

    pain, and blockage during urinating. The swelling is typically described as 

    balloon-like swelling or ‘ballooning’).

    Paraphimotic: a surgical condition whereby the penis’ foreskin becomes 
    trapped behind the head of the penis, and cannot be pulled over the head 
    to its normal position. This is typically very painful and considered a medical 
    emergency. It must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the blood flow 
    to the glans may be restricted, and complete circumcision will need to be 
    carried out in advanced cases.
    Structure of urethral meatus: the scarring around the opening of the 
    waterpipe, due to chronic inflammatory changes, can lead to the narrowing 
    of the water hole.
    6.3 End unit assessment
    End of unit assessment
    1) An abnormal finding noted during physical assessment of the male 
    reproductive system is
    a) Descended testes.
    b) Symmetric scrotum.
    c) Slight swollen and reddish glans of penis
    d) The glans covered with prepuce.
    2) List the complications of Balanitis and Balanoposthitis
    3) What are the preventive measures for Balanitis/ Balanoposthitis?
    4) How clotrimazole cream for balanitis is used?
    5) What are the treatment modalities of Balanitis/ Balanoposthitis?


    Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on phimosis and paraphimosis

    Introductory activity 7.0

    The Image A, B, C and D illustrate the structures of male reproductive organs. 

    Observe them and respond to the attached questions

    1) What do you think on the figure A, B, C&D?
    2) What are your observations on figures (A, B, C&D) would reflect the 
    abnormal structure of the male reproductive organ in humans?
    3) What do you see in image B and C?
    4) What is the difference between A and C?

    5) What do you think about that someone is doing in image D?

    7.1. Description of Phimosis and Paraphimosis

    Learning Activity 7.1

    Miss D.K is associate nurse at one health facility in rural area of Rwanda. 
    During her night duty, she received Mr. M G, a 26 year’s old uncircumcised 
    male patient. He was complaining of foreskin scratching, painful urination and 
    painful erections. During history taking he reveals to nurse that he had inability 
    to pulldown the foreskin since birth and the same signs and symptom since 6 
    months ago. The nurse in charge of consultation examined him and a diagnosis 
    of phimosis was made and a rendez vous for circumcision was fixed on the 
    next 2 days. Arriving at home, he wanted to take shower before sleeping. While 
    performed genital hygiene, he tried to retract his prepuce for more visualization 
    but he failed to retract it back. Immediately he started to feel severe penile 
    pain and inability to pass urine as he felt something like a barrier to pass the 
    urine. During the physical exam of external genitalia, Nurse noticed that the 
    glans and the prepuce are inflamed, reddened. He is glans appears enlarged 
    and congested, with a collar of swollen foreskin around the coronal sulcus. At 
    this stage, the final diagnosis was made: patient was suffering from phimosis 
    complicated into paraphimosis. Finally, Nurse attempted the manual reduction 
    and failed. The decision for surgical treatment was made: Performance of sterile 
    circumsion under local anesthesia (emergency dorsal slit) and prescription of 

    painkiller was done.

    Questions related to the case study:

    1) Basing on the case scenario, what are the causes and possible risk 
    factors which might probably exposed MG to this problem?
    2) Identify the signs and symptoms Mr. MG presented at health facility
    3) Why lab tests were not included in the diagnostic tests to find the diagnosis 
    of MG?
    4) How nurse diagnosed the condition of Mr. MG?

    5) Which treatment did they provide to Mr. MG?

    7.1.1 Definition and the Phimosis and Paraphimosis

    Phimosis and paraphimosis are conditions that occur among uncircumcised male 
    clients when the opening of the foreskin is constricted. All these conditions affect 
    the penis foreskin.
    Phimosis: is defined as the inability to retract the skin (foreskin or prepuce) 
    covering the head (glans) of the penis and leading to a tightness or constriction 
    of the foreskin around the head of the penis, making retraction difficult. Phimosis 
    may appear as a tight ring or “rubber band” of foreskin around the tip of the penis, 

    preventing full retraction.

    Physiologic VS Pathologic Phimosis
    Depending on the situation, this condition may be considered either physiologic 
    or pathologic. Physiologic, or congenital, phimosis is a normal condition of the 
    newborn male and in children younger than 3 years of age, and may be a normal 
    finding up until the age of puberty while acquired (pathologic) phimosis is most 
    seen in post pubertal males, or in patients in whom scarring has developed from 
    chronic infection and inflammation (balanoposthitis), or as a result of repeated 
    forced retraction of congenital phimosis. 
    Smegma: is a collection of skin cells from the glans penis and inner foreskin that 
    is often noted with retraction of the foreskin. This natural skin shedding helps to 
    separate the foreskin from the head of the penis. Smegma may appear as white 
    pearls underneath the skin, which can easily be washed off once the foreskin is 
    Paraphimosis: is a strangulation of the glans penis from an inability to replace the 
    retracted foreskin. It is a urologic emergency, occurring in uncircumcised males, in 
    which the foreskin becomes trapped behind the corona and forms a tight band of 

    constricting tissue

     7.1.2 Causes and risks factors and the Phimosis and Paraphimosis

    Phimosis is a tightness or constriction of the foreskin around the head of the penis, 
    making retraction difficult, is caused by edema or inflammation of the foreskin, 
    usually associated with poor hygiene techniques that allow bacterial and yeast 
    organisms to become trapped under the foreskin. Congenital phimosis is expected 
    in children younger than 3 years of age, and may be a normal finding up until the 
    age of puberty. These phimotic conditions often are caused by a congenitally small 
    foreskin; however, chronic inflammation at the glans penis and prepuce secondary 
    to poor hygiene or infection also are etiologic factors.
    Beside poor hygiene in young children others various reasons may also contribute 
    to development of phimosis including:
    • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus and lichen sclerosus. 
    When it affects the penis, lichen sclerosis is known as penile lichen sclerosis 
    or balanitis xerotic obliterans (BXO).
    • Preputial adhesions, or scar tissue, that keep the foreskin attached to the tip 
    (glans) of your penis.
    • Injuries.
    • Infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
    The cause of paraphimosis is most often iatrogenic. The condition is frequently 
    occurring after penile examination, urethral catheterization or cystoscopy. 
    Paraphimosis typically occurs after Foley catheter placement. Rare causes of 
    paraphimosis include self-inflicted injury to the penis (such as piercing a penile ring 

    into the glans) and paraphimosis secondary to penile erections

    7.1.3 Pathophysiology and Types of Phimosis and Paraphimosis

    When the foreskin becomes trapped behind the corona for a prolonged time, it 
    may form a tight, constricting band of tissue. This circumferential ring of tissue can 
    impair the blood and lymphatic flow to and from the glans and prepuce. As a result 
    of penile ischemia and vascular engorgement, the glans and prepuce may become 
    swollen and edematous. If left untreated, penile gangrene and auto amputation 
    may follow in days or weeks. Phimosis is divided into two forms: physiologic and 
    pathologic phimosisis.
    Physiologic phimosis: Children are born with tight foreskin at birth and separation 
    occurs naturally over time. Phimosis is normal for the uncircumcised infant/child 
    and usually resolves around 5-7 years of age, however the child may be older.
    Pathologic phimosis: Phimosis that occurs due to scarring, infection or 
    inflammation. Forceful foreskin retraction can lead to bleeding, scarring, and 
    psychological trauma for the child and parent. If there is ballooning of the foreskin 
    during urination, difficulty with urination, or infection, then treatment may be 
    7.2 Signs and Symptoms of Phimosis and Paraphimosis
    Clients with phimosis report pain with erection and intercourse and difficulty cleaning 
    under the foreskin. 
    Clients with paraphimosis often presents with penile pain. However, pain may 
    not always be present. The glans appears enlarged and congested, with a collar 
    of swollen foreskin around the coronal sulcus. If the condition continues, severe 
    edema and urinary retention may occur. A tight, constricting band of tissue appears 

    immediately behind the head of the penis as shown in the figure below.

    The physical examination should focus on the penis, urethral catheter (if present) 
    and scrotum. The penis should be inspected for the presence of foreskin, the color 
    of the glans, the degree of constriction around the penile corona and turgor of the 
    prepuce. Absence of foreskin excludes the diagnosis of paraphimosis. A pink or 

    salmon hue to the glans indicates a good blood supply.

    Self-assessment 7.1

    1) What are the signs and symptoms of paraphimosis? 
    2) Briefly explain the pathophysiology of the paraphimosis?
    3) Differentiate Physiologic phimosis from pathologic phimosis 

    4) List the risks factors associated to paraphimosis?

    7.4 Treatment plan of Phimosis and Paraphimosis

    Treatments for phimosis and paraphimosis vary depending on the child and 
    severity of phimosis. It involves reducing the penile edema and restoring the 
    prepuce to its original position and may include: gentle daily manual retraction, 
    topical corticosteroid ointment and application or circumcision. Several noninvasive 
    or minimally invasive methods are used to reduce the penile swelling, but due to 
    extreme pain patients may require a penile nerve block or topical analgesic or oral 

    narcotics before penile manipulation.

    • Manual reduction of phimosis and Paraphimosis:

    The goal of treatment is to return the foreskin to its natural position over the glans 
    penis through manual reduction. Manual pressure may reduce edema. A gloved 
    hand is circled around the distal penis to apply circumferential pressure and disperse 
    the edema. One strategy involves pushing the glans back through the prepuce by 
    applying constant thumb pressure while the index fingers pull the prepuce 
    over the glans. Ice and/or hand compression on the foreskin, glans, and penis 
    may be done before this technique to reduce edema. Topical corticosteroid cream 
    applied two or three times daily to the exterior and interior of the tip of the foreskin 

    may also be effective.

    Ice packs are also useful in reducing swelling of the penis and prepuce. The penis 
    is first wrapped in plastic, with ice packs applied intermittently until the swelling 
    subsides .To reduce edema, a compressive elastic dressing is then wrapped 
    circumferentially around the penis from the glans to the base. This dressing 
    should be left in place for five to seven minutes, and the penis should be checked 
    periodically to monitor the resolution of swelling. Once the swelling has subsided, 
    the wrap should be removed.
    • Pharmacologic therapy
    Injection of hyaluronidase into the edematous prepuce is effective in resolving 
    edema and allowing the foreskin to be easily reduced. Degradation of hyaluronic 
    acid by hyaluronidase enhances diffusion of trapped fluid between the tissue planes 
    to decrease the preputial swelling. Hyaluronidase is well suited for use in infants 
    and children.
    Granulated sugar has shown to be effective in the treatment of paraphimosis based 
    on the principle of fluid transfer occurring through osmotic gradient. Granulated 
    sugar is generously spread on the surface of the edematous prepuce and glans. 
    The hypotonic fluid from the edematous prepuce travels down the osmotic gradient 
    into the sugar, reducing the swelling and allowing for manual reduction. Both of the 
    procedures mentioned here should be performed by a physician experienced in 
    these techniques
    • Minimally invasive therapy
    The “puncture” technique is a minimally invasive therapy in which a hypodermic 
    needle is used to directly puncture the edematous prepuce. Puncture sites permit 
    safe and effective evacuation of the trapped fluid. External drainage of the trapped 
    fluid allows for manual reduction of paraphimosis.
    Blood aspiration of the tourniqueted penis may be attempted .The base of the penis 
    is temporarily tied off with a rubber tourniquet. An 18-gauge needle is inserted 
    into the penis, and corporal blood is aspirated to reduce penile swelling. These 
    techniques should only be performed by a physician experienced in the procedures.
    N.B: All of these techniques are geared toward reducing the swelling so that 
    manual reduction can be performed
    After the preputial swelling has subsided, paraphimosis is reduced .To reduce the 
    prepuce, the thumbs of both hands are placed on the glans and the fingers wrap 
    behind the prepuce. A gentle but steady and forceful pressure is applied to the glans 
    with the thumbs, and counter traction is applied to the foreskin with the fingers as 
    the prepuce is pulled down. When performed properly, the constricting band of 

    tissue should come down distal to the glans with the prepuce.

    • Surgical therapy

    Severe constricting band of tissue precludes all forms of conservative or minimally 
    invasive therapy, an emergency circumcision dorsal slit type is recommended to 
    relieve these conditions permanently .This procedure should be performed with 
    the use of a local anesthetic by a physician or a trained health care personnel 
    experienced with the technique. Circumcision, a definitive therapy, should be 
    performed at a later date to prevent recurrent episodes, regardless of the method 

    of reduction used.


    7.4 Evolution and complications of Phimosis and 


    The prognosis for phimosis is usually very good. A small amount of bleeding can 
    occur as the skin is retracted but long term negative outcomes are very rare. 
    Complications of phimosis include balanitis, posthitis, paraphimosis, voiding 
    dysfunction, painful erection and penile carcinoma. Patients may present with 
    complaints of erythema, itching, discharge, or pain with sexual intercourse.
    The prognosis for paraphimosis depends on the speed of diagnosis and reduction 
    constricting band of tissue. With prompt treatment, the outlook is excellent. 
    But without effective or delayed treatment, complications that can occur with 
    paraphimosis will range from mild to severe and life threatening condition. These 
    include pain, infection, and inflammation of the glans penis. If the condition is not 
    relieved in a sufficiently prompt timeframe, the distal penis can become ischemic 
    or necrotic. When this happens, paraphimosis can result in: a severe infection, 
    damage to the tip of the penis, gangrene, or tissue death, resulting in the loss of 
    the tip of the penis.
    7.6 End unit assessment
    1) Which patient is at the greatest risk for developing Paraphimosis 
    a) Circumsed Patient with chronic sexual transmitted diseases
    b) Patient with urinary tract infection
    c) A 17-year-old man with pre-existence congenital phimosis
    d) A 65-year-old circumcised patient with urinary incontinence
    2) What is the most important cause of the paraphimosis among the 
    a) Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and lichen planus
    b) Iatrogenic cause like urethral catheterization or cystoscopy.
    c) Injury to genital organ
    d) Multiple Sexual activity 
    e) for cirumsed men
    3) List the 4 components of treatment plan for phimosis and paraphimosis
    4) Explain the importance of pain killer before manual reduction of 
    5) Explain the goal of manual reduction of phimosis and paraphimosis.
    6) What can you do to reduce edema if you are called to care for patient with 
    7) When surgical therapy will be decided in case of paraphimosis?
    8) What can be done to prevent complications to paraphimosis?

    9) List 4 complications of phimosis and paraphimosis?


    Key Unit competence: 

    Take appropriate decision on Hydrocele and Testicular torsion

    Introductory activity 8.0

    The image A, C and c illustrate the structures of testicle. Observe image A, B, C, 

    D and E and answer the questions below.

     Draw the image without labels, and make image D in the black context

    1) Which one of these three images (A, B, C, D) would reflect the normal 
    structure of testicle?
    2) What is the difference between image A and B?
    3) What is the difference between image A and C?
    4) What is the difference between image D and E?

    5) How can these abnormalities be corrected?

    8.1. Description of hydrocele 

    Learning Activity 8.1

    H.K is a 5 years old boy was referred to the surgical OPD for urologist review on 
    20.5.2022 with swelling of right scrotum since 5 months. The mother complained 
    of swelling of right scrotum, which increased in size gradually. There was mild 
    pain when the swelling started. There was no history of fever or trauma when it 
    started. The physician performed trans-illumination test which become positive 
    and hydrocele was confirmed. The patient was scheduled for surgery to drain 
    the fluid accumulated in the scrotum under local anaesthesia using needle and 


    Questions related to the case study

    1) Identify the biography of the patient described in the case study.
    2) What are the signs and symptoms described in the case study?
    3) What is the probable surgical diagnosis of this H.K?
    4) Which test performed to confirm surgical diagnosis described in the case 

    5) What was the management provided for this patient H.K?

    8.1.1. Definition of hydrocele 

    A hydrocele is a non-tender, fluid-filled mass that results from interference with 
    lymphatic drainage of the scrotum and swelling of the tunica vaginalis that surrounds 
    the testis. Hydroceles vary greatly in size. Very large hydroceles are sometimes 

    seen in elderly men and it might have been getting larger over a number of years.

    8.1.2. Causes of hydrocele 

    Most hydroceles occur in adults and are most common in men aged over 40 years. 
    The causes of hydrocele is unknown in most of cases. A few cases of hydroceles 
    occur when something is wrong testicles. For instance, infection, inflammation, 
    injury or tumours involving the testes may cause fluid be accumulated which leads 
    to hydrocele formation.

    8.1.3. Types of hydrocele

    Communicating hydrocele 
    In communicating hydrocele the opening does not close and fluid is able to go back 

    between abdominal cavity and scrotal cavity.

    Non-communicating hydrocele 
    The open remains closed after the testicle is in the scrotum but there is fluid trapped 
    in the scrotum. This type is mostly found often in new-born and may take up to one 

    to resolve.

    8.1.4. Signs and symptoms of hydrocele

    Non-communicating hydrocele is characterized by a constant swelling.
    On the other hand, in communicating hydrocele the swelling comes and goes 
    throughout the course of a day.

    Fluid around the testis does not usually cause pain or discomfort.

    8.1.5. Diagnosis of hydrocele

    Doctor uses the following modalities to diagnose hydrocele:
    Doctors usually perform a physical examination for diagnosing Hydrocele. During 
    exam the doctor will not be able to feel the testicle well due to the presence of 
    fluid in the sac. Doctors will also check for tenderness in scrotum and shine a light 
    through the sac. This procedure is called “trans-illumination” and it allows the 
    doctor to determine presence of fluid. The scrotum will allow light transmission if 
    fluid is present. It will appear to light up with light passing through it. The light will 
    not shine through the scrotum if the swelling is due to solid mass. The doctor may 
    also perform an ultrasound to check for tumors, hernias or any other cause for 

    swelling of the scrotum.

    Ultrasound: This can help to check your testes to make sure if there aren’t other 

    underlying causes of hydrocele.

    8.1.6. Treatment plan of hydrocele
    Two modalities of hydrocele management
    A. Aspiration with needle and syringe

    B. Surgical management (hydrocelectomy)

    A. Aspiration with needle and syringe 

    This procedure can be performed for non-communicating hydrocele once the 

    scrotum become swollen.

    B. Surgical management of hydrocele
    Non-communicating hydrocele: Normally resolve on its own over time and do not 
    require surgery. The surgery is required if swelling persists past 12 months of age.
    Communicating hydrocele: This types, do not resolve on its own and it requires 
    surgery (hydrocelectomy). The surgery is recommended to decrease the chance of 
    a loop of bowel or abdominal contents getting stuck which could hurt the bowel and 
    the testicle. This surgery is done under anaesthesia and small incision is made in 

    the groin.

    8.1.8. Complications and evolution of hydrocele

    Left untreated Hydroceles can lead to infection of the fluid and testicular atrophy. A 
    large hydrocele may block the testicular blood supply leading to testicular atrophy 
    and subsequent impairment of fertility. Haemorrhage into the hydrocele can result 
    from testicular trauma. If a communicating hydrocele does not go away on its own 
    and is not treated, it can lead to an inguinal hernia. In this condition, part of the 
    intestine or intestinal fat pushes through an opening (inguinal canal) in the groin 
    area. The prognosis for congenital hydrocele is excellent. Most congenital cases 
    resolve by the end of the first year of life. Persistent congenital hydrocele is readily 
    corrected surgically.
    Self-assessment 8.1
    1) Define hydrocele 
    2) What are the signs and symptoms of hydrocele?
    3) Differentiate communicating and non-communicating hydrocele.
    4) How is trans-illumination test done? 

    5) Outline three complications of hydrocele.

    8.2. Description of Testicular torsion

    Learning Activity 8.2

    A 15 year-old male was admitted to the Emergency Department of a tertiary 
    Hospital presenting with a sudden and continuous pain in the left testicle. The 
    pain was progressive, radiated to the abdomen and left inguinal area, it was 
    accompanied with nausea and vomiting of more than 12 h since its onset. On 
    physical examination the left testicle was found to be larger in volume to the right 
    one, was painful, local temperature had risen and there was a negative Prehn 
    sign (exacerbation of pain upon elevation of the testicle on raising the affected 
    testicle). There was also an absence of the cremasteric reflex which is an 
    indicative of testicular torsion. Doppler ultrasound showed changes suggestive 
    of testicular torsion. Emergency surgery was performed on the day of admission 
    to correct this problem. This showed findings of a necrotic left testicle with a 
    360° rotation of the spermatic cord for which a left orchiectomy was performed. 
    The pathology study reported hemorrhagic testicular infarction. There were no 
    complications during recovery and the patient was discharged the day after 


    Questions related to the case study
    1) Identify the biographic data of the patient from the case study above.
    2) List the signs and symptoms presented by patient on his arrival to the 
    Emergency Department.
    3) What are the findings identified by physician on physical examination?
    4) What is the surgical diagnosis of this patient found on Doppler ultrasound?

    5) How was this surgical diagnosis corrected?

    8.2.1. Definition of Testicular Torsion

    Testicular torsion involves a twisting of the spermatic cord that supplies blood to the 

    testes and epididymis. It is most commonly seen in males younger than age 20.

    8.2.2. Causes and pathophysiology of Testicular Torsion
    Testicular torsion can occur spontaneously, as a result of trauma, or as a result of 
    an anatomic abnormality. As the testicle twists around the spermatic cord, venous 
    blood flow is cut off, leading to venous congestion and ischemia of the testicle. 
    The testicle becomes tender, swollen, and possibly erythematous. As the testicle 
    further twists, the arterial blood supply is cut off which leads to further testicular 
    ischemia and eventually necrosis. In most individuals, the testicle rotates between 
    90-180 degrees and compromised blood flow. Complete torsion is rare and quickly 
    decreases the viability of the testes. The correction is possible if the torsion is less 

    than 8 hours but rare if more than 24 hours have elapsed.

    8.2.3. Signs and symptoms of Testicular Torsion
    Signs and symptoms of testicular torsion include:
    Unilateral scrotal pain: The pain may be constant or intermittent, but not positional.
    Associated symptoms: Nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and inguinal pain.
    Scrotal swelling and erythematous.
    The testicle may be in an abnormal or transverse lie and maybe in a high position.
    Absence of cremasteric reflex (Stroking of the skin causes the cremaster muscle 
    to contract and pull up testicle toward the inguinal canal) but it is not reliable in 
    patients less than one year. In absence of cremasteric reflex, the stroke of skin will 

    not allow the pulling up of testicle towards inguinal canal.

    The following chart summarizes the signs and symptoms of testicular torsion

     8.2.4. Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion 
    To diagnose testicular torsion, Doppler ultrasound is typically performed to assess 
    blood flow within the testicle. Decreased or absent blood flow confirms the diagnosis. 
    MRI and CT scan may also be performed. Although surgical exploration is invasive, 
    it remains the gold standard in the diagnosis of testicular torsion.
    8.2.5. Treatment plan of Testicular Torsion
    Manual detorsion
    Manual detorsion was first described in 1893 to reverse ischemia and provide 
    instantaneous pain relief. This procedure may limit testicular infarction while 
    preparations are being made for surgical exploration. The procedure is done by 
    rotating the affected testicle at 180 degrees in clockwise direction. The procedure 
    may need to be repeated 2–4 times, as torsion can involve rotations of 180–720 
    degrees. Manual detorsion should be guided by instantaneous resolution of pain 

    and re-establishment of blood.

    Surgical Exploration
    Torsion constitutes a surgical emergency because, if the blood supply to the 
    affected testicle is not restored within 4 to 6 hours, ischemia to the testis will occur, 
    leading to necrosis and the possible need for removal. Unless the torsion resolves 
    spontaneously, surgery to untwist the cord and restore the blood supply must be 

    performed immediately

    8.2.6. Complications and evolution of Testicular Torsion 

    The common complications of testicular torsion include the following:
    • Loss of testis
    • Infection
    • Infertility
    • Loss or diminished exocrine and endocrine function in men
    Evolution of testicular torsion 
    Since many years ago there has been a markable improvement in the recovery of 
    the testes following torsion. However, poor results still occur especially in African 
    Americans, young patients, and those who lack health insurance. Better outcome 
    is obtained if the surgery is done within 8 hours. The outcomes of testicular torsion 
    depend on when the patient presents to the hospital and how quickly the diagnosis 
    is made and treatment is undertaken. Delays in diagnosis and treatment always 
    lead to testicular atrophy. About 20-40% of cases of testicular torsion result in an 
    orchiectomy. The risk of losing a testis is much higher among AfricanAmericans and 
    younger males. For those who present within the first 6 hours of symptoms, the 
    survival rate is nearly 100% but this number quickly drops to less than 50% if the 

    delay in seeking help is more than 12-24 hours. 

    8.3. End unit assessment

    End of unit assessment

    1) Define testicular torsion.
    2) State two main causes of testicular torsion.
    3) The following are the signs and symptoms of testicular torsion EXCEPT:
    a) Scrotal pain
    b) Nausea and vomiting
    c) Scrotal swelling 
    d) Presence of cremasteric reflex
    4) The following are complications of testicular torsion EXCEPT:
    a) Loss of testis
    b) Infection 
    c) Infertility
    d) Increased exocrine and endocrine function in men
    5) Identify which one among A and B is representing communicating 

    hydrocele and non-communicating hydrocele in the following illustrations:

    6) What is the most common imaging study performed to diagnose a 
    testicular torsion?
    7) State two treatment modalities of hydrocele and testicular torsion for 



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