• UNIT 17: Transport, Communication and Trade in Rwanda

    Topic area 

    Human and economic Geography 

    Sub-topic area 

    Economic activities

    Key unit competence 

    By the end of this unit, you should be able to investigate the impact of transport, communication and trade on sustainable development of Rwanda.

    Unit objectives 

    By the end of this unit, you should be able to: 

    • State different types of transport in Rwanda. 

    • Identify the factors influencing the development of transport. 

    • Give the importance of transport in Rwanda.

    • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of different types of transport in Rwanda. 

    • Identify problems affecting transport in Rwanda. • List the different means of communication used in Rwanda.

     • Identify the factors influencing the development of communication in Rwanda.

     • Give the importance of communication in Rwanda. 

    • Outline the problems affecting communication and possible solutions.

     • Define internal and external trade, importation and exportation in Rwanda. 

    • Identify the factors affecting trade in Rwanda. 

    • Give the importance of trade in Rwanda.

     • Identify imports and exports of Rwanda. 

    • Identify the problems affecting trade in Rwanda.


    Transport is the physical movement of people, animals, goods and services from one place to another. It is important because it enables trade between people, which is essential for the development of civilisations.

    Major types of transport and their distribution 

    Activity 17.1

     Work in pairs. 

    Study the photographs provided and use them to answer the questions that follow.

    1. List the types of transport represented by each of the above photographs.

     2. Identify the types that are found in Rwanda. 

    3. Using a map of Rwanda, locate the areas where the different types are found. 

    4. Share your answers in a class discussion.

    Case study 

    Mr. Denis Mugisha, a resident of rural Muhanga plans to go to visit his relatives who live in Britain. On the day he left, he woke up very early in the morning. He walked with his luggage to Muhanga town where he took a bus to Kigali. At Kigali, a man carried his luggage to the point where he could get a taxi. He paid the man and got into a taxi which took him to the airport. He then took his flight to Britain.

     (a) Name the types of transport that Mr. Mugisha used in his journey. 

    (b) Discuss why the forms of transport he used were the suitable ones at every point of his journey.

     (c) Present your findings in a class discussion

    There are three major types of transport in Rwanda. They include the following. 

    (a) Air transport 

    (b) Water transport 

    (c) Land transport that includes;

    (i) Porter transport

     (ii) Pipeline transport 

    (iv) Road transport 

    (v) Cable transport

    (a) Land transport

     Land transport in Rwanda is in many forms as listed above. However, the most commonly used form of land transport in the country is road transport.

    Road transport This is the movement of people and goods by road by the use of automobiles such as motor cycles, vehicles, bicycles. In every part of the country, there are roads that join the different places to other parts. The country has good tarmac roads that have been built in various parts of the country. They all meet at Kigali. This has created a road network that beats the challenges of the landlocked nature of the country. The roads connect Rwanda to other countries in the region. Roads in Rwanda cover a total area that is close to 14,000 kilometres. This is a good sign of development. More than 1,000 kilometres of these roads are tarmacked. The others are dirt roads with varying qualities of smoothness. The government of Rwanda enacted a law that governs the roads in the country; this is law is No. 55/2011 of 14/12/2011. According to the above law, roads are classified into three categories. They are: 

    (i) National roads 

    (ii) Districts and City of Kigali roads and those of other urban areas - Class I 

    (iii) Specific roads that connect other areas of concern such as historical sites and other tourist facilities. National roads include roads that link up Rwanda to her neighbours. They are also known as international roads. District roads connect districts and upcountry areas to the city of Kigali. Other roads link areas of tourist importance and facilities of national or international reputation such as ports and airports to other areas.

    Activity 17.2

     Work in pairs. 

    Study the map of Rwanda provided below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

    1. Identify the major roads in Rwanda connecting the internal towns.

    2. Name the roads that connect Rwanda to her neighbours. 

    3. Discuss the importance of roads in Rwanda. 

    4. Assess the impact of the construction of roads and road transport on the environment. 

    5. Give suggestions on the solutions to the impacts in (4) above.

     6. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Rwanda is well connected internally and externally by a wide network of roads. The main roads in Rwanda include the following.

    1. Kigali – Muhanga – Huye – Akanyaru – Burundi border covering about 190 kilometres.

    2. Kigali – Ngoma – Rusumo – Tanzania border stretching to about 167 kilometres.

    3. Kigali – Kayonza – Kagitumba - Uganda border covering about 191 kilometres.

    4. Kigali – Gicumbi – Gatuna - Uganda border covering about 80 kilometres.

    5. Kigali – Musanze – Rubavu – Goma / Democratic Republic of Congo 156 kilometres.

    6. Kigali – Huye - Rusizi – Bukavu 284 kilometres.

    7. Kigali – Huye – Rusizi – Bugarama – Burundi border covering 322 kilometres.

    The other roads of Rwanda are summarised in the table shown below.


    (b) Air transport 

    Activity 17.3

     Study the photograph shown below and use it to answer the questions that follow.


    1. Name the type of transport indicated in the photograph shown above. 

    2. Identify areas where the above type of transport is centred in Rwanda. 

    3. Explain the difference between an airport and an airstrip. 

    4. State the difference between road transport and the above mentioned form of transport.

    Air transport is a form of transport that involves moving people, goods, services and people from one place to another by air. There are two main international airports in Rwanda. They are:

    • Kigali International Airport at Kanombe 

    • Kamembe International Airport in Rusizi district

    There are also airstrips in different parts of the country. They include:

     • Nemba 

    • Huye 

    • Rubavu

     • Gabiro

     • Musanze

    This form of transport is not fully utilised in the country. This is because this type of transport is expensive. However, the government is trying its best to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is put in place to ensure that it is in use.

    (c) Water transport 

    Case study

     Miss Daisy Karenga, a prominent business lady, wants to tour Idjwi island on Lake Kivu. The main purpose of her trip is to assess suitability of setting up a business in the area. 

    (a) Name the form of transport that she will use to reach the island.

     (b) Name other forms of transport that she is likely to use once she gets to the island.

     (c) Identify other areas in Rwanda where the form of transport mentioned in (a) above is used.

     (d) Draw a sketch map of Rwanda and identify the location of Idjwi island.

     (e) Present your work in class.

    Water transport is a means of transport that involves movement of goods or people from one place to another by use boats, ships and ferries on water. The inland water bodies in Rwanda have enabled the establishment of inland navigation. Water transport is used to connect specific areas such as those areas that are near water bodies. Water transport is present on Lakes Kivu, Muhazi, Burera, Rweru and Ihema. It is also present in River Akagera on a small scale. Water transport is considered to be the cheapest means of transport.


    Distribution of the major types of transport in Rwanda 

    Activity 17.4

     Work in pairs. 

    Use the Internet and other Geographical documents. 

    1. Analyse the distribution of the different forms of transport used in Rwanda.

     2. Write them down and discuss them in a class presentation.

    The most common mode of transport is road transport. Most parts of the country have roads. Paved roads lie between the capital Kigali, and most other major cities and towns in the country. Rwanda is also linked by road to other countries in the region through which the majority of the country’s imports and exports are made. The roads in the country are not evenly distributed. Some areas of the country are well served with roads while others are not. Most urban areas have good roads. This is due to trade and other activities that describe the centres.

    It is also easier to construct roads in lowland areas than in areas with mountainous and rugged terrain. Areas with rugged terrains do not have roads due to the high cost of road construction and the difficulties involved in the construction. Water transport is only available in areas with inland water bodies like rivers and lakes. They are used to transport people and goods in boats.

    Air transport is found in urban areas with active commercial activities. Such areas in Rwanda include Kigali International Airport in Kigali and Kamembe International Airport in Rusizi.

    Other domestic airports in Rwanda include; Huye Airport in Huye district, Rubavu Airport in Rubavu district and Musanze Airport in Musanze district. However, Rubavu and Musanze Airports are currently not functional.

    Factors influencing development of transport in Rwanda 

    Case study

    Rulinda Christopher bought land in the Western part of Rwanda. He hoped to build a house on his newly bought land. The area is situated at the summit of one of the beautiful hills in the area overlooking Rubavu town. He however, discovered that the area was sparsely populated. When he decided to build, he could not get the materials he needed to the site. All means of transport including human porterage could not be of help. To add on that, there are no paved roads leading to the area.

    (a) Give one main reason why you think the area is sparsely populated.

     (b) Why do you think there are no roads in the area?

     (c) Find out other factors that influence the development of transport in Rwanda.

     (d) Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    There are both physical and human factors that influence the development of transport in Rwanda. They include the following.

    (a) Relief 

    Rwanda is a mountainous country. The physical nature of the country has hindered the development of transport in many parts of the country. Areas with gentle slopes in the Central and Eastern parts of the country have a network of well developed roads. This is because terrain of the area favours the construction of transport facilities. 

    (b) Vegetation 

    Some parts of the country especially those covered with vegetation like Nyungwe and Gishwati Forests, are unavailable for construction of roads. Areas with little or no vegetation especially in the Eastern region of Rwanda are good for construction of transport facilities. 

    (c) Presence of water bodies 

    Water bodies in Rwanda consist of lakes and rivers. These water bodies have promoted water transport. Lake Kivu is especially used for trade between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. (d) Fertile soils In Rwanda, areas with fertile soils that support agricultural activities are connected with a network of roads. This is due to the need of transporting the agricultural output and inputs that are needed or produced by the farmers.

     (e) Adequate capital 

    The Rwandan government in partnership with developed countries and other international agencies is able to raise enough capital for the construction of transport facilities. 

    (f) Business opportunities There are different businesses that have come up in Rwanda in the recent past. These businesses attract clients and more investors. The development of transport networks creates an enabling business environment.

    (g) Industrialisation 

    The construction of roads and other forms of transport is attributed to the presence of industries. The industrial areas have to be well served with adequate means of transport to facilitate industrial activity.

     heart Political factors Good governance in the country has led to proper implementation of government policies. The funds meant for transport development are used for the purpose. 

    (i) Drainage 

    This is a factor that influences the establishment of different modes of transport facilities in a given area. Areas with poor drainage may be totally isolated due to the difficulties involved in the development of transport facilities.

    Importance of transport on sustainable development of Rwanda 

    Activity 17.5 

    Work in groups. 

    Use your local environment, the Internet and other geographical documents. 

    1. Identify and explain the importance of transport to the development of the country.

    2. Point out specific developments in the country that have come up as a result of transport.

    3. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Transport in Rwanda is of great importance to the sustainable development of the country. Some of the importances of transport include the following. 

    (a) Transport has directly and indirectly created employment opportunities to the people.

     (b) Transport is a source of revenue in Rwanda.

     (c) Transport has facilitated proper exploitation and utilisation of Rwanda’s resources.

     (d) Transport has contributed to the growth and development of urban centres in the country.

    (e) Transport has stimulated domestic and international trade in the country.

    (f) Transport has enabled the growth and development of industries. It facilitates movement of raw materials to industrial areas and manufactured products to market centres. 

    (g) Transport promotes the development of the tourism sector. 

    heart Transport has promoted international relationships between Rwanda and other countries especially those that share transport routes with Rwanda. 

    (i) Water transport in Rwanda has enabled the development of major ports that handle people and goods.

    Activity 17.6 

    Work in pairs. 

    1. Describe how the development of transport in Rwanda especially road transport has been helpful to your;

    (i) Province 

    (ii) District

     (iii) Sector.

     2. The development of transport in Rwanda has not been even in all parts of the country. Discuss the measures taken by the people of Rwanda in dealing with the transport development challenges especially in areas that have not been well served with roads. 

    3. Write essay compiling your answers and present them in a class discussion.

    Advantages and disadvantages of each type of transport 

    Activity 17.7

     Work in groups of three. 

    1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of transport available in Rwanda. 

    2. Write them down and discuss them in a class presentation.

    The three types of transport available in Rwanda include land, water and air transport. All these types of transport have advantages and disadvantages.

    (i) Land transport 

    Land transport is in different forms that include; road transport, porter transport, pipeline transport, rail transport, cable transport and animal transport.

    Road transport 

    This refers to the movement of people and goods by vehicles, trucks, buses, lorries and cars on road. This is the most widely used type of transport in the country.

    Advantages of road transport 

    (a) Flexible service 

    Road transport is less rigid. Passengers can stop anywhere they want. 

    (b) Less expensive 

    Road transport is the cheapest form of transport for short distances.

     (c) Time saving 

    Road transport saves time especially when short distances are involved. 

    (d) Door to door service

    Road transport can offer door to door services unlike other types of transport. 

    (e) Easy to establish

     Road transport is easy to establish since the construction and maintenance of roads is manageable.

     (f) Service in rural areas 

    Road transport is the most suitable for moving goods and people in the rural areas. These areas are in most cases not connected to any other forms of transport like air, rail or water.

     (g) Minimum risk of damage in transit

     Road transport is suitable for transportation of fragile and delicate goods such as glass and ceramic goods. 

    heart Less packaging expenses 

    This form of transport does not require serious packaging as it is with other forms of transportation.

    (i) It is easier to access vehicles

     It is easier for people to own and purchase vehicles, bicycles and motor cycles than airplanes, motor boats and ships.

    Disadvantages of road transport 

    (a) Accidents and breakdowns

     The chances of the occurrence of accidents and breakdowns are more compared to other types of transport.

     (b) Unsuitable for long distances 

    This mode of transport is unsuitable and costly for transporting goods over long distances. 

    (c) Slow 

    The speed of motor transport is slow compared to air transport. 

    (d) Lack of organisation 

    Road transport is less organised when compared to the other forms of transport.

     (e) Rising cost of petrol and diesel 

    Due to high prices of petroleum products and diesel, the operational costs of road transport are always rising.

     (f) Heavy taxes on transport 

    The agencies involved in transport are heavily taxed by the government. This affects their pricing.

    (g) Traffic jam 

    This form of transport sometimes becomes costly in terms of time and fuel especially when motorists are stuck in traffic for long hours.

    heart Uneconomical return journeys

     Due to lack of fixed operation times, vehicles make return journeys when they are empty.

     (i) It is affected by weather 

    Road transport is affected by weather conditions especially during the rainy season. 

    (j) Unsuitable for perishable goods

     Perishable goods such as vegetables, fruits and milk products that are to be transported for long distances may go bad before reaching their final destination. 

    (k) Vulnerable to robbery 

    Vehicles on the roads can be attacked by highway robbers.

     (l) Unsuitable for bulky and heavy goods 

    Vehicles have limited spaces. This makes them unsuitable for bulky and heavy goods.

     (m) Traffic controls

     Traffic controls on the highways may unnecessarily consume one’s time. 

    (ii) Railway transport

     This involves movement of people and goods from one place to another using trains that run on rail lines.


    Advantages of railway transport

     (a) It is convenient in transporting bulky goods over long distances. 

    (b) Railway transport is dependable since it is less affected by poor weather.

     (c) It is a cheaper means of transport compared to road or air transport.

     (d) Railways have a large carrying capacity compared to roads.

     (e) The railway lines occupy less space and thus less land. 

    (f) Railway transport is safe since the chances of accidents or breakdowns are minimal.

    (g) Trains operate on fixed time schedules and thus are less affected by traffic congestion.

     Disadvantages of railway transport 

    (a) Railway transport is inflexible. It operates on fixed time schedules and routes.

     (b) Construction and maintenance of railway lines is expensive.

    (c) Railway transport is unsuitable and uneconomical over short distances.

     (d) Trains use varied rail gauges. This makes interconnection between countries impossible. 

    (e) Trains run on railway lines that are built on relatively level terrains. Tunnels, winding tracks and bridges have to be constructed to avoid steep terrains. This leads to increased costs of construction. 

    (f) Only one train uses a single railway line at a time.This causes delays in movement of goods and people.

    (iii) Pipeline transport

     This refers to the movement of goods mainly liquids through pipes from one place to another. Goods transported using pipeline transport include water, gas and oil. Pipeline transport is increasingly being used to transport oil from the oil fields to the refineries and refined petroleum products to the market.


    Advantages of pipeline transport

     (a) It is cheaper to operate and maintain pipelines compared to other means of transport. 

    (b) Pipelines can be laid on mountainous and rough terrains, swamps, water and dry land where roads and railways cannot be constructed.

    (c) Pipelines allow for continuous supply of the commodity that is being transported. 

    (d) Pipelines are not affected by bad weather such as fog and heavy rainfall unlike other means of transport.

     (e) Pipelines are convenient in transporting highly inflammable commodities such as petroleum.

     (f) Pipeline transport does not pollute the environment unlike other means such as road transport. It is only in cases of leakages that pollution may occur.

     (g) Pipeline transport is free from traffic congestion unlike roads.

    Disadvantages of pipeline transport

     (a) Pipelines are expensive to construct. 

    (b) Pipelines do not provide door to door services. 

    (c) Undetected leakages of the pipelines result in heavy losses and pollution of the environment. 

    (d) Pipelines can only be used to transport specific commodities. 

    (e) Pipelines may be damaged during war leading to heavy losses.

    Activity 17.8 

    Work in pairs.

     Using your own experience, the Internet and other sources of geographical information; 

    1. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of the following forms of road transport; 

       (i) Porterage

      (ii) Cable 

      (iii) Animal.

    2. Discuss your findings and write them down to be presented in a class discussion.

    (b) Water transport 

    This is the movement of goods and people over water bodies such as rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Water vessels such as rafts, canoes, dhows, boats, ships and ferries are used in water transport. Water transport is divided into inland and sea water ways. Inland waterways involve transport on water bodies such as rivers, canals and lakes. Sea waterways involve transport on seas and oceans.

    Advantages of water transport

     (a) Less maintenance cost

     Water bodies occur naturally and do not require maintenance.

     (b) Cheap 

    This type of transport is relatively cheap as compared to rail, air and road transport. 

    (c) Suitable for bulky goods

     Heavy and bulky goods can be easily transported at little cost.

     (d) Important for foreign trade 

    Water transport plays an important role in foreign trade. 

    (e) Suitable for fragile goods 

    Water transport is the most reliable type of transport that is fit for transporting fragile goods.

    (f) Less congestion 

    Water transport experiences less traffic congestion compared to road transport. 

    Disadvantages of water transport 

    (a) Slow

     It is a slow means of transport compared to road and air transport. 

    (b) It is risky 

    Water transport is more risky as compared to other means of transport. 

    (c) Limited area of operation

     This type of transport can only be used in areas with lakes, canals and rivers. 

    (d) It is seasonal 

    Some seasonal rivers and canals cannot be used for transport throughout the year. 

    (e) Unreliable

     The Inland water transport is unreliable. Sometimes, rivers change their courses disrupting the normal routes. 

    (f) Affected by strong waves 

    The water transport depends on the state of the water bodies. When there are strong and destructive waves, the vessels are destroyed and accidents are bound to happen.

     (g) The presence of obstacles such as rocky islands and floating vegetation hinder the movement of vessels.

     heart The construction of ports is very costly.

    (c) Air transport 

    This refers to the movement of people and goods from one place to another by air. Aeroplanes, hot air balloons and helicopters are used for air transport. Air transport is divided into domestic and international air transport. Advantages of air transport 

    (a) It is fast

     It is the fastest mode of transport.

     (b) It is convenient 

    It is a convenient means of transport used to send costly, light and perishable goods. 

    (c) It is not affected by relief features 

    The presence of mountains, oceans and rivers create no obstruction to air transport.

     (d) It is useful for agriculture 

    Aeroplanes are used to spray pesticides on farms. 

    (e) Strategic importance

     This form of transport can be used in risky areas such as the war torn and troubled places to offer humanitarian services. 

    (f) It is secure 

    It is a relatively secure type of transport to use. There is security for the passengers and goods that are being transported. 

    (g) It operates on fixed time schedules and routes. This enables users to plan in advance. 

    Disadvantages of air transport

     (a) Risky

     The occurrence of air accidents leads to great losses of lives and goods.

    (b) Costly 

    Air transport is regarded as the most expensive form of transport. The cost of purchasing and maintaining aircrafts and airports is very high. This leads to high freight charges and air fare.

     (c) Small carrying capacity 

    The aircrafts have small carrying capacities. They are therefore not suitable for carrying bulky goods. 

    (d) Affected by weather changes

     This form of transport is affected by changes in the weather. Very heavy rainfall, fog or snow may lead to cancellation of flights.

     (e) Highly trained personnel 

    Air transport requires great skill from highly trained and qualified personnel. These skilled personnel are few in developing countries such as Rwanda.

     (f) Air transport is not flexible since aircrafts only land in areas with airports. 

    (g) Some goods such as the highly inflammable ones are not allowed into airplanes.

    Problems affecting transport

     Activity 17.9 

    Work in groups of three. Rwanda is a landlocked country. 

    1. Discuss the transport problems associated with the country’s landlocked position. 

    2. Find out other problems that affect transport in Rwanda. 

    3. Write them in a notebook and discuss them in a class presentation.

    Below are some of the problems that affect transport in Rwanda.

     (a) Lack of capital. 

    (b) Poor infrastructure development. 

    (c) Weak vessels such as wooden boats and rafts used in water transport. 

    (d) Traffic congestion. (e) Lack of natural resources like oil and petroleum. 

    (f) Unfavourable climatic conditions. 

    (g) The rugged terrain in some parts of the country. 

    heart Limited navigable waterways. 

    (i) Lack of adequate skilled labour to be used in the construction of new roads.

    Possible solutions and future prospects of transport in Rwanda 

    Activity 17.10 

    1.Hold a class debate on the possible solutions to the country’s landlocked position.

     2. Come up with solutions to the other problems that affect transport in the country. 

    3. Write down your points and discuss them in a class presentation.

    a) The government should construct strong bridges across rivers that disconnect areas of production and markets. 

    (b) The custom services should be electronically managed so as to reduce traffic congestions and unnecessary delays at the borders.

    (c) There should be construction and rehabilitation of feeder roads connecting rural areas to the rest of areas of the country. 

    (d) New roads should be constructed and the old ones upgraded.

     (e) The government should partner with financial institutions like the World Bank to enable the construction of better transport networks.

     (f) Rwanda should improve its transport technology. 

    (g) The government should promote cordial relations with her neighbours in order to reduce the costs incurred in the importation as well as exportation of goods. 

    heart The government should consider developing railway infrastructure in the relatively flat areas of the country.

     (i) The government should come up with laws that restrict the vehicles that are allowed into the Central Business District of cities and towns.

     (j) The government should also create an organised public transport system. 

    (k) The government through the traffic department should introduce traffic lights to control the flow of traffic. (l) The traffic department should put up road signs for motorists in all roads and major highways.

     (m) More speed bumps should be constructed on paved roads and major highways.

     No The government should construct dual carriage roads in order to control traffic. The future of transport in Rwanda is bright. The government is doing all it can to ensure that the transport network coverage in the country especially road transport, covers all areas of the country. 

    Task 17.1

     1. “Rural Rwanda is still highly inaccessible.” Discuss. 

    2. Identify three main factors that hinder the development of transport in Rwanda.


    Activity 17.11 

    Work in groups. 

    Use the dictionary and other sources of geographical information.

     1. Define communication.

     2. Identify the different forms of communication used in Rwanda. 

    3. Write down your findings and present it in a class discussion.

    Communication refers to the sharing, exchange or transfer of information, ideas and messages from one place to another. Communication takes place from the sender to the receiver.

    Different means of communication in Rwanda 

    Rwanda has a wide range of communication media. They include the following; 

    (a) Radio 

    (b) Print media that includes newspapers and other printed magazines and journals

    (c) Television 

    (d) Letters

    (d) Telephones- cellphones and landline

     (e) Fax machines

     (f) E- mail, internet and use of websites


    The radio passes on information to large masses of people through sound. It is a mass medium since information reaches many people at once. There are several radio stations in Rwanda. They include Flash FM, Radio Rwanda, Isango Star, Radio 10, KT Radio and Magic FM. Most people in Rwanda can access radio.

    Print media 

    This refers to paper publications circulated in the form of newspapers, magazines and journals. Print media distributes news to reach many people. Examples of the print media in Rwanda include Business Daily, The New Times, NTA Newstime and The News of Rwanda.


    Television passes information to large masses of people through pictures and sound. It is a mass communication medium. Some of the television stations in Rwanda include RBA Rwanda TV, Family TV, TV 1, Canal+, France 24 and BBC. Television access in the country is limited to urban areas.


    This involves sending of messages in form of sound from the sender to the receiver. This happens through communication devices known as telephones.


    This is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol (IP) suite to link several billion devices worldwide. The Internet has made it possible to send messages quickly. This is done through the use of devices such as computers, tablets and smart phones. The internet is fast and cheap. It enables the use of email to send and receive messages.

    Activity 17.12 

    Work in pairs.

     1. Show how the use of the different types of communication can lead to development in the country. 2. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Factors influencing the development of communication in Rwanda

     Activity 17.13 

    Work in groups. Use the Internet and other geographical documents.

    1. Find out and explain the factors that have influenced the development of communication in Rwanda. 

    2. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Some of the factors that have influenced the development of communication in Rwanda include the following.

     (a) The terrain of the country. Rwanda’s landscape is hilly and mountainous. This elevation has offered the country the advantage of finding sites where transmitters are easily put up to serve various parts of the country.

     (b) The climate of Rwanda is relatively calm. It offers support to the transmitters and other communication gadgets and masts that are erected on the hills.

     (c) The size of the country favours the establishment of communication equipment.

     (d) The communication sector in Rwanda uses modern technology. This has positively influenced the development of communication in the country.

     (e) The Rwandan government has deviced positive policies that favour the development of Information and Communication Technology.

     (f) Presence of skilled labour that is locally provided and outsourced from the neighbouring countries. 

    (g) Peace and political stability in the country that attracts many investors.

    heart Improved purchasing power of the Rwandan citizens.

    Activity 17.14 

    Work in pairs. 

    1. Despite the presence of various factors that have influenced development of communication in Rwanda, there are still huge challenges to contend with. 

    2. Suggest specific ways in which the Rwandan government and people have dealt with challenges despite the odds.

     3. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Importance of communication in Rwanda

    Activity 17.15 

    Work in pairs. Use the Internet, your local environment and other sources of geographical information to;

     1. Evaluate the importance of communication in Rwanda. 

    2. Relate the importance to the daily activities and environments. 

    3. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Communication is vital to the development of Rwanda in the following ways.

     (a) Communication has promoted education through e-learning, distant and online learning. 

    (b) Communication has made the sending and receiving of information more effective and efficient. 

    (c) Communication has fostered and developed trade and business operations in the country. 

    (d) Communication has made it easy for the government to communicate its policies and administrative information to the people .

     (e) The internet has enabled infiltration of information, knowledge and ideas on every topic under the sun. (f) The communication sector has led to the creation of employment opportunities to the Rwandan citizens. (g) The government earns revenue from the various companies that are involved in communication in the country.

     heart Communication has enabled the implementation of regional integration programs. 

    (i) C o m m u n i cat i o n h a s e n a b l e d penetration of information to remote areas which would otherwise be isolated. 

    (j) Communication has strengthened the social ties within the Rwandan society.

    Problems that affect communication in Rwanda and their solutions 

    Activity 17.16

     Use your local environment, the Internet and other sources of geographical information. 

    1. Find out and explain the problems that affect communication in Rwanda. 

    2. Suggest solutions to the problems that you have highlighted. 

    3. Write down your findings and presnt them in a class presentation.

    Some of the problems that affect communication in Rwanda include the following.

     (a) Lack of capital to boost the development of communication sector. 

    (b) Low level of technological advancement in the country.

     (c) The communication installations are usually affected by harsh climatic conditions. 

    (d) Natural occurrences such as landslides sometimes bring down the transmitting towers that are often placed in hilly areas.

     (e) Inadequate skilled labour force. 

    (f) The greatest percentage of the Rwandan population is rural in nature and resides in the rural areas. They are also low income earners who cannot afford communication equipment. 

    (g) There is a challenge of power supply especially during the dry season. This has always led to the burning up of communication equipment due to the power surges and abrupt power shedding.

     heart There are high taxes attached to the importation of communication equipment as well as high operation charges. 

    (i) There is high competition between the local companies involved in the sector and free online communication systems.

    Solutions to the problems affecting communication

     In spite of the problems affecting the communication sector in Rwanda, the government and the stakeholders engaged in it have tried to find ways of solving them. Some of the solutions include the following.

     (a) There has been integration of Information Communication and Technology in all the subjects taught in schools. 

    (b) There are intensive training programs under the assistance of Workforce Development Authority (WDA) and other government agencies that aim at transforming the human resource of Rwanda.

    (c) The government of Rwanda encourages foreign investors to invest in the communication sector in the country. 

    (d) There are funds put aside to provide financial support to local investors who wish to invest in the Information Communication and Technology sector.

     (e) There should be constant rehabilitation of the already set up communication equipment. More updated equipment should also be bought to ensure currency of the sector in the country.

     (f) The policies concerning communication should be friendly to the users and the investors in order to improve the market.

    Activity 17.17 

    Work in groups of five. 

    Your teacher will organise for you to visit a communication company. 

    1. Find out the factors that influenced their interest to do business in Rwanda. 

    2. Find out the challenges that the company faces and the solutions to the challenges experienced. 

    3. Write down the findings for a class presentation.

    Task 17.2 

    1. Discuss the role of communication to the socio-economic development of Rwanda. 

    2. Suggest five solutions to the problems that affect the communication sector in Rwanda.


     Activity 17.18 

    Work in pairs.

     1. Define trade. 

    2. Identify some of the trade opportunities that you can engage in, as an individual and as a class.

     3. Suggest ways in which the trade opportunities chosen will be of help to you and to the country. 

    4. Write up your proposal and benefits of the business opportunity. 5. Present your answers in a class discussion.

    Trade refers to the act of selling and buying goods and services for money. Traders operate to make profits.

    Internal and external trade in Rwanda

     Case study 

    Mr. Byamukama Rogers went for a workshop in Musanze and received huge sums of money. He decided to invest his money in business. He came up with a potato business plan. He decided to buy Irish potatoes from Musanze and sold them to Kimironko. His business grew and he finally became a successful entrepreneur. He received a positive reception and sold everything and this encouraged him and now he is a successful entrepreneur. His friend Madam Kayitesi Lorna secured a loan from Umwalimu SACCO and decided to invest the funds in business. She opened up a boutique where she sells imported shoes from China. Her business also grew and she became one of the successful business ladies in Rubavu town.

     (a) Name the types of businesses that take place in the short story. 

    (b) Give the difference between the business carried out by Mr. Byamukama and Madam Kayitesi. 

    (c) Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    There are two types of trade in Rwanda. They are: 

    • Internal / Home / Local /Domestic Trade

     • External / Foreign / International Trade

    Internal trade 

    This is a type of trade that is conducted within the country. The goods and services are bought and sold within the borders of the country. This is the most common type of trade carried out by many people in Rwanda. Internal trade is done in two forms.

     • Retail trade

     • Wholesale trade

    (a) Wholesale trade 

    This deals with the buying and selling of goods in large quantities from manufacturers to sell in smaller quantities to retailers. Wholesalers act as intermediaries between manufacturers and retailers. 

    (b) Retail trade

     This type of trade deals with buying of goods in smaller lots from wholesalers and selling them in even much smaller quantities to the final consumers. The retailer is last link in the chain of distribution. He or she connects the wholesalers with the consumers.

    External trade 

    This type of trade is also called foreign trade. There are many goods that are produced in Rwanda that are sold to the outside world. Rwanda’s exports include tea, coffee, coltan, cassiterite, iron ore, animal hides, forest products and agro-based products such as the juice and packed milk from Inyange industries. The country also sells services such as tourism to foreign countries.

    Rwanda imports goods from other countries. The items imported include the following: machinery and equipment, steel, cement and construction material, petroleum products, electric equipment and foodstuffs.

    Activity 17.19

     1. Describe external and internal trade in Rwanda.

    2. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Factors affecting trade in Rwanda 

    Activity 17.20 

    Work in groups. 

    1. Visit the trading centre that is near your school. 

    2. Observe the trading activities that are taking place in the centre.

     3. Find out from the traders the factors that affect trade in the area. 

    4. Relate the factors to trade in the country. 

    5. Write a report on your findings and make a class presentation.

    There are several factors that affect the development of trade in Rwanda. They include the following.

     (a) Transport and communication

     Trade entirely depends on the transport and communication. This is because goods and services need to be moved from areas of production to the markets. 

    (b) Availability of markets 

    Trade involves buying and selling of goods and services. These goods and services require a ready market to complete the production process.

     (c) Adequate labour force 

    There is a steady supply of labour in Rwanda. The labour includes both skilled and unskilled labour. Companies and enterprises depend on workers to provide labour in all the trading activities.

    (d) Favourable government policies

    The government of Rwanda has designed policies that aim at developing and strengthening trade in the country. Through the Rwandan Development Board (RDB), the government provides an enabling environment to both local and foreign investors to do business. 

    (e) Political stability 

    Investors are ready to invest in countries where they are assured of peace and safety of their facilities.

    (f) Presence of entrepreneurs

     A large number of Rwandans have been equipped with the entrepreneurial skills. They therefore seek to practice entrepreneurship. 

    (g) Regional integration 

    Rwanda has joined various regional blocs. It is a member of East Africa Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). This has encouraged trade internally and internationally.

     heart Establishment of industries

     The government has encouraged the establishment of industries through easing the investment policies to make them friendly to entrepreneurs.

     (i) Favourable climatic conditions

     The climate of Rwanda is generally favourable to industrial development.

     (j) Fertile soils

     This boosts the production of agricultural products that feed the agro-based industries. 

    Importance of trade in Rwanda

     Activity 17.21 

    Work in groups. 

    1. Discuss the importance of trade in the area around your school and home. 

    2. Identify trade opportunities in your school and discuss its importance to the school. 

    3. Relate the importance of trade to the socio economic development of the country. 

    4. Write down your findings and discuss them in a class presentation.

    Trade in Rwanda is important in the following ways:

     (a) Trade has enabled the government of Rwanda to earn revenue through taxes levied on trade establishments.

     (b) Trade has created employment opportunities to a number of people in Rwanda.

     (c) Trade has stimulated the growth and development of various towns like Kigali, Rwamagana, Kayonza, and Musanze. 

    (d) International trade is a source of foreign exchange through exports.

     (e) Trade has influenced both the government and the private sector to establish infrastructure such as roads. 

    (f) Trade improves the livelihood of the people by providing a source of income to the traders.

     (g) International trade promotes international relationship between Rwanda and her trading partners.

     heart Trade has facilitated sustainable utilisation of the available resources.

    (i) Trade has influenced the development of various industries in the country.

    Importation and exportation of products

     Activity 17.22 

    Work in pairs.

     1. Differentiate between imports and exports in relation to Rwanda.

     2. Identify the exports and imports of Rwanda. 

    3. Explain the meaning of balance of trade and balance of payment in the context of Rwanda. 

    4. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Imports are goods and services brought into one country from another. They are very important in international trade. The Rwandan government imports goods like petroleum products, textiles, vehicles, machinery, medical equipment and other goods that it does not produce.

    Exports are goods and services produced in a country and sold to a foreign country. Rwanda exports goods and services that it produces. They include tea, coffee and minerals. Trade between Rwanda and one other country like Kenya is known as bilateral trade. Trade between Rwanda and several other contries is known as multilateral trade.

    The difference in value between a country’s imports and exports is referred to as balance of trade. The higher the value of imports entering a country, compared to the value of exports, the more negative that country’s balance of trade becomes. The higher the value of exports leaving a country, compared to its imports, the more positive that country’s balance of trade becomes. Rwanda has a negative balance of trade. This is because the value of its imports is much higher than the value of its exports. Balance of payment refers to the difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a given period.

    When the balance of trade of a country is negative, it means its balance of payment show that the country pays more outside than it is paid. When the balance of trade is positive, it means a country is paid more that it pays outside.

    Activity 17.23 

    Work in pairs.

     Despite its negative balance of trade, Rwanda continues to develop economically. 1. Explain measures that have been put in place to ensure the country continues to develop. 2. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Problems affecting trade in Rwanda

     Activity 17.24

     Use the Internet, your local environment and other geographical sources; 

    1. Describe and explain the problems that affect trade in Rwanda.

     2. Propose possible solutions to the problems highlighted. 

    3. Write down your findings and present them in a class discussion.

    Some of the problems that affect trade in Rwanda include the following. 

    (a) Poor transport and communication 

    There are poor roads especially in rural areas where most of the agricultural raw materials are found.

     (b) Lack of sufficient information and knowledge

     Lack of knowledge on what is exactly required in the markets greatly affects international trade.

     (c) The challenge of being landlocked 

    Rwanda is landlocked country. This lack of a direct sea route has affected trade in the country. 

    (d) High tariffs 

    The taxes levied on imported and exported goods are high. This affects the pricing of the goods reducing their demand in the market.

     (e) Inadequate capital

     Most traders in Rwanda lack adequate capital to facilitate and sustain their businesses. 

    (f) Stiff competition 

    The Rwandan traders face stiff competition with other traders in the international market 

    (g) Low purchasing capacity 

    There is a low demand for both the local and imported goods.

    heart Foreign laws 

    There are laws that are enacted by other countries that do not favour businesses in Rwanda. 

    (i) Instability in neighbouring countries

     Trade in Rwanda is affected by the political conditions prevailing in the neighbouring countries such as Burundi and in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Rwandan traders fear to export their goods to such countries.

     (j) Production of similar goods by neighbouring countries 

    Rwanda’s neighbours such as Uganda, Kenya and Burundi also produce similar goods to those that are produced in Rwanda. This increases competition and reduces the export market.

    Possible solutions and prospects trade in Rwanda 

    Some of the possible solutions to the problems that affect trade in Rwanda include the following. 

    (a) The government of Rwanda should continue educating people about uplifting themselves from poverty by engaging in trade.

     (b) The government should aim towards fostering good relations with other countries so as to boost foreign trade. 

    (c) Security in the country should be strengthened to assure traders of the safety of their goods and themselves. 

    (d) Through the Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS), trading companies should be encouraged to improve the quality of their products. 

    (e) In rural areas where transport is less developed, new feeder roads should be opened and the existing ones rehabilitated.

     (f) The government should tactfully protect the local industries that compete unfavourably with other industries from outside the country.

     (g) Friendly policies such as online business registration, tax holidays and free land for industrial establishments should continue.

     heart The government should join more regional trading blocs such as the East African Community (EAC). 

    (j) Traders should be organised into cooperative societies so that they are able to pool resources together and do their best.

    Activity 17.25 

    Work in pairs. 

    1. Find out the future prospects of the socio economic development of Rwanda with the continued improvement of the communication and transport infrastructure.

     2. Write a report on your findings. 

    3. Present your report in a class discussion.

    Did you know? 

    • The transport system in Rwanda consists primarily of the road network, with paved roads between Kigali and most other major cities and towns in the country.

     • The government has increased investment in the transport infrastructure of Rwanda with aid from the United States, European Union, Japan and others.

     • The country’s most important trade route is the road to the port of Mombasa via Kampala and Nairobi. 

    • The largest radio and television stations are state run. Rwandatel is the country’s oldest telecommunications group, providing landlines to 23,000 subscribers, mostly government institutions, banks, NGOs and embassies. 

    • Rwanda’s trade consists of more imports than exports.

     End of unit revision task 

    1. (a) Define transport. 

        (b) State and explain the types of transport found in Rwanda. 

    2. (a) Outline the forms of transport that are commonly used in Rwanda. 

         (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages for each. 

    3. To what extent is the relief of Rwanda an influencing factor in the development of transport in the country? 

    4. Examine the factors that influence the development of communication in Rwanda. 

    5. Assess the importance of road transport to the economic development of Rwanda. 

    6. The distribution of the transport network in Rwanda is directly related to the distribution of natural resources. Discuss. 

    7. (a) Explain the challenges that affect transport and communication in Rwanda.

        (b) Suggest the remedies to the challenges outlined in (a) above.

     8. A n a l y s e t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n o f communication to the socio-economic development of Rwanda. 

    9. Account for the development of transport and communication in Rwanda.

    UNIT 16: Industry in RwandaUNIT 18: Environmental conservation in Rwanda and tourism