• UNIT 5:Family relationships

    Oral activity

    a) How many family members do you have at home? Who are they?
    b) Use your exercise book to draw a family tree representing your family

    5.1 Describing family trees

    Activity 1

    Study the family tree below and answer the questions that follow.


    a) How many people are in the family?
    b) What is the meaning of sibling?
    c) Which of these family members do you have in your family?

    Activity 2

    Construct your family tree. Describe it to the class.
    You can say:

    This is ………….. She/he had...…………. daughters and sons.
    ...............…...got married and gave birth to ……………...

    Activity 3

    Use the clues given to fill in the crossword puzzle and discover the secret message in the coloured boxes

    1. The daughter or son of my uncle or aunt.
    2. The brother or brother-in-law of my parents.
    3. The son of my sister.
    4. My mother’s husband.
    5. The sister or sister-in-law of my parents.
    6. My father’s wife.
    7. The daughter of my parents.


    Activity 4

    1. Read the poem below.

    My son will talk about me
    Grandfather talks a lot about great grandfather,
    In the presence of my father.
    My father too talks a lot about my grandfathers.
    He says that they preserved our family.
    Now I am talking about my father,
    He gave me life.
    My son will,
    Talk about me.

    2. Find out the number of people mentioned in the poem and draw a family tree for the poem.

    Display your work and share with the class. Give names to each person in the family tree.

    Exercise 1

    Write about your family members by answering the following questions.

    a) How many people are there in your extended family ?

    b) How are you related to each one of them?

    c) Do they live in the same area as you?

    d) Who is the oldest?

    e) Why is it important to know your family tree?

    5.2 Describing family members

    Activity 1

    Talk about the family of Mr Rukundo that is shown below.


    Activity 2

    Read and role-play the dialogue below.
    Juliet has brought a family photograph to school. She is describing the family members in the photo to her friend Mutoni.
    Mutoni:    Oh, what is that in the middle of the book?
    Juliet:       It is a family photograph.
    Mutoni:     Who is that woman in the blue dress?
    Juliet:       She is my mother. She is now 45 years old. Next to her is my aunt Mary. She is my mother’s   

                      sister. She got married to a Kenyan man and they now live in Nairobi. The two boys seated here 

                      are my uncle’s children. The elder one is in secondary and the other is in Primary Five.

    Activity 3

    1. Share family photos and talk about the photographs with a friend.
    2. Describe your relationship with the people in the photograph.
    3. Let your friend talk about your family pictures to the rest of the class.

    Correct him or her if they give wrong descriptions.

    Activity 4

    Draw a picture of your family. Below the picture describe every family member that you have drawn

    Exercise 2

    Rearrange the scrambled sentences to make a meaningful story.

    1. When we returned home, I wrote him a thank you note. I love my father very much.

    2. He later drove us to the museum.

    3. My father is a lovely dad.

    4. He does not forget our birthdays.

    5. I had never seen so many things about Rwanda’s past in a museum.

    6. The last time he organised my birthday, he took us to a very beautiful hotel.

    We had lots of drinks and food.

    5.3 Describing personalities

    Activity 1

    Read the adjectives given below. What do they mean?

    anxious                boring             creative         clever           joyful           brave         careless          cruel lazy

    Activity 2

    Listen to the descriptions given below. Which word do they go with?
    1. Someone who shares things with others.
    2. Someone who does not talk too much.
    3. A person with bad manners.
    4. A person who is always clean and tidy.
    5. A truthful person.
    6. A person who is never afraid.

    Grammar point

    Adjectives of personality are adjectives that are used to describe a person and his or her character.

    Do you remember what an adjective is?

    Activity 3

    Find the opposites of the following adjectives that are used to describe personality.

    unhappy                           clever                    dishonest                 dirty
    impolite                             unfriendly             irresponsible            disorganized

    Activity 4

    Take turns describing each other’s personality. Write your friends personality in your notebooks.

    Each one of you will read out what you have written to the class.

    Activity 5

    Tell each other about your family members and their personality.
    One will ask: What is he like? Or, what is she like?
    And the other will describe their behaviour using adjectives of personality that you know and have learnt.

    Exercise 3

    strict                                 friendly                cold                 kind                   rude
    honest                              polite                   abusive          arrogant 

    undisciplined                    noisy



    5.4 Saying who you like

    Activity 1

    1. Which words can you use to talk about what you like?
    2. Make at least three (3) sentences using each of these words.
    3. How do you feel about the things you like?
    4. How do you feel about the things you dislike?

    Activity 2

    Find out what your friend likes and why. Write in your notebook and present in class.

    Activity 3

    Look for at least 6 words that are used to describe feelings in the word puzzle below.


    Activity 4

    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

                                                       My aunt is great

    Aunt Sylvia is close to me more than anybody else in our family.

    I got to know her way back in 2005 during my third birthday party. She gave me the best birthday gift.

    The dress she bought me was very beautiful.
    She visits me at school and brings me my favourite foodstuff.

    Each time I leave home for school, I shed tears because I know that I will miss her a lot.

    I like her more than anyone else in the family because she is my best friend.

    She always guides me on my studies. Aunt Sylvia has promised to take me to Mombasa next year if I perform well in the national examinations. I am now working very hard so that I do not disappoint her.

    a) When did the writer get to know Aunt Sylvia?
    b) List down the reasons the writer likes her aunt.
    c) Why is it important to pass your national exams?

    Exercise 4

    Write a short paragraph about the person you like most in your family.

    Give the reasons why you like that person the most. Read your work to a friend.

    5.5 Describing a family member and their life story

    Activity 1

    Read the passage below. Tell the class a brief story about your hero.

    My mother is called Mrs Sandrine Kagabo.
    She is a wonderful woman. She is a police officer. She was born on 12th December, 1982.

    She studied at Lycee de Kigali and the University of Kigali. She then went to the Gishari Police Training School in Rwamagana.
    She met my father after completing her course. Two years later, they got married.

    I am their first born.

    I have got a younger sister.


    Activity 2

    Rearrange and write the scrambled sentences in their correct order.
    1. He was born on 1st September, 1975.
    2. The house is very big.
    3. He is now a retired man but still receives support from the government.
    4. After completing school, he joined the Rwanda tourism board.
    5. Because there were many free rooms left.
    6. My father is called Mr Niyonsenga.
    7. He got his retirement package and used the money to build a house.
    8. He invited some of our relatives to live with us.

    Activity 3

    Read the conversation below and attempt the questions that follow.
    Who is this?
    Linda: This is Aunt Mutesi. She is my father’s eldest sister.
    Betty: She is very beautiful. And who is that?
    Linda: That is Uncle Chris. My Mother’s only brother. He works in Tanzania.
    Betty: He looks like he is tough and strong. And these ones, who are they?
    Linda: These are my parents.
    Betty: They look very smart!
    Linda: Yes. They both work in a bank and always have to look smart.
    Betty: Tell me something about them.
    Linda: My mother is very talkative but my father is quiet.
    Betty: What about these two? The boy looks like an athlete.
    Linda: That is my brother. He likes sports. The other one is my cousin. She likes singing.

    a) Who among Linda’s family members works in Tanzania?
    b) What do you know about Aunt Mutesi?
    c) Describe Uncle Chris according to Betty.
    d) How different is Linda’s father from her mother?
    e) Who among Linda’s family members likes singing?
    f) In pairs, role-play the conversation above.
    g) Draw a relevant picture to go with the dialogue, colour it and write two sentences about it.

    Grammar point

    We use ‘because’ when we want to give a reason for something. Clauses with because introduce information that the reader or person being spoken to does not know.

    Read the examples below:

    1. He bought two shirts because he has two children.

    2. Mother prepared food because we were hungry.

    3. Father likes Chantal and James because they are hardworking.


    Activity 4

    Write five sentences with a because clause and read them out to the class.

    Grammar point

    We can use ‘have got’ when talking about possessions or a person’s characteristics. It is used with:

    I, you, we, and they.For he, she, or it, we say, ‘has got'. For example: I have got two sisters.

    Exercise 5

    Complete the following sentences correctly. Read your work to the class.

    1. He was punished ------------------

    2. His parent was called to school .-------------------

    3. She was not allowed to sit the examination .---------------------

    4. They have got .-------------------

    5. I have got .--------------------------

    6. She has got .----------------------

    7. It has got .

    Sounds and spelling

    Activity 1

    Listen carefully as your teacher dictates words that are used to describe family members.

    Write them down in your exercise books.

    Activity 2

    Rearrange the following letters to make correct words.

    nuisco ……….                 phewen  …………….           herfta……………….
    taun…………….                     lceun………….                  teomhr………..


    I gave birth to your father and your father calls me mother. Who am I?


    Hold a class debate on the motion:
    Mothers care for us more than our fathers.
    Think, Pair and Share
    Peace in the country starts from the family. Discuss.

    Unit 5 Assessment

    1. Explain the meaning of a family tree.
    2. Draw and describe the family tree of your family.
    3. Match the following family relations with the correct words that describe them.


    4. Read a short story about Peter below and answer the questions that follow.


    Peter likes sharing things at school. He doesn’t use harsh words when talking to people.

    He doesn’t break school rules. He keeps track of time and everyone likes him.

    He has so many friends at school.
    a) Describe Peter’s personality.
    b) What makes you like Peter?
    c) Do you have a friend like Peter? Which of the things does he or she have in common with Peter?
    5. Choose one of your family members and write a short description about him/her.
    6. Write a simple poem about your family with the title: “I love my family”.

    7. Choose the correct words from the brackets to complete the following sentences.

    a) Maria got married to her --------------------  .last year. (uncle, cousin, husband)
    b) They have got four---------------------------- . It is a large family of six. (grandparents, husband, children)
    c) Belinda has been -----------------------------  .for two years. She is getting married next year. (couple, engaged, elder)

    8. How does your family help you to become a better person in life?
    9. Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful story.
    a) She says she likes saving lives.
    b) Maria’s mother is a nurse at King Faisal Hospital.
    c) Her father is an accountant with Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA).
    d) She has two brothers.
    e) One of them is in the United States of America.
    f) Maria is the sixth born in her family.
    g) The other one plays football for the National Team.

    UNIT 4: Behaviour, rules and lawsUNIT 6: Reading books, writing compositions and examinations