• UNIT6:Natural and Industrial Processes


    My goals
    After studying this unit, I will be able to:
    ⦿ Describe a natural, biological, environmental, industrial or mining 
    ⦿ Plan, write and evaluate texts with a sequence of sentences, describing 
    a process.
    ⦿ Write a sequence of sentences describing a process, with a diagram, 
    paying attention to connectors of time or cause and effect.
    ⦿ Make notes and summary of a text.
    ⦿ Respect natural and industrial processes role in Rwanda’s economic 


    Language use
    Describing a natural process
    Activity 1 
    Discussion and research
    Look at the various natural occurrences like thunderstorms, earthquakes, 
    stars, clouds, rain water, and others. Have you ever wondered about the 
    processes these natural phenomena go through to form?
    Activity 2 
    Look at the photograph of a cloud below. Discuss the importance of 



    Activity 3 

    Read the passage below to find out how clouds are 


    What are clouds?

    A cloud is a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. 

    The droplets are so small and light that they can float in the air.


    How are clouds formed?
    All air contains water, but near the ground it is usually in the form of an 
    invisible gas called water vapour. When warm air rises, it expands and 
    cools. Cool air can’t hold as much water vapour as warm air, so some 
    of the vapour condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the 
    air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of 
    these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.

    Activity 3 
    Read the passage below to find out how clouds are 
    What are clouds?
    A cloud is a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. 

    The droplets are so small and light that they can float in the air.


    How are clouds formed?
    All air contains water, but near the ground it is usually in the form of an 
    invisible gas called water vapour. When warm air rises, it expands and 
    cools. Cool air can’t hold as much water vapour as warm air, so some 
    of the vapour condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the 
    air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of 

    these droplets come together they become a visible cloud


    Why are clouds white?
    Since light travels as waves of different lengths, each colour has its 
    very own unique wavelength. Clouds are white because their water 
    droplets or ice crystals are large enough to scatter the light of the seven 
    wavelengths (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), which 

    combine to produce white light.


    Why do clouds turn grey?
    Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals, usually a 
    mixture of both. The water and ice scatter all light, making clouds 
    appear white. If the clouds get thick enough or high enough, all the light 
    above does not make it through, hence the grey or dark look. Also, if 
    there are lots of other clouds around, their shadow can add to the grey 

    or multicoloured grey appearance.


    Why do clouds float?
    A cloud is made up of liquid water droplets. A cloud forms when air is 
    heated by the sun. As it rises, it slowly cools until it reaches the saturation 
    point and water condenses, forming a cloud. As long as the cloud and the 

    air that it is made of is warmer than the outside air around it, it floats!


    How do clouds move?
    Clouds move with the wind. High cirrus clouds are pushed along by 
    the jet stream, sometimes travelling at more than 100 miles per hour 
    (mph). When clouds are part of a thunderstorm they usually travel at 

    30 to 40 mph


    Why do clouds form at different heights in the atmosphere?
    The characteristics of clouds are dictated by the elements available, 
    including the amount of water vapour, the temperatures at that height, 

    the wind, and the interplay of other air masses.


    How is fog formed?
    There are many different types of fog, but fog is mostly formed when 
    southerly winds bring warm, moist air into a region, possibly ending a 
    cold outbreak. As the warm, moist air flows over much colder soil or 
    snow, dense fog often forms. Warm, moist air is cooled from below as 
    it flows over a colder surface. If the air is near saturation, moisture will 
    condense out of the cooled air and form fog. With light winds, the fog 

    near the ground can become thick and reduce visibility to zero.


    Activity 4 
    Think about a natural observable feature and conduct research about 
    how it forms. Describe the process to your classmates.
    Describing a biological process
    Activity 1 
    Just like any living thing needs food to survive, plants also make the food 
    they consume for their survival. In your Science or Biology lessons, you 

    should have learnt about the process by which plants make their food.

    Activity 2 
    Research and essay writing using connectors of time and 
    cause and effect
    Study the picture below carefully. Use it and your own Science 
    or Biology knowledge to write about the process by which plants 
    manufacture their food called photosynthesis. Write down the process 
    and choose a secretary who will present your essays to the class for 

    further discussion and comparison of your findings.

     Describing a process: Photosynthesis


    Describing an environmental process
    In all our studies, we have emphasised the relevance of protecting our 
    environment, yet human-induced factors, especially through industrialisation, 

    continue causing insurmountable damage to the environment. 

    Activity 1 
    (a) Have you ever heard about acid rain? What is it?
    (b) What causes acid rain?
    (c) Describe the effects of acid rain.
    (d) What piece of advice would you suggest to prevent acid rain?
    Activity 2 
    Study the diagram carefully. Read the passage below it 

    to match what you see in the text.


    (Photo credit: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))

    Factories produce bad toxic gases called SO2
     and NOx and release them 
    into the air (these are represented by the yellow dots in the diagram). 
    When SO2

     and NOx combine with the air, acid rain is created.

    Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds 
    like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These 
    substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and 
    react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic 
    pollutants, known as acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides 
    dissolve very easily in water and can be carried very far by the wind. As 
    a result, the two compounds can travel long distances where they become 
    part of the rain, sleet, snow and fog that we experience on certain days.
    Human activities are the main cause of acid rain. Over the past few 
    decades, humans have released so many different chemicals into the 
    air that they have changed the mix of gases in the atmosphere. Power 
    plants release the majority of sulfur dioxide and much of the nitrogen 
    oxides when they burn fossil fuels, such as coal, to produce electricity. 
    In addition, the exhaust from cars, trucks and buses releases nitrogen 
    oxides and sulfur dioxide into the air. These pollutants cause acid rain.
    Acid rain has a pH below 5.6. Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6, which 
    is slightly acidic. (The pH value is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, 
    ranging from 0 to 14. A pH measurement of 7 is regarded as neutral. 
    Measurements below 7 indicate increased acidity, and those above 7 
    indicate increased alkalinity.) 

    The principal natural phenomena that contribute acid-producing gases 
    to the atmosphere are emissions from volcanoes and from biological 
    processes that occur on the land, in wetlands and in the oceans. The 
    effects of acidic deposits have been detected in glacial ice thousands 
    of years old in remote parts of the globe. Principal human sources are 
    industrial and power-generating plants and transportation vehicles. The 
    gases may be carried hundreds of miles in the atmosphere before they 
    are converted to acids and deposited. 
    Since the industrial revolution, emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides 
    to the atmosphere have increased. Industrial and energy-generating 
    facilities that burn fossil fuels, primarily coal, are the principal sources 
    of increased sulfur oxides. These sources, plus the transportation sector, 

    are the major originators of increased nitrogen oxides.

    The problem of acid rain has not only increased with population and 
    industrial growth, it has become more widespread. The use of tall 
    smokestacks to reduce local pollution has contributed to the spread of 
    acid rain by releasing gases into regional atmospheric circulation. The 
    same remote glaciers that provide evidence of natural variability in acidic 
    deposition show, in their more recently formed layers, the increased 
    deposition caused by human activity during the past half century.
    Effects of acid rain
    Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to 
    the damage of trees at high elevations (for example, red spruce trees 
    above 2,000 feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid 
    rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including 
    irreplaceable buildings, statues and sculptures that are part of our nation’s 
    cultural heritage. Prior to falling to the earth, sulfur dioxide (SO2
    ) and 
    nitrogen oxide (NOx) gases and their particulate matter derivatives—
    sulfates and nitrates—contribute to visibility degradation and harm 
    public health.
    Environmental effects of acid rain
    The most obvious environmental effect of acid rain has been the loss 
    of fish in acid-sensitive lakes and streams. Many species of fish are not 
    able to survive in acidic water. Acid rain affects lakes and streams in two 
    ways: chronic and episodic. Chronic, or long-term acidification results 
    form years of acidic rainfall. It reduces the alkalinity (buffering capacity) 
    and increases the acidity of the water. Chronic acidification may reduce 
    the levels of nutrients such as calcium, which, over time, may weaken 
    the fish and other plants and animals in an aquatic ecosystem. Episodic 
    acidification is a sudden jump in the acidity of the water. This can 
    result from a heavy rainstorm. It also happens in the spring, because the 
    sulfates and nitrates will concentrate in the lowest layers of a snowpack. 
    In the spring, when that snow melts, it will be more acidic than normal. 
    Episodic acidification can cause sudden shifts in water chemistry. This 
    may lead to high concentrations of substances such as aluminum, which 

    may be toxic to fish


    Dead fish in a lake polluted by acid rain

    Most of the effects on forests are subtle. Acid deposition may influence 
    forest vegetation and soils. Acid rain has been cited as a contributing 
    factor to the decline of the spruce-fir forests throughout the eastern 
    United States. Acid rain may remove soil nutrients such as calcium 
    and magnesium from soils in high elevation forests and cause damage 
    to needles of red spruce. Acid rain may also help weaken the natural 
    defences of some trees, making them more vulnerable to some diseases 
    and pests.

    Acid rain deposits nitrates that can lead to increases in nitrogen in forests. 
    Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient, but some forest systems may 
    not be able to use all they receive, leading to nitrogen saturation. In the 
    eastern United States, there is evidence of nitrogen saturation in some 
    forests. Nitrates can remove additional calcium and magnesium from 
    the soils. Continued nitrogen deposition may alter other aspects of the 
    nutrient balance in sensitive forest ecosystems and alter the chemistry 

    of nearby lakes and streams


    Maize plantation prematurely dried by acid rain

    Excess nitrogen may cause eutrophication (over-nourishment) in areas 
    where rivers enter the ocean. This may lead to unwanted growth of 
    algae and other nuisance plants. As much as 40% of the total nitrogen 
    entering coastal bays on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts may come from 
    atmospheric deposition.
    Effects of acid rain - human health

    Acid rain looks, feels and tastes just like clean rain. The harm to people 
    from acid rain is not direct. Walking in acid rain, or even swimming in 
    an acid lake, is no more dangerous than walking or swimming in clean 
    water. However, the pollutants that cause acid rain—sulfur dioxide (SO2

    and nitrogen oxides (NOx)—do damage human health. These gases 
    interact in the atmosphere to form fine sulfate and nitrate particles that 
    can be transported long distances by winds and inhaled deep into people’s 
    lungs. Fine particles can also penetrate indoors. Many scientific studies 
    have identified a relationship between elevated levels of fine particles 
    and increased illness and premature death from heart and lung disorders, 
    such as asthma and bronchitis.
    Based on health concerns, SO2
     and NOx have historically been regulated 
    under the Clean Air Act, including the Acid Rain Programme. In the 

    eastern U.S., sulfate aerosols make up about 25 percent of fine particles

    By lowering SO2
     and NOx emissions from power generation, the Acid Rain 
    Programme will reduce the levels of fine sulfate and nitrate particles and 
    so reduce the incidence and the severity of these health problems. When 
    fully implemented by the year 2010, the public health benefits of the Acid 
    Rain Programme are estimated to be valued at $50 billion annually, due 
    to decreased mortality, hospital admissions and emergency room visits.
    Decreases in NOx emissions are also expected to have a beneficial impact 
    on human health by reducing the nitrogen oxides available to react with 
    volatile organic compounds and form ozone. Ozone impacts on human 
    health include a number of morbidity and mortality risks associated with 

    lung inflammation, including asthma and emphysema.

    Activity 3
    Summary writing
    In 100 words, describe the causes and effects of acid rain. Compare your 

    summaries with those of your classmates.

    Describing an industrial process 
    Using the passive voice and sentence connectors
    Activity 1 


    In our previous classes, we learnt about the passive voice. Share with 
    a classmate what you know about the passive voice and why it is an 
    appropriate tense for describing processes. You may exhibit knowledge 
    by writing a simple process of getting a product using the passive tense. 

    Compare your paragraph with those of your classmates.

    Activity 2
    Sentence connectors
    Read these sentences. Share their meaning among yourselves.
    1. Science is amusing but also wearying; it is fascinating yet
    2. Be proud to stand up for purity because that way alone leads to a 
    magnetic personality.
    3. On the other hand, if you do not pay attention to the scientific 
    details, science can turn out to be harmful.
    4. Last month, he was given the final warning against drinking. Even
    so, he did not heed the warning and was eventually expelled.
    5. We could not allow such a habitual drunkard to join us; besides, he 
    had already exhibited ill manners that he was bent on not changing.
    The words and phrases (sentence connectors) in italics, make connections 
    between one sentence or clause and another, doing some of the work of 

    making clear the relationship between the ideas expressed.

    Activity 3


    Study the following sentence connectors. Discuss their meaning and 

    use them in sentences of your own.

    1. Expressing addition: too, also, equally, moreover, additionally 
    (in addition to), at the same time, in the same way, similarly, 
    furthermore, as a matter of fact, etc. 
    2. Expressing cause and effect: as a result, therefore, consequently, 
    so, thus, because, of that.
    3. Expressing comparison: similarly, unlike.
    4. Expressing concession: however, nevertheless, and yet, besides, a 
    the same, through, in spite of (despite), in any case, still, anyway, 
    even so.
    5. Expressing contrast: on the one hand/on the other hand, on the 

    contrary, however, but, yet, nevertheless, in spite of.

    Activity 4

    Writing work

    Having shared knowledge about the passive tense and sentence 
    connectors, think of a product whose production process you are familiar 
    Use the passive tense and sentence connectors to describe the process of 
    making the product. Compare your descriptive composition with those 

    of your classmates

    Activity 5
    Think of a product. It could be an article of clothing, food product, 
    beverage or anything else. Visit a factory where that product is made. 
    Observe the process the product goes through until it is produced. The 
    guided tour and explanations by the production staff will provide useful 
    information for your research. 
    Make notes about every production stage. Write down the process 
    using the notes you took. Try to present your descriptive essay using 
    the passive voice.
    Write down the steps and share them with your classmates. If there are 
    any by-products made from the main product, explain them and discuss 

    their importance

    Activity 1
    Read the passage below describing the process of 
    making sugar
    Make brief notes and then a summary of the process of making sugar. 
    Share the notes and summary with other classmates. Before reading, first 
    study the photographs about the process of making sugar, then match 

    them with the story.



    Growing the cane
    Sugar cane is a sub-tropical and tropical crop that prefers lots of sun and 
    lots of water – provided that its roots are not waterlogged. It typically 
    takes about 12 months to reach maturity although the time varies widely 
    around the world from as short as six months in Rwanda to 24 months in 
    some places. Where it differs from many crops is that it re-grows from 

    the roots so the plant lasts through many cycles.

    Sugar cane is harvested by chopping down the stems but leaving the 
    roots so that it re-grows in time for the next crop. Harvest times tend to 
    be during the dry season and the length of the harvest ranges from as 
    little as 2 ½ months up to 11 months. The cane is taken to the factory: 
    often by truck or rail wagon.
    The first stage of processing is the extraction of the cane juice. In many 
    factories the cane is crushed in a series of large roller mills: similar to a 
    mangle [wringer] which was used to squeeze the water out. The sweet 
    juice comes gushing out and the cane fibre is carried away for use in 
    the boilers. In other factories a diffuser is used as is described for beet 
    sugar manufacture. Either way the juice is pretty dirty: the soil from 
    the fields, some small fibres and the green extracts from the plant are 
    all mixed in with the sugar.
    The factory can clean up the juice quite easily with slaked lime (a relative 
    of chalk) which settles out a lot of the dirt so that it can be sent back 
    to the fields. Once this is done, the juice is thickened up into a syrup 
    by boiling off the water using steam in a process called evaporation. 
    Sometimes the syrup is cleaned up again but more often it just goes on 
    to the crystal-making step without any more cleaning. The evaporation 
    is undertaken in order to improve the energy efficiency of the factory.
    The syrup is placed into a very large pan for boiling, the last stage. In the 
    pan even more water is boiled off until conditions are right for sugar crystals 
    to grow. You may have done something like this at school but probably 
    not with sugar because it is difficult to get the crystals to grow well. In the 
    factory the workers usually have to throw in some sugar dust to initiate 
    crystal formation. Once the crystals have grown the resulting mixture 
    of crystals and mother liquor is spun in centrifuges to separate the two, 
    rather like washing is spin dried. The crystals are then given a final dry 

    with hot air before being stored ready for dispatch.

    The final raw sugar forms a sticky brown mountain in the store and 
    looks rather like the soft brown sugar found in domestic kitchens. It 
    could be used like that but usually it gets dirty in storage and has a 
    distinctive taste which most people don’t want. That is why it is refined 
    when it gets to the country where it will be used. Additionally, because 
    one cannot get all the sugar out of the juice, there is a sweet by-product 
    made: molasses. This is usually turned into a cattle food or is sent to a 
    distillery where alcohol is made.
    So what happened to all that fibre from crushing the sugar cane? It is 
    called “bagasse” in the industry. The factory needs electricity and steam 
    to run, both of which are generated using this fibre. 
    The bagasse is burnt in large furnaces where a lot of heat is given out 
    which can be used in turn to boil water and make high pressure steam. 
    The steam is then used to drive a turbine in order to make electricity 
    and create low pressure steam for the sugar making process. This is the 
    same process that makes most of our electricity but there are several 
    important differences.
    When a large power station produces electricity it burns a fossil fuel 
    [once used, a fuel that cannot be replaced] which contaminates the 
    atmosphere and the station has to dump a lot of low grade heat. All this 
    contributes to global warming. In the cane sugar factory the bagasse 
    fuel is renewable and the gases it produces, essentially CO2
    , are more 
    than used up by the new cane growing. Add to that the factory use of 
    low grade heat [a system called co-generation] and one can see that a 

    well run cane sugar estate is environmentally friendly.

    The passive voice
    Activity 1 
    Study the sentence below taken from the reading 


    The bagasse is burnt in large furnaces where a lot of heat is given out 
    which can be used, in turn, to boil water and make high pressure steam.
    What do you note about the subject of the sentence above and its 

    relationship with the verb?

    Activity 2 
    Writing sentences using the passive voice
    Identify 10 sentences in which the passive voice has been used in the 
    text which you read first. Write them in your exercise book, and discuss 

    with a classmate their meanings.

    Describing a mining process
    Activity 1 

    Describe the mining process of minerals

    Activity 2 

    Read the text below carefully. 

    For each sub-section of a paragraph, write one main sentence to 

    summarise the paragraph.


    Tin (Sn) is one of the few metals which have been used and traded 
    by humans for more than 5,000 years. One of its oldest uses is in 
    combination with copper to make bronze. Copper was first coated with 
    tin in the first century AD and tin-plated iron was manufactured in the 
    16th century. It has the advantageous combinations of a low melting 
    point, malleability, resistance to corrosion and fatigue, and the ability to 
    alloy with other metals. It is also non-toxic and easy to recycle.
    Cassiterite (SnO2
    ) is by far the most important tin ore, although small 
    amounts of tin are recovered from sulphide minerals such as stannite 
    ). Tin occurs in both primary and secondary deposits. Primary 
    deposits are typically associated with granite intrusive rocks which form 
    when magma bodies are embodied into rock beneath the earth’s surface, 
    rather than on it as in the case of volcanic rock. Primary deposits can 
    occur within the granite or within pegmatities or aplites (dyke-like 
    rocks) associated with the granite. They occur also in rocks surrounding 
    the margins of the intrusive rocks as veins, disseminations, skarns or 
    carbonate replacements generated by tin-bearing fluids derived from the 
    granite magmas. Secondary deposits (placers) derive from the weathering 
    and erosion of primary tin deposits. Cassiterite is chemically resistant, 
    heavy and readily forms residual concentrations. These concentrations 
    may develop over a primary deposit (eluvial) and on slopes below the 
    deposit (colluvial). When the cassiterite reaches a drainage system, it 
    may be transported to a river channel and concentrated into an alluvial 

    placer deposit. 

    A placer deposit buried by younger sediments or lava is known as a deep 
    lead. Deposits in oceanic submerged river channels are important sources 
    of tin. More than half of the world’s tin production is from deposits such 

    as these, mainly in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

    The main method of mining large placer tin deposits is by bucket-line 
    dredging. The alluvium containing the tin is excavated and transported 
    by a continuous chain of buckets to the interior of the dredge where 
    it is washed and roughly concentrated. In East Africa particularly, 
    smaller deposits, or those unsuitable for dredging (e.g. because the 
    bedrock is very rough) are worked by gravel pumping. The alluvium 
    is broken up by a high pressure jet of water and the resulting slurry is 
    pumped to the concentrating plant. The impure cassiterite concentrate 
    is further concentrated by gravity methods which involve passing the 
    concentrate in a stream of water over equipment such as jigs, spirals, 
    or shaking tables. This separates the heavy cassiterite from the lighter 
    minerals such as quartz. Magnetic or electrostatic separation removes 
    the heavy mineral impurities. The end product is a cassiterite concentrate 
    containing about 70% tin. Vein and disseminated tin deposits are mined 
    by the same methods used in hard-rock mining of other non-ferrous ores 
    such as zinc. The ore is broken by drilling and blasting, transported to a 
    concentrator where it is crushed and ground and then concentrated by 
    gravity methods. The concentrate is usually of a lower grade (about 50% 
    tin) than placer concentrate because of the fine grain size of the cassiterite 
    and the difficulty of removing all the associated sulphide minerals. 
    Although flotation is not as efficient for tin ores as it is for sulphide 
    ores, it is used increasingly to improve the amount of tin recovered and 
    to recover tin from the residues of earlier treatment.
    Cassiterite is reduced to tin by heating with carbon at 1200°C to 
    1300°C. Reverberatory furnaces are used to smelt tin concentrate and, 
    for additional tin recovery, to re-smelt slag, which is left after the ore 
    has been smelted. 
    A furnace charge consists of cassiterite, a carbon-reducing agent, and 
    limestone and silica fluxes. Smelting takes 10 to 12 hours. The molten 
    batch is tapped into a settler from which the slag overflows into pots. 
    The molten tin from the bottom of the settler is cast into slabs or pigs 
    (of about 34 kg) for refining, and the cooled slag, which contains 10 to 

    25% tin, is crushed and re-smelted.

    Tin produced by smelting concentrate or slag commonly contains 
    metallic impurities which must be removed by refining before the 
    tin is marketed. Refining may be by heat treatment or by electrolytic 
    processes. Heat treatment is the more widely used method and involves 
    heating the tin from smelters on an inclined hearth to a temperature just 
    above the melting point of pure tin, but below that of the melting point 
    of the impurities. The relatively pure molten tin flows into a kettle and 
    impurities remain behind in a residue which is re-treated to recover more 
    tin. As there is not a great demand for tin of extremely high purity, the 
    more costly electrolytic method is rarely used. Tin concentrate sometimes 
    also contains tantalum and niobium. The concentrate is smelted in an 
    electric furnace and tantalum and niobium are recovered from the slag. 
    The tin produced here contains a small amount of antimony and is used 
    for alloys.
    There are many important uses for tin. Most is used to produce tinplate, 
    or steel coated with tin which is used for food packaging. Tin and tin 
    alloys are used also for solder, especially in the electronics industry. It is 
    commonly used as an alloy for bearing metal and as an alloy in metallic 
    coatings. Inorganic compounds of tin are used in ceramics and glazes. 
    Organic compounds of tin are used in plastics, wood preservatives, 

    pesticides and in fire retardants.

    Describing the greenhouse effect

    Activity 1

    Writing and evaluating a text

    Carefully read the text below. It is a summary paragraph about 
    greenhouse gases and their effect.
    Greenhouse gases are certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapour, 
    carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) that trap 
    energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into 
    space and the Earth’s average temperature would be about 60º F colder. 
    Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as 

    greenhouse gases.

    Activity 2 
    Now carry out research about the greenhouse effect and write a text 
    describing its formation process in the atmosphere. Remember to give 
    a title to your text. Your piece of writing should flow in organised 
    paragraphs and you should paraphrase your essay. Paraphrasing means 
    using your own words to write a text, not lifting a sentence, paragraph 
    or the entire text from the original source of material. Use the text to get 
    knowledge, but be free to include your own ideas, and factual details to 
    suit your writing. Present essays of not more than three paragraphs for 

    further discussion with your classmates.

    UNIT 5:Discoveries and InventionsUNIT7:Globalisation and Global Citizenship