Topic outline


    Key unit competence: Apply matrices and determinants concepts in solving 

    inputs & outputs model and related problems.

    Introductory activity

    Prices of the three commodities A,B and C are X,Y and Z per units 
    respectively. A person P purchases 4 units of B and sells two units of A and 
    5 units of C. Person Q purchases 2 units of C and sells 3 units of A and one 
    unit of B. Person R purchases one unit of A and sells 3 units of B and one 
    unit of C. in the process P, Q and R earn 15000Frw, 1000Frw and 4000Frw 
    respectively. Use matrix inversion to calculate the prices per unit of A, B and 


    1.1 Application of matrices 

    1.1.1 Economic applications 

    Learning activity 1.1.1

    Three customers purchased biscuits of different types P, Q and R. The first 
    customer purchased 10 packets of type P, 7 packets of type Q and 3 packets 
    of type R. Second customer purchased 4 packets of type P, 8 packets of type 
    Q and 10 packets of type R. The third customer purchased 4 packets of 
    type P, 7 packets of type Q and 8 packets of type R. If type P costs 4000Frw, 
    type Q costs 5000Frw and type R costs 6000Frw each, then using matrix 

    operation, find the amount of money spent by these customers individually.

    Economics is the study of shortage and how it impacts the use of resources, 
    the production of products and services, the growth of production and welfare 
    through time, as well as a wide range of other complicated issues that are of 
    the utmost importance to society in order to satisfy human needs and wants. 
    To understand money, jobs, prices, monopolies, and how the world works 
    on a daily basis, one must study economics. All across the world, matrices’ 
    properties, determinants, and inverse matrices, together with their addition, 
    subtraction, and multiplication operations, are employed to address these real-
    world issues. In economics, matrices are typically also used in the production 


    Example 1

    A firm produces three products A, B and C requiring the mix of three materials 
    P, Q and R. The requirement (per unit) of each product for each material is as 


    Using matrix notation, find 
    i. The total requirement of each material if the firm produces 100 units of 

    each product 

    ii. The per unit cost of production of each product if the per unit cost of 

    materials P,Q and R is 5000Frw, 10000Frw and 5000Frw respectively 

    iii. The total cost of production if the firm produces 200 units of each product

    i. The total requirement of each material if the firm produces 100 units 
    of each product can be calculated using the matrix multiplication given 


    With the help of matrix multiplication, the per unit cost of production of each 

    product would be calculated as 

    iii. The total cost of production if the firm produces 200 units of each product 

    would be given as 

    Hence, the total cost of production will be 34000Frw

    Example 2

    The number of units of a product sold by a retailer for the last 2 weeks are 

    shown in matrix a below, where the columns represent weeks and the rows

     item sells for 4000Frw, derive a matrix for total sales revenue for this retailer 

    for these two shop units over this two-week period. 


    Total revenue is calculated by multiplying each element in matrix of sales 
    quantities A by the scalar value 4000, the price that each unit is sold at. Thus 

    total revenue can be represented in Frw by the matrix

    Example 3

    If the price of TV is 300000Frw, the price of a stereo is 250000Frw, the price of 
    a tape deck is 175000Frw. Present price P in a 3 1× matrix then determine the 

    value of stock for the outlet given by Q = [20 14 8]

    Example 4

    A hamburger chain sells 1000 hamburgers, 600 cheeseburgers, and 1200 milk 
    shakers in a week. The price of a hamburger is 450Frw, a cheeseburger 600Frw 
    and a milk shake 500Frw. The cost to the chain of a hamburger is 380Frw, a 
    cheeseburger 420Frw, and a milk shake 320Frw. Find the firm’s profit for the 

    week, using 

    a) total concepts 

    b) per-unit analysis to prove that matrix multiplication is distributive 

    a) The quantity of goods sold (Q), the selling price of the goods (P), and the 

    cost of goods (C) can all be presented in matrix form. 

    Which is not defined as given. Taking the transpose of P or Q will render the 
    vectors conformable for multiplication. Note that the order of multiplication is 

    important. Thus, taking the transpose of P and premultiplying, we get,

    Application activity 1.1.1

    A firm produces two goods in a pure competition, and has a following total 

    1.1.2. Financial applications

    Learning activity 1.1.2

    With clear example discuss the importance of matrices in finance and 


    The process of raising cash or funds for any kind of expense is called financing. To 
    further handle this process, matrices are more useful in financial applications. 
    Matrix algebra is used in financial calculations due to the large amount of data 
    involved. These include managing financial risk, presenting investment or 

    business expense results or returns, and calculating value-at-risk.

    To facilitate a better understanding of accounting procedures based on the 
    principle of double entry, various methods of solving a given problem exist. It 
    is very crucial to emphasize the use of matrix algebra in financial records for 
    accountants, bankers, and accounting students in order to prepare them for 

    emerging trends in the business/financial world.

    Application of Matrix Additive to Financial Records 

    In the application of matrix addition concept, one needs to examine thoroughly 
    the accounting records to obtain the relevant figures expressed in monetary 
    terms to form the required matrices. The principle of double entry in accounting 
    provided the need to record any business transaction twice (i.e. as debit and 
    credit). Accounting records in books are strictly governed by the principle 
    of double entry, making it easier to obtain matrices of financial transactions 
    from one period to the next. As a result, using appropriate matrix concepts, the 
    opening and closing balances can be determined from period to period with 
    little difficulty.

    In addition, financial economics and financial econometrics rely on the use of 
    matrix algebra because of the need to manipulate large data inputs. Therefore, 
    matrix used in financial risk management, used to describe the outcomes or 

    payoff of an investment, and used to calculate value at risk.

    A finance company has offices located in province, district and cells. Assume 
    that there are 5 provinces, 30 districts and 200 sectors to be considered by the 

    company. The workers at every level are given in the matrix form, 

    column stands for head clerks , and the 3rd column stands for cashiers. The 

    basic monthly salaries (in FRW) are as follows:

    Office supervisor: 150,000

    Head clerk: 120,000

    Cashier: 117,500

    Using matrix notation, find 
    i. The total number of posts of each kind in all the offices taken together 
    ii. The total basic monthly salary bill of each kind of office and,

    iii. The total basic monthly salary bill of all the offices taken together 

    ii. Total basic monthly salary bill of each kind of offices is the elements of 


    Application activity 1.1.2

    Visit the finance office and look at how he/she completes the cash books 

    then perform the following:

    a) Create a matrix from debited and credit transactions 

    b) Find out transaction vector from these matrices

    1.2. System of linear equations

    1.2.1 Introduction to linear systems

    Learning activity 1.2.1

    By simplifying the second equation and found that x+ y  = 3 is contradictory to 

    the first equation x +y = 4

    A system of linear equations that has no solution is said to be inconsistent. If 
    there is at least one solution it is called consistent. Therefore, every system of 
    linear equations has either no solution, exactly one solution or infinitely many 


    An arbitrary system of m equations and n variables ( m n × linear system) can 

    be written as

    Application activity 1.2.1

    Solve the following system of linear equations

    1.2.2 Application of system of linear equations

    Learning activity 1.2.2

    A factory produces three types of the ideal food processor. Each type X 
    model processor requires 30 minutes of juice processing, 40 minutes of 
    bread processing, and 30 minutes of yoghurt processing, while each type Y 
    model processor requires 20 minutes of juice processing, 50 minutes of bread 
    processing, and 30 minutes of yoghurt processing. Each type Z model processor 
    requires 30 minutes of juice processing, 30 minutes of bread processing, and 
    20 minutes of yoghurt processing. How many of each type will be produced if 
    2500 minutes of juice processing, 3500 minutes of bread processing, and 2400 

    minutes of yoghurt processing are used in one day?

    When there is more than one unknown and enough information to set up 
    equations in those unknowns, systems of linear equations are used to solve such 
    applications. In general, we need enough information to set up n equations 
    in n unknowns if there are n unknowns. Solving such system means finding 
    values for the unknown variables which satisfy all the equations at the same 
    time . Even though other methods for solving systems of linear equations exist 
    , one method like the use matrices is the more important choice in economics, 

    finance, and accounting for solving systems of linear equations. 

    Consider any given situation that represents a system of linear equations, 

    consider the following keys points while solving the problem:

    i. Identify unknown quantities in a problem represent them with variables 
    ii. Write system of equations which models the problem’s conditions 
    iii. Deduce matrices from the system 

    iv. Solve for unknown variables 

    Example 1 

    Mr. John invested a part of his investment in 10% bond A and a part in 15% bond 
    B. His interest income during the first year is 4,000Frw. If he invests 20% more 
    in 10% bond A and 10% more in 15% bond B, his income during the second 
    year increases by 500Frw. Find his initial investment in bonds A and B using 

    matrix method. 

    Hence, the production levels of the products are given by First product has 11 

    tons, second product has 15 tons and the third product has 19 tons 

    Application activity 1.2.2

    A couple of two person has 60,000,000Frw to invest. They wish to earn an 
    average of 5,000,000 per year on the investment over a 5 year period. Based 
    on the yearly average return on mutual funds for 5 years ending december, 
    2022, they are considering the following funds: Personal savings at 5%, 

    bank loans at 6%,

    a) As their financial advisor, prepare a table showing the various ways 
    the couple can achieve their goal 

    b) Comment on the various possibilities and the overall plan

    1.3. Input-outputs models and Leontief theorem for matrix of 

    order 2.

    1.3.1 Input-outputs models ( n = 2 )

    Learning activity 1.3.1

    1. Generate input-output model formula and conditions hold for 

    technology matrix 

    2. Two commodities A and B are produced such that 0.4 tons of A and 
    0.7 tons of B are required to produce a tons of A. similarly 0.1 tons of 
    A and 0.7 tons of B are needed to produce a tons of B.

    i. Write down a technology matrix 

    ii. If 6.8 tons of A and 10.2 tons of B are required, find the gross 

    production of both them. 

    Input Output analysis is a type of economic analysis that focuses on the 
    interdependence of economic sectors. The method is most commonly used to 
    estimate the effects of positive and negative economic shocks and to analyze 
    the unforeseen consequences across an economy. Input-output tables are the 
    foundation of input-output analysis. Such tables contain a series of rows and 
    columns of data that quantify the supply chain for various economic sectors. 
    The industries are listed at the top of each row and column. The information in 
    each column corresponds to the level of inputs used in the production function 
    of that industry. The column for auto manufacturing, for example, displays 
    the resources required to construct automobiles (i.e., requirement of steel, 
    aluminum, plastic, electronic etc,). Input – Output models typically includes 
    separate tables showing the amount of required per unit of investment or 


    The use of Input-Output Models 

    Input-output models are used to calculate the total economic impact of a 
    change in industry output or demand for one or more commodities. These 
    models employ known information about inter-industry relationships to track 
    all changes in the output of supplier industries required to support an initial 
    increase in an industry’s output or an increase in commodity expenditures. The 

    model is commonly shocked during this process.

    Let us consider a simple economic model with two industries, A1 and A2, each 
    producing a single type of product. Assume that each industry consumes a 
    portion of its own output and the remainder from the other industry in order 
    to function. As a result, the industries are interdependent. Also, assume that 
    whatever is produced is consumed. That is, each industry’s total output must 
    be sufficient to meet its own demand, the demand of the other industry, and the 
    external demand (final demand).The main goal is to determine the output levels 
    of each of the two industries in order to meet a change in final demand, based 
    on knowledge of the two industries’ current outputs, under the assumption 

    that the economy’s structure does not change.

    Application activity 1.3.1

    An economy produces only coal and steel. These to commodities serve as 
    intermediate inputs in each other’s production. 0.4 tons of steel and 0.7 tons 
    of coal are needed to produce a ton of steel. Similarly, 0.1 tons of steel and 0.6 
    tons of coal are required to produce a ton of coal. No capital inputs are needed. 
    Do you think that the system is viable? The 2 and 5 labor days are required to 
    produce a ton of coal and steel respectively. If economy needs 100 tons of coal 
    and 50 tons of steel, calculate the gross output of the two commodities and the 

    total labor days required. 

    1.3.2 Leontief theorem for matrix of order two

    Learning activity 1.3.2

    1. Differentiate open Leontief Model from closed Leontief Model

    2. The following are two firms that are producing units in tons for 

    agriculture and manufacturing. 

    Assume that the external demand of agriculture is 80 and the one of manufacturing 
    is 200. Determine the units to be produced by agriculture and manufacturing 

    firms in order to satisfy their own external demands.

    The Leontief model is an economic model for an entire country or region. In 
    this model, n industries produce a number egg n of different products such that 
    the input equals the output, or consumption equals production. It distinguishes 

    between closed and open model.

    The open Leontief Model is a simplified economic model of a society in which 
    consumption equals production, or input equals output. Internal Consumption 
    (or internal demand) is defined as the amount of production consumed within 
    industries, whereas External Demand is the amount used outside of industries. 
    In addition, some production consumed internally by industries, rest consumed
    by external bodies. This model allows us to calculate how much production is 
    required in each industry to meet total demand. To determine the production 

    level, first create a consumption matrix C. 

    Therefore, an industry is profitable if the corresponding column in C has sum 

    less than one.

    An economy has the two industries R and S. The current consumption is given 

    by the table

    Assume the new external demand is 100 units of R and 100 units of S. Determine 

    the new production levels.


    Suppose that an economy has two sectors, Mining and electricity. For each 
    unit of output, Mining requires 0.4 unites of its own production and 0.2 units 
    of electricity. Moreover, for each unit output, electricity requires 0.2 units of 

    Mining and 0.6 units of its own production.

    i. Determine the consumption matrix C for this economy 

    ii. Find the inverse egg I C−

    iii. Using the Leontief model, determine the production levels from each 
    sector that are necessary to satisfy a final demand of 20 units from mining 

    and 10 units from electricity. 

    Application activity 1.3.2

    An economy has two sectors namely electricity and services. For each unit 
    of output, electricity requires 0.5 units from its own sector and 0.4 units 
    from services. Services require 0.5 units from electricity and 0.2 from its 

    own sector to produce one unit of services.

    i. Determine the consumption matrix C

    ii. State the Leontief input-output equation relating C to the production 

    X and final demand D

    iii. Use an inverse matrix to determine the production necessary to 
    satisfy a final demand of 1000 units of electricity and 2000 units of 


    1.4 End unit assessment

    Determine the number of cars of each type which can be produced using 29, 13 

    and 16 tons of steel of the three types respectively. 

    3. A company produces three products every day. Their total production 
    on a certain day is 45 tons. It is found that the production of the third 
    product exceeds the production of the first product by 8 tons while 
    the total combined production of the first and the third product is 
    twice that of the second product. Determine the production level of 

    each product using Cramer’s rule.

    4. An economy has two sectors, mining and electricity. For each unit 
    of output, mining requires 40% units of its own production and 
    20% units of electricity. Moreover, for each unit output, electricity 

    requires 20% units of mining and 0.6 units of its own production.

    a) Determine the consumption matrix C for this economy 

    b) Find the inverse of I-C

    c) Using the Leontief model, determine the production levels from 
    each sector that are necessary to satisfy a final demand of 20 units 

    from mining and 10 units from electricity. 


    Key unit competencies: Solve linear programming problems

    Introductory activity

    1. Formulate 3 examples of linear inequalities, then perform the following: 
    (a) Form a system of linear inequalities. (b) Represent them on Cartesian 
    plane. (c) Show their meet region. (d) Establish the linkage between 


    2. The two production companies produce two different drinking products 
    that, after being prepared, are graded into three classes: high, medium, 
    and low-quality. The companies agreed to provide 1200 dozens of high-
    quality, 800 dozens of medium-quality, and 2400 dozens of low-quality 
    drinks per day. Both companies had different operating procedures and 

    took weekends off. Their specifics are provided below.

    Apply the linear inequality concepts to present the above information and 
    determine the hour per day each company be operated to fulfill the signed 


    2.1 Recall of linear inequalities

    Learning activity 2.1

    Note that:

    When the same real number is added or subtracted from each side of 

    inequality the direction of inequality is not changed.

     The direction of the inequality is not changed if both sides are multiplied 
    or divided by the same positive real number and is reversed if both sides 

    are multiplied or divided by the same negative real number.

    Problems involves linear inequalities

    Inequalities can be used to model a number of real life situations. When 
    converting such word problems into inequalities, begin by identifying how the 
    quantities are relating to each other, and then pick the inequality symbol that is 
    appropriate for that situation. When solving these problems, the solution will 
    be a range of possibilities. Absolute value inequalities can be used to model 

    situations where margin of error is a concern.

    Application activity 2.1

    2.2 Basic concepts of linear programming problem (LPP)

    2.2.1 Definition and keys concepts

    Learning activity 2.2.1

    The following graph illustrate two lines and their equations, for each point 
    A, B, C, and D, replace its coordinate in the two inequalities to verify which 

    one satisfies the following system: 

    1. What are your observations on the graph as a future accountant?

    2. Show the solution of these linear inequalities.

    3. What is the common solution? 

    4. Where do we need this solution in Economics?

    – A system of inequalities consits of a set of two or more inequalities with 
    the same variables. The inequalities define the conditions that are to be 

    considered simultaneously.

    – Each inequality in the set contains infinitely many ordered pair solutions 
    defined by a region in rectangular coordinate plane. When considering two 
    of these inequalities together, the intersection of these sets will define the 

    set of simultaneous ordered pair solutions.

    – A system of linear inequalities is similar to a system of linear equations, 
    except that it is made up of inequalities rather than equations. To model 

    scenarios with multiple constraints, systems of linear inequalities are used. 

    In finding solution, first, graphs the “equals” line, then shade in the correct 
    area. The following steps will be considered to find the solution of simultaneous 
    linear inequalities with two unknowns graphically, but for more than two is 


    Linear inequalities with more than two unknowns are solved to find a range 
    of values of three or more unknowns which make the inequalities true at the 
    same time. The solution is not represented graphically but we can apply one of 
    the following methods we expended in senior five Accounting, include Gaussian 
    elimination, comparison, substitution, or matrix inversion methods, and you 

    are advised to review for recall on yourself. 

    The solution of the whole system of inequalities is provided by the intersection 
    region of the solutions of all the three inequalities as it is shown in the figure 


    Linear programming is a subset of Operations Research (OR), an 
    interdisciplinary branch of formal science that employs methods such as 
    mathematical modeling and algorithms to find optimal or near-optimal solutions 
    to complex problems. It has the goal of optimizing the solution (minimize cost 

    or maximize profit). 

    Therefore, Linear programming deals with the optimization (maximization or 
    minimization) of a function of variables known as objective function, subject 
    to a set of linear equalities and/or inequalities known as constraints. The 
    objective function may be profit, cost, production capacity or any other measure 

    of effectiveness, which is to be obtained in the best possible or optimal manner. 

    Application activity 2.2.1

    2.2.2 Mathematical models formulation and optimal solution

    Learning activity 2.2.2

    Refer to the application activity 2.2.1 where the transportation company 
    has signed a contract to transport at least 970 passengers and 370 tons of 
    luggage each trip and transport passengers in Rwanda with Bus A which is 
    capable of transporting 50 passengers and 40 tons of luggage, while Bus B 
    can only fit 70 passengers and 25 tons of luggage. If operating bus A costs 
    FRW1, 100,000 per trip and operating bus B costs FRW 1, 300,000 per trip. 

    Then perform the following:

    i. Without computation, which bus option will result in the lowest 

    overall cost per travel? Why? 

    ii. How can you reduce expenses?

    A model in mathematics is simplified representation of an operation or a 
    process in which only the basic aspects or the most important features of a 
    typical problem under investigation are considered. 
    The objective of a model is to provide a means for analyzing the behaviour of 
    the system for the purpose of improving its performance. There are several 
    models in each area of business, or industrial activity. For instance, an account 
    is a typical budget in which business accounts are referred to with the 
    intention of providing measurements such as rate of expenses, quantity sold, 
    etc.; A mathematical equation may be considered to be a mathematical model

    in which a relationship between constants and variables is represented.

    A model which has the possibility of measuring observations is called a 
    quantitative model; a product, a device or any tangible thing used for 

    experimentation may represent a physical model.

    In this course Mathematical Model is used to model an object or situation from 
    the real world using mathematical ideas. It helps us understand the real world 
    and is used to improve many aspects of our lives. Mathematical models are an 
    essential part of the working world, from safety to planning and construction. 
    More broadly, a model is a representation of an object or idea that is used to 

    gain a better understanding of the real thing. 

    The procedures of translating any real world to mathematical problems are in 

    the table below.

    Objective Function

    The objective function is a mathematical equation that describes the production output 
    target that corresponds to the maximization of profits with respect to production. It 
    attempts to maximize profits or minimize losses based on a set of constraints and 

    the relationship between one or more decision variables. It is given by Z ax +by


    The objective function is subject to certain constraints, expressed by linear 
    inequalities. These constraints are actually the limitations on the primary 

    decision variables.

    Each inequality constraint system determines a half-plane.

    Feasible Solution

    The feasibility region of the linear programming problem shows set of all 
    feasible solutions. A feasible solution of the linear programming problem 

    satisfies every constraint of the problem.

    Corner points

    Are the set of all points near feasible solution, and in these points we have to 
    choice the point which help us to maximize or minimize the objective function 

    as an optimal point.

    Optimal Solution

    It is also included in the feasible region; however, it represents the maximum 
    objective value of the function for the problem which requires maximization and 
    smallest objective value of the function that requires minimization. There are 
    many methods to solve linear programming problems. These methods include 
    a graphing method, Lagrange multipliers method, simplex method, northwest 
    corner method, and least cost method, etc. At this level, students will see only 
    how to solve problems using the graphical method only. Other methods will be 

    studied at the university level. 

    Example 1:

    A furniture dealer has to buy chairs and tables and he has total available money 
    of $50,000 for investment. The cost of a table is $2500, and the cost of a chair is 
    $500. He has storage space for only 60 pieces, and he can make a profit of $300 
    on a table and $100 on a chair. Express this as an objective function and also 

    find the constraints.

    Example 2:

    A furniture company produces office chairs and tables. The company projects 
    the demand of at least 100 chairs and 50 tables daily. The company can produce 
    no more than 120 chairs and 70 tables daily. The company must ship at most 
    150 units of chairs and tables daily to fulfill the shipping contract. Each sold 

    table results in the profit of 50 and each chair produces15 profit

    a) How many units of chairs and tables should be made daily to maximize 

    the profit?

    b) Compute the maximum profit the company can earn in a day?


    a) Let x stands for the number of chairs sold daily, y stands for the number 

    of tables sold daily. 

    The objective function is given by P=  15x +50y ,

    We graph the constraints inequalities on a Cartesian plane, and we obtain the following:

    At point (100, 50) is there only one feasible solution which is also the optimal 
    solution of the problem because all the three lines of the graph are intersecting 
    each other. Therefore, the point (100, 50) satisfies all the constraints of the 
    problem. Hence, a furniture company must produces 100 chairs and 50 tables 

    daily to optimize the profits.

    Application activity 2.2.2

    A manufacturing company makes two kinds of instruments. The first 
    instrument requires 9 hours of fabrication time and one hour of labor 
    time for finishing. The second model requires 12 hours for fabricating 
    and 2 hours of labor time for finishing. The total time available for 
    fabricating and finishing is 180 hours and 30 hours respectively. 
    The company makes a profit of 800,000 Frw on the first instrument 
    and 1200, 000Frw on the second instrument. Express this linear 
    programming problem as an objective function and also find the 

    constraint involved.

    2.3 Methods of solving linear programming problems (LPP)

    2.3.1. Solving LPP using graphical methods 

    Learning activity 2.3.1

    Learning activity 2.3.1

    Consider the following problem

    c) Which steps can you list to find solution? Graphically solve the given 

    system of linear equation.

    d) Do you think Profit can be shown from this graph?

    To solve LPP we use graphical method under different steps. These are 

    summarized below: 

    Step 1. Identify the problem-the decision variables, the objective and the 


    Step 2. Set up the mathematical formulation of the problem 

    Step 3. Plot a graph representing all the constraints of the problem and identify 
    the feasible region (solution space). The feasible region is the intersection of 
    all the regions bounded (represented) by the constraints of the problem and is 

    restricted to the first quadrant only.

    Step 4. The feasible region obtained in step 3 may be bounded or unbounded. 

    Compute the coordinates of all the corner points of the feasible region.

    Step 5. Find out the value of the objective function at each corner (solution) 

    point determined in step 4

    Step 6. Select the corner point that optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) the 

    value of the objective function. It gives the optimum feasible solution.


    A factory produces two types of devices including regular and premium. Each 
    device necessitates two operations, assembly and finishing, and each operation 
    has a maximum time limit of 12 hours. A standard device requires 1 hour of 
    assembly and 2 hours of finishing, whereas a premium device requires 2 hours 
    of assembly and 1 hour of finishing. Due to other constraints, the company can 
    only produce 7 devices per day. How many of each should be manufactured to 
    maximize profit if a profit of $20 is realized for each regular device and a profit 

    of $30 for each premium device?

    Application activity 2.3.1

    Aline holds two part-time jobs, storekeeper, and Accountant. She never wants 
    to work more than a total of 12 hours a week. She has determined that for every 
    hour she works at storekeeper, she needs 2 hours of preparation time, and for 
    every hour she works at accountant, she needs one hour of preparation time, 
    and she cannot spend more than 16 hours for preparation. If Aline makes $40 
    an hour at Storekeeper, and $30 an hour at Accountant, how many hours should 

    she work per week at each job to maximize her income?

    2.4 End unit assessment

    1. An airline must sell at least 25 business class and 90 economy 
    class tickets to earn profit. It makes a profit of320 by selling each 
    business class ticket and a profit of 400 by selling an economy class 

    ticket. No more than 180 passengers can board the plane at a time. 

    i. How many of economy and business class tickets should be sold by 

    the airline to maximize the profit? 

    ii. How much maximum profit the airline can earn? 

    2. A bakery manufacturers two kinds of cookies, chocolate chip, and 
    caramel. The bakery forecasts the demand for at least 80 caramel 
    and 120 chocolate chip cookies daily. Due to the limited ingredients 
    and employees, the bakery can manufacture at most 120 caramel 
    cookies and 140 chocolate chip cookies daily. To be profitable the 
    bakery must sell at least 240 cookies daily. Each chocolate chip 
    cookie sold results in a profit of $0.75 and each caramel cookie 

    produces $0.88 profit.

    i. How many chocolate chip and caramel cookies should be made daily 

    to maximize the profit?

    ii. Compute the maximum revenue that can be generated in a day?

    3. A farm is engaged in breeding pigs. The pigs are fed on various 
    products grown on the farm. In view of the need to ensure certain 
    nutrient constituents (call them A,B and C), it is necessary to buy 
    two additional products, say, X and Y. One unit of product X contains 
    36 units of A, 3 units of B and 20 units of C. One unit of product Y 
    contains 6 units of A, 12 units of B and 10 units of C. The minimum 
    requirement of A, B and C is 108 units, 36 units and 100 units 
    respectively. Product X costs 20FRW per unit and product Y costs 
    40 FRW per unit. Formulate the above as a linear Programming 
    problem to minimize the total cost, and solve the problem by using 
    graphic method.


    Key unit Competence: Use integration to solve mathematical and financial 
    related problems involving marginal cost, revenues 

    and profits, elasticity of demand, and supply

    Introductory activity

    3.1 Indefinite integral

    3.1.1 Definition and properties

    Learning activity 3.1.1

    Application activity 3.1.1

    3.1.2 Properties of indefinite integral

    Learning activity 3.1.2

    Note: Integration is a process which is the inverse of differentiation. In 
    differentiation, we are given a function and we are required to find its derivative 
    or differential coeffient. In integration, we find a function whose differential 
    coeffient is given. The process of finding a function is called integration and it 

    reverses the operation of differentiation.

    Application activity 3.1.2

    3.1.3 Primitive functions

    Learning activity 3.1.3

    Application activity 3.1.3

    3.2 Techniques of integration

    3.2.1 Integration by substitution or change of variable

    Learning activity 3.2.1

    Integration by substitution is based on rule of differentiating composite 
    functions. As well as, any given integral is transformed into a simple form 
    of integral using this method of integration by substitution by substituting 
    other variables for the independent variable. When we make a substitution 
    for a function whose derivative is also present in the integrand, the method 
    of integration by substitution is extremely useful. As a result, the function 
    becomes simpler, and the basic integration formulas can be used to integrate 

    the function. 

    Application activity 3.2.1

    3.2.2 Integration by Parts

    Learning activity 3.2.2

    Application activity 3.2.2

    3.2.3 Integration by Decomposition/ Simple fraction

    Learning activity 3.2.3

    A rational expression is formed when a polynomial is divided by another 
    polynomial. In a proper rational expression, the degree of the numerator is 
    less than the degree of the denominator. In an improper rational expression, 
    the degree of the numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of the 
    denominator. The integration by decomposition known as integration of partial 
    fractions found by firstly decompose a proper fraction into a sum of simpler 


    Partial fractions decomposition 

    CASE 1: The denominator is a product of distinct linear factors.

    Application activity 3.2.3

    3.3. Definite integral

    3.3.1 Definition and properties of definite integrals

    Learning activity 3.3.1

    Application activity 3.3.1

    3.3.2 Techniques of integration of definite integral

    Learning activity 3.3.2

    There is time that some functions cannot be integrated directly. In that case 
    we have to adopt other techniques in finding the integrals. The fundamental 
    theorem in calculus tells us that computing definite integral of f xegg requires 
    determining its anti-derivative, therefore the techniques used in determining 

    indefinite integrals are also used in computing definite integrals.

    a) Integration by substitution

    The method in which we change the variable to some other variable is called 

    “Integration by substitution”.

    c) Decomposition or simple fractions 

    The partial fraction decomposition method is useful for integrating proper 
    rational functions. Divide our more complex rational fraction into smaller, 
    and more easily integrated rational functions. When splitting up the rational 
    function, the rules to follow are the same as from the indefinite integral. Here are 

    the steps for evaluating definite integrals using the method of partial fractions :

    step 1: Factor the denominator of the integrand 

    step2: Split the rational function into a sum of partial fractions

    step3: Set partial fractions decomposition equal to the original function 

    step 4: solve for numerators of each of the partial fractions 

    step 5: Take the definite integral of each of the partial fractions, and sum 


    Application activity 3.3.2

    3.4 Application of integration

    3.4.1 Calculation of marginal cost, revenues and profits

    Learning activity 3.4.1

    a) Cost function and profit function

    If the variable under consideration varies continuously, integration allows us to 
    recover the total function from the marginal function. As a result, total functions 

    such as cost, revenue, production, and saving can be derived from them.

    The marginal function is obtained by differentiating the total function. Now, 
    when marginal function is given and initial values are given, the total function 

    can be obtained using integration.


    The total cost of production is fixed cost + Variable cost. The variable cost of 

    producing 250 items is represented by the area under the marginal cost curve. 

    Application activity 3.4.1

    3.4.2 Elasticity of demand and supply

    Learning activity 3.4.2

    The table below shows information about the demand and supply 
    functions for a product. For both functions, q is the quantity and p is the 

    price, in dollars

    Application activity 3.4.2

    3.4.3 Present, Future Values of an Income Stream and Growth Rates

    Learning activity 3.4.3

    A company is considering purchasing a new machine for its production 
    floor. The machine costs $65,000. The company estimates that the 
    additional income from the machine will be a constant $7000 for the first 
    year, then will increase by $800 each year after that. In order to buy the 
    machine, the company needs to be convinced that it will pay for itself by 
    the end of 8 years with this additional income. Money can earn 1.7% per 

    year, compounded continuously. Should the company buy the machine?

    to calculate the present and future value of a continuous income stream as 
    long as we can model the flow of income with a function. The idea here is that 
    each little bit of income in the future needs to be multiplied by the exponential 

    function to bring it back to the present, and then we’ll add them all up. 

    Example 2

    Find the present and future values of a constant income stream of $1000 per 
    year over a period of 20 years, assuming an interest rate of 6% compounded 


    Further applications in production and consumption 
    The supply function or supply curve shows the quantity of a product or service 
    that producers will supply over a period of time at any given price. Both these 

    price-quantity relationships are usually considered as functions of quantity Q

    Generally, the demand function P  = D( Q) is decreasing, because consumers are 
    likely to buy more of a product at lower prices. Unlike the law of demand, the 
    supply function P =  S(Q ) increasing, because producers are willing to deliver a 

    greater quantity of a product at higher prices.

    Application activity 3.4.3

    3.5 End unit assessment


    Key unit Competence: Apply index numbers in solving financial related 
    problems, interpreting a value index, and drawing 

    appropriate decisions.

    Introductory activity

    An industrial worker was earning a salary of 100,000Frw in the year 2000. 

    Today, he earns 1,200,000Frw. 

    i. Can his standard of living be said to have risen 12 times during this 


    ii. Which statistical measure used to detect changes in a variable (rising 

    or decreasing)

    iii. By how much should his salary be raised so that he is as well off as 


    iv. Describe the methods can be used detect the rise of the price 

    4.1. Introduction to index numbers

    4.1.1 Meaning, types and characteristics of index number

    Learning activity 4.1.1

    If a businessman wants to measure changes in the price level for a specific 
    group of consumers in his region of business.
    a) Which statistical measure he can use to detect changes in a variable 
    or group of variables in his business
    b) Help him how he can calculate consumer price index for industrial 
    workers, city workers and agricultural workers.

    1. Meaning of index number

    An index number is a statistical measure used to detect changes in a variable 
    or group of variables. In addition, a single ratio (or percentage) that measures 
    the combined change of several variables between two different times, places, 
    or situations is referred to as an index number. Index numbers are expressed 

    as percentages.

    The relative change in price, quantity, or value in comparison to a base period. 
    An index number is used to track changes in raw material prices, employee and 

    customer numbers, annual income and profits.

    A simple index is one that is used to measure the relative change in only 
    one variable, such as wages per hour in manufacturing. A composite index 
    is a number that can be used to measure changes in the value of a group of 
    variables such as commodity prices, volume of production in different sectors 

    of an industry, production of various agricultural crops and cost of living.

    The index number measures the average change in a group of related variables 
    over two different situations, such as commodity prices, volume of production 
    in various sectors of an industry, production of various agricultural crops, and 
    cost of living. Index numbers measure the changing value of a variable over 
    time in relation to its value at some fixed point in time, the base period, when it 

    is given the value of 100

    2. Characteristics of index numbers 

    Index numbers have the following important characteristics:

    – Index numbers are of the type of average that measures the relative 
    changes in the level of a particular phenomenon over time. It is a special 
    type of average that can be used to compare two or more series made up of 

    different types of items or expressed in different units.

    – Index numbers are expressed as percentages to show the level of relative 


    – Index numbers are used to calculate relative changes. They assess the 
    relative change in the value of a variable or a group of related variables 

    over time or between locations.

    – Index numbers can also be used to quantify changes that are not directly 
    measurable. For example, the cost of living, price level, or business activity 
    in a country are not directly measurable, but relative changes in these 
    activities can be studied by measuring changes in the values of variables/

    factors that affect these activities.

    3. Types of index numbers 

    a) Consumer price index 

    A consumer price index (CPI) tracks price changes in a basket of consumer 
    goods and services purchased by households. CPI measures changes in the price 
    level for a specific group of consumers in a given region. CPI can be calculated 
    for industrial workers, city workers and agricultural workers. Consumer price 

    index is given by:

    e) Uses of index numbers

    The price indices such as CPI and PPI used to:
    • Measure the cost of living;
    • Measure of inflationary and deflationary tendencies in the economy,
    • Means of adjusting income payments: nominal interest rates, wage 
    determination, taxes and other allowances 

    The quantity/production Indices used to 

    • Used in national accounts to assess the performance of the economy
    • Good indicator of the economic progress taking place in different 

    sectors, regions and countries to facilitate comparisons

    Application activity 4.1.1

    1. Discuss why index numbers are called as economic barometer

    2. Explain the characteristics of index number.

    4.1.2. Construction of indices

    Learning activity 4.1.2

    For the given data of prices in certain country, answer the questions that 


    a) How do you describe these prices over the given years?
    b) Describe the methods can be used to detect changes in these variable?
    c) Find simple aggregative index for the year 1999 over the year 1998 
    d) Find the simple aggregative index for the year 2000 over the year 


    The construction of index numbers considers the definition of the purpose of 
    the index, selection of the base period, selection of commodities, obtaining price 
    quotations, choice of an average, selection of weights and then selection of a 
    suitable formula. Price index numbers are used to explain the various methods 
    of index number construction. Price index number construction methods can 

    be divided into three broad categories, as shown below:

    Un-weighted index 

    Weights are not assigned to the various items used in the calculation of the 
    un-weighted index number. The following are two un-weighted price index 


    i. Simple Aggregate Method
    This method assumes that different items and their prices are quoted in the 
    same units. All of the items are given equal weight. The following is the formula 

    for a simple aggregative price index:

    From the following data compute price index number for the year 2014 taking 

    2013 as the base year using simple aggregative method:

    This price index of 140 indicates that the aggregate of the prices of the given 
    group of commodities increased by 40% between 2013 and 2014. This price 
    index number, calculated using a simple aggregative method, is only of limited 

    utility. The following are the reasons: 

    a) This method disregards the relative importance of the various 

    commodities used in the calculation. 

    b) The various items must be expressed in the same unit. In practice, the 

    various items may be expressed in different units.

    c) The index number obtained by this method is untrustworthy because it 
    is influenced by the unit in which the prices of various commodities are 


    ii. Simple Average of Price Relatives Method

    This method is superior to the previous one because it is unaffected by the 
    unit in which the prices of various commodities are quoted. Because the price 
    relatives are pure numbers, they are independent of the original units in which 
    they are quoted. The price index number is defined using price relatives as 



    Using the data of example 1 the index number using price relative method can 

    be calculated as follows:

    As a result, the price in 2014 is 112.5% higher than in 2013. The index number, 
    which is based on a simple average of price relatives, is unaffected by the units 
    in which the commodities’ prices are quoted. However, this method, like the 
    simple aggregative method, gives equal weight to all items, ignoring their 

    relative importance in the group.

    Weighted Index Number

    All items or commodities are given rational weights in a weighted index number. 
    These weights indicate the relative importance of the items used in the index 
    calculation. In most cases, the quantity of usage is the most accurate indicator 

    of importance.

    i. Weighted Aggregative Price Indices

    Weights are assigned to each item in the basket in various ways in weighted 
    aggregative price indices, and the weighted aggregates are also used in various 
    ways to calculate an index. In most cases, the price index number is calculated 
    using the quantity of usage. The two most important methods for calculating 
    weighted price indices are Laspeyre’s price index and Paasche’s price index. 
    Laspeyre’s price index number is a weighted aggregative price index number 

    that uses the quantity from the base year as the weights. It is provided by:

    In the given example 2 (above), Paasche’s price index number can be calculated 

    as follows:

    Weights in a weighted price relative index can be determined by the proportion 
    or percentage of total expenditure on them during the base or current period. 
    The base period weight is generally preferred over the current period weight. 

    It is due to the inconvenience of calculating the weight every year.

    Example 3: From the following data compute an index number by using 

    weighted average of price relative method:

    Application activity 4.1.2

    Compute Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index numbers for 2000 from the following 


    4.2 End unit assessment

    1. Calculate cost of living index number using Family Budget method from 

    the following data (Price in dollars).

    i. Calculate the Laspeyre’s index

    ii. Paasche’s index 

    3. Collect data from the local vegetable market over a week for, at 
    least 10 items. Try to construct the daily price index for the week. 
    What problems do you encounter in applying both methods for the 

    construction of a price index?


    Key unit Competence: Use probability concepts to solve mathematical. Production, 
    financial, and economical related problems and draw 

    appropriate decisions

    Introductory activity

    The following data were collected by counting the number of Warehouses in 
    use at MAGERWA over a 20 day period. 3 of the 20 days, only 1 Warehouse 
    was used, 5 of the 20 days, 2 Warehouses were used; 8 of the 20 days, 3 
    Warehouses were used; and 4 of the 20 days, 4 warehouses were used. 
    a) Construct a probability distribution for the data 
    b) Draw a graph for the probability distribution 
    c) Show that the probability distribution satisfies the required conditions for 
    a discrete probability distribution. 

    d) On your own side defend why probability is important.

    5.1. Key Concepts of probability

     5.1.1. Definitions of probability terminologies

    Learning activity 5.1.1

    Consider the deck of 52 playing cards

    1. Suppose that you are choosing one card

    a) How many possibilities do you have for the cards to be chosen?
    b) How many possibilities do you have for the kings to be chosen?
    c) How many possibilities do you have for the aces of hearts to be 


    2. If “selecting a queen is an example of event, give other examples of 

    Probability is random variable that can be happen or not, i.e. is the chance 
    that something will happen. Using the following examples, we can see how the 

    concept of probability can be illustrated in various contexts

    Let us consider a game of playing cards. In a park of deck of 52 playing cards, 
    cards are divided into four suits of 13 cards each. If any player selects a card 
    by random (simple random sampling: chance of picking any card in the park is 
    always equal), then each card has the same chance or same probability of being 


     Second example, assume that a coin is tossed, it may show Head (H-face with 

    logo) or tail(T-face with another symbol), all these are mentioned below:

    We cannot say beforehand whether it will show head up or tail up. The result 
    will depend on chance. The same, a card drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 
    cards can be red or black. This also depends on chance. All these phenomena 
    are called probabilistic, means that can be occurred depending on the chance/

    uncertainty. The theory of probability is concerned with this type of phenomena. 

    Probability is a concept which numerically measures the degree of uncertainty 

    and therefore certainty of occurrence of events. 

    In accounting, the sample of some documents and audited, then results 
    obtained in this sample will be generalized to the whole documents with 
    supporting recommendations to that particular accountant, institutions, and 

    further decisions might be done basing on the findings obtained in the sample.

    • Random experiments and Events

    A random experiment is an experiment whose outcome cannot be predicted 
    or determined in advance. These are some example of experiments: Tossing 
    a coin, throwing a dice, selecting a card from a pack of paying cards, etc. In all 
    these cases there are a number of possible results (outcomes) which can occur 

    but there is an uncertainty as to which one of them will actually occur. 

    Each performance in a random experiment is called a trial. The result of a trial 
    in a random experiment is called an outcome, an elementary event, or a sample 
    point. The totality of all possible outcome (or sample points) of a random 
    experiment constitutes the sample space (the set of all possible outcomes of 
    a random experiment) which is denoted by Ω . Sample space may be discrete 

    (single values), or continuous (intervals). 

    Discrete sample space: 

    • Firstly, the number of possible outcomes is finite. 

    • Secondly, the number of possible outcomes is countable infinite, 
    which means that there is an infinite number of possible outcomes, 
    but the outcomes can be put in a one-to-one correspondence with the 

    positive integers.

    Continuous sample space

    If the sample space contains one or more intervals, the sample space is then 

    uncountable infinite. 


    A die is rolled until a “6” is obtained and the time needed to get this first “6” is 

    recorded. In this case, we have to denote that 

    An event is a subset of the sample space. The null set φ is thus an event known 
    as the impossible event. The sample space Ω corresponds to the sure event. 
    In particular, every elementary outcome is an event, and so is the sample space 


    Note: The determination of sample space for some events such as the one for 
    dice thrown simultaneously requires the use of complex reasoning but it can 
    be facilitated by different counting techniques. Morever,the number of possible 
    arrangements for a given set is calculated mathematically, and this process is 

    known as permutation. 


    Permutation is a term that refers to the variety of possible arrangements or 
    orders. The arrangement’s order is important when using permutations. 
    Permutations come in three varieties, one without repetition and two with 

    repetition. There is a way you can calculate permutations using a formula

    Example 2

    Consider a portfolio manager of a bank screened out 10 companies for a new 
    fund that will consist of 3 stocks. These 3 holdings will not be equal-weighted, 
    which means that ordering will take place. Help the manager to find out the 

    number of ways to order the fund.


    In contrast to permutations, the combination is a method of choosing things 
    from a collection when the order of the choices is irrelevant. This means that a 
    combination is the choice of r things from a set of n things without replacement 

    and where order does not matter.


    In a bank, the manager organizes election of bank committees consisting with 
    men and women. In how many ways a committee consisting of 5 men and 3 

    women, can be chosen from 9 men and 12 women?

    Application activity 5.1.1

    1. A box contains 5 red, 3 blue and 2 green pens. If a pen is chosen at 
    random from the box, then which of the following is an impossible 
    a) Choosing a red pen
    b) Choosing a blue pen 
    c) Choosing a yellow pen 

    d) None of the above 

    2. Which of the following are mutually exclusive events when a day of 
    the week is chosen at random? 
    a) Choosing a Monday or choosing a Wednesday 
    b) Choosing a Saturday or choosing a Sunday 
    c) Choosing a weekday or choosing a weekend day 

    d) All of the above 

    3. Two dice are thrown simultaneously and the sum of points is noted, 

    determine the sample space. 

    5.1.2. Empirical rules, axioms and theorems

    Learning activity 5.1.2

    Consider the letters of the word “PROBABILITY”.
    a) How many letters are in this word?
    b) How many vowels are in this word? 
    c) What is the ratio of numbers of vowels to the total number of letters?
    d) How many consonants are in this word? 
    e) What is the ratio of numbers of consonants to the total number of 

    f) Let A be the set of all vowels and B the set of all consonants. Find

    i. A ∩B 

    ii. A ∪B 

    iii. A'

    iv. B'

    Application activity 5.1.2

    1. A letter is chosen from the letters of the word “MATHEMATICS”. 

    What is the probability that the letter chosen is M? and T?

    2. An integer is chosen at random from the set 
    S = {all positive integers less than 20} . Let A be the event of choosing 

    a multiple of 3 and let B be the event of choosing an odd number. Find 

    a) P ( A∪ B)

    b) P (A ∩B )

    c) P (A − B)

    5.1.3 Additional law of probability, Mutual exclusive, and exhaustive

    Learning activity 5.1.3

    Consider a machine which manufactures car components. Suppose each 
    component falls into one of four categories: top quality, standard, 

    substandard, reject

    After many samples have been taken and tested, it is found that under certain 
    specific conditions the probability that a component falls into a category is 
    as shown in the following table. The probability of a car component falling 

    into one of four categories.

    The four categories cover all possibilities and so the probabilities must 
    sum to 1. If 100 samples are taken, then on average 18 will be top 

    quality, 65 of standard quality, 12 substandard and 5 will be rejected.

    Using the data in table determine the probability that a component selected 

    at random is either standard or top quality. 


    Since only one person wins, the events are mutually exclusive.

    3. Machines A and B make components. Machine A makes 60% of the 
    Components. The probability that a component is acceptable is 0.93 when 
    made by machine A and 0.95 when made by machine B. A component is 

    picked at random. Calculate the probability that it is: 

    a) Made by machine A and is acceptable.
    b) Made by machine B and is acceptable. 

    c) Acceptable.

    Application activity 5.1.3

    1. A fair die is rolled, what is the probability of getting an even number 

    or prime number?

    2. Events A and B are such that they are both mutually exclusive and 

    exhaustive. Find the relation between these two events.

    3. In a class of a certain school, there are 12 girls and 20 boys. If a 
    teacher want to choose one student to answer the asked question
    a) What is the probability that the chosen student is a girl?
    b) What is the probability that the chosen student is a boy?
    c) If teacher doesn’t care on the gender, what is the probability of 

    choosing any student?

    4. On New Year’s Eve, the probability of a person driving while 
    intoxicated is 0.32, the probability of a person having a driving 
    accident is 0.09, and the probability of a person having a driving 

    accident while intoxicated is 0.06.

     What is the probability of a person driving while intoxicated or having a 

    driving accident?

    5.1.4 Independence, Dependence and conditional probability

    Learning activity 5.1.4

    Suppose that you have a deck of cards; then draw a card from that deck, 

    not replacing it, and then draw a second card. 

    a) What is the sample space for each event? 
    b) Suppose you select successively two cards, what is the probability of 

    selecting two red cards? 

    c) Explain if there is any relationship (Independence or dependence) 
    between those two events considering the sample space. Does the 

    selection of the first card affect the selection of the second card? 

    Contingency table

    Contingency table (or Two-Way table) provides a different way of calculating 
    probabilities. It helps in determining conditional probabilities quite easily. The 
    table displays sample values in relation to two different variables that may be 

    dependent or contingent on one another.

    Below, the contingency table shows the favorite leisure activities for 50 adults, 
    20 men and 30 women. Because entries in the table are frequency counts, the 

    table is a frequency table.

    Entries in the total row and total column are called marginal frequencies or 
    the marginal distribution. Entries in the body of the table are called joint 



    Suppose a study of speeding violations and drivers who use car phones 

    produced the following fictional data:

    Calculate the following probabilities using the table:

    a) P(person is a car phone user)
    b) P(person had no violation in the last year)
    c) P(person had no violation in the last year AND was a car phone user)
    d) P(person is a car phone user OR person had no violation in the last year)
    e) P(person is a car phone user GIVEN person had a violation in the last 


    Application activity 5.1.4

    1. A dresser drawer contains one pair of socks with each of the 
    following colors: blue, brown, red, white and black. Each pair is 
    folded together in a matching set. You reach into the sock drawer 
    and choose a pair of socks without looking. You replace this pair 
    and then choose another pair of socks. What is the probability that 

    you will choose the red pair of socks both times?

    2. A coin is tossed and a single 6-sided die is rolled. Find the probability 

    of landing on the head side of the coin and rolling a 3 on the die. 

    4. The world-wide Insurance Company found that 53% of the residents 
    of a city had home owner’s Insurance with its company of the 
    clients, 27% also had automobile Insurance with the company. If a 
    resident is selected at random, find the probability that the resident 
    has both home owner’s and automobile Insurance with the world 

    wide Insurance Company.

    5. Calculate the probability of a 6 being rolled by a die if it is already 

    known that the result is even.

    6. A jar contains black and white marbles. Two marbles are chosen without 
    replacement. The probability of selecting a black marble and then a 
    white marble is 0.34, and the probability of selecting a black marble on 
    the first draw is 0.47. What is the probability of selecting a white marble 

    on the second draw, given that the first marble drawn was black?

    5.1.5. Tree diagram, Bayes theorem and its applications

    Learning activity 5.1.5

    1. A box contains 4 blue pens and 6 black pens. One pen is drawn at 
    random, its color is noted and the pen is replaced in the box. A pen is 

    again drawn from the box and its color is noted. 

    a) For the 1st trial, what is the probability of choosing a blue pen and 

    probability of choosing a black pen? 

    b) For the 2nd trial, what is the probability of choosing a blue pen and 
    probability of choosing a black pen? Remember that after the 1st trial 

    the pen is replaced in the box. 

    2. In the following figure complete the missing colours and probabilities

    a) Tree diagram 

    A tree diagram is a tool in the fields of probability, and statistics that helps 
    calculate the number of possible outcomes of an event or problem, and to 
    cite those potential outcomes in an organized way. It can be used to show the 
    probabilities of certain outcomes occurring when two or more trials take 
    place in succession. The outcome is written at the end of the branch and the 
    fraction on the branch gives the probability of the outcome occurring. For each
    trial the number of branches is equal to the number of possible outcomes of 

    that trial. In the diagram there are two possible outcomes, A and B, of each trial. 

    Successive trials are events which are performed one after the other; all of 

    which are mutually exclusive.


    1. A bag contains 8 balls of which 3 are red and 5 are green. One ball is 
    drawn at random, its color is noted and the ball replaced in the bag. A ball 
    is again drawn from the bag and its color is noted. Find the probability 

    the ball drawn will be 

    a) Red followed by green,
    b) Red and green in any order,

    c) Of the same color

    Application activity 5.1.5

    1. Calculate the probability of three coins landing on: Three heads. 

    2. A class consists of six girls and 10 boys. If a committee of three 
    is chosen at random, find the probability of: a) Three boys being 
    chosen, b) exactly two boys and a girl being chosen. Exactly two 

    girls and a boy being chosen, d) three girls being chosen.

    3. A bag contains 7 discs, 2 of which are red and 5 are green. Two discs 
    are removed at random and their colours noted. The first disk is not 
    replaced before the second is selected. Find the probability that the 

    discs will be

    a) both red, b) of different colours, c) the same colours.

    4. Three discs are chosen at random, and without replacement, from a 
    bag containing 3 red, 8 blue and 7 white discs. Find the probability 
    that the discs chosen will be

     a) all red b) all blue c) one of each colour.

    5. 20% of a company’s employees are engineers and 20% are 
    economists. 75% of the engineers and 50% of the economists hold 
    a managerial position, while only 20% of non-engineers and non-
    economists have a similar position. What is the probability that 
    an employee selected at random will be both an engineer and a 


    6. The probability of having an accident in a factory that triggers an 
    alarm is 0.1. The probability of its sounding after the event of an 
    incident is 0.97 and the probability of it sounding after no incident 
    has occurred is 0.02. In an event where the alarm has been triggered, 

    what is the probability that there has been no accident?

    5.2. Probability distributions

    5.2.1 Discrete probability distribution 

    Learning activity 5.2.1

    Learning activity 5.2.1

    In City of Kigali, data were collected on the number of people who had 
    applied to buy shares in the Rwanda Stock Exchange. People bought 
    different shares although some withdrew their requests. The table below 

    shows the collected data.

    Develop the probability distribution of the random variable defined as the 

    number of shares bought per person. 

    Probability Distribution: The values a random variable can assume and the 
    corresponding probabilities of each. Probability distributions are related to 

    frequency distributions.

    For a discrete random variable x, the probability distribution is defined 
    by a probability function, denoted by f(x). The probability function gives the 

    probability for each value of the random variable. Then X is a discrete random

    A discrete Variable is a variable that can take on a finite or countable number 
    of distinct values. It is a variable that is characterized by gaps in the values it 

    can take.


    – number of heads observed in an experiment that flips a coin 10 times,
    – number of times a student visits the library;

    – number of children in class

     A discrete probability distribution consists of the values a random variable 
    can assume and the corresponding probabilities of the values. The probabilities 

    are determined theoretically or by observation.

    Two Requirements for a Probability Distribution are

    Application activity 5.2.1

    5.2.2 Binomial Distribution

    Learning activity 5.2.2

    With your potential explanations and examples to fit the following four 


    • A fixed number of trials 
    • Each trial is independent of the others 
    • There are only two outcomes
    • The probability of each outcome remains constant from trial to 


    Binomial distribution is calculated by multiplying the probability of success raised 
    to the power of the number of successes and the probability of failure raised to the 

    power of the difference between the number of successes and the number of trials.

    Let consider an experiment with independent trials and only two possible

    Application activity 5.2.2

    1. A multiple-choice test with 20 questions has five possible answers 
    for each question. A completely unprepared student picks the 
    answers for each question at random and independently. Suppose 

    X is the number of questions that the student answers correctly. 

    Calculate the probability that:

    a) The student gets every answer wrong.
    b) The student gets every answer right.

    c) The student gets 8 right answers. 

    2. An examination consisting of 10 multiple choice questions is to 
    be done by a candidate who has not revised for the exam. Each 

    question has five possible answers out of which only one is correct. 

    The candidate simply decides to guess the answers. 

    i. What is the probability that the candidate gets no answer correct?

    ii. What is the probability that the student gets two correct answers? 

    3. Suppose you took three coins and tossed them in the air. 
    a) show all the possible outcomes when the coin is tossed 
    b) What is the probability that all three will come up heads? 
    c) What is the probability of 2 heads? 
    d) Show the probability distribution on a graph (use the number of 


    5.2.3 Bernoulli distribution

    Learning activity 5.2.3

    On your own, can you suggest the Bernoulli examples, using the binomial 

    experiment shown above? What are your differences and Similarities?

    A Bernoulli distribution is a discrete probability distribution for a Bernoulli 
    trial. A Bernoulli trial is one of the simplest experiments you can conduct. It’s 
    an experiment where you can have one of two possible outcomes. For example, 

    “Yes” and “No” or “Heads” and “Tails.

    A random experiment that has only two outcomes (usually called a “Success” 
    or a “Failure”). For example, the probability of getting a heads (a “success”) 
    while flipping a coin is 0.5. The probability of “failure” is 1 – P (1 minus the 
    probability of success, which also equals 0.5 for a coin toss). It is a special case of 
    the binomial distribution for n 1 = . In other words, it is a binomial distribution 

    with a single trial (e.g. a single coin toss).

    For example 

    In the following Bernoulli distribution, the probability of success (1) is 0.4, and 

    the probability of failure (0) is 0.6

    Application activity 5.2.3

    Provide any examples describing discrete not continuous data resulting 
    from an experiment known as Bernoulli process/trials in your areas of 

    interest as accounting professional.

    5.2.4 Poison distribution

    Learning activity 5.2.4

    Describe the characteristics of the following examples:

    a) The number of cars arriving at a service station in 1 hour; 
    b) The number of accidents in 1 day on a particular stretch of high way. 
    c) The number of visitors arriving at a party in 1 hour, 
    d) The number of repairs needed in 10 km of road,
    e) The number of words typed in 10 minutes.

    f) Why these skills and knowledge are needed in Accounting professional.

    Considering the binomial distribution, the values of p and q and n are given. 
    If there are cases where p is very small and n is very large, then calculation 
    involved will be long. Such cases will arise in connection with rare events, for 


    • Persons killed in road accidents;

    • The number of defective articles produced by a quality machine;

    • The number of mistakes committed by a good typist, per page;

    • The number of persons dying due to rare disease or snake bite;

    • The number of accidental deaths by falling from trees or roofs etc.

    In all these cases we know the number of times an event happened but not 
    how many times it does not occur. Events of these types are further illustrated 


    1. It is possible to count the number of people who died accidently by 
    falling from trees or roofs, but we do not know how many people did not 

    die by these accidents.

    2. It is possible to know or to count the number of earth quakes that 
    occurred in an area during a particular period of time, but it is, more or 
    less, impossible to tell as to how many times the earth quakes did not 


    3. It is possible to count the number of goals scored in a foot-ball match but 

    cannot know the number of goals that could have been but not scored.

    4. It is possible to count the lightning flash by a thunderstorm but it is 
    impossible to count as to how many times, the lightning did not flash etc.
    Thus n, the total of trials in regard to a given event is not known, the binomial 

    distribution is inapplicable,

    Poisson distribution is made use of in such cases where p is very small. We 
    mean that the chance of occurrence of that event is very small. The occurrence 
    of such events is not haphazard. Their behavior can also be explained by 
    mathematical law. Poisson distribution may be obtained as a limiting case of 

    binomial distribution. 

    Application activity 5.2.4

    1. A lecturer of statistics has observed that the number of typing 
    errors in new edition of text books varies considerably from book to 
    book. After some analysis we conclude that the number of errors is 
    a Poisson distribution with a mean 1.5 per 100 pages. The lecturer 
    randomly selects 100 pages of a new book. What is the probability 

    that there are no typing errors?

    2. If there are 200 typographical errors randomly distributed in a 500-
    page manuscript, find the probability that a given page contains 

    exactly 3 errors.

    3. The mean number of bacteria per millimeter of a liquid is known 
    to be 4. Assuming that the number of bacteria follows a Poisson 
    distribution, find the probability that 1 ml of liquid there will be: No 

    bacteria, 4 bacteria, less than 3 bacteria

    5.2.5 Continuous Probability Distributions

    Learning activity 5.2.5

    A continuous random variable is a theoretical representation of a continuous 
    variable such as height, mass or time. 

    • the amount of time to complete a task.
    • Heights of trees in a school garden
    • Daily temperature

    • Interest earned daily on bank loans per person

    Application activity 5.2.5

    5.2.6 Normal distribution

    Learning activity 5.2.6

    Explain clearly the results shown above, how these findings are linked to 
    probability distributions? Can you compare descriptive statistics and this 

    probability distribution as an accountant? How?


    A normal distribution is a continuous, symmetric, bell-shaped distribution of 

    a variable.

    Standard Error or the Mean: The standard deviation of the sampling 
    distribution of the sample means. It is equal to the standard deviation of the 

    population divided by the square root of the sample size. 

    Standard Normal Distribution: A normal distribution in which the mean 
    is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. It is denoted by z and Z score is used to 
    represent the standard normal distribution. 

    The formula for the standard normal distribution is


    1. The age of the subscribers to a newspaper has a normal distribution with 
    mean 50 years and standard deviation 5 years. Compute the percentage 
    of subscribers who are less than 40 years old and the percentage of who 

    are between 40 and 60 years old.


    Step 1 Draw the figure and represent the area as shown in the following figure

    Step 3 

    Find the area, using the table which is on appendix of this student book. The 
    area under the curve to the left of z = 0.47 is 0.6808. Therefore 0.6808, or 

    68.08%, of the women spend less than $160.00 at Christmas time.

    Application activity 5.2.6

    5.3. Applications of probability and probability distributions 
    in finance, economics, businesses, and production related 


    Learning activity 5.3

    1. The Trucks packed goods stayed at MAGERWA for under clearing 
    process in certain days. The number of days shown in the distribution are 

    displayed in the table below:

    Find these probabilities: (a) A Truck stayed exactly 5 days. (b) A Truck stayed 
    less than 6 days. (c) A Truck stayed at most 4 days. (d) A Truck stayed at least 


    Probability is essential in all aspects of human activities. Through this, we 
    can calculate families welfare, get information on different aspects of life and 
    planification in order to predict the future. It is very important to incorporate 
    probability with their properties looking at distributions to adresss these real-

    world issues. Therefore, probability play a great role for decision makers


    1. In Economics, A welfare of families depending on family planning. A woman 
    planning her family considers the following schemes on the assumption that 

    boys and girls are equally likely at each delivery: 

    a) Have three children.
    b) Bear children until the first girl is born or until three are born, whichever 
    is sooner, and then stop.
    c) Bear children until there is one of each sex or until there are three, 

    whichever is sooner, and then stop. 

    there are equal numbers of male and female drivers insured with the 

    Assurance Association, which selects one of them at random. 

    a) What is the probability that the selected driver makes a claim this year?

    b) What is the probability that the selected driver makes a claim in two 

    consecutive years? 

    c) If the insurance company picks a claimant at random, what is the 

    probability that this claimant makes another claim in the following year? 


    Ordering such a meal requires three separate decisions:

    Choose an Appetizer: 2 choices. Choose an Entrée: 4 choices. Choose a 

    Dessert: 2 choices.

    Look at the tree diagram in the following figure. We see that, for each choice of 
    appetizer, there are 4 choices of entrees. And for each of these 24 8 × = choices, 
    there are 2 choices for dessert. A total of 2 4 2 16 ××= different meals can be 


    Application activity 5.3

    1. An automatic Shaw machine fills plastic bags with a mixture of 
    beans, broccoli, and other vegetables. Most of the bags contain 
    the correct weight, but because of the slight variation in the size 
    of the beans and other vegetables, a package might be slightly 
    underweight or overweight. A check of 4000 packages filled in the 

    past month revealed:

    What is the probability that a particular package will be either underweight 

    or overweight?

    2. A baker must decide how many specialty cakes to bake each morning. 
    From past experience, she/he knows that the daily demand for 
    cakes ranges from 0 to 3.Each cake costs $3.00 to produce and 
    sells for $8.00, and any unsold cakes are thrown in the garbage at 

    the end of the day.

    a) Set up a payoff table to help the baker decide how many cakes to 


    b) Assuming probability of each event is equal, determine the expected 

    value of perfect information.

    5.4. End unit assessment

    1. Which of the following experiments does not have equally likely 
    a) Choose a number at random between 1 and 7,
    b) Toss a coin,
    c) Choose a letter at random from the word SCHOOL,

    d) None of the above.

    2. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at 
    random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number 

    which is a multiple of 3 or 5? 

    3. In a class, there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three students are 
    selected at random. What is the probability that 1 girl and 2 boys 

    are selected?

    4. One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the 
    probability that the card drawn is a face card (Jack, Queen and King 


    5. The letters of the word FACETIOUS are arranged in a row. Find the 

    probability that

    a) the first 2 letters are consonants,

    b) all the vowels are together

    6. At a certain school, the probability that a student takes Auditing 
    and Taxation is 0.087. The probability that a student takes Auditing 
    is 0.68. What is the probability that a student takes Taxation given 

    that the student is taking Auditing? 

    7. A car dealership is giving away a trip to Akagera National Park to 
    one of their 120 best customers. In this group, 65 are women, 80 
    are married and 45 married women. If the winner is married, what 

    is the probability that it is a woman?

    8. For married couples living in a certain suburb the probability that 
    the husband will vote on a bond referendum is 0.21, the probability 
    that his wife will vote in the referendum is 0.28, and the probability 
    that both the husband and wife will vote is 0.15. What is the 

    probability that

    a) at least one member of a married couple will vote ?
    b) a wife will vote, given that her husband will vote ?
    c) a husband will vote, given that his wife does not vote ?
    9. The probability that a patient recovers from a delicate heart 
    operation is 0.8. What is the probability that
    a) exactly 2 of the next 3 patients who have this operation will survive ?
    b) all of the next 3 patients who have this operation survive ?


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    2. David F. Groebner, (2008),Business Statistics-Decision Making, 7th edition. 

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