4. Am I ready to learn?

Learning online may feel very different from learning in a traditional classroom environment. Just as in face-to-face teaching, some online learning experiences include support from a tutor or an educator. However, other online learning courses will embed the teaching within the material and you will go over the course on your own pace (self-paced learning), enrolling and starting learning anytime that is convenient to you. Because this may be different from how you have studied in the past, this can take a little bit of getting used to. For example, you might not be able to ask the tutor an instant question to check your understanding.

The crucial thing to being a successful online learner is to engage fully with the learning materials by reading and understanding them, learning with other (interacting via social media or the forum), demonstrating what you learning (in response to quizzes, assessment or projects). You may also feel that you need to develop your English language skills: the following free short courses from the UK Open University and hosted on the university’s OpenLearn platform might be helpful for you to explore:

Am I ready to study in English?

English: Skills for Learning

Essay and report writing skills

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Last modified: Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 6:31 PM